The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 143 The Surprise Is Too Big

Chapter 143 The Surprise Is Too Big

"Shouldn't you thank me for having a chance to show you?" Xiao Ye continued.

"Xiao Ye, I'm not talking about you. Can I dance only if I have it, or can I dance only if I have a dance studio?!"

Lin Hui still underestimated the efficiency of the two people's argument. Just now he praised that they were very harmonious when they were not talking. Just after less than ten minutes of harmony, they began to be discordant again.

It seems that he only needs to hold the tea and lean on the sofa to be a melon-eating crowd.

"Of course you can dance because of you!"

"Look at this, isn't it right?! So why should I thank you!"

After Zhang Xuan finished speaking, she took some tea and lightly pecked twice, Xiao Ye was momentarily at a loss for words when asked.

Every time he talked with Zhang Xuan, Zhang Xuan always won, but that time he also wanted to turn defeat into victory, but he was defeated every time, and he still hadn't learned his lesson.

If Lin Hui had been Xiao Ye, he would have kept quiet and waited for Zhang Xuan to ask him, but every time Xiao Ye showed off his kindness to Zhang Xuan, Zhang Xuan not only didn't appreciate it, but also Xiao Ye's humiliated face turned red and white.

"Miss Zhang Xuan, I can't afford to mess with you, it's okay! Finish your drink! Finish your drink! It's time to go!"


After Xiao Ye finished speaking, he got up and walked in front, Zhang Xuan pouted and followed behind, Lin Hui finally finished watching this time, got up slowly and followed the two.

Xiao Ye took them to the third room, paused, and said, "Brother Lin Hui, please drive!"

Lin Hui gently opened the door, and what appeared in front of them was a table tennis table.

"Brother Lin Hui, you can come here to study and play basketball. Look, there is also a sofa here. You can sit on it when you are tired! This design is really thoughtful. I don't know who can come up with such a Good idea!"

As soon as Zhang Xuan finished speaking, a bright smile appeared on Xiao Ye's face. Apart from him, who else would have thought of such a good plan, except Zhang Xuan, you stupid hat who just can't see his goodness and keeps fighting against him .

table tennis room? !
Isn't this the surprise that Xiao Ye wanted to give him?
Lin Hui thought about what happened just now. As soon as he entered the door, there was a supper club, and it was a very high-end club. It could have an office, a dance room, and a table tennis room. Is this the surprise Xiao Ye gave?
But this surprise did not sleep too suddenly!From where Xiao Ye got so much money, there are three rooms in the wallet.This damned Xiao Ye will not do something good!

When he met Xiao Ye one day, he just asked him to be a good person and do things well. This guy must have done something crooked again.

Lin Hui gently pulled Xiao Ye over, and said to Xiao Ye, "Xiao Ye, did you do anything illegal?"

Something illegal?Does he look like someone doing something illegal?
Seeing that Xiao Ye didn't speak, Lin Hui reminded him specially, "Have you robbed someone's money? Have you robbed? Like silver shop! Jewelry shop!?"

Every time Lin Hui asked Xiao Ye a word, Xiao Ye frowned. Could it be that he had guessed correctly? Lin Hui deliberately expanded the range, but Xiao Ye stared hard!

It's over, did Xiao Ye really do this in order to surprise them?
This is against the law!Fortunately, he knew Officer Xu, and had a good talk with Officer Xu. Xiao Ye is not full, so the problem should not be very serious.

"Xiao Ye, I know you are doing it for our own good! But we can't do this illegal thing. Brother Lin Hui knows a police officer Xu, he is very nice! Let me take you to meet him."

(End of this chapter)

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