Chapter 718
"Brother Lin Hui, since Xu Xin has said so, then I will be with you"

Hee hee "Let's go together!"

It could be heard that Li Yu was not annoyed by Lin Hui's words just now, instead he jumped up and down in front of Lin Hui, took his arm, looked up at him, and waited for Lin Hui's consent.

If it was the old days, Lin Hui would say that he couldn't let Lin Hui come with him, but now Xu Xin is interceding for Li Yu, if he continues to refuse, it will not show that he is too unkind.

Lin Hui could only nod helplessly.

"Great!" After finishing speaking, she continued to run to Xu Xin's side like a little rabbit.

"Xu Xin, what happened to your leg?"

Xu Xin is also a good-tempered person, and smiled at Li Yu and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I'm walking crookedly, but I'm almost fine!"

"With me here, just look for me along the way, you're welcome!"

Li Yu acted as if she was there for everything.

Li Yu planned to surprise Brother Lin Hui after getting on the train, so it would be useless for Brother Lin Hui to say anything, since she had already boarded the train bound for her.

But what he didn't expect was that there would be such a long waiting time, but she could go forward to find them.

Brother Lin Hui said that she was ashamed as soon as she came up. Fortunately, Xu Xin has been helping her out, so she won't be so embarrassing.

"Li Yu, sit down, I want to ask you a few more questions, I haven't had the chance before, but now I have time!"

Xu Xin pulled Li Yu to sit next to him, while Lin Hui could only squeeze into another seat.

"Xu Xin, what do you want to ask? What do you say?"

"Haven't you been abroad all the time? I just want to ask you if there are any clubs playing table tennis abroad?"

As soon as Xu Xin finished speaking, Lin Hui scoffed.

Apart from eating and playing, how could she know this all day long!Li Yu is just a small reporter.

Unexpectedly, what surprised Lin Hui was what Li Yu talked to Xu Xin with great relish.

"Yes, I interviewed my senior sister when I was in school, and there are more than one table tennis clubs. They are all clubs specially opened after athletes retire. The people who can enter the clubs are rich and rich. But I can’t get in, but anyone who can get in has won awards in the table tennis competition, which shows how strong the club is.”

Listening to Li Yu's words, Lin Hui suddenly felt why Xu Xin would suddenly ask Li Yu this.Have other ideas?
Isn't she doing well in the national team?How could there be such an idea?
Lin Hui continued to listen to their chat.

"Have you ever seen them play?"

"I don't have this, but I have heard that those boys in the club are completely different people on the field. They are not hooked to their usual wealth. They are very heroic and they are very brave in the game The heroic demeanor on the field drew a group of little girls cheering from below." Li Yu said with a fascinated look.

Lin Hui looked at her like this, so what?

It's just playing table tennis. Does it have such a big charm?Those who know are playing table tennis, those who don't know think it's a star.

"Li Yu, is it as exaggerated as you said? Is our domestic table tennis not as good as others?!"

Li Yu moved gently to Xu Xin's ear, whispering something, and then the two of them suddenly laughed.

Lin Hui wanted to hear what the two were saying clearly, but the voice was too low, he couldn't hear clearly at all, and could only listen to the two of them laughing.

"Li Yu, if I have the opportunity to go abroad, I will definitely go and see what the club you mentioned is like!"

"I'm sure you won't be old if you listen to my mistakes, what about that club lover!"

With Lin Hui beside him, he couldn't get in a word, so he could only listen to the two of them chattering about something he didn't understand.

Raising his arm, Lin Hui looked at his watch. It was still early, so he could just rest for a while.

The restless noise made him gradually fall asleep.

He dreamed of his grandma, and when he saw his grandma, he threw himself into her arms.

Seeing that grandma was still so kind, he immediately told grandma the good news that he won the championship, and brought the trophy and gold medal to grandma for her to see.

Holding Lin Hui's gold medal and trophy, grandma smiled and said, "My grandson has grown up and is promising, grandma is proud of you!"

Talking about grandma's tears, she kept crying.

Lin Hui knew that these were the tears from grandma who cried with joy. He always worried and caused trouble for grandma. He never thought that he could get such good grades now.

"Grandma, this is just the beginning, I want to bring back all the trophies and gold medals for you to see!"

Although Lin Hui was in a dream when he said this, only he could understand his feelings. He was rejected by his father and gossiped behind his back by his father's new wife.

Now that he has returned with the championship, this is enough to make them lower their eyebrows at him, but this is not what Lin Hui wants.

Although he was looked down upon by others before, now he wants to make them feel that they have no eyes and are using pearls as fish eyes!
"Brother Lin Hui, brother Lin Hui, wake up!"

Li Yu shook Lin Hui vigorously, but Lin Hui had no intention of waking up.

"Xu Xin, Brother Jianhua, quickly look at what's wrong with Brother Lin Hui, why are there tears in the corners of his eyes, what's wrong with Brother Lin Hui?"

Sitting next to Lin Hui, Li Yu suddenly saw Lin Hui trembling all over, and when she got close to Lin Hui to look, she found that Brother Lin Hui's eyes were wet with tears.

She hurriedly called everyone.

Although he had called loudly, brother Lin Hui still didn't wake up.

Jianhua came over, looked at Lin Hui and said to the big guy, "It should be Lin Hui having a nightmare, it's okay, he often does this, but you don't need to disturb him, he will wake up after a while."

Jianhua and Lin Hui lived in the same dormitory, and Lin Hui would often yell loudly in the middle of the night, punching and kicking, and when he walked over, Lin Hui's face was wet with tears or sweat.

After Lin Hui woke up, he asked Lin Hui, and Lin Hui told him that he had a nightmare. He asked Lin Hui what kind of nightmare it was, but Lin Hui avoided talking about it.

It can be seen that he is unwilling to mention the things in the dream.

After about 5 minutes, Lin Hui slowly opened his eyes and saw big guys surrounding him.

"Why are you all looking at me, what happened?"

"We still want to ask you what happened, why are you shaking all over and crying again?" Jianhua asked back.

Lin Hui recalled what happened just now. He just had a dream. In the dream, he saw his grandma and thought of his father and the woman his father was looking for. He couldn't remember other things when he woke up. up.

As for the tears that Jianhua said, he didn't know at all, he didn't know why he was crying, and he didn't feel anything when he was shaking.

"Khan, I thought it was a big deal. As for you mobilizing people around me like this, didn't I just sleep and have a dream?" Lin Hui said lightly, calmly.

He had nothing to do at all, and everyone looked extremely nervous, especially Li Yu, who looked very nervous.

If he doesn't say something insignificant at this time, everyone will wonder if something really happened to him.

"Lin Hui, you look like this, how frightened Li Yu is? What's the matter with us big men!"

Jianhua had witnessed Li Yu's nervousness just now, and up to now, Li Yu's face is still pale.

Look how scared the girl is!
Lin Hui looked at Li Yu, "I'm fine, don't worry!"

"It's less than 10 minutes, everyone should go there for convenience, Shaojie, help me to go over there." Xu Xin said deliberately.

It was only later that Shaojie realized Xu Xin's intentions, he let out a oh, and helped Xu Xin to leave.

Jianhua stood there dumbly, Shaojie saw that he hadn't followed, so he deliberately made a chirping sound.

He hurriedly said, "I want to be convenient, you two look at the luggage of the big guy." Then he followed behind Shaojie and Xu Xin.

Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Hui started to hold Li Yu's hand slowly, "Did it scare you just now?"

Li Yu shook his head, and then said, "Brother Lin Hui and I shared weal and woe when we were abroad. I wasn't afraid at that time. How could I be afraid? I was just worried that Brother Lin Hui wouldn't take me with me. That's what I'm most afraid of."

Lin Hui patted Li Yu's forehead lightly, "Idiot, I won't let you follow me. I'm worried that you will suffer with us all the way. It will take more than ten hours by car. I'm saying that the conditions in the province are not like Bj's." The conditions are much better, I'm worried that you won't be used to it!"

"There's nothing I'm not used to. As long as there is Brother Lin Hui, I can live anywhere. I always thought that Brother Lin Hui disliked me and was afraid of letting me follow you."

It didn't occur to Li Yu that it wasn't what Li Yu thought. Brother Lin Hui was thinking about him from the beginning to the end.

But the matter has been discussed, Li Yu's heart is not as uncomfortable as before.

When she saw brother Lin Hui, his eyes were not noses and eyes were not eyes. If Xu Xin hadn't been chatting with her, I don't know how embarrassing it would be.

Fortunately, she was thinking too much, and didn't think that brother Lin Hui was doing it for her own good.

"You can't lie to me like this in the future, do you understand?!" Lin Hui seemed to be speaking in an angry tone, but there was no anger at all.

How did this make Li Yu come back? If she told Brother Lin Hui truthfully, would Brother Lin Hui let her come?Certainly not, if she hadn't been begging for nothing to follow, and Xu Xin was interceding for her, Brother Lin Hui would definitely not have let her go to the provincial team with them.

Seeing that Li Yu didn't speak for a long time, Lin Hui asked, "Li Yu, what are you thinking?"

"Brother Lin Hui, if I sue you, will you still let me follow you?"

"That depends on the situation!"

look!Li Yu knew Brother Lin Hui was like this, but he didn't expect Brother Lin Hui to continue to say, "In general, I know how to do it!"

Li Yu had a smile on his face when he said this.

"However, Li Yu, you can't make such claims in the future. If we didn't take the same train as you this time, what would you do if you couldn't find us? Fortunately, you saw us. Besides, if the bad guys What can I do if I abduct you? You are too simple, if those traffickers abduct you, you don’t want to cry, what will Xiaoye and I do?"

As Lin Hui spoke, he became more and more frightened.And Li Yu listened to Lin Hui's words, as if he was scaring a three-year-old child.

"Brother Lin Hui, I am no longer a three-year-old child, how can I be kidnapped by others!"

"Don't think that I'm joking with you. It's someone your age who kidnapped you. If you give you a bottle of water or talk to you, you will believe that you really met a good person. You never thought that these are all liars." The pretense is to make you trust them and follow them, you know? How dangerous this society is, how can you, a little girl, know it!"

Lin Hui's words seemed to be more and more plausible, but how could Li Yu believe it? "Brother Lin Hui, this is already a society ruled by law, so why is there such a thing as human trafficking? Are you worrying too much?"

"I hope I am worrying too much. I also hope that this society will be a peaceful and stable society. I hope these things will not happen again." Lin Hui said with a more serious tone.

It was as if he had encountered such a thing before.

"Brother Lin Hui, don't think about it. Let me drink some water to moisten your throat." Li Yu handed a bottle of water to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took two sips and continued to say, "Li Yu, whether you believe what I say or not, you must tell me about everything you do in the future. After all, your parents are not by your side, and you will also be with you at night. He is also a heartless child, if something happens, it will be too late to regret it, you know?"

Brother Lin Hui's words didn't seem to scare her. Li Yu knew that Brother Lin Hui cared about her and was afraid that something might happen to her.

"Brother Lin Hui, I understand, next time I will tell you in advance, I won't make my own decisions!"

Seeing Li Yu speak so sincerely, Lin Hui felt relieved, either he was scaring Li Yu, or there were many things that they couldn't imagine.

In case something really happens, or if an accident happens, it will be too late to regret.

Lin Hui lived under the wing of his grandma since he was a child, and he knew the hardships of life. He didn't know how much ridicule and abuse he suffered when he was young.

But he has been strong all the way, and now there is another girl beside him that he wants to protect.

Although what he said was a bit excessive, he was always thinking of Li Yu.

He couldn't let Li Yu have another accident. It happened once when he was abroad, and he couldn't allow Li Yu to have any unnecessary things happen under his nose in China.

Lin Hui lowered his eyebrows and looked at the girl in front of him. She was cute and beautiful, and she wanted to make people have a desire to protect. This was the first time Lin Hui wanted to protect a girl with his life.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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