Chapter 727
When it was daylight, Jianhua prepared to go to early training after a night of adjustments.

Looking at the sleeping Lin Hui, he walked out with light steps.

Lin Hui rushed to the gymnasium after waking up!There is more intense training today.

He didn't want others to say that the two of them were being lazy!Especially Bai Qi and Zhang Liang.

When I entered the training room, I saw that everyone had already started practicing.

Jianhua, who had been standing all the time, said, "You guys are here, how is Xu Xin doing?!"

Zhang Liang was teaching Chen Qingfeng, and he stood aside from time to time looking to see if there were figures of Lin Hui and Shaojie in the distance.

After all, Xu Xin is also Coach Xu's daughter, and Coach Xu treats him very well. At this time, Shaojie and Lin Hui are by Xu Xin's side, but he is not around. He wants to know if Xu Xin is okay right away.

When Lin Hui and Shaojie came back, he hurried forward to consult.

After hearing Lin Hui say, "It's nothing serious, just a little hypoglycemia!" Jianhua's hanging heart finally sank

He said in a low voice, "Oh, that's good!"

And Bai Qi who was standing aside heard their conversation, and his face was obviously relaxed a lot!

Just when they came back, Qing Feng and Zhang Liang stopped playing the ball that was about to end. They felt relieved when they heard that Xu Xin was fine.

Zhang Liang clapped his hands, everyone's attention was focused on him, and then he said to everyone: "Everyone, stop standing still, and return to your respective positions to start our training today."

The cruel devil-like training is about to start again, and everyone is sighing!

Lin Hui found that his hand was very painful. Some guy must have bumped him, but for the benefit of the team, it should be fine if he endured it and went back to apply heat. It should be a minor injury.

"Lin Hui, let's go!" The moment Lin Hui stood there frowning, Jianhua called him, and he immediately pulled back his thoughts.

Jianhua had already walked a certain distance, Lin Hui trotted to catch up with Jianhua.

Soon they came to the familiar table. Lin Hui took out the other table tennis rackets on the pants behind him, picked up the table tennis balls that were always prepared behind him, and prepared to serve!

Hey, why does the hand seem to be constantly moving, very heavy?He tried again, but it didn't work.

If the right hand is not good, then switch to the left hand, his left hand is not bad, it's just that he is used to the right hand and forgets to use the left hand!
He moved the muscles and bones of his left hand and felt that it had been stretched.

"Lin Hui, why did you switch to playing with your left hand?"

Jianhua saw that Lin Hui was preparing to serve with his right hand first, but then he seemed to feel that his right hand did not feel good, so he switched to his left hand, which caught Jianhua's attention.

"I haven't practiced my left hand for a long time, I'm afraid it will become unfamiliar. My left hand is not necessarily worse than my right hand!"

Yeah?He has never seen Lin Hui use his left hand?Jianhua didn't think much about it, maybe just like what Lin Hui said, he just wanted to practice his left hand.

Never knew the power of Lin Hui's left hand.Is he still hiding something?He can see and see today.

With a bang, the ball landed on Jianhua's chopping board. He counterattacked back, and Lin Hui passed the ball back smoothly. The power of his left hand was no less than that of his right hand.It seems that Lin Hui is right.

Jianhua still couldn't help but praised, "Yes! Lin Hui, your left hand is as smooth as your right hand!"

That is!His left hand has always been used in case of emergency, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now!

It is estimated that it will be completely destroyed by the other party's wishful thinking!Lin Hui couldn't figure out why he wanted to destroy him. Among these few people, Zhang Liangbaiqi's game skills were better than his. Why did he fight against him?

Is it just to hit him, make the team lose a member, mess up the position, and lose the pillar?

This may be the case, but this does not affect his performance, his left hand can still look down on his right hand!

"Jianhua, then you have to be careful, be careful that my left hand is merciless!"

Lin Hui smiled and joked at Jianhua.

"Watch the ball, let the horse come here! Who is afraid of who?"

Who is afraid of who?What the hell is Jianhua talking about, if he says things he doesn't understand all day long, he can't understand the human language he can understand!

Whatever he says?Certainly not a good word, he hit his ball and it was over!


The voices sounded one after another, Lin Hui's body was obviously a little weak, what's wrong with him, why did he feel that his body was a little weak and weak?

And he could visibly move his sweat drops to the ground drop by drop.

I don't know if it's because Jianhua's skills are getting better, or he's a little tired, and now his whole body is soaked in sweat.


The sound of ping-pong-pong was still coming from the ping-pong ball. Although Lin Hui felt a little unwell, he could still persevere. After all, every training session was treated like a professional game.

If I feel unwell on the field, I can tell the referee that I am unwell and stop playing. This is definitely not acceptable!I can only persevere and insist on finishing this round.

Lin Hui wanted to make a quick decision to end his practice with Jianhua, but he didn't expect the two of them to fight so fiercely that Zhang Qi and Bai Liang were attracted to watch the battle.

"Lin Hui actually plays with his left hand, but his skills with his left hand are not bad! If he plays with his left hand, it will definitely surpass his right hand!"

Zhang Liang said calmly with his hand on his chin.

"The difficulty of the left hand is more difficult than that of the right hand, and it is really rare to have a lot of room to play! But his play will definitely surprise the opponent and catch them off guard! I think the left hand really has a very good idea."

Bai Liang stood beside Zhang Liang, observing Lin Hui's every move and discussing his skills.He also agreed with Zhang Liang's point of view at the moment.

Pa, just as Bai Qi and Zhang Liang finished speaking.

Lin Hui fell down!

He was really handsome for only three seconds, why did he fall down?

Then I watched Lin Hui get up from the ground and continue to serve.

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang looked more and more blurred. Lin Hui's ball was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't exert his strength at all.

They also wanted to suggest that Lin Hui would definitely be sharper when playing with his left hand than with his right hand!
But it turns out that the two of them don't seem to be right!
Immediately afterwards, after hitting a few balls, Lin Hui fell down again.

What happened to Lin Hui?I have fallen down twice today, and Bai Qi's forehead is tightly wrinkled.Even Zhang Liang who was standing next to him felt very embarrassed. The two of them slapped their faces within a few minutes after they finished speaking.

He wanted to turn his face to other directions, but he really couldn't bear to look at it!

"Lin Hui, do you want to take a rest?"

Jianhua was quite surprised that Lin Hui fell twice in a row. Lin Hui had already fallen twice in a row. The deviation of the center of gravity made him lose his balance. In my past, Lin Hui would never have this kind of situation. What is going on here?

Lin Hui, who never used his left hand, unexpectedly switched to his left hand today.

Lin Hui supported his heavy body with his left hand and shouted, "No!"

Slowly got up and stood up slightly tired, the sweat on his face had blurred his vision.

He wiped the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his left hand.

Why did Lin Hui do all the movements with his left hand today, why did he not use his right hand, and Lin Hui's current appearance made Jianhua feel a little bit unbearable, but Lin Hui still insisted!

Jianhua could only continue to accompany Lin Hui.The biggest humiliation for an athlete is to be afraid that others will say that he is not good!
Lin Hui's state must be like this now. He is afraid that others will criticize him and laugh at him, so he still insists on it. Everyone doesn't need to understand Lin Hui, but Jianhua understands him.

Jianhua timidly slowed down the serving speed a lot. In the first round, Lin Hui could still catch it, but in the second and second rounds, he could see that Lin Hui's physical strength was gradually being consumed. Exhausted.

Then the center of gravity of the whole person was still deviated, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

Jianhua stared blankly at the fallen Lin Hui from a distance, he didn't dare to run to help him, he was afraid that Lin Hui's self-esteem would be hurt, so he just waited for Lin Hui to stand up on the opposite side.

After hearing the sound, Shaojie and Qingfeng rushed over. At this moment, they saw Lin Hui fall heavily to the ground.

Crawled on the ground for a long time without moving.Bai Qi and Zhang Liang still watched, they were no strangers to this kind of thing.

Because their training is also relatively cruel, from foot fractures and hand dislocations to walking step by step, no one in this situation knows better than the two of them that the pain has reached the ninth level and the tenth level the pain!
"Lin Hui, are you okay! How is it?"

Shaojie still couldn't bear to ask Lin Hui who was crawling on the ground with concern.

Lin Hui calmed down, raised his head to Shaojie, "It's okay!"

It's all like this, and nothing has happened. Shaojie really admires Lin Hui's sportsmanship. He was so stubborn when he was in the provincial team, and he is still the same when he comes to the national team.

It would be great if he could change it, perhaps it was because of Lin Hui's stubborn character that he was able to defeat Xu Zhihao. Now Shaojie discovered that Lin Hui exuded an aura, the aura of a king!
He has never seen anyone like him!He was the No.1 that Shaojie had ever seen. Suddenly he admired Lin Hui a little, and felt that Lin Hui was the one chosen by fate, and he should fight for table tennis!
Lin Hui rested briefly on the ground and tried to stand up. He said he was fine just now, but his body betrayed him.

He also wanted to stand up this time like last time, but no matter how he stood up, he couldn't stand up.

Seeing this, Shaojie and Qingfeng quickly helped Lin Hui up.

His shoulders and chest hurt so much!How did that happen?

"Are you injured?" Jianhua stood beside Lin Hui at the moment when Shaojie and Qingfeng helped him. He always felt that Lin Hui was a little strange today. "Is it your right hand? You never use your right hand, but today you use your left hand instead." , how did you get hurt?"


Bai Qi and Zhang Liang heard Jianhua say he was injured, so they hurried forward to see what was going on?

Just now, Lin Hui's twitching sensation came from his right arm, and Qingfeng happened to be supporting Lin Hui's right arm. According to Jianhua's guess, he quickly opened Lin Hui's clothes and saw that there were bruises and bruises on his right shoulder and chest. .

This is caused by being hit by a heavy object!

Bai Qi and Zhang Liang could tell at a glance.

"Lin Hui, what happened to you, what happened when you were sending Xu Xin off?" Qingfeng looked at the big scene and asked unbearably.

From morning till now, Lin Hui was out of sight only during this time.

Shaojie quickly recalled, "He was with Lin Hui all the time, but he left for a while while buying breakfast."

"Is it the guy from just now?"

"Which person?" Bai Qi asked?
"Lin Hui said that when he was going back, he was bumped by someone. It should be that person, right?"

Shaojie stared straight at Lin Hui with sharp eyes and asked.

Lin Hui paled and nodded slightly.

"When Lin Hui and I came here just now, I saw Lin Hui touching his arm all the time. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he was touched by someone, and he said he was fine. I didn't expect it to be so serious. Who could do it so hard? His hand?" Shaojie thought for a while, "It must be a team member, it's really too despicable, too indecent! It's too shameless, can't afford to lose? Use such indecent means!"

When Shaojie spoke, there was anger in his sharp eyes!

Lin Hui had never seen such a side of Shaojie.

"Hurry up and help Lin Hui go back to rest and apply some medicine!" Zhang Liang said.

Shaojie and Qingfeng supported Lin Hui to the dormitory, Jianhua, Bai Qi, and Zhang Liang followed behind them.

Going back to the dormitory, Jianhua found the medicines they usually used to treat bruises. During the usual training, they were more or less injured. The dormitory always kept medicine kits in case they were needed. Unexpectedly, it would play a role now.

Jianhua was applying ointment to Lin Hui's injured area.

Zhang Liang leaned against the wall and said coldly, "Now we have injured two generals, everyone must be careful in the next few days, try not to go out if you can!"

This means that everyone understands it very well, it means that they are afraid that the other party will play tricks again!
Bai Qi disagreed with Zhang Liang's point of view, "It doesn't seem to work! We can't just hide because the other party wants to sanction us. Isn't their purpose just to make us retreat? But we can't do what they want , on the contrary, the more you have to go out openly, the more you have to hang around in front of this group of people! Don't let their scheme succeed!"

"Yes, what should we do, otherwise they think we are afraid?" Shaojie also agreed with Bai Qi's opinion.

"That's right, we are training in the open and aboveboard. We don't have to be afraid of them doing these small tricks again. Since we already know it, we can't admit it." Chen Qingfeng said.

"Is it hurting you, let me take it easy!"

When Jianhua was rubbing the medicine on Lin Hui, it may have hurt Lin Hui and made a muffled sound.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Hui's injured shoulder.

"That's fine! Since everyone agrees with Bai Qi's statement, then we should practice. We are all sports people, so we are not afraid of them!" Bai Qi finally concluded.

Although Lin Hui is not feeling well, he is a sportsman, and everyone should contribute to sports. This injury is not enough to make them shrink back. On the contrary, the more frustrated they become, the more they should face this kind of challenge.

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(End of this chapter)

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