This Qing is wrong

Chapter 5 People Who Are Not Puppets

Chapter 5 People Who Are Not Puppets

"Zhang Jianfei, how is the situation outside?"

Hearing the noise from a distance and the screams of human beings before they died, Li Changqing, who was hiding in the house against arrows, bullets and man-made disasters, asked Zhang Jianfei, who was agile and not afraid of cold arrows, and had been observing secretly.

"Master, your move is too strong.

The back row of Yan Dingjun's garrison battalion was caught off guard, and there were many casualties!
Now Yan Dingjun has sent his elite soldiers to intercept the advancing stockings... What kind of militia is delaying time, and I am reorganizing the team.

However, those militiamen in stockings fought fiercely, and Yan Dingjun's personal soldiers could hardly hold on. "

God damn stockings militia...

Li Changqing suppressed the complaints in his heart, and asked calmly: "How far are those Swadian militiamen from us?

Are Yan Dingjun's people standing in front of us? "

Get in our way?

Hearing Li Changqing's question, Zhang Jianfei always felt that something was wrong. Could it be that the silk stocking militiaman was not from his side?

"Yan Dingjun's team hasn't disbanded yet, and his team's efficiency is very high, so he's still in front of us...uh."

"Well, if Yan Dingjun's men break up, let me know immediately!"

After Li Changqing finished speaking, he thought about it, and felt that it was no big deal to tell his secret to the mind-controlling brother who would never betray him.

After all, it is difficult to hide this kind of thing from the people around you.

"Those Swadian militiamen I summon will kill not only our enemies, but me too...

Do you know what I mean? "

Zhang Jianfei's expression froze, but he quickly returned to normal, and replied to Li Changqing with firm eyes: "I understand, young master."

When Li Changqing and Zhang Jianfei secretly cheered Yan Dingjun in the room, Yan Dingjun was panting heavily with the horse under his crotch.

In order to communicate the order as soon as possible, under the urgent situation, Yan Dingjun, who was the only horse on the scene, galloped his horse and pulled back the team that was heading towards Li Changqing's mansion.

And amidst the tragic screams of the elite soldiers in the rear, the rear team of the troops under his command changed to the front team, and the front team changed to the rear team to complete a quick turn. The archers and bird gunners in the team also turned around and rushed to the front.

Don't think that this operation is just a matter of clicking the mouse in a real-time strategy game, but in reality, if you want to complete this operation without causing serious chaos in the team, it requires very high military capabilities of the commander.

Moreover, the commander must have a high enough prestige as the chief officer, so that most soldiers will subconsciously obey orders, instead of doing some meaningless autonomous behavior or even deserting.

After all, there is a huge gap between the green battalion soldiers and fast-capturing squads in Chaoyang County and the banned regular army. It is not an easy task for them to quickly change their formations.

Just after completing the formation change, Yan Dingjun found that the personal soldiers and a small number of ordinary green battalion soldiers who had been left behind by him had already run over covered in blood.

Less than [-]% of the living people escaped back!

What a miserable defeat!
Among the teams that were left behind, the majority of Yan Dingjun's soldiers eat the best rice on weekdays, are equipped with the best weapons, and even wear an extra layer of leather armor, which is truly protective. Iron battle hat.

Of course, their loyalty to Yan Dingjun is also the highest.

Many of these soldiers even possessed the martial arts cultivation level of the Ninth Grade Body Forging Realm!

However, such a group of people was in charge of the rear, bravely and fearlessly rushed into the crowd of Swadian militiamen who were close at hand, but was killed by the Swadian militiamen who were not much larger than them in melee combat. First!
The number of Swadian militiamen killed is less than half of the casualties of the rear troops...

Yan Dingjun grabbed the first soldier who fled back to his own formation, got off his horse and grabbed his shoulder and asked, "What kind of cultivation are those Xiyi who suddenly appeared to kill you so miserably?"

The blood-stained soldier wiped away his tears, tried not to choke himself in front of the commander, and replied loudly, "My lord, they are all ordinary people with no cultivation, but these Xiyi people I am really ruthless!
The little one saw a Xiyi with his own eyes, his intestines were all cut out, and he was holding a dagger, stabbing into the chest and heart of the soldier opposite him as if he didn't feel any pain.

These Xiyi gang are all monsters who don't take their own lives seriously!
As long as the vital points are not attacked and there is still a breath in their mouths, they can keep fighting! "

Hearing this description, Yan Dingjun blurted out: "This is a Taoist war puppet!"

No pain, no fear of death, no fatal attack, can keep fighting, what else is it but a puppet?
Anyway, with Yan Dingjun's knowledge, he couldn't think of a second reference...

However, upon hearing Yan Dingjun's conclusion, the soldiers who were questioned instinctively retorted: "My lord, those Xiyi are not war puppets, they have flesh and blood and breath, how could they be Taoist war puppets?
Could it be that Taoism can still make living people into puppets? "

At this moment, out of the corner of Yan Dingjun's eye, he saw the reorganized Swadian militiamen striding forward again in a dense and simple horizontal formation. He had no time to waste words with this frightened personal soldier, and rushed forward. He pushed it aside, gave a simple instruction, and got back on his beloved horse.

The formation of the Swadian militia is only dense and not regular. It is a group of people crowded together, and then divided into three rows in the front, middle and back.

The tactics used are also simple. After the first row shoots the crossbow, reload it on the spot, the second row squeezes out and shoots again, and then the third row, and so on. For the robot-like Swadian militia, this simple tactic is used. They used deadly lethality!

If the enemy rushes up with a melee weapon while the crossbow is shooting, the Swadian militia will replace the miscellaneous melee weapon on their back.

What kind of axes, sickles, kitchen knives, daggers, old machetes, etc., seem to be exactly the same standard as the peasant uprising army, and their weapons are completely rotten...

Of course, no matter how bad the melee weapons of the Swadian militia are, at least they are the ones who can kill!
In addition, the formation of the Swadian militia has always been very dense, and the enemies who rushed up to fight hand-to-hand are really unable to benefit.

At that time, Yan Dingjun's personal soldiers had to rely on Wu Yong to rush up to fight hand-to-hand because their formation was scattered by the crossbow, so as to prevent themselves from being shot and killed by the crossbow.

However, the effective range of the crossbow in the hands of the Swadian militiamen is far inferior to that of the blunderbuss in the hands of the green battalion soldiers.

When they lined up again, the gunmen of the garrison battalion in Chaoyang County, under the call of the military attache at the grassroots level, all raised their guns and aimed at the Swadian militiamen who were stepping forward.

At the same time, the archers behind the blunderbuss also drew their bows and set their arrows diagonally upwards, ready to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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