The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 118 I Love You

Chapter 118 I Love You
Zhang Xuan walked in front, bringing them both with a bang bang bang bang.

It is said that dancers must maintain their figure, but Zhang Xuan must maintain both figure and physical strength. After all, eating is the most important event in life.

"Xiao Ye, it would be great if you can enter the national team as you said, but if you can't, what is your plan?"

Lin Hui and Xiao Ye walked side by side. He always wanted to call Xiao Ye, but he was too busy, either for this matter or that matter. He never had a chance to ask. Xiao Ye has already come to BJ today, how could he Miss this opportunity.

"Brother Lin Hui, I made up my mind when I came here. It would be great if I can enter the national team. If I can't, I want to stay in BJ and start a business!"

Xiao Ye answered Lin Hui very simply. He must have thought about it when he came here. Lin Hui couldn't understand why Xiao Ye wanted to start a business. Isn't it good that he is still in school?
He is not yet 18 years old, so he has to think about starting a business. This idea is really very old. Lin Hui has never thought about starting a business. In his heart, he just wants to play, and he wants to play. Well, he really didn't know what to do.

"BJ started a business? That will cost a lot of money! Do you have a plan for what you want to do?"

How can you start a business in BJ if you don’t have thousands of dollars to start a business in BJ? It’s really difficult to take root in BJ. You don’t know the place, you don’t know anything, you don’t even have friends, but Xiao Ye doesn’t know if he has friends in BJ. Lin Hui didn't know anyone in BJ except the national team.

"I haven't thought of it yet, let's take a step and see!"

"Xiao Ye, you have to stay in BJ! Good! Our Golden Triangle can be reunited."

Zhang Xuan walked not very far away from the two of them, so she could hear the conversation between them clearly.

Lin Hui wanted to laugh, but then tried his best to hold it back. When did they become the Golden Triangle? Their likes, hobbies, and interests are all different!Zhang Xuan really thinks about it!

"However, Xiao Ye, besides playing billiards, what else do you do?"

"I know a lot, you just don't know!"

Lin Hui was also a little worried about what Xiao Ye could do if he stayed in BJ. He was still so young, so he must not be underage.It would be really good if Xiao Ye could enter the national team.

He just heard Xiao Ye say that he still knows a lot, and he is sure that they don't know Xiao Ye well. Among the three of them, Xiao Ye has always seemed careless, but in fact the city is very deep.

"What do you know! Tell us!"

Zhang Xuan kept chasing Xiao Ye to find out the truth, and Lin Hui found out that BJ's Roast Duck Restaurant had arrived.

"Here! Let's go in and talk!"

Lin Hui realized that he arrived within a few steps, and the two men began to talk to you and me again. If he didn't stop him, I don't know how long the two of them would have to talk.

Thinking that Zhang Xuan had come to the roast duck restaurant, she gave up asking Xiao Ye. There is something more important than asking about food!
In terms of eating, Zhang Xuan is a proper foodie, but no matter how Zhang Xuan eats, she just can't get fat. Later, she didn't control her food intake very much. As long as she wanted to eat, she could eat freely.

Now she likes to eat this roast duck, and when she smells it, she feels very refreshed.

It was the same place where she and Lin Hui had come to, the familiar location, the familiar music, and the familiar cheongsam waiters.

They found a secluded place to sit down, Xiao Ye ordered a portion of noodles, the rest were ordered by Zhang Xuan, most of them were what she liked.

"Come on, let's toast to Xiao Ye coming to BJ together."

The three of them asked for a bottle of BJ's Erguotou, and one of them poured some wine into his glass. Today is a rest day, and he doesn't train, so he can drink less.

He just knew Xiao Ye came to BJ, he didn't know what he was going to say at this time, what he wanted to say was in the wine, the three of them toasted and bang, Lin Hui did it first as a respect.

Soon after drinking a glass, Xiao Ye saw that Brother Lin Hui had already drank the wine into his stomach. He also drank his own wine in one gulp, and found that the wine was relatively full-bodied, and the concentration was not very high. grain wine.

He picked up the wine glass and filled it up again, took the wine and said to Lin Hui, "Brother Lin Hui, you are my idol, I respect you!"

From the first day Xiao Ye knew Lin Hui, when he knew Lin Hui was a table tennis player, he admired Lin Hui very much, and sometimes he was very envious. He was very envious that they could work hard for their dreams. He can't.

After Xiao Ye finished speaking, he drank all the wine in the glass, not a single drop was left.

Lin Hui felt a little embarrassed, since Xiao Ye had finished his drink, he should drink it too.But he is really incapable of drinking.He took a light drink with his wine glass.

Soon all the dishes were served, and Zhang Xuan saw that the roast duck she had been thinking about was already on the table, she rolled up her sleeves, and picked up one piece after another from the place where the roast duck was, and started to eat.

Xiao Ye seemed to miss the taste of the wine very much. He took BJ Erguotou in his hand and poured another glass into his own glass. He drank the glass of wine into his stomach without talking to the two of them.

Suddenly Xiao Ye said, "Brother Lin Hui, I really envy you guys. You have dreams, like I haven't had dreams since I was a child. I just eat, drink, and sleep every day. I never know what the meaning of life is?"

Lin Hui didn't speak, and continued to listen to Xiao Ye. He knew last time that Xiao Ye had no dreams. They all had dreams, but he didn't. He didn't have any hope in his life, and he was always painless. Feel.

"From childhood to adulthood, my parents were not by my side. I didn't see them a few times a year. All they gave me was cold money. Except for the money to accompany me, I didn't enjoy anything else. , I am very envious of others having fathers and mothers by their side, but I don’t, I know how to eat, drink and have fun before I know you, since you appeared by my side, I know what a friend is and what a dream is.”

From the time when Lin Hui met Xiao Ye, he couldn't see clearly what the hazy shadow behind him was. It turned out that Xiao Ye, like him, was a child without parents' love, but in comparison, Xiao Ye was much happier than him. At least he still has a mother, father, and even his parents will earn money for him, but what about Lin Hui?His parents would just stay away from him. If it wasn't for his grandma, he would have starved to death long ago.

"At the beginning when we were in the province, I didn't feel lonely with your company. Until Brother Lin Hui, Zhang Xuan, you left one by one, I felt that my life was back to the way it was before, and I was full every day. Just sleep, and eat when I wake up, until one day I read the newspaper saying that the province will organize a competitive game, to play billiards. BJ saw you, and from the moment I saw you, I felt that my choice was right, brother Lin Hui, because when I saw you, I felt that there was a kind of power in you, guiding and holding on. Go forward, brother Lin Hui, I like you! I like staying with you, so my life feels very motivated."

Lin Hui was a little confused when he heard what Xiao Ye said. Xiao Ye liked him, so he heard right!In the past, Zhang Xuan made a confession out of nowhere, but now Xiao Ye said in front of Zhang Xuan that he likes him, am I so attractive?
He was a little confused, first Zhang Xuan, now Xiao Ye, is he a man and woman?All he wanted to do was play ball, and he didn't do anything!Why was it inexplicably confessed.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye said that he likes to stay with Lin Hui, and Lin Hui's thumping little heart calmed down.

"Xiao Ye, brother Lin Hui is mine, how can you like brother Lin Hui!"

When Zhang Xuan heard that Xiao Ye said that she liked Brother Lin Hui, she put down the roast duck in her hand and argued with Xiao Ye. She didn't even care whether Xiao Ye was drinking too much or talking nonsense.It was just a beating.

Looking at this scene, what is this and what is it!Lin Hui's mind was in a mess for a while, and he shook his head. Before, he always felt that Xiao Ye's seemingly lively appearance concealed a trace of loneliness.It turned out that his situation was similar to that of Wang Yujue. Wang Yujue's parents were away all year round and left him at home. When he had no money, he would ask them for it. If he had money, he would ask Xiao Yu'er and Lin Hui to go to the restaurant together. Lin Hui did not miss Yuyu's food and drink. Now Xiao Ye is in the same situation as Yuyu. He has everything to eat and drink, and Lin Hui has no parents to love him since he was a child. They are almost the same type of people. .

The ancients often said that you will get along with the kind of people you are. Thinking of Wang Yujue, I took another look at Xiao Ye, and it really is that people are divided into groups, and things of a kind flock together.

No wonder he always felt a little similar to Xiao Ye when he often saw him. Just now he understood that they were all people who could not be loved by their parents.

When Lin Hui was clear, he saw Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye wrestling. Xiao Ye's face turned red from drinking, as if he had drunk a little too much.Zhang Xuan didn't drink too much, but Zhang Xuan liked Lin Hui. He always knew that the two of them were jealous because of him.

Lin Hui patted his Tianling Gai, why do these two people pinch each other when they meet, can't they stop the meeting?He looked at the posture of the two people really dumbfounded.

Zhang Xuan tugged at Xiao Ye's ear, while the other hand was pulling casually. Since Xiao Ye drank too much, he was unwilling to show weakness. One hand desperately pulled Zhang Xuan's hair, and the other hand waved desperately. Well, these two people are completely like shrews trolling the streets, and they don't attract direct attention.

Fortunately, they chose a secluded place just now, or a private room. If others see this, they will really laugh out loud.

Lin Hui finally couldn't bear it anymore, he could no longer tolerate the two of them continuing to fool around regardless of the public place, and wanted to separate the two of them, but the more he separated, the more violent the two of them became.

It was the first time he saw a man and a woman tearing at each other, and they still didn't want to give in to each other. He really couldn't think of any way to stop the farce between the two of them.

Suddenly he thought "I have someone I like!"

Since both of them are tearing each other up because they like him, wouldn't he be able to resolve the two of them if he has someone he likes?
When Lin Hui said that there was someone they liked, Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye immediately stayed where they were.

who is it?Who does Brother Lin Hui like?

Seeing that the two of them had almost stopped messing around, Lin Hui took advantage of the fact that they had already stopped, and immediately said, "What do you two do? You are not ashamed of yourself in public!"

Just now Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye were only focused on tearing each other up, they didn't care about their image at all. Xiao Ye glanced at Zhang Xuan, and she almost turned him into a chicken coop. Flushed, they looked at each other, immediately let go, and each straightened their clothes.

After Zhang Xuan finished sorting it out, she was even more curious about who Lin Hui's favorite girl was, what she looked like, whether she was pretty, and whether she treated Lin Hui well?

After thinking about this, Zhang Xuan asked, "Brother Lin Hui, who is the girl you like?"

Xiao Ye was also very curious, staring at Lin Hui seriously, waiting for him to say who he likes?
When Lin Hui was asked this question, he didn't know how to answer. The situation was really urgent just now, so he only said that there was someone he liked. He thought for a while and said, "The person I like is no longer in this world."

Xiao Yu'er has always been in a corner of his heart. During the days and nights when he left Xiao Yu'er, he always dreamed about Xiao Yu'er. People always find out that the person who has been by his side is always when they are lost. The person who wanted to reach the finish line, but it was already too late, Xiao Yu'er was no longer by his side.It's too late for anything.

Looking at Lin Hui, Zhang Xuan's expression became gloomy. It turns out that the person Lin Hui likes is no longer there. No wonder he always doesn't accept anyone. In his heart, there is still the shadow of the person she likes. It seems that Lin Hui Brother is a single-minded man.Her vision was always right, and she felt that brother Lin Hui was a good person!She still likes her, as long as she stays silently by Lin Hui's side, he will find her good one day.

"Brother Lin Hui, we are with you."

Thinking that the person Lin Hui liked was no longer in this world, Xiao Ye patted Lin Hui on the shoulder and said.

Just now he really said that he likes brother Lin Hui, but this kind of liking is the kind of admiration among boys, a liking from the heart, Zhang Xuan did not expect Zhang Xuan to fight, he didn't know what he did wrong, Lin Brother Hui is his role model, and his liking for Brother Lin Hui is because he regards Brother Lin Hui as a benchmark, like his motto in life, which inspires him all the time.

He drank a little too much just now, but after Zhang Xuan fought with him, he suddenly became more sober.

"Brother Lin Hui, we will always be with you."

Zhang Xuan also followed Xiao Ye and said that although what Xiao Ye said just now was very unreasonable, Zhang Xuan still felt that this sentence was very reasonable.

Hearing that Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan had reconciled as before, Lin Hui gradually let go of it. In his heart, Xiao Yuer was like a bright moonlight illuminating his path. He would always remember Xiao Yu'er in his heart. Yu'er, now all he pretends in his heart is playing ball.

Playing is his dream. He wants to play the ball abroad and let the whole world know that our table tennis is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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