Chapter 117

The recent time has been spent in the training room, and the weekend is coming soon.

Jianhua has been looking forward to this day coming soon so that he can go on a date with Wenya. He has been preparing for a long time, thinking that this day will come soon, but he never thought that this day will come soon.

Jianhua and Lin Hui simply said and left. Lin Hui knew that Jianhua was going to watch a movie, so he also oh.

Usually, I was always inseparable from Jianhua, but now that Jianhua has gone out to meet, I always feel that my heart is empty and firm, and I really can't hit my heart when playing.

He simply lay down in the dormitory and fell asleep. It happened that he had been intensively practicing during this time, so he was indeed a little tired.Taking advantage of this time, it would be a good idea for him to sleep in the dormitory alone.

He took the quilt and put it on his body. At the beginning, he wondered if Jianhua had already started watching movies. In the past, he and Jianhua always practiced on Saturdays and Sundays. Suddenly he was left alone. At first, he thought Very good, but Lin Hui had been lying in bed and couldn't sleep, only to realize that Jianhua's absence was a bit awkward.

In the past, he and Jianhua got along as if they were one person. Everyone envied their friendship. From the provincial team to the national team, Jianhua was where he was. Now Jianhua actually has a girlfriend. He put it aside, at first he was happy that Jianhua had a girlfriend, but he was not used to the loneliness when Jianhua was not by his side.

Thinking that he would get used to it slowly in the future, he fell asleep unknowingly.

He slept a little bit, and in his sleep he was participating in a competition against foreigners he didn't know.All the people present were foreign spectators. He must have been playing abroad. He saw the shadows of Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye in the crowd, cheering for him in the audience.

Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye were waving to him. They stood up and shouted at him, "Brother Lin Hui, come on!"

What a perfect match these two seem to be!Normally, the two of them quarreled and bickered, but they would stop when they were at a critical moment. That time, it was Xiao Ye who was giving way to him. Zhang Xuan couldn't tell it every time, and deliberately bullied Xiao Ye.

How long has he not seen the two of them, and the two of them actually surprised him at the match.

"Brother Lin Hui! Brother Lin Hui!"

He heard the voice of Zhang Xuan calling him, the voice in the dream was very clear.Zhang Xuan made an agreement with him that as long as there was a game, Zhang Xuan would watch him play, and Zhang Xuan did not break her promise.

But still heard "Brother Lin Hui, Brother Lin Hui!"

Zhang Xuan is also really, what is he doing all the time calling him in vain, he is playing a game, why can he always hear Zhang Xuan calling him in his ears, could it be that he has an auditory hallucination.

"Brother Lin Hui, there's an earthquake!"

"What? An earthquake?" Lin Hui woke up from his sleep in a daze, quickly put on his shoes and ran outside.

When he ran out the door, he found that there was no earthquake!Walking into the dormitory, he saw Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye standing in front of him.

When Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye had been here for a while, the auntie in the dormitory told them that they were in dormitory 209, and they came in without hiding the door.

At this moment Lin Hui was lying on the bed and fell asleep, they couldn't wake up after screaming a few times, there was no way out, so Zhang Xuan said there was an earthquake.

Her trick is tried and tested, and it is very effective against sleeping people. She can only come up with this idea to wake Lin Hui up. Unexpectedly, Lin Hui's instinct is too strong. When he wakes up, he doesn't even look at it. She and Xiao Ye glanced at each other, they didn't have a chance to stop Brother Lin Hui, they just watched him run straight towards the door in a haze.

When Lin Hui came back to his senses, he saw Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye standing here, and completely forgot about the two of them teasing him.

"Zhang Xuan, Xiao Ye, why are you here?"

When Lin Hui was dreaming just now, he dreamed of the two of them and kept calling him, but he didn't expect them to appear in front of him so soon.

I was very surprised for a while, and also at a loss.

If he hadn't pinched himself just now, he would have thought he was in a dream.

"Brother Lin Hui, you're awake. Why are you still talking in your sleep in broad daylight! I thought you were sick and had a fever, but your forehead didn't burn either."

"I just said that Brother Lin Hui was talking in his sleep. You still make a fuss, as if you have never seen it before. Look at how you scared Brother Lin Hui. If Brother Lin Hui is frightened by you, look at it. What do you do, where can we go to watch Brother Lin Hui play?"

Lin Hui stood aside, watching Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye arguing without saying a word. Since the first day he saw the two of them, they had been arguing for nothing, and now it is the same, really two clown.

But is he that weak?Even talking in his sleep made these two guys worry about him. He was just sleeping. How could these two guys say he was sick?

Before he fell asleep, he still thought that Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye were really a couple. He didn't expect to dream of the two of them in a daze, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the two of them. thought.

These two people are still arguing, he is really uncomfortable standing and watching the two of them arguing, why not sit on the edge of the bed, pour a glass of water, he slept for a while, just a little thirsty, while watching the two of them arguing, Drink water.

Lin Hui drank the water one mouthful at a time, the water was almost bottoming out, and he heard the two arguing, he got a general idea, that is, Xiao Ye said that Zhang Xuan was stupid, and Zhang Xuan didn't admit that she was stupid, but in fact it was nothing .

It was just these few words from the provincial team to the national team, from a month ago to a month later, his quarrel with the two of them was like a child bickering.

I don't know how Jianhua and Wenya are doing now, the movie should have started too!When he left, he called Jianhua. He didn't know if Jianhua had done it. Just when he wanted to build Jianhua, he heard Zhang Xuan calling him.

"Brother Lin Hui, you judge me, am I wrong?"

Lin Hui didn't know what to say about the sewage at one end. Isn't it common for the two of them to quarrel?How to judge this, he didn't know what the two of them were arguing about just now?
Seeing that Brother Lin Hui didn't speak, Zhang Xuan said again, "I was worried about your illness, but Xiao Ye kept talking about me."

what?It was still his problem. Lin Hui knew that when the two of them quarreled, they would always bring him with them. Every time he tried to persuade them, it was wrong, and it was wrong if they didn't. In short, they couldn't get rid of their relationship.

"Zhang Xuan, Xiao Ye is my fault. Both of you are right. I shouldn't have fallen asleep. I shouldn't have fallen asleep and talked in my sleep. I shouldn't have slept at all. I should just keep my eyes open and wait for you to come. No. , I should call you and take the initiative to ask you, I will go to see you!"

Why are Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan so awkward listening to Lin Hui's words, no!The two of them came to see Brother Lin Hui, so why did Brother Lin Hui speak the opposite way?

"Brother Lin Hui, it's all my fault. Don't be angry. Zhang Xuan is sorry. I shouldn't have quarreled with you. You can say whatever you want."

"Xiao Ye, you."

Xiao Ye is a smart person. From the words, he could tell that Brother Lin Hui was a little angry. It was also his fault that he hadn't seen Brother Lin Hui for such a long time. Not gentlemanly anymore.He really shouldn't quarrel with Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan listened to Brother Lin Hui's words and lowered her head in shame. They came to see Brother Lin Hui. How could they quarrel in Brother Lin Hui's dormitory? I don't know what's going on, but it always makes her want to lose her temper.

Just now, Xiao Ye admitted defeat verbally, but look at what Xiao Ye said!Forget it, talking to Xiao Ye would not lead to any good results, and she didn't know that Xiao Ye would argue with him again, so she glanced at Xiao Ye.

Really, I don't know how to make her feel better. Whoever marries him in this life will be in bad luck for eight lifetimes.

The two of them finally stopped arguing. Lin Hui had already drank two or three glasses of water. If the quarrel continued like this, he really wanted to buy some melon seeds to eat. Suddenly he seemed to understand why Xiao Yuer went to the cinema to bring melon seeds. Eating melon seeds and looking at the person in front of the shield, it seems that everything is fine and she has nothing to do with her, she is someone outside her body.

Just now he was drinking water and watched Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye arguing non-stop, so it turned out that sitting and watching other people's play is not bad.

After his ears became quieter, Lin Hui remembered whether Xiao Ye came to BJ to see him or to see Zhang Xuan.

"Xiao Ye, why did you come to BJ?"

"Brother Lin Hui, we came here today to give you Xiao Ye's ticket to the competition."

Zhang Xuan said before Xiao Ye, what is the ticket, Lin Hui listened to it in a cloud.

Seeing that Zhang Xuan didn't explain clearly.Xiao Ye followed Zhang Xuan's words and said, "Khan, Brother Lin Hui, I signed up for a billiards competition in the province. I didn't expect to beat all the way to BJ. Our competition will be held next Wednesday. I don't know if you can come and see me play the game." .”

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Lin Hui was a little surprised, even stunned. Xiao Ye actually participated in the billiards match. This was something he never expected. BJ, he wanted to see Xiao Ye play in person, but he hadn't seen Xiao Ye's seriousness yet.

"I'll ask for leave to try, but Xiao Ye, there's no problem with your golf skills, so what will happen if you win the game?"

Lin Hui has always been curious about what made Xiao Ye participate in the competition. There must be something that attracted him, but it just so happened that he also likes to play billiards.

"I heard that playing billiards can also enter the national team, but I don't know if the news is accurate or not."

It was the first time Lin Hui heard that billiards could enter the national team. Until now, he had never heard of billiards in the national team. However, he could not discourage Xiao Ye's enthusiasm. What if it was true?

"Then Xiao Ye, you have to fight hard this time, and try to stay in BJ!"

Hearing Brother Lin Hui say this, Xiao Ye thanked him from the bottom of his heart. If Brother Lin Hui hadn't repeatedly persuaded him to think about his future when he left, he wouldn't have participated in the event. The idea of ​​the competition, with a role model like Lin Hui, he wants to try, if he succeeds, he can also win glory for the country like Lin Hui.

"Brother Lin Hui, I will. You must come to see me play that day! I have reserved the best position for you."

"it is good!"

Lin Hui took the tickets handed over by Xiao Ye.Xiao Ye looked like an incomprehensible boy, but in fact he must have worked very hard in private.

If he didn't work hard, how could he reach BJ from the province? There must be a kind of obsession in his heart that guided him all the way forward. When he was in the provincial team before, Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan always cheered for him when he was playing. It also helped him a lot in private.

In a foreign country, Xiao Ye definitely hopes to have friends and relatives by his side when he plays games.

He knew from a young age that every time he competed, he would always run away. He saw other people's parents and friends cheering for him several times, and there was no one he knew around him. The feeling of loneliness was only He can feel it deeply.

Now he has understood that this feeling is not very good, he must support Xiao Ye when he is playing.

"Xiao Ye, you just have to play at ease, Zhang Xuan and I will always support you behind you."

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Xiao Ye felt relieved a lot.

"Xiao Ye, that is, don't be nervous, Brother Lin Hui and I will accompany you, tell me! If you want to eat, I will treat you to dinner. Brother Lin Hui, don't argue with me, this time I will be the host , last time you invited me, I felt sorry, but BJ Roast Duck is really good, Xiao Ye, would you like to try it?"

Zhang Xuan's disappointing stomach began to growl again. Ever since she ate the roast duck last time, she thought that she could have another roast duck next time. Every time she thought about it, Xiao Ye came here.

Apart from bickering with her all the time, Xiao Ye was pretty good, just like the roundworm in her stomach, knowing that she wanted to eat roast duck, he took the initiative to appear in front of her.

"Eat roast duck?"

Xiao Ye asked back?He knows that BJ Duck is very famous, but he wants to eat a bowl of hot noodles, but from Zhang Xuan's appearance, she seems to have a soft spot for roast duck. If he said at this time that he doesn't want to eat roast duck, but wants to eat noodles, probably Zhang Xuan would pat him against the wall and couldn't hold him down.

"BJ's roast duck is delicious. If you don't believe me, ask Brother Lin Hui? Why don't you eat duck?"

"I also can."

Ever since Zhang Xuan mentioned that he was eating roast duck, his eyes were shining brightly, Xiao Ye dared not say a word, he can eat anything, as long as he eats two mouthfuls of rice to fill his belly.

Lin Hui looked at Xiao Ye with some reluctance, but Zhang Xuan didn't care about it, seeing that he would not give up if he didn't eat roast duck today. When they had dinner last time, he glanced at the menu. Other foods include noodles and rice, but the roast duck is more famous.

"Xiao Ye, Zhang Xuan and I went to BJ Roast Duck Restaurant last time. The environment is very good. There are rice and noodles there, mainly roast duck."

"Okay! Let's go then! Zhang Xuan is sure you want to treat, don't you need me to treat you?"

Xiao Ye felt relieved a lot when he heard that he had a face. Thinking about Zhang Xuan saying that he wanted to invite him to dinner just now, how could he be ashamed? He is a big man, and he is usually the one who invites others to dinner. This is the first time for a girl to invite him to dinner. .

"I said I invite you, and I invite you. Are you looking down on girls? If you do this again, I will be in a hurry with you."

What Zhang Xuan said was very sincere. Originally, Lin Hui thought that he would just pay the bill after dinner, but Xiao Ye said it out of face. If Zhang Xuan didn't invite her, he would really think that he and Xiao Ye looked down on her. Woolen cloth?

"Then, this young lady, please lead the way!"

After being told by Zhang Xuan, Xiao Ye had no choice but to admit defeat. It was his first time to taste the meal invited by a girl, but he needed Zhang Xuan to lead the way. He was not familiar with BJ at all.

(End of this chapter)

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