Chapter 4

Following the direction pointed by Zhang Jianfei, Li Changqing looked into the distance and saw densely packed banners and soldiers emerging from both ends of the street where he was.

Among them, there are two kinds of flags, one is the exclusive military flag of the Green Battalion - Green Flag.

The other is the recognition flag of the garrison military officer in Chaoyang County, a big Yan character flag.

Below the flag of Yan Zi, a middle-aged strong man sitting astride a war horse like a flock of chickens came into Li Changqing's eyes.

All the soldiers walk on two legs, and he is the only one riding a horse. As long as he is not stupid, he can tell that this is the "commander" of these green camp county soldiers.

"It's a pity, the distance is too far, beyond the limit of mind control, otherwise, if we can control this officer surnamed Yan, this battle probably won't be fought.

Uh, maybe I was too optimistic. I am now a traitor in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and this group of green battalion soldiers will not vote for the traitor with a single order from their chief officer.

After all, this is a relatively stable Chaoyang County, and the forces of the former Ming Dynasty have long been exterminated by Shang Kexi..."

Li Changqing was thinking a lot, and asked if he didn't understand, pointing to the soldiers in front of the Green Battalion, and asked: "Which army do they belong to?"

Zhang Jianfei didn't dare to think deeply about his master's 'ignorance', and explained with all his heart: "Those who are pushed in front are the policemen and strong squads of Chaoyang County. These people are responsible for maintaining the law and order of Chaoyang County on weekdays. Follow the countryside to collect taxes and act as a guarantee of force.

And those green battalion county soldiers were actually used to fight wars and suppress bandits.

Chaoyang County has not entered a stable period for a long time. The combat effectiveness of the Lvying County soldiers here is very good. The bows, arrows, birds and blunderbuss are carefully maintained, and there is no serious phenomenon of excessive use of weapons.

The garrison of the green camp in Chaoyang County is Yan Dingjun, who is a seventh-rank martial artist like me. He can't beat me in singles, and the leader is better than me. "

Li Changqing glanced at Zhang Jianfei sideways, and thought: "You are a thug in the town of Wusi, and you can lead the army?

I am proficient in the four strategic levels of "books of war" in "Mount and Blade", "Total War", "Red Alert" and "Age of Empires", but I dare not say that I can lead troops in battle! "

The noble Li Changqing naturally wouldn't pretend to be 13 in front of his younger brother. He glanced left and right at the soldiers on both sides of the street, silently calculating which one was stronger.

It wasn't that Li Changqing despised these county armed forces from the bottom of his heart, but that their crooked formations, which didn't look as neat as those in movies and TV dramas, really couldn't give Li Changqing the impression of a strong army.

What if the enemy troops in the system are released and the Qing soldiers who encircle and suppress themselves are instantly pierced through?
The enemy troops in the system are all emotional killing machines, Li Changqing doesn't want to face them directly!

"The troops in the direction where Yan Dingjun is located can be thicker, and there are many sturdy soldiers around him. He is still a seventh-rank martial artist, and his combat power should be much stronger. Let him be the first to block the knife. !"

Soon, Li Changqing selected the target, and lost a "small look".

Sitting astride a war horse, following the front row of soldiers slowly moving forward, Yan Dingjun, surrounded by many personal soldiers, looked up at the beam of the house. It was rumored that Li Changqing, the rebel fanatic who had kidnapped the county magistrate Chen.

Sitting in such a conspicuous position, Li Changqing was accompanied by Zhang Jianfei, who was rebelling against him, so he was recognized immediately.

"It looks like a handsome young boy, pass the order, I want Li Changqing alive!"


A personal soldier took the order, spreading his long legs like the wind and running forward to convey the order.

Li Changqing's analysis of the situation was very correct. Yan Dingjun's side was responsible for the main attack, while the soldiers on the other side were only responsible for intercepting.

Of course, when he sees an opportunity, he will also take cold shots to hit Zhang Jianfei's back.

No matter how strong a seventh-rank martial artist is, he is still a body of flesh and blood. The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out, and the blood spurted out is no less than that of ordinary people!
In fact, the soldiers on the scene also served as messengers, and they could also act as supervisors when necessary. Every Qing army officer who led the army would have such a group of soldiers around him, just like when the former Ming Dynasty was still there, the generals of the Ming army would raise them. Jia Ding has a reason.

However, in the Qing Dynasty, when the military system was stricter, the vulgar custom of military officers supporting their families has been banned, and they can only be replaced by personal soldiers.

In name, these personal soldiers are not the private armed forces of officers and generals, but soldiers of the Qing Dynasty!

Even so, the size of the soldiers is strictly limited.

"Huh? That weird-looking traitor went down?
Hehe, I thought he would wait until the arrow came to him. "

Yan Dingjun looked at Li Changqing who was being carried off the beam by Zhang Jianfei, and smiled softly in his heart.

At this moment, the soldiers behind suddenly shouted loudly: "Enemy attack!
The enemy is behind! "

Yan Dingjun's heart shuddered, and he quickly turned his stout figure backwards.

On the empty street where the soldiers crossed the street and the common people avoided, at some point there appeared a dense formation of soldiers dressed in 'poor' clothes.

They looked ugly from Xiyi, holding simple homemade crossbows in their hands, striding towards the green camp soldiers guarding the back row.

When Yan Dingjun looked over, the group of Swadian militiamen stopped in unison, and the first row raised the crossbow in their hands, and pulled the crossbow without hesitation.

Shoot down the green battalion soldiers who have not yet reacted in the back row of Yan Dingjun's troops!
As the garrison green battalion in Chaoyang County, it is naturally impossible to have iron armor configuration. Armor is more expensive equipment than bird guns!
The green camp soldiers under Yan Dingjun only have some pure "cloth face armor", that is, the kind of cloth face armor with only cloth but no armor...

The protective power of this thing is also a psychological comfort, the main purpose is to keep warm and keep out the cold...

And these Swadian militiamen who suddenly appeared in the back row were placed very close by Li Changqing. As long as they took a few steps forward, they could stick their crossbows to the faces of Qing soldiers and shoot them!

At such a short distance, even the inferior crossbow used by the Swadian militia can easily shoot through the cloth face armor without iron plates.

After a round of salvo, the first row of Swadian militiamen, like robots, stopped to string their crossbows with both hands, and the second row of Swadian militiamen came out from the gap in the first row, holding up The crossbow pulls the crossbow.

Such an efficient salvo completely blinded the defenseless Green Battalion soldiers in the back row!

Even the first reaction of many green battalion soldiers was to run instead of holding up their shields to block them!
Oh, by the way, most of the green battalion soldiers in the back row are not equipped with shields...

Just like that, dozens of Green Battalion soldiers guarding the back row were killed without any resistance by the crossbow progressive salvo of the Swadian militiamen, bleeding into rivers!
After reacting, Yan Dingjun hurriedly controlled the horse, rushed towards the team that was still moving forward, and gave a loud order to stop advancing.

Letting the enemies that suddenly appeared behind continue to kill like this, how many people are not enough to die!
PS: Asking for investment, asking for collection, asking for monthly pass, asking for recommendation, asking for reward, asking for praise... I am asking all kinds of requests, long live the reader!

(End of this chapter)

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