"Jianhua, are you and Wenya reconciled as before?" Lin Hui asked straight to the point without hesitation.

However, Jianhua frowned at Lin Hui when he heard this, "Lin Hui, what are you talking about?!"

"Isn't it? I see that you are in a good mood now. It must be Wenya, this woman who has fascinated you again. Otherwise, why would you be like this?"

Ever since Jianhua came back, he looked excited when he saw Jianhua's state. Didn't something good happen, what is it!
Then Jianhua was unhappy on the spot, "What happened to me?"

Unceremoniously asked the yin and yang Lin Hui!

"You don't care about this woman or that woman, he has a name Wen Ya!"

look!Looking at Jianhua's tone now, it's clear that he and Wenya are reconciled as before!

Otherwise, how could he protect her so much?
It seems that Jianhua took what he said yesterday as air!

"Did you forget what you said yesterday? You said you wanted to be with Han Yun, but today you are with Wenya! I never thought you would be like this! I am really disappointed!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he was about to shake his arms and leave, but was stopped by Shaojie.

"Lin Hui, I didn't say anything to Jianhua now. It's not too late to leave after Jianhua finishes speaking!"

"What's there to say, look at his sunny face, as if something good happened! Apart from reuniting with Wenya, how could he be like this?!"

Even with his eyes closed, Lin Hui could guess that Jianhua and Wenya are sure that they are back together again.

If the two of them get better, what about Han Yun?
Where to put Han Yun, Han Yun is so good, but he wants to be elegant, Lin Hui is really mad at him!

Seeing Lin Hui like this, Shaojie hurriedly asked Jianhua, "Jianhua, what's going on? Tell us quickly! Just now Lin Hui said that you saw Wenya! Is it true? Wenya is back? He What are you looking for?"

Compared with Lin Hui's irascibility, Shaojie seemed calmer!

However, Jianhua didn't hide anything, "Yes! Wenya came to see him, but the two of us have explained everything before!"

say clearly?Who are you kidding!In the past, the two of them didn't even make it clear when they broke up, but now they made it clear when they suddenly appeared, how could Lin Hui believe what Jianhua said!

He gave a soft snort, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and ate melon on his face.

"Jianhua, tell me clearly, are you going to die in a hurry! What do you mean by clarifying the past? You have forgotten all the past, or do you have to start over!?"

Shaojie also wanted to know what happened to the two of them now? !
Could it be that as Lin Hui said, Jianhua really wanted to turn around, and all their previous efforts were wasted?Besides, what is there to love about such a person? !

Jianhua abandoned him at the critical moment of playing basketball. It was their teammates, these brothers and sisters who accompanied Jianhua through the difficulties one by one. The scenes of the past are still standing in front of our eyes!

"No, Wen Ya is here to tell me that she is getting engaged!"

"Engagement? This engagement made Lin Huihui and Shaojie look at each other!
Then Shaojie asked Ci Jianhua again, "Who is engaged to, isn't he engaged to you before?"

"Shaojie, what are you talking about? The two of us have already passed away, it is impossible to get engaged, of course with his current engaged object!"

As a result, Lin Hui and Shaojie became more and more confused, and his current marriage partner.

Then what does she mean by coming? Is he coming to sue Jianhua to attend his engagement banquet?

If that's the case, what is Wen Ya thinking?Getting engaged to your current boyfriend and having your ex attend is too bad!
"No, Jianhua, she came to you to tell you, is she getting engaged? Then why did she sue you for getting engaged?"

Shaojie had the same doubts as Lin Hui.

"It's nothing, it's just that Wenya thinks she's going to get engaged, and she thought she was a little cruel to me in the past, now that the two of us have made it clear, let this matter pass, besides, we have already started our own new lives , is it not a good result!"

Jianhua spoke frankly.

It made Lin Hui feel that Wenya was looking for him, and it seemed that Jianhua had really let go.

If this is the case, then Lin Hui is very happy for Jianhua!
"Jianhua, what do you mean by that, Wenya doesn't want you to attend her engagement banquet, but to feel sorry for all the things you did before, is that what you mean?"

Jianhua nodded!

It turned out that it was like this, so he and she had a little conscience, knew her fault, and apologized to Li Jianhua.

"Is it true? Jianhua, if it is true, it would be great, just a little bit, you don't know that my wealth and life were lost in your hands!"

When Shaojie heard this, he immediately asked Jianhua.

"Shaojie, what do you mean by that? Why is your life in my hands?!"

"Jianhua, don't listen to Shaojie's nonsense, this is nothing at all!"

Lin Hui tried his best to stop him, for fear that his mistake just now would be known by Jianhua!
"You two were sneaking around just now, what the hell were you doing? Could it be that you suspected that I was kidnapped by Wenya and reconciled as before!"

When Shaojie heard Jianhua say this, he naturally nodded.

"It turned out to be true! What do you think? After finally coming back alive, how could she go back to the past again? Besides, she just said goodbye to the past with me!"

At this moment, Jianhua is expressing his point of view.

"That's good, but it scared me to death. I really thought something happened!"

Lin Hui murmured cautiously by himself.

"By the way, don't we go to practice?"

Jianhua asked Lin Hui.

"I don't want to go to practice anymore, of course I have to practice!" Zai, you will be in a good mood, and when you hear that he is very elegant and will never go back to the way he was before, he will be happier than anyone else.

So thinking that Jianhua was going to be with Han Yun made him even more happy.

He even hummed a little song, "The weather is so clear and clear today! Everywhere is beautiful, beautiful!"

As soon as he entered the training room, Xu Xin heard Lin Hui's childish voice, and asked him, "Lin Hui, why are you restrained, and you still sing such a simple song!"

However, when Lin Hui heard what Xu Xin said, he couldn't help frowning. Such a beautiful song, what is it called ugly? He knows how to appreciate it!
But it doesn't matter, he is in a great mood today!
"Xu Xin, I'm in a good mood! Where is restraint? Will you watch it?"

"In a good mood?" This blood type is very curious, to understand what is the reason, the mood is so good, and even twisted the little brother
I glanced at Jianhua, then at Shaojie, and then quietly said to Xu Xin, Xu Xin, you know what?Yesterday Jianhua became enlightened, and he actually told me that he wanted to make friends with Han Yu. Do you think this is something to be happy about?

However, Humbly listened and froze on the spot, and shouted loudly what?
"Why are you so surprised? It's like I said something scary!"

However, Xu Xin quickly shook his head, no, no, I just feel unbelievable about what you said, is it true?Did Xue Jianhua really agree to have a try with Han Yu?
"There can be lies in this one sentence is one sentence, one by one, one by one, can I still tell lies? Besides, isn't Jianhua in front of you?"

Lin Hui was very high-profile when he said this!
"If you say that, that would be great. I never thought that Jianhua would have such a day. I thought he only had Wenya in his heart. I didn't expect him to finally make it to this day!"

When Xu Xin talked about being elegant, Lin Hui didn't want me to tell Xu Xin another good thing.

"I have one more thing, I want to tell you something I'm happy about! That is, Wenya is getting engaged, and the engagement partner is not Jianhua, are you happy?!"

When Xu Xin heard what Lin Hui said, he was stunned on the spot, and this quickly pulled Lin Hui aside.

"What did you do? Do you still want Jianhua to be sad again?! Jianhua can't hear these two words! And if he wants to get engaged, he will get engaged. If you let Jianhua know, it will be great! "

However, Jianhua and Shao Jie, who were standing aside, had completely listened to what Lin Hui and Xu Xin said!

Jianhua directly opened his mouth and said to Xu Xin that it's okay, Wenya and I have become a thing of the past, besides, if he can find his own husband, I wish him well!
Nani?What is the situation?Xu Xin listened to the circle one day!

His ex-girlfriend is getting married, but he is not the one to marry, and he is still very happy.What kind of business is this?

"Xu Xian, don't you know that when Wenya came here today, she deliberately told Jianhua that he was getting engaged!"

"Wen Ya, you came here today and told Jian Hua that he is getting engaged!"

Isn't this clearly stabbing Jianhua with a knife?How could he say such things to Jianhua at this critical moment? !

This woman is really ruthless. Fortunately, Jianhua and him did not get together at the beginning. If they did, it is impossible to say how much Jianhua will suffer and suffer from him!
"No, if he gets married, come here and tell Jianhua, isn't it okay to stab Jianhua in his heart? What is he thinking? How can he do this?!"

Xu Xin couldn't figure it out!
"Didn't the front teeth come today? He deliberately wanted to apologize to Jianhua. He felt guilty for what Jianhua did before, and even left without saying goodbye! I hope Jianhua will not be sad!"

Lin Hui humbly explained about Wen Ya's coming here!

"I mean, I don't understand, he loves to get married, get married, loves to get engaged, get married! What's the matter with Jianhua? Besides, is he trying to make Jianhua jealous?"

From a woman's point of view, isn't this Wenya's behavior too insincere? !
Which predecessor would have reached his level, and what was his predecessor doing?Is this not hypocrisy?
"Xu Xin is not as complicated as you imagined. I don't care about the past anymore. Even if he looks back, I will be very calm!"

Listening to Xu Xian fighting for him.Jianhua felt very happy.

Before it was Lin Hui, then Shaojiezi, and then Xu Xin, they said similar things to him one by one.

Although I think he didn't make such a friend in vain!
Besides, there is only one owed between him and us. Why?
Now that he knows, the two of us have found someone better than him, which naturally gives Wen Ya the right to choose a better one.

"In the future, don't talk to this kind of person again. I really haven't seen this kind of person. What does he mean by telling you that he is going to get engaged? Does he want to make you angry? Whose ex would do this is too disgusting Bar!"

In fact, they are defending Jianhua against injustice!
In fact, Lin Hui and Xu Xin had the same idea.

I feel that this woman, Wen Ya, is really unnatural, and she is still like Huo Huo Jianhua now!
Okay, Jianhua has forgotten that the international is destined to start over!Otherwise, I will be hooked up by him again!
"Okay, stop discussing Wenya! This matter should be turned over from now on, and it is Jianhua and Hanyun that should be discussed in the future!"

"Han Yun?" Xu Xin asked Lin Hui and Jianhua!

"Yue Jianhua is going to be friends with Han Yun, so I will naturally regard the four things about Wenya as past tense in the future!"

Lin Hui also started talking to Xu Xin!

"Is it true with Han Yun? If the man is like this, it's great. I think Han Yu is pretty good. I didn't think that Han Yun finally received Qin Kai to see Yueming. Does Han Yun know now?"

"I don't know what was decided yesterday. I haven't had time to tell Han Yun today. How can I know? Jianhua has made up his mind. What's the matter if we talk about it early? Everyone knows it. Keep it secret!"

At this moment Minghui thought of it, but Han Yu must not let it know, especially the few of them, must not leak the news!

"Okay, we definitely won't talk about it. On the contrary, Lin Huimin, you talk a lot. If you don't talk about it, we will feel burnt!"

Shaojie suddenly spoke to Lin Hui!

"Shaojie, what are you talking about? Am I so talkative? If I say that again, I won't help you anymore!"

When Lin Hui mentioned this gang, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and Shaojie immediately understood.

Begging for mercy to Lin Hui, "I was wrong, I was wrong, can't I?"

There are fewer people with a more correct attitude among teenagers, and they will not change. Don't live too much with Shaojie!

"Okay! I won't say much to you this time. Be careful next time when you speak, or I won't help you, you know?"

You will remind Shaojie again, but sister Jie keeps nodding her head!

Xu Xin could see this state, how could this Shaojie be submissive?Could it be that Lin Hui caught something of him? !
Or, Lin Hui shouldn't threaten Shaojie with his skills.

He is too lazy to care about the affairs between the boys!
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(End of this chapter)

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