The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 124 I Have a Daughter-in-law to Hug

Chapter 124 I Have a Daughter-in-law to Hug

Lin Hui could clearly see that Xiao Ye was not very happy about the competition, and it was time for Xiao Ye to rest and they should go back.

Xiao Ye didn't speak when they left, maybe Xiao Ye was unhappy, maybe let him think about it quietly.

Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan came out of the hospital. Zhang Xuan was unusually quiet, which made Lin Hui feel a little uncomfortable.

Normally, Zhang Xuan would always ask Lin Hui, "Brother Lin Hui, did I do something wrong?"

"Brother Lin Hui, is Xiao Ye unhappy?"

"Brother Lin Hui, what should I do?"

At this time, Zhang Xuan's complexion was pale, and she just walked forward without saying a word, which made Lin Hui think that Zhang Xuan must have been stimulated by something, and whether she wanted to see a doctor.

Xiao Ye is almost awake now, it's a great thing, don't think about it too much, no one wants to think that things have become like this.

But Zhang Xuan's expression can't be deceiving, she has been blaming herself in her heart, Lin Hui can see it, from Xiao Ye's accident to now Zhang Xuan is always so depressed, her usual lively appearance is completely different two people.However, Zhang Xuan cannot be blamed for all of this.

"Xiao Ye has already woken up, it is God's favor, as long as people are there, things will continue, so don't think too much, go back and talk about it."

Zhang Xuan didn't respond to Lin Hui's words, and kept walking forward with her head down. Lin Hui was no longer worried about Xiao Ye, but rather worried about Zhang Xuan.

Seeing Zhang Xuan's decadent appearance, Lin Hui couldn't hold back any longer, and said to Zhang Xuan, "Zhang Xuan, don't be like this all the time, okay! You have grown up, don't let the people around you worry about you all the time. "

Lin Hui roared so loudly that Zhang Xuan realized the trouble she caused to others. She never felt that her emotions would affect others. In fact, brother Lin Hui, she didn't know what was wrong, she always hurt others unintentionally. As for other people, let's take the example just now, she just said something wrong unintentionally, which made Xiao Ye unhappy, now she doesn't want to talk, she is afraid that if she says something wrong again, it will cause brother Lin Hui to worry again.

Unexpectedly, the more she behaved like this, the more she worried others. What happened in the past few days made her feel a little overwhelmed. Now that Xiao Ye woke up, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xuan raised her head, with a certain vitality compared to the slack eyes just now, she stared at Lin Hui and said, "Brother Lin Hui, don't worry, I'm fine, I just said the wrong thing to Xiao Ye, I don't know what to say What, don’t talk, I’ll be fine, Brother Lin Hui, you can play your ball at ease, don’t worry about me, I’ll be over after a day or two of adjustment. This matter won’t bother me, I’ll be fine in a few days up"

Everyone has a different attitude towards dealing with problems. Lin Hui figured it out after sleeping for a few days and nights when encountering problems, while Zhang Xuan was always in a low mood and needed to adjust.But listening to Zhang Xuan's words, he felt much more comfortable.

Seeing Zhang Xuan's appearance just now, almost didn't scare him. One's body is getting better, but one's reason is about to go wrong. He is also a human being. When these things pile up, he is about to explode. Fortunately, Xiao Ye is still optimistic. , Zhang Xuan is not arrogant, he was relieved all of a sudden.

"Oh, that's good! That's good!"

He murmured, and he didn't forget to pat his heart after he finished speaking. The two of them are really a pair of treasures. If this continues, his heart will not be able to bear the psychological attack brought to him by the two of them at any time.

When he and Xiao Yu'er were together before, one always liked to talk, and the other didn't like to talk. He would think differently every time, and he didn't explain it. As such, the long-term backlog resulted in more and more misunderstandings and more and more conflicts. many.Slowly, Xiao Yu'er might not be able to be provoked anymore and exploded. Now Lin Hui understands, but it's too late. Back then, it would be great if he could be a straight man. What can he say? Now he has a lot of words I want to say that Xiao Yu'er can't hear it either.

It seems that it is more comfortable for people to speak out, but if you hold it in your heart all the time, you will really get sick. Xiao Yuer often said to him, "You have a mole under your eyes that is always so melancholy. You should try to speak out what is in your heart. It's either a melancholy mole or a beautiful male mole."

Xiao Yu'er told him with a playful look at the beginning, he always thought that Xiao Yu'er was joking with him, but now Zhang Xuan's appearance is similar to that of his meeting, she kept her words in her heart and didn't say anything, she looked very Anyone who saw the melancholy look would be worried. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xuan just didn't know what to say. The way Xiao Yuer saw him back then must be the same as when he saw Zhang Xuan.

No wonder Xiao Yu'er broke up with him, Xiao Yu'er felt insecure, couldn't catch him, couldn't figure out his inner thoughts.

"Brother Lin Hui, I'm here. Don't worry too much about me. You should go back to rest early. I'm fine."

On the way back, Zhang Xuan and Lin Hui did not speak.Zhang Xuan was still afraid that Brother Lin Hui would worry about her, so she said again that Brother Lin Hui should not worry about her.

"Okay! You go back!"

Lin Hui was attracted by Zhang Xuan's voice. If Zhang Xuan hadn't told him that he had arrived, he would have been thinking about him and Xiao Yu'er, so he quickly recovered and answered Zhang Xuan, telling her to go back.

He is going back too, he is really a bit tired, too many things have happened recently, he is still a child who has just grown up, and the adult affairs make him a little bit stressed, he needs to digest well.

The wind outside was blowing one after another, and the spring wind always came as soon as it was said, so Lin Hui quickened his pace.

When he returned to the dormitory, Jianhua hadn't come back yet. Where did Jianhua go?When I came back, I didn't see him calling in the telephone hall!

I've been busy with Xiao Ye's affairs recently, and I don't know how Jianhua and Wenya are doing.

Lin Hui was a little tired, so he picked up the toiletries and went to the bathroom to wash up briefly. When he opened the door, Jianhua had already returned to the dormitory.

"Jianhua, where have you been?"

Wen Ya said that she gave me a book and put it in the concierge, so I went to get it. '

When Lin Hui came back, he didn't see the book Jianhua was carrying. He heard that he had gone to take the book, and only saw a book on the pillow.

"Lin Hui, where did you go? I asked you to eat when I came back, but I didn't see you in the cafeteria. Yes, have you eaten yet?"

Jianhua remembered that when he came back to look for Lin Hui just now, Lin Hui was not there. He was afraid that he would sleep and miss his meal, so he came back specially to call him, but he didn't expect to see him when he came back. Go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself.

"I woke up early, so I went to see Xiao Ye, and had dinner with Xiao Ye and the others."

"Xiao Ye is awake?"

Jianhua felt relieved when he heard that Lin Hui had eaten. He was still struggling with whether to bring him a meal, but it was all right after he had eaten. He and Xiao Ye ate. Did Xiao Ye wake up?Jianhua exclaimed.

"Wake up, just woke up?"

"Just wake up!"

Jianhua was most afraid of other people getting sick. His mother's illness had always been a hidden danger in his heart. The last time Lin Hui fell ill, Jianhua was terribly worried. Since Lin Hui could read a book just now, Jianhua was also very nervous.

"Jianhua, you get along well with Wenya recently!"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Hui deliberately changed the topic and talked about Wenya and him. When Wenya was mentioned, Jianhua put on a smile on his face.

"It's okay! Jianhua, do I still want to ask you something? You have been busy recently, so I didn't dare to ask?"

What Jianhua wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, Lin Hui felt a little inconceivable.However, what Jianhua asked probably had something to do with Wenya, so Lin Hui asked Jianhua, "Let me guess, is it related to Wenya?"

Jianhua's face turned red all of a sudden, which proved that he guessed right, shouldn't it be, Lin Hui exclaimed, this guy's attack is too fast!I haven't seen you for a few days, and my love skills have grown by leaps and bounds.

"Jianhua, to be honest, are you going to marry Wenya?"

Jianhua was a little anxious when he heard that, "We haven't confirmed our relationship yet? Why did we get married? It's too early! It's Wenya's birthday in a few days. What gift do I need to give Wenya?"

When Lin Hui smiled, he knew that Jianhua couldn't stand the bluff, and it really worked. It turned out that Wenya was going to celebrate her birthday, but Wenya gave him a book again. Why is Jianhua's elm lump not even sure about the relationship? It's so old, these two people are really awkward, you like me, I like you, why are you still coy, how good it is to establish a relationship directly, but with Jianhua's personality, it may be difficult to wait for him to say it.

It seems that we need to help Jianhua again, to bring his relationship with Wenya closer. Lin Hui thought for a while and asked, "Wenya will celebrate her birthday in a few days?"

"Yes! But I don't know what to buy as a gift, give me some ideas!"

"Are you sure you want me to advise?"

Lin Hui asked Jianhua so rhetorically, which made Jianhua feel a little uneasy. Lin Hui had many ideas, even sometimes a lot of bad ideas. He was always flustered, but now he didn't know what to prepare. You have to listen to gifts and bad ideas!Gritting his teeth.

"Go ahead!"

"You treat everyone to a meal, in full view, ask Wenya to be your girlfriend, and give him a ring, if she wants to, she will accept it, that's great, you will have a wife to hug right away."

This is mainly not a search, but can it work?What if Wenya doesn't want to?Isn't it too embarrassing "Lin Hui, can you do it?"

Jianhua is dubious about Lin Hui's idea.

"Jianhua, look at Ang, you and Wenya watch movies and deliver books, what does this mean?"

"What does it mean?"

"It means Wenya likes you! Needless to say, Wenya is definitely willing to be your girlfriend. If you have been so slow to express your attitude, be careful that Wenya doesn't want you. Don't you also like Wenya? Wenya likes you too? Isn't that right? Do you like each other? Shouldn't two people who like each other be together and get married? Right! Pour me some water?"

Lin Hui talked a lot, and he ate noodles with fried sauce tonight. The noodles were a bit salty, and he was a little thirsty. When Jianhua was listening to the important point, Lin Hui wanted to drink water, and he immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to him. Gave it to Lin Hui.

The water just poured was too hot. Lin Hui blew on the cup so that the cold air from outside could be quickly transferred into Lin Hui's cup. At about the same time, he took a sip and it was still very hot. I don’t know if the shop that sells fried noodles today thinks that salt is cheaper than noodles. This is why people can’t eat it. Lin Hui kept complaining in his heart. Moving the small bench, staring at him intently.

how?Could it be that what he said is wrong, why stare at him like this.

"Lin Hui, keep talking!"

Lin Hui was ashamed, didn't Jianhua know that he had finished speaking?Or what he said was not thorough enough!Jianhua's comprehension ability really admired him. Sure enough, people in love have no IQ, or even a negative IQ.

"Jianhua, I've finished my speech. You can express your views now."

After speaking, let him talk.

What Lin Hui meant was to invite the big guys to have a meal, let Xu Xin, Shaojie, and Zhang Xi, if Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan have time, they can also go. After all, there are so many people, so they make up a table , it's okay!

He gave Wenya a ring in the private room and asked Wenya to agree to be his girlfriend and marry him. This idea is really possible!
"It's a good idea, that is."

Jianhua faltered for a long time without explaining what the next sentence was. Lin Hui couldn't stand it anymore, "Say it! What is it?"

Jianhua raised his head and said solemnly, "It's just that I don't have enough money to buy a ring."

Sweat, Lin Hui thought that Jianhua was hesitating because he was embarrassed, a big man was coy, but he didn't expect that Jianhua was worrying about money, so Lin Hui walked to his bed and took out from under the pillow the things he didn't usually use. money.

He has no relatives.There are only a few friends, no expenses, and he has saved most of the money.

"Give you!"

Lin Hui handed a stack of money to Jianhua, seeing so much money, he didn't know what to say.

"Take it! I didn't give it to you for free, it was borrowed, and IOU is required!"

Lin Hui saw that Jianhua didn't take his money, so he said this on purpose. With Jianhua's personality, he is a steady person, so he would be embarrassed to take his money, but Lin Hui didn't think so. Jianhua was his brother, and he could help Brother, he is really happy. In order to give Jianhua his money, he deliberately borrowed it.

Hearing that Lin Hui said that it was lent to him, this business, after all, this kind of proposal ring still needs his money to buy to be at ease, he took out a notebook, took a pen, and wrote in the notebook Rows of words.

"You take this, I will give it to you as soon as I have it, and I will take the money, Lin Hui thank you."

Lin Hui just said this casually. He didn't expect Jianhua to be serious. He took the paper to write the IOU, and suddenly remembered something and said to Jianhua, "Interest?"

"Interest? Interest is as much as you say!"

"The interest is that I want to drink your wedding wine."

When Lin Hui mentioned interest, Jianhua was taken aback at first, but then he thought that Lin Hui said he wanted as much interest as he wanted. Who made him have no money now?Unexpectedly, Lin Hui was playing tricks on him again, asking him if the interest was wedding wine.

Jianhua smiled and said to Lin Hui, "You can drink as much as you want, it's enough."

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua, Jianhua looked at Lin Hui, and the two burst out laughing.The past few days have been so depressed, finally there is a happy event to be happy, Lin Hui did not expect to laugh and forget all the troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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