The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 116 Don't Forget to Take You

Chapter 116 Don't Forget to Take You (Part [-])

After some thought, Jianhua said hesitantly, "Lin Hui, that Wen Ya asked me to watch a movie with her."

Wenya asked Jianhua to watch a movie, no wonder he always felt that Jianhua had something on his mind just now, it turned out that Wenya asked him to watch a movie.

This is a good thing!

I haven't seen him for a few days, but Jianhua has improved a lot, and girls even ask him out.This guy can do it!When watching movies, it is usually men who invite girls to watch movies, but now it is Wenya who takes the initiative to ask Jianhua. When he saw them whispering at the party when they were taking pictures, he kept calling Jianhua and never came. Jianhua watched a movie.

From the road to the dormitory, Lin Hui saw that Jianhua had something on his mind that he didn't know.

Now Lin Hui finally understood that Jianhua was still absent-minded just now, but after talking to him, his brows relaxed a lot.

It seems that Jianhua doesn't know how to date Wenya!Otherwise, he wouldn't have seen Jianhua's wavering expression just now.But he also knows a thing or two about watching movies.

He and Xiao Yu'er have also watched movies, and every time they watch movies, Xiao Yu'er always brings a pack of melon seeds. It's strange to say that other people watch movies with popcorn and candied haws, but Xiao Yu'er likes to eat melon seeds.Until now, he doesn't know why Xiao Yu'er likes to take melon seeds to the cinema, is it to kill time?He didn't understand too much.

But every time I see men and women in the movie theater like to bring popcorn, candied haws, and drinks in. In short, there is definitely nothing wrong with bringing these in.

This was all Lin Hui thought of, and he said to Jianhua, "Then when you and Wenya are watching movies, you can buy some snacks that girls love, like popcorn! Drinks! You can buy some by yourself, so that you can enjoy watching movies. It won't be too embarrassing."

Now that Jianhua and Wenya are going to watch a movie, they can only suggest him to buy some snacks.After all, Wenya doesn't know what he likes to eat, but he should like snacks.Otherwise, the two of them would just sit there blankly, looking at the big screen and always feel that something is wrong. Bringing some snacks in would show that Jianhua cares about the girls, and also shows that Jianhua is sincere to watch the movie, so there should be no problem.

"Lin Hui, it's my first time watching a movie. Do I need to bring some snacks?"

Jianhua knew that Lin Hui had a lot of ideas, so he often asked Lin Hui, and Lin Hui could also give him advice.He was still thinking about whether to tell Lin Hui just now. It seems that he can give some advice if he talks to Lin Hui. He said to buy some snacks, which is very good. If there are only him and Wen Ya, just staring at the screen , you will always feel so empty. If you have some snacks in your hand, you will feel much better while watching a movie while eating. It seems that Lin Hui knows a lot.

Lin Hui jokingly said to Jianhua: "Don't forget to take you with you!"

In addition to some snacks, what else is there? To be honest, Lin Hui doesn't know what else to prepare for watching a movie. Every time he and Xiao Yuer watch a movie, as long as he follows, he doesn't need to worry about other things. A hands-off shopkeeper.

It’s just that sometimes he always forgets, until Xiaoyu’er calls to ask him where he is, he hesitates to say that he’s on the road, but in fact he has long forgotten, and then rushes out to the cinema, every time he always sees Xiao Yu'er looked angry with puffed cheeks.

He still needs to be coaxed for a long time before he can get well!He didn't know why he couldn't remember many things. He always suspected that there was something wrong with his brain memory, or what?
If there is a problem with memory, he only needs to read the books related to table tennis once and he has memorized it.Don't forget to be right when dating though.

Just as Lin Hui wanted to remind Jianhua not to forget the time, he heard Jianhua say to him, "Lin Hui, you can't be serious!"

"Where am I not serious, what should you do if you forgot?"

Jianhua knew that Lin Hui didn't have a good job in normal times, he was always joking and teased him, how could he forget that Wen Ya took the initiative to ask him to watch a movie on such an important date, even if he forgot to eat.

However, what Lin Hui said was not too unreasonable, remind him not to forget, even when he speaks with a bit of banter, this Lin Hui is always unpredictable.

Jianhua took a look at the movie ticket that Wenya gave him, and it was 3 p.m., then he gently stroked him flat with his hands and put him under the pillow.

He pressed a few more times with the pillow, and when he felt that it was almost done, he lay down.

Seeing that Jianhua didn't speak, Lin Hui watched him gently touch the movie ticket in his hand again and again. It seemed that Jianhua attached great importance to dating Wenya.

But he is really happy for Jianhua. From Jianhua's expression, it can be seen that Jianhua really likes Wenya. As long as Wenya's name is mentioned, there is always a smile on his face, and he is very energetic. Always shine.

"Yes, Jianhua, remember to wear our team uniform when you go! I think you look very handsome in your team uniform."

Lin Hui always thinks about joining the national team, thinking about when he can wear the national team's uniform. Now that he wears this uniform, he feels that he is a member of the country, and he only cares about the national team.

He would be very happy if he could wear the uniform of the national team for the rest of his life. Now he also wants Jianhua to wear this suit. Every time he wears this suit, it represents a symbol of honor and a symbol of A status symbol, this is what he feels in his heart.

And Jianhua really looks good in this dress.

"Okay! I'll listen to you."

Jianhua put away the movie tickets and turned to Lin Hui and said.

Now he doesn't have any good-looking clothes to wear, except for this team uniform that can be worn out.

"Lin Hui, it's getting late, go to bed early, today's party is really exciting."

Why did Jianhua go back again? Just now he kept telling him that today's party was very good, but he was always absent-minded.

This guy, back to the original point, really wanted to show it, it was a show, but besides the show they performed, the other shows were also very exciting, he wanted to watch it for a while, but the show ended like this, Lin Hui felt a little unfulfilled.

Such programs should be seen in the national team, and he will continue to watch their performances next time.

When Lin Hui was in the provincial team, he only played basketball. He came to the national team and gained a lot of knowledge.

"Okay, Jianhua, you have to rest early, we have to practice football tomorrow!"

I have free time in the national team to participate in theatrical performances, but most of the time is still mainly training and playing.

Before winning the gold medal, all the athletes have to do in-depth training in addition to training. Now if there is a competition, they must go to the competition. Now Lin Hui and Jianhua are still rookies and need to strengthen their usual training.

(End of this chapter)

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