The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 191 New Serve

Chapter 191 New Serve
"Brother Lin Hui, I'm going back first!"

The moment Li Yu stood up, something seemed to slip under her feet, her body tilted, and her center of gravity was slowly moving backwards.

Seeing the speed of his body drop faster and faster, Lin Hui just recovered from the interview just now, and saw that Li Yu was already suspended in mid-air.

With a whoosh, Lin Hui quickly ran to Li Yu's side, turned over and switched their bodies 180 degrees, but they still couldn't bear the sinking due to gravity.

With a bang, the body and the sofa came into close contact, and Li Yu and Lin Hui looked at each other with their eyes facing each other.

The posture of their fall is not very beautiful, Lin Hui and Li Yu have been seamlessly connected!
"Brother Lin Hui, I'm sorry I didn't see anything today, you guys go on, go on!"

Xiao Ye had already returned from the outside, and he opened Lin Hui's door habitually, and saw the scene of Li Yu and Brother Lin Hui, he hurriedly withdrew and covered it with his hands, indicating that he didn't see anything.

“Supper, no”

Li Yu hadn't finished speaking, and the night snack had already been closed.

She got up quickly and straightened her clothes.

"That, that, I'm leaving first!"

Li Yu's cheeks were redder than an apple, and he took one of her things and ran away in a hurry.

Lin Hui was left in place.

"your things!"

Seeing that Li Yu's things were still there, Lin Hui yelled immediately, but when he yelled, Li Yu had almost disappeared.

He could only help Li Yu pack up the rest of the things.

When he was packing his things, he compared his hands to a semicircle and smiled.

Then I was immersed in the scene just now. When I was with Xiao Yuer before, I was always playful, how could I have so much time to talk about love.

Until just now, there was a ripple deep in his heart.

It's the heartstrings being rippling again!
Lin Hui looked at the box full of things again!
There is no way to put Li Yu's things here, and Li Yu was obviously embarrassed to tidy up just now, so he ran out!

With so many things, he is not very relieved to put them here.

Lin Hui pondered for a while, and then came to the room where the supper was served.

"Supper, don't give these things to Li Yu for a while, I have something to go!"

As soon as Lin Hui entered the door, he saw Xiaoye in the office, holding a document and looking at it carefully, and he put the things on Xiaoye's table.

Snack looked at such a big box of things.

Why didn't Brother Lin Hui deliver it?let him!

Just now he saw a scene that was not suitable for children, and they were embarrassed!

Seeing that Xiao Ye didn't speak, Lin Hui raised his voice and said, "I'll leave it to you, I'm leaving!"

"Brother Lin Hui, are you leaving like this? Why don't you send it over yourself?!"

Send it in person!How embarrassing he must be, even if he felt nothing, Li Yu felt very embarrassed.

"Would you like to send it over!"

"Send, send, send, why are you angry!"

Why is Brother Lin Hui still angry? Xiaoye really wanted to understand, and immediately replied repeatedly, and what's the point of being angry? Isn't it because he saw the indescribable thing between the two of them just now?Besides, both men and women can fall in love freely, so what are you afraid of!
Lin Hui left the night snack club after listening to the night snack saying goodbye.

When I returned to the dormitory, I saw Jianhua lying on the bed reading the previous novel.

"Lin Hui, why are you back?"

"Jianhua, didn't you accompany Wenya?!"

The two people spoke at the same time, and they both giggled for a while after they finished speaking. As for what they were laughing at, only the two of them could clearly explain.

"Jianhua, stop watching, let's go play!"

"it is good!"

It happened that Jianhua also felt bored, so it was more meaningful to play.He agreed with Lin Hui's point of view.

Just when they were about to go out, Shaojie came over.

"Jianhua, Lin Hui, you are all here! Great, Coach Xu called!"

It's been a few months since they left the provincial team. Coach Xu has never called. He called them today to tell them that there must be something wrong.


As soon as Jianhua heard what Shaojie said, they immediately closed the door of the dormitory, and quickly ran to the place with the phone.

At this time, Xu Xin was talking to Coach Xu. Seeing Lin Hui and Jianhua coming over, he said to the other end of the phone, "Dad, Jianhua! Lin Hui and Shaojie are here!"

"Then you gave the phone to Lin Hui!"

Xu Xin handed it to Lin Hui according to Coach Xu's words.

"Coach Xu!"

"Lin Hui! I heard from Xu Xin that you are going to participate in the World Table Tennis Championships this time! You are carefully selected by me. You will definitely be able to!"

Listening to Coach Xu's affirmation, Lin Hui felt really sorry for Coach Xu, and he almost missed the game!
Coach Xu still trusts him so much!

"Coach Xu, don't worry! I will definitely work hard!"

"Shaojie, Jianhua!"

Lin Hui put the phone on the center of the four people, and continued to listen to Coach Xu saying, "You four are elites who have gone out of the provincial team. I believe you will definitely win glory for the provincial team! You will have the next round of elections soon. , Show your confidence, especially Shaojie, you have to believe that you can do it, and Jianhua, you can do it, I have always been assured, you just need to show your usual level!"

"Coach, we will!"

"Coach, don't worry! I won't let you down!"


After Coach Xu finished speaking, it seemed that he still had something to say to Xu Xin, so Lin Hui handed the phone to Xu Xin.

"Okay, okay Dad, goodbye Dad!"

Not knowing what Coach Xu told Xu Xin, Xu Xin put down the phone and said to the four of them.

"We will have the next round of selection in a few days, the four of us must participate in the World Table Tennis Championships!"

"We can definitely be selected! Don't worry! Coach Xu believes in our strength, no problem!"

Lin Hui has always been full of self-confidence. He is full of fighting spirit and confidence in everything, especially in table tennis.

Time passed quickly, and soon the final quota election for the World Table Tennis Championships was ushered in.

Lin Hui was fully prepared. He had been preparing for this day for a long time.

Still according to the previous rules, draw lots to choose the opposite.

Lin Hui PK Wang Ke
Jianhua PK Chefeng
Xu Xin: Shaojie PK Wang Yanan: Zhou Shuxin

After a fair and just draw, they drew all the old players of the first team.And these are different from other competitions, they are one-on-one duels, and they will be played in the order of drawing lots.

The order of Lin Hui's competition is the first.

He first does warm-up exercises on the playing field, stretching, raising his legs, and expanding his chest.

After a series of operations, Lin Hui finally moved his wrist.After several rounds of rubbing back and forth, the meridians of the wrist have all been opened.

He picked up the racket, kissed it lightly, then stroked it, squatted halfway, leaned forward, and assumed a very familiar posture.

With the whistle of the referee, it was issued by the opponent Wang Ke.

The ball was spinning in mid-air, and Lin Hui could easily catch this kind of ball without any effort.

He easily won the first goal, a good start!

It is said that the first ball is very important!If you win the first ball, you will be more confident in the future balls.

After winning the first goal, Jianhua, Shaojie, and Xu Xin sat in the auditorium below and applauded Lin Hui vigorously!

"This shot is really good! The opener has already been won! It's a good start!" Shaojie applauded and commented
"Although Wang Ke is a member of the national team and an old player, he is not weak no matter how you look at it! How could he lose the first ball so easily!"

Jianhua questioned whether the opponent had softened his hand and deliberately let Lin Hui get a ball first, let down his vigilance, and then took advantage of the victory to pursue.

He didn't understand this kind of tactics at all before, but when he came to the national team, he found that what he played was not skills, but tactics and psychology!If these are to be ranked in order, the mentality and tactics are all in the front, and only the ball skills are the most inconspicuous.

Everyone entering the national team is more or less top-notch in terms of skills. The gap between the players is not very big, but sometimes tactics and mentality play a very important role.

As long as the mentality is a little bit off track, no matter how good the game is, it will be in vain, and you will not be able to win the round.

Sometimes, experienced players will use some special tactics specifically for the target of the game. When they are not playing, what kind of ball does everyone like to play, what kind of ball is the main attack, win with that ball, and what kind of results are obtained? Results, the coach will conduct a thorough analysis of each player.

Especially in the contest between masters and masters, it is even more about knowing yourself and the enemy!
Today they are fighting against the old players of the first team. Usually they have analyzed the opponent's tactics. In addition, the first team is all old players, and all of them have first-class skills!

Jianhua now feels that the enemy should not be underestimated.

"Jianhua, don't be nervous, the first ball this time, it's fine!"

Xu Xin knows that Jianhua has a delicate heart and his analysis is very comprehensive, but sometimes the more delicate Jianhua is, the more nervous he is to the audience.

At this moment, Lin Hui on the stage won 1:0, forwarded the ball, and the winning side released it.

Lin Hui just contacted the sideboard tee recently, and he wanted to try it out to see how it would work!

Immediately, the team members sitting under the auditorium were in an uproar!
"Side serve!"

"I've seen horizontal serve, how come there is side plate serve?"

"Is this a violation?"

When Lin Hui sent the sideboard serve, the players below began to discuss.

Xu Xin also silently heard the discussions of people around her from time to time.

He asked in a low voice, "Jianhua, Lin Hui, why does Lin Hui still serve the sideboard, does that count?"

You can imagine how difficult it is to serve from the side board, the side of the ball volleyball is not even 1cm!If you are a little careless, you will kill yourself. There are many kinds of situations like this, but you can't pass the net, or you can't pass the net!

The harm of this ball is basically suicidal.

But after Lin Hui served the ball, the opponent didn't seem to expect that Lin Hui would serve such a ball, and couldn't cope with the style of play for a while, so he didn't catch it.

An easy win.

"Isn't it 2:0?" Shaojie said.

Jianhua and Shaojie didn't know how to answer Xu Xin's words, but the final score was obviously counted, which proved that there was nothing wrong with Lin Hui's serving like this!
"But it's too much"

Xu Xin wanted to say chicken thief, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

According to this style of play, if Lin Hui still serves the next ball like this, if Wang Ke can't catch it, he will directly kill the opponent with 3 balls!
Lin Hui knew that the score was 2:0, if he won another goal, he would win directly.

Now Lin Hui didn't want to win so easily. He thought it would be too boring to win the opponent without confronting him head-on.

Yes, he will release water for the next ball!Let Wang Ke win.

Half squatting, body leaning, Lin Hui's standard playing posture, throwing the ball from the chest to above the head.

Yes, this is the distance and speed!

When the ball fell back in front of Lin Hui, Lin Hui sent the ball out. It looked like a high throw, but in fact there was no difficulty at all, it was a show!

It gives people the impression that the acting is so good. It is very common and normal to serve the same, except that there is an extra upward throwing action.

Lin Hui doesn't like this kind of show ball at all, this kind of ball is not only good-looking!In fact, there is no fart effect!

Since he prepared the ball to release water!Then it would be perfect to serve a show ball!

It can perfectly show the contour and curvature of his beautiful face!

Sure enough, as he expected, Wang Ke caught his ball, and it was obvious that the opponent was going all out, while Lin Hui seemed to be playing the ball very seriously, but was actually releasing the water polo.

water polo?Obviously let others see that he is playing seriously, but also can see that this is a careless loss that should not be lost.

Since Lin Hui is playing water polo, he must have a correct attitude and a decent appearance!

Concentrate, be serious, and look directly at the direction of the ball!

When the ball fell, Lin Hui lightly sliced ​​the ball to Wang Ke who was on the opposite side.

Chopping is often said to be a wild way, but he does not agree with this point of view, because Lu Ziye often loses to their wild players with regular shots!

For Wang Ke, cutting the ball is not a difficult one. He easily controlled the changing ball from Lin Hui.

He handed the ball to Lin Hui again.

"Lin Hui, what do you mean by cutting the ball for a while and short the ball for a while? When did he start messing around!"

Although Xu Xin is a member of the women's team, she can still see the basics of the ball.

I really can't figure out what kind of medicine is sold in Lin Hui's gourd!

Lin Hui could win the side cricket just now. Even if Wang Ke had a quick reaction and could figure out how to deal with the side cricket, even if time wasted, his chances of winning were still very small.

But now Lin Hui is serving a high toss, which can be done with a single spike. He insisted on chopping the ball, but now he has replaced it with a short ball. Is this his tactic?
Xu Xin was a little at a loss!
"I don't know!"

"Jianhua, what do you think?!"

"I don't know what Lin Hui is trying to sell!"

Jianhua and Lin Hui are the best partners, even Jianhua doesn't know what Lin Hui is playing, it seems that only Lin Hui knows.

It seems that Xu Xin can only watch Lin Hui on the stage, what kind of ball to hit next.

(End of this chapter)

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