Chapter 123 Awake
"water, water"

Zhang Xuan was crying on Lin Hui's shoulder when suddenly she heard Xiao Ye's voice.She hurriedly released Lin Hui and ran to Xiao Ye's bed.

''Xiao Ye, are you awake? "

Lin Hui was frightened by Zhang Xuan's sudden actions. When did Xiao Ye wake up? He was clearly lying there motionless. Could it be that Zhang Xuan was too worried and had hallucinations.

What should I do!One is still lying there, and the other has anxiety, his head is really swollen.

"Zhang Xuan, Xiao Ye hasn't woken up yet, let's go back!"

He was really too worried about Zhang Xuan's condition, so he asked her to go back and have a good rest.

"Brother Lin Hui, I'm not going back. Didn't you hear Xiao Ye talking just now? I heard Xiao Ye talking in a low voice. I want to watch Xiao Ye wake up."

"Zhang Xuan, you are tired today, come back tomorrow, okay!"

Lin Hui knew that Zhang Xuan desperately hoped that Xiao Ye would wake up immediately, but Xiao Ye was still lying here and still didn't respond. Zhang Xuan left.

If he didn't force Zhang Xuan to leave, he was really worried that Zhang Xuan would not be able to bear it, so he could only be forced to help her, and the mission dragged Zhang Xuan out.

Zhang Xuan really didn't want to leave the ward, she clearly heard Xiao Ye talking, she couldn't have misheard, Xiao Ye was talking, but Lin Hui kept dragging him out, so she couldn't help but feel that she had heard wrong, Just now she was sure that Xiao Ye had his eyes closed. Could it be that she was really too tired.

"water, water"

This time Zhang Xuan heard clearly that Xiao Ye was talking about water, she broke free from Lin Hui's shackles, rushed to Xiao Ye, and poured him a glass of water.

"Brother Lin Hui, quickly help Xiao Ye up, Xiao Ye is thirsty."

It turned out that it wasn't Zhang Xuan's delusion, it was Xiao Ye who really woke up, he was so happy for a moment, he looked a little silly, only when Zhang Xuan called him, he moved up to Xiao Ye.

He helped Xiao Ye up, and Zhang Xuan slowly sent the water to Xiao Ye's mouth.

After drinking some water, Xiao Ye slowly opened his eyes.

"Xiao Ye, are you awake?"

Lin Hui asked Xiao Ye who had just opened his eyes.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Xiao Ye, don't you remember?"

Zhang Xuan put down the water glass, grabbed Xiao Ye hurriedly and asked, if he remembered, why would he ask what's wrong, he must have forgotten.

"Wuuu, brother Lin Hui, Xiao Ye has lost his memory, can't remember anything."

Lin Hui was a little dazed. From the moment he entered the room, Zhang Xuan had been crying, and now his mind was completely overwhelmed by Zhang Xuan's crying, no!Xiao Ye didn't say anything, Zhang Xuan said that Xiao Ye lost his memory.

"Xiao Ye, do you know who I am?"

"Brother Lin Hui"

"Then do you know who she is?" Lin Hui pointed to Zhang Xuan.

"Zhang Xuan! Brother Lin Hui, what's wrong with you?"

Fortunately, Lin Hui remembered everything, that was to prove that he was fine and everything was normal. Lin Hui just didn't want to talk about Zhang Xuan, for fear that she wouldn't be able to stand it if he said it too harshly, and he would be annoyed if he said it lightly.It was obvious that Xiao Ye could no longer be normal, and she inexplicably called it amnesia.

"Xiao Ye, you woke up and scared me to death. It's a good thing you woke up, otherwise I really don't know what to do. I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you suffered such serious injuries."

After Lin Hui asked Xiao Ye these questions, Zhang Xuan immediately stopped crying, held Xiao Ye's hand and said something.

At this time, Lin Hui thought that Zhang Xuan had become overly nervous, either too melancholy or too sad, and he couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye almost woke up without any risk, as long as he is fine.

"Xiao Ye, you guys talk first, I'll go out for a while."

Lin Hui saw that Xiao Ye had woken up. Presumably Zhang Xuan had a lot to say to Xiao Ye. It would be better for him to go away and go out for a walk. The air in the hospital is not very fresh. Coupled with Zhang Xuan's mood, Lin Hui A little bit affected, he wants to go out to breathe fresh air and relieve the down pressure. These days, he has been worried about whether Xiao Ye will wake up. He didn't have these worries at first, but every time Zhang Xuan either cried or asked him something unknown. The question made him think what should Xiao Ye do if he couldn't wake up.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye had his own auspices, and when he woke up, the breath in his heart finally relaxed.

It seems that taking care of patients is also a labor-intensive thing. When he was sick, Jianhua watched over him day and night, and Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye sat beside him to tease him. Now it is Xiao Ye who is sick. They also worked very hard at the time. , Lin Hui deeply realized that it was not easy for the few of them.

Now that he has calmed down, he can understand Zhang Xuan's actions. Zhang Xuan watched Xiao Ye's accident and Xiao Ye's failure to wake up, which invisibly brought Zhang Xuan a lot of pressure.

Just as Lin Hui was going out, he was about to go to another place and saw Officer Xu.

"I found you"

"Officer Xu, what's wrong?"

"Those people have been found, and I'm here to inform you of the good news."

When Lin Hui heard this, it was Double Happiness. Xiao Ye woke up, and the group who beat him were also caught. It's really great!This is thanks to the high efficiency of the people's police.

Lin Hui has already heard two good news, either there is no good news, or good things come one after another.

He shook Officer Xu's hand and said, "Thank you, Officer Xu."

Every time Lin Hui thanked others, he always didn't know how to express the gratitude in his heart. He could only say thank you to Police Officer Xu verbally.

"What are you being polite about? Isn't this what I should do? I'll come here to tell you that the follow-up medical expenses and maintenance expenses will be paid by those people. You let that brother recover from his injuries here with peace of mind. Heal his injuries and continue to participate in the competition. I have something to do." I'll go first."

Officer Xu patted Lin Hui on the shoulder and walked towards the exit.

Looking at Officer Xu's background, he felt that Officer Xu was so tall and mighty.

But Officer Xu said about Xiao Ye's competition just now, so Xiao Ye must have been delayed and couldn't compete, so Xiao Ye must be very sad!He came to BJ just to participate in the competition, and now the competition is gone, he must be very sad!This is something Xiao Ye is determined to do seriously.Now it was ruined by an accident, and it would be very hard for anyone.

It seems that Xiao Ye needs to make a long-term plan, but it's good that people have nothing to do.

Lin Hui went out for a walk, and felt much more comfortable. Xiao Ye must be hungry just after waking up, and Zhang Xuan has also been haggard for the past few days, and he probably didn't eat well. The meals Xiao Ye ate.

"Brother Lin Hui, you're back." Lin Hui came back with a big bag of dinner, and Zhang Xuan immediately asked when she saw it.

"You are all hungry! I bought you something to eat, let's have some food first!"

Speaking of food, Xiao Ye was indeed hungry, his stomach was growling.

Zhang Xuan took Lin Hui's things to see what was suitable for Xiao Ye to eat.

She opened the bag and saw porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, side dishes, rice, and noodles.

"Brother Lin Hui, why did you buy so many snacks?"

"I don't know what you guys eat, so I chose a few more."

Lin Hui is not very good at taking care of people. When he sees something to buy outside, he just buys a few things at will.

Zhang Xuan heard Brother Lin Hui say this, so it turned out to be the case, Brother Lin Hui is still good at taking care of others, but Xiao Ye is a patient now, let's see what Xiao Ye wants to eat with so much food?
"Xiao Ye, what do you want to eat?"

Ever since he was sick, he had never felt that Zhang Xuan was so gentle, as if he had changed.Where would he ask for his opinion on weekdays, no matter what Xiao Ye said today, Zhang Xuan was not angry, and always smiled, which made Xiao Ye feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, I can eat anything."

"If you can eat anything, this porridge with preserved egg and lean meat is easy to digest and nutritious. You just wake up, eat this first to nourish your stomach."

Xiao Ye stared at Zhang Xuan. Is this the Zhang Xuan he knew?On weekdays, Zhang Xuan would either sarcastically tease him or hate him, which made him feel frustrated, wondering if he said something wrong, did something wrong, and needed improvement. Watching her keep laughing and laughing, Xiao Ye always had an ominous premonition.

Besides, Zhang Xuan couldn't fall in love with her because he saved the beauty as a hero!Changing from his previous identity as Little Pepper, he became a personal maid in seconds. He was still not used to Zhang Xuan treating him like this, and cared too much for him.

He saved her because of a friend, out of a man's instinct, besides, this is what he should do, how could he watch a weak little girl being provoked and insulted by those drunks, this is absolutely in Xiao Ye's eyes Not allowed.

"Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye, what's wrong with you? I'm not feeling well, I'll call the doctor?"

Zhang Xuan has been waiting for Xiao Ye's reply with preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Quickly called Xiao Ye's name.

"Zhang Xuan, no, I'm just not used to you being so nice to me! You won't like me!"

"Pfft, Xiao Ye, if you don't take a mirror to look at yourself, Miss Ben will like you? What do you think? It's just that you have suffered because of the beating. I didn't think you would be dirty!"

Hearing Xiao Ye say that he was not used to being so kind to him, Zhang Xuan was a little ashamed, but when Xiao Ye said that you wouldn't like me!Zhang Xuan's temper is gradually rising. I would like him, just because he was beaten for me and vented my anger for me, so I should like him. What kind of logic is Xiao Ye? If it weren't for Brother Lin Hui, Xiao Ye just woke up For the sake of coming, if it was the old days, Xiao Ye was doing well, but Zhang Xuan would have crawled up the wall with a fist, and couldn't even buckle it off.

"Why is my heart unclean? It's my fault that I saved you. My heart is unclean and I have long since stopped letting you come to BJ. Isn't it clean?"

Xiao Ye muttered in a low voice, but Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan heard all these words. He is still a sick person, and his head still hurts, but thinking of Zhang Xuan's words, he felt too disappointed. He thought that saving Zhang Xuan was to let She was a little touched because she fell in love with him.

From the moment he woke up, Zhang Xuan kept asking about the cold and the warmth, whether there was any problem here, and whether it hurt there, which made him feel that Zhang Xuan changed her usual appearance and fell in love with him, but he didn't expect that he thought too much. up.

"Give you!"

Zhang Xuan peeled off the preserved egg and lean meat, and put it in front of Xiao Ye. After all, Xiao Ye was injured because of him, and she knew this.

This is the Zhang Xuan he knew!The tone of the speech returned to the domineering look, which was much more comfortable than the gentle tone just now. It inevitably made him suspect that Zhang Xuan was emotional. How could the way she gave him the porridge just now make him infinitely reverie, facing each other like a beautiful woman, It was impossible for him to imagine a woman whose words were like a knife.

"Brother Lin Hui, what do you eat?"

"I can eat anything."

Lin Hui was used to Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye's quarreling. Seeing Xiao Ye drinking the porridge, Lin Hui felt much better. Finally, Xiao Ye recovered and could be alive and kicking.

Zhang Xuan took a box of curry chicken nuggets and rice, and left the noodles with fried sauce for Lin Hui.

There was a small movable dining table on Xiao Ye's bed. Zhang Xuan put side dishes and fish on the table. Although Xiao Ye couldn't speak properly and always made her angry, she should be angry if she was angry, but she still wanted to let Xiao Ye eat well. , Only in this way can I have strength, and I can be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.

Thinking of being discharged from the hospital, Zhang Xuan ate another bite of curry rice while asking Lin Hui, "Brother Lin Hui, Xiao Ye has woken up, when can he be discharged from the hospital."

"I asked the doctor just now, and the doctor said that after waking up and observing for two days, you can leave the hospital without any problems. Yes, when I went out, police officer Xu came and said that those people had already been arrested. Medical expenses, nutrition expenses, they all Come out, Xiao Ye can stay here for a few more days until he is fully recovered before going out."

"Officer Xu has come, that's great! These people should be put in jail, they almost beat Xiao Ye so hard that he couldn't wake up, fortunately Xiao Ye woke up."

Xiao Ye couldn't understand a word the two of them said, what were they talking about!He tilted his head and asked, "Who is Officer Xu?

"Officer Xu is a nice person. He not only sent us back, but also told brother Lin Hui to play well."

When hearing about the game, Xiao Ye had no appetite to eat at all, and put the bowl aside, Zhang Xuan realized why she didn't open which pot and which pot to pick up!Xiao Ye came to BJ just to play a game, and now the game must be impossible.Still because of her.

"Xiao Ye, I'm sorry! I made you unable to play the game."

'Xiao Ye, and next time, don't worry, we will definitely have a chance. "

Lin Hui felt that what Zhang Xuan said made Xiao Ye unhappy, but sooner or later, he had to say it, and the sooner he said it, the sooner he faced it.He also helped Zhang Xuan to comfort Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye thought about it for a while, maybe he didn't have this understanding, it was all predestined, and he couldn't hide it, it was God who played a joke on him at this juncture.

Now that things are almost like this, he doesn't need to blame anyone.

He turned around and sat up "Maybe this is fate! I don't blame anyone!"

Even though Xiao Ye said that, he must be very uncomfortable in his heart. He has also experienced this kind of pain, and he will not be allowed to play table tennis. His heart hurts like a knife. Now Xiao Ye may be in this situation. .

Lin Hui waved his hand to signal Zhang Xuan, let's go first!
"Xiao Ye, it's getting late, you should have a good rest first, and we'll come see you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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