The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 142 The Dance Studio

Chapter 142 The Dance Studio

Xiao Ye's cheeks bulged out of anger, "I don't want to play with you like this!"

It's what it is, it looks like a boss here and there, it's clearly the boss's son who doesn't live up to expectations, it's almost the same!
Zhang Xuan looked forward and backward with a smile, completely forgetting the toothless smile that a girl should have.


Xiao Ye stood up from the chair, and kicked the chair behind him more than one meter away, making a knocking sound against the bookshelf behind him.

It seems that Xiao Ye is really angry, but it's okay!
Didn't you bring us to visit?This place is not owned by your family, why are you so unhappy?

Xiao Ye was walking back and forth. Seeing that Zhang Xuan was still smiling, Lin Hui immediately stopped her and said, "Zhang Xuan, look at you, you look like a girl. You made Xiao Ye laugh and ran away. Go, hurry up! Don't laugh." .”

Lin Hui pulled Zhang Xuan to follow Xiao Ye, and slowly Zhang Xuan returned to normal.

Xiao Ye stopped in front of the second door, and threw his head at Zhang Xuan at a 15-degree angle.

Zhang Xuan pointed at her with her index finger.

Fortunately, Lin Hui had been with the two of them for a long time, and it was immediately clear that Xiao Ye turned his head to ask Zhang Xuan to open the door, and Zhang Xuan pointed to him to ask her to open it?
These two people also started to communicate in dumb language at some point, but it was very harmonious, and the two of them would not stop bickering, so it seemed that there was no sound, but silence was better than sound.

Zhang Xuan followed Xiao Ye's instructions and gently pushed the second door?
Is it a dance studio?

The moment Zhang Xuan opened the door, she was startled. She put her hands on her face. She couldn't believe that it was a dance studio in front of her. Moreover, this dance studio was much bigger and more luxurious than the dance studio they trained in.

In this dance studio, there are not only many mirrors on the wall, but also a set of sofas and tea sets behind you. You can sit down and drink tea when you are tired from dancing.

"Xiao Ye, this dance studio is really luxurious!" Zhang Xuan exclaimed.

"The beautiful young lady, can you dance for me so that we can enjoy it?"

When Xiao Ye went to find Zhang Xuan, although he saw her rehearsing and dancing in the dance studio, but today, he still wanted Zhang Xuan to dance in this dance studio!

"of course!"

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Zhang Xuan immediately agreed. She jumped from the doorway to the center of the dance room, and started waving her graceful dance.

"Brother Lin Hui, let's sit over there and watch!"

Xiao Ye pointed to the sofa over there.It just so happens that the location is the central location and can be seen very clearly.

Lin Hui followed Xiao Ye to the sofa and sat down.

"Zhang Xuan dances really well!"

It's much better than Wenya's dance. Wenya has always danced the legion dance, and Zhang Xuan's dance is not in the same style as Wenya.

Zhang Xuan flutters and dances like a fairy, changing her movements. She dances really well. No wonder Zhang Xuan's dream is to be a dancer, and her parents have been training her in this direction. It seems that Zhang Xuan really has this What a talent!

slap.. slap. slap

"Zhang Xuan, yes!"

The moment Zhang Xuan finished dancing, Xiao Ye's applause rang out one after another.

"Quick, come and have a rest! Drink some water."

"Thank you Brother Lin Hui!"

Xiao Ye watched Brother Lin Hui pass Zhang Xuan some water and said thank you. He provided Zhang Xuan with a place to practice dancing, so why didn't he say thank you.

He said, "Zhang Xuan, why don't you thank me!"

"Thank you? Thank you for what!"

(End of this chapter)

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