After Lin Hui got the good news, he was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep all night.

He tossed and turned on the bed, thinking that this Jianhua was finally enlightened.

He can rest easy and sleep well. In the past, when the big guys played together, they still had to worry about Jianhua's feelings. This is fine now. If Jianhua and Han Yun are together, everyone can play as much as they want up.

When he arrived here, Lin Hui felt refreshed.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep with a smile!
The next day, after breakfast, Lin Hui and Jianhua went to the training room to practice playing!
However, when I just left the dormitory, I saw a familiar figure hovering around!

This person is none other than Wenya who has been away from Jianhua for a long time!

she!How did she appear here?Not only Lin Hui was surprised by Wenya's appearance, but even Jianhua was also very surprised.

Lin Hui glanced at Jianhua, and that look was still full of affection mixed with a bit of sadness.

It's not that Jianhua still has more affection for her.

Looking at Wenya again, Wenya's sadness is more of guilt.

Lin Hui could tell at a glance that this Wenya was abandoned by a rich man and came here to entangle Jianhua?

Isn't this a bad dish!
No one else knows how much Wenya hurt Jianhua, but how can Lin Hui not know!
How long did it take him and how many people persuaded him to let Jianhua come out.

Now it's too immoral to come back to entangle Jianhua!

All their hard work is in vain!In particular, Jianhua's elegant eyes can still see a trace of love.

And Jianhua just decided to be with Han Yun yesterday, and Wenya came to him today.

We must not let Jianhua and Wenya have anything to do with this woman again!
It was Jianhua who was injured like this, and it was their friends who healed Jianhua in the end.

However, to be honest, this is too coincidental!
Lin Hui really couldn't figure it out, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?But he still confidently said to Jianhua, "Jianhua, let's go!"

As he said that, he was about to pull Jianhua away, but Jianhua shook Lin Hui's hand directly.

This, this, Lin Hui was stunned on the spot. Could it be that Jianhua is planning to turn around!

"Jianhua, wake up! This Wenya hurt you before, where did she go when you were drunk at night, and she is back now, there must be some purpose!"

Lin Hui no longer hid it, and reminded Jianhua directly.

However, the current Jianhua can't listen to it at all.

Looking at Lin Hui with a particularly innocent look, "Lin Hui, you go first, I'll be there in a while!"

"Jianhua, do you want to go back to the old life again!"

That is jumping into the fire pit, which is suicidal.

No matter what Lin Hui said, Jianhua could not be allowed to do this.

At the same time, Wen Ya also sensed Lin Hui's hostility and walked up to him.

Lin Hui was obviously at a loss!

"Lin Hui, Jianhua and I will leave after a few words, it won't take too long!"

Wen Ya's eyes were full of pleas, Lin Hui, a big man, felt a little sympathetic, let alone Jian Hua!

Then he glanced at Jianhua helplessly, at this moment Jianhua made Lin Hui feel unspeakably distressed.

But he still let out a long sigh.

"Jianhua, don't forget what you said last night!"

Lin Hui could only remind Jianhua like this.

He was just about to decide to be with Han Yun yesterday, but today Wenya ran out of nowhere, if Jianhua turned his back on it!
That Jianhua was jumping into the fire pit by himself.

"Lin Hui, I see. What I said still counts. Since Wen Ya came to see me, she must have encountered some difficulties. I will go there later, you go first!"

Originally, Lin Hui wanted to nag Jianhua, but he heard Jianhua urging him to leave, so he had to look back at Jianhua and Wenya while walking.

In my heart, I kept complaining about Wen Ya, this person is also true, if he doesn't come sooner or later, he will come at this time!

Finally, Jianhua decided to change her mind and start over, but she came here to disrupt the situation again!

Have you forgotten?She once did something harmful to Jianhua!Did he come to lie to Jianhua again this time? ?
No, he has to listen to what the two of them are talking about?
"Jianhua, me!"

As soon as Wenya said that, Jianhua looked up at Wenya, and Wenya immediately lowered her head in shame!
Jianhua had imagined countless times before that when he met Wenya, would he question Wenya about the past, why did he suddenly leave him? !

But when he saw Wenya again, he realized that there was no need to ask!

On the contrary, seeing her sad eyes will still give birth to compassion!

However, Jianhua still pretended to be calm, and said to Wenya, "Why are you looking for me?"

Listening to Jianhua's gentle voice, he cared about her.

Wenya raised her head slowly, and said to Jianhua, "Jianhua, I know that I did something sorry to you before, but I know I was wrong! I came here specially to apologize to you today, otherwise I would feel bad and would not even sleep Unsafe!"

Bah, Lin Hui spat on the ground, I can't sleep well, if I can't sleep well, why did I appear now?Where did you go?Where did he put Jianhua when he was with those men?

Thinking about these things, Lin Hui couldn't help feeling angry.

He leaned closer to his ear and continued to listen to what Jianhua had to say.

"Graceful! The past is the past!"

Just after she said this, Wenya stared straight at Jianhua, "Have you let go of our previous love? Have you forgotten all the time we spent together? Jianhua, you put me away so quickly. Let it go? Are you too cruel to me?"

Really shameless, who is cruel?Obviously you left Jianhua at the beginning, but now that you are back, you blame Jianhua for all your faults. It is really unreasonable. I never thought that there are such women in the world!

When thinking of this, Lin Hui was so angry that he just wanted to pat his thigh.

Let him have a proper insight into actively manipulating people's hearts.

Then Lin Hui shifted his gaze to Jianhua, "Don't remind this woman of the rumors, she is a witch, deceiving the public! Seeing that you are soft-hearted, I want to confuse you!"

However, I heard Jianhua raised his head in a daze and said to Wenya, "Ruthless, who is ruthless? You abandoned me at the beginning. Until now, I don't know why. I was playing abroad, and you alone There is no phone call, just tell me to break up, who is ruthless?!"

When Wenya heard Jianhua's words, she held Jianhua's hand directly, "I knew it was me, and you still blame me until now, don't you?"

With tears in her eyes at this moment, Wenya questioned Jianhua again and again.

On the contrary, Lin Hui snorted coldly in the corner alone: ​​You have the nerve to ask, don't you know?What you do is deeply hurting Jianhua, but Jianhua can still accept your wordy words at this time, you are really a man!

If it were someone else, they would definitely not stand and talk with you as friendly as Jianhua!
Suddenly, a pair of big hands patted Lin Hui's body, "Lin Hui, who are you talking to all by yourself?"

This voice really scared Lin Hui so much that his heart almost jumped out.

But when he looked back, he found that it was Shaojie.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that people are scary, and you want to scare people to death?"

Jianhua looked puzzled. They saw Lin Hui eavesdropping on others, but they blamed him instead.

"Is Lin Hui eavesdropping on someone talking? Who is he eavesdropping on?"

As he spoke, he was about to look in the direction Lin Hui was looking at, but Lin Hui quickly stopped him behind him.

"Lin Hui, you are suspicious. What happened? What's going on in front of you? Don't let me see it!"

For Lin Hui's sudden tugging, Shaojie became even more curious!
What kind of medicine is in this Lin Hui gourd?

Lin Hui pondered for a while, then raised his head, "Wen Ya came to see Jian Hua, and the two of them are chatting over there!"
Lin Hui felt that if he didn't say Wenya, Shaojie would poke his head out and look at Jianhua and Wenya. Instead of doing this, it's better to say it from his mouth.

However, Shaojie turned to Lin Hui with wide eyes when he heard that, "What did you say? Wenya came to Jianhua, why didn't you stop him? Have you forgotten what he did to Jianhua before?"

It seems that no one has forgotten Wenya's harm to Jianhua.

Especially hearing what Shaojie said, Lin Hui felt relieved. It turns out that there are people who think the same as him, and Shaojie!

"Why not? I pulled Jianhua to leave, but Jianhua didn't listen to me no matter what! Let me go first, I can only listen to what they are saying here!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he tilted his ears and gently prepared to listen to the voices of Jianhua and Wenya!
However, they found that the two of them had disappeared!

Lin Hui walked out immediately, "Where's Jianhua? Where did Jianhua go? Why didn't he disappear?"

Looking left and right, he still couldn't find Jianhua's figure, then turned his head to look at Shaojie, "It's all your fault, look at you, what good did you do?!"

Shaojie frowned, but he didn't do anything!

"Are you sure Jianhua was here just now?"

Shaojie now wonders if Lin Hui has misjudged him? !
"You still dare to question me. I am here staring at the two of them. Why are you filming me out of nowhere? You can ruin my good deed, right? If the two of them rekindle their old relationship, what do you ask Han Yun to do? "

Han Yun?Why is it about Han Yun again?

What Lin Hui said made Shaojie confused!
But Shaojie still argued against Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, I can't blame me for this, I'm just passing by!"

"You might as well not pass by! Do you know how much trouble you have caused?!"

Getting into trouble, why did he get into trouble?Can a passing by poke a hole.

"Lin Hui, you can't label me indiscriminately, why did I get into trouble?"

At this moment, Lin Hui couldn't find Jianhua, and began to reason with Shaojie, "Obviously Jianhua planned to be with Han Yun, but your sudden appearance caused Jianhua and Wenya to go to you now. If they both If your old love rekindles, it's all your fault!"

This can also be blamed on him, what a disaster, he is greatly wronged!

"It's not Jianhua, are you just making up a reason to fool me? You can't arrange everything on my head, right? Obviously I didn't see anything!"

"Can I make up these words? I was fine when Jianhua told me last night that he wanted to be with Han Yun. Today, Wenya appeared. I was afraid of Jianhua and her, so I just listened silently here. But it was interrupted by you, you are still here to say!"

When thinking of this matter, Lin Hui's whole body was full of anger, and he blamed Shaojie for ruining the good thing!

"Lin Hui, I really don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't call you anything, and I'll listen to it with you!"

Shaojie never thought that he would cause such a big disaster just because he yelled at Lin Hui. If Jianhua and Wenya rekindled again, it would indeed be a big disaster!
"You said, Jianhua really won't be with Wenya?!"

Shaojie didn't talk about it, he was fine, Lin Hui's eyes almost turned green when he said this!
"You still have the nerve to say, if I know, can I say you? I just want to know what happened to the two of them!"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, okay? If he and Wen Ya get back together, I'll call them both Huang, is that okay?!"

Shaojie felt helpless to go!I can only boast like this!

However, at some point, Jianhua suddenly appeared in front of the two of them!

"What are you two talking about? Who are you messing with? Need, do you need my help?"

Seeing Jianhua's puzzled expression, Lin Hui and Shaojie were annoyed and funny when they saw him!
"No, no, no!" Shaojie quickly blushed and said in refusal!

"Shaojie, if you need my help, you can tell me directly. I heard that you are going to hold a birthday party for Xu Xin. Don't you need my help?"

Jianhua thought that Lin Hui had told him about it last night!
"Oh, I need your help! When the time comes, you can just bring your people and your mouth!"

Shaojie quickly responded to Jianhua.

"Of course, it's not easy for you to hold a birthday party for Xu Xin, but I want to come anyway, how can you leave me behind?! Besides, I definitely can't go in vain!"

At this moment, Jianhua seems to have forgotten about him and Wenya, but Lin Hui has been looking at Jianhua in fear!

Jianhua is in such a good mood now, could it be that He Wenya got back together?If this is the case, something big will happen!

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) (end of this chapter)

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