The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 190 I'm Crazy For The Ball

Chapter 190 I'm Crazy For The Ball
"Jianhua is a nightclub"

Lin Hui and Jianhua came to Xiaoye according to the previous agreement.

"Lin Hui, don't say that this place is really very luxurious. From the outside, it's obviously on a higher level, but I didn't expect it to be this night snack."

Jianhua always thought that Xiao Ye named it after himself, but he didn't expect it to be this.

"What? Isn't it a good name?"

Xiao Ye was about to go out to do some errands, but when he was at the door, he heard the two of them muttering quietly here.

"Very good! It makes people have a desire to eat."

"Supper, are you ready to go out?!"

Lin Hui was afraid that Jianhua would not be able to speak, but he did not expect that Jianhua's promise was very good. If he had known, he would not have interrupted their conversation!

"Brother Lin Hui, I have an appointment with a buyer, you go in first! I'll be back in a while!"

"Okay, let's go! You don't have to worry about us!"

After Xiaoye left, Lin Hui brought Xiaoye to his office.

"Lin Hui! Not bad! The environment here is very good! You can rest when you are tired, and you can drink water when you are thirsty. I said why you have been running outside after rest recently. It turns out that you found such a good place to practice ball."

"Didn't you also rest and run outside all the time, and still blame me!"

All right!He admits it!As long as he rests, he will find Wenya!

"However, Lin Hui, the night snackers are really rich! To be able to build such a luxurious clubhouse in such a prosperous place! It must be no ordinary person!"

Lin Hui picked up the cup and poured it for Jianhua, and said, "I don't know that ordinary people are not ordinary! I just know that the mother who takes night snacks is very rich! And his sister is very powerful!"

Based on his observations of Li Yu in the past few days, he and Xiaoye are very extravagant. When he was in the provincial team, he knew that Xiaoye must have something to hide from them. He didn't expect it to be his family background, but Xiaoye gave up the provincial team. He came to BJ to open this luxurious club in the city, which surprised him.

He always thought that supper would be nothing more than opening another billiard hall, but he didn't expect his business scope to continue to expand!
"The door was not closed, so I came in, who are you talking about is very powerful!"

Li Yu asked Lin Hui and Jianhua!
The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive!It really is like this!

"Let's say you are amazing again, do you believe it?"

"Believe it! Why don't you believe it! I am also very good at first!"

Lin Hui and Li Yu said something to you, and I said something to each other. Jianhua looked at the two of them and didn't know what to say.

This is the second time Jianhua has met Li Yu, but he can see that Li Yu's character is obviously more optimistic and cheerful than Wenya, and he is much more generous!Even the words are so straightforward!
It seems that people who have received Western education are different!
"Yes! Li Yu, aren't you going to do an exclusive interview? I specially called Jianhua today to make your interview more successful!"

"All right!"

Now that Jianhua is in front of Li Yu, Li Yu can't say that I just want to do an exclusive interview with Brother Lin Hui!I can only consider agreeing again and again.

"Then when do we start?!" Lin Hui asked Li Yu who was sitting beside him!

"I'll just go back and get something! You wait for me for a while, I'll be right back!"

After Li Yu finished speaking, he walked towards his office.

She's already prepping things days in advance!

In less than a while, Lin Hui saw Li Yu coming in with a big box in his arms.

Do interviews need such trouble? !There are so many things to move!

"Li Yu! What are you taking!?"

Li Yu put the box on the ground, and took out the camera, curtain, reflector, and bracket from the box!
"These will be used later!"

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua, and Jianhua spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know what was going on.

After Li Yu set it up, it looked like he was in a studio!

Does it feel like you're going to take pictures in it? !
There is a tripod stand at the front, and a machine is placed on the stand!
"All right!"

After Li Yu finished speaking, Lin Hui was rather surprised. Is this the end? !
"Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua, you sit on the sofa! Just sit as you like!"

Jianhua was overjoyed when he heard Li Yu calling him brother!Li Yu had only met him once, and today was the second time, and he didn't expect to remember his name!

He found a comfortable posture and sat down according to what Li Yu said just now!Lin Hui also did as Li Yu said!

Li Yu found a round sofa and just sat on it. The three of them looked very harmonious.

"Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua! Let me tell you when I do another interview. There is a video camera on the tripod in front. He will record our conversation today. Of course, don't be nervous. I will still Some useless things will be cut off, just order as you like! Say what you want!"

That thing is a camera?It can record their conversations. Lin Hui has seen cameras that are carried by people. He has never seen this kind of camera. It is very light, and the camera can be placed on it with three fixed tripods. .

Lin Hui thought this was quite miraculous!

Just now Li Yu said not to be nervous, he felt that it was very formal, like a reporter interviewing someone!
This was the first time he had seen it on such an occasion. He picked up the coffee table and said he drank a couple of sips, but he still felt a little thirsty, so he took a few more sips.

"I'm ready!"

Jianhua watched Lin Hui drink water a few times, and he also took a sip from the cup. If he had known about such a grand occasion, he would not have cared about the excitement.

It's okay to ask him to answer a few simple sentences, but now even Jianhua, who has always been eloquent, is so nervous, how can he do it.

He gurgled and sent the whole glass of water to his stomach.

Suddenly he realized that he had to go to the toilet.

"Li Yu, I'm sorry, I have to go back to the toilet!"

"Brother Jianhua, you go!"

I've seen Li Yu a lot, and Brother Jianhua's actions are obviously nervous!Some people are very good at talking in private, but they seem to be a different person in front of the camera and are very restrained.

This situation!As a reporter, Li Yu has seen a lot!
"Brother Lin Hui! Do you want to go to the bathroom too!"

Li Yu looked at Brother Lin Hui's pale face, obviously nervous, she kindly reminded her.

"Need not!"

After a while, Jianhua came back, scratched his neck, seemed to have something to say, stood beside Li Yu and said to Li Yu: "Li Yu, I'm really sorry, my girlfriend asked me to meet in the small park , I forgot!"

When did Jianhua and Wenya have a date, why didn't I know? !

Mingming Jianhua said that Wenya is very busy in rehearsal!I remember right!

"Brother Jianhua, go ahead! I, Brother Lin Hui, will do an exclusive interview!"

Li Yu said to keep him busy, he can slip away.

"Lin Hui, I'm leaving first! Accept the interview!"

When Lin Hui was talking to him in Jianhua, why did he feel that Jianhua had a sly smile on his face!
cunning!Jianhua is too cunning!
Lin Hui's first reaction was that Jianhua actually dropped him!
Where did the honest Jianhua go?It even unlocked a new skill slip!

It is said that friends can attack both sides!Isn't it just to record an interview?As for?
Actually scared the guy away.

"Brother Lin Hui! Can we start then?"

"That's it!"

Li Yu sat where Jianhua had sat, so the effect should be much better than the one just now!
"Mr. Kong? May I ask why you want to become a table tennis player?"

Why should he be?He chose sports because of the person in front of him who looked exactly like Xiao Yu'er!
Xiao Yu'er said that he had no goal to strive for, no vision for the future, and that's why he broke up with him. He still thought about it for several days before deciding to play table tennis.

Although he is very talented in sports, he not only likes table tennis, but also likes basketball and football, until he saw the table tennis awards posted on the wall!He decided to choose table tennis.

"I once participated in a table tennis competition and won the ranking. Since then, I feel that I want to be a table tennis player to win glory for the country!"

Lin Hui thought for a while and replied to Li Yu!He also didn't expect to cover Li Yu's face today and say something that Xiao Yu'er didn't know, and now he will take it as an answer to Xiao Yu'er!
"Mr. Kong, what do you think about table tennis?"

Li Yu was very satisfied with Lin Hui's answer, and then he threw another question to Lin Hui.

With the answers just now, Lin Hui didn't seem to be as nervous as he imagined. Instead, he felt that these questions were really simple, just like chatting about family affairs.

Jianhua is too!As for?If on the battlefield, this is funk!
If it is on the field of competition, there is a problem with the psychological quality!
He has to talk about Jianhua when he goes back!

Lin Hui continued to return to Li Yu's question and replied: "Table tennis is my life! Without table tennis, my life is meaningless. Some people will probably say that I am crazy, why am I so obsessed with balls? As long as I think about playing basketball, I feel that life will be full of vitality, and I feel that tomorrow will be even more brilliant! This may be the reason why I am crazy about football!"

He never realized that he could be crazy about the ball. When the provincial team fired him, he was completely stunned and felt that life had no meaning to live.He has never thought that the ball has been integrated into his life, he is born for the ball.

It was only when Li Yu asked him that he realized that the ball was everything to him, without the ball his life would be eclipsed!
"Mr. Kong, I heard that you defeated the world champion Xu Zhihao when you were still an unknown young player! Was it a fluke or a coincidence?"

Such a sharp question!

Li Yu asked the deepest part of his heart.

He paused, thought for two or three times, and said to Li Yu, "I think it was a coincidence and a fluke mentality at the beginning! Speaking of that game, I think it was very unexpected. There will always be alternate players in every game! But our team members fell ill unexpectedly, and I had the chance to play at that time! At the beginning, I cherished this opportunity very much. I only wanted to win, and I didn’t think about the world on the other side at all. The champion is still the national champion, maybe it was such an opportunity that I won that game by chance."

Lin Hui just wanted to clarify the facts in a down-to-earth manner. It was indeed Wang Xiaolong's illness that gave him the opportunity to play. If it hadn't been for Wang Xiaolong's illness, he would not have been able to play as a substitute player. He couldn't deny it, but in the match against Xu Zhihao, he used all his strength to go all out.

Even later he won the match, and Wang Xiaolong ended up with him because of this.

Afterwards, Wang Xiaolong also harmed him again and again, which is why he didn't want to care about it. After all, it was Wang Xiaolong who didn't play, which made more people recognize him as Kong Linhui!

All he wanted was to play games. As for Wang Xiaolong hating him, blaming him, and hurting him, he couldn't return it with an eye for an eye!He is a person with flesh and blood and feelings. If he keeps repaying grievances like this, when will he be a head.

Now that he has come to the national team, he has been far away from Wang Xiaolong's sight.

Li Yu took out her question card, looked at the content of the question, and asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

"Mr. Kong, I heard that you had a girlfriend when you were in the provincial team, didn't you? It's also because this matter failed the political review. Can you explain this matter?!"

After Li Yu asked about this topic, Lin Hui felt so bitter!
No wonder the reporters can't be provoked, any non-existent things can be unearthed from them, and I don't know how to know the news.

At this time, he didn't blame Jianhua for leaving. If he asked such a question, let Wenya know that Jianhua couldn't explain why he jumped into the Yellow River.

But having said that, can he refuse to accept such an exclusive interview? !

Obviously, it was impossible to agree, so he could only bite the bullet and answer Li Yu's question.

"First of all, let me solemnly declare that I have never had a girlfriend from the beginning to the end. Secondly, I only want to play basketball, and I have no time to have a girlfriend! As for why the political review failed, I have to ask the political reviewer, why didn't I take it seriously? Review."

Lin Hui became more and more angry, he just wanted to answer this question hastily.

Li Yu also felt that his face became paler when he was asked this question!When Brother Lin Hui answered, his tone was even more dignified, as if there was frost in the air!The temperature dropped to the extreme.

"Thanks to Mr. Kong for accepting our exclusive interview in spite of his busy schedule. I hope that Mr. Kong will be more and more brilliant in his future career and strive to win the Grand Slam as soon as possible!"

After Li Yu finished speaking, he unplugged the opposite camera.

"Brother Lin Hui, I'm sorry!"

Li Yu knew that his question was tricky and mean, so he immediately apologized to Lin Hui as soon as it was over.

Seeing that Brother Lin Hui didn't respond, he immediately continued, "I will cut some problems later, don't worry!"

In fact, the last question was something Li Yu wanted to ask him personally, and she had no plan to make it into her graduation thesis at all.Unexpectedly, brother Lin Hui cared so much, and even got angry.

"it is good!"

After Li Yu finished explaining, this thing can be cut off!Then he can rest assured!
He is not as angry as before. They have been framing him all the time, and they don’t know where Li Yu heard this, and they have to find out and frame him again. He had already let go of this matter, but he didn’t expect to explain it again. , Thinking about it now, his liver hurts badly.

(End of this chapter)

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