Chapter 728
In recent days, the training room has become busy, and Shaojie often runs to the training room.

At the same time, Lin Hui plans to compete with Shaojie according to the method Li Yu taught him.

However, when Shaojie came to the training room, he asked Lin Hui curiously, "Lin Hui, why did you invite me so early? Didn't you say you were trying to find a way for me? Tell me what it is. its me?"

Lin Hui looked at Shaojie's anxious look, and deliberately said in a mysterious way, "Do you want to know what to do?"

As Lin Hui spoke, he dangled the ping-pong ball back and forth on the table, "Then play a few games with me first, and then I'll tell you!" ran over.

And it seems that Shaojie has a quick eye and a quick hand. For the ball sent by Lin Hui, he caught it with ease.

Lin Hui pursed his lips and smiled, "Wouldn't it be boring if I told you in advance? I have to ask you to fight with me twice, otherwise I'll let you know the solution I worked so hard to find for you. Doesn't this make my method too worthless!"

Shaojie frowned, why is there such a crooked theory? Fortunately, it came from Lin Hui. If it came from Jianhua or someone else, it would be a special accident. He couldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Then Lin Hui, then I will be a few tricks better than you, isn't it just playing ball!"

Anyway, they all know how to practice on weekdays, following practice is also practice, Shaojie put all his worries into play with Lin Hui.

On the other side, seeing Shaojie's appearance, Lin Hui made up his mind.

Immediately said, "Shaojie, you can't play like this! It's completely coaxed! No one plays like you and doesn't look serious. If you are like this, then I won't help you!"

Lin Hui deliberately talked about the method of provoking generals. Even if Shaojie was serious, it was not enough for him.

"Lin Hui, you are wrong to say that. How can I not be serious? Obviously, I am very serious in every movement and every posture. Even the ball you hit and pass, I also actively respond to it. How can you say that I am not serious? Not serious!"

Shaojie refuted Lin Hui all the way.

He doesn't agree with Lin Hui's words, he is very serious about every shot he plays now, no matter the person in front of him is a teammate or someone else, he will always go all out.

But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't change his old problems.

For the strong, he still thinks about how to shrink back and how to escape. For the mentally retarded, he will beat the opponent to the ground without reservation.

"Shaojie, your seriousness is far from enough. You must show the seriousness you usually take in domestic competitions and international competitions! And you must follow it without reservation! Otherwise, I will not tell you the way to overcome difficulties , don't you want to know!"

Lin Hui followed Shaojie to show off his tricks again and again, in order to make Shaojie deliberately confront him with real swords and guns.

At the same time, it gives him a sense of oppression, allowing him to play out without reservation.

Only in this way can he follow the method that Yi taught him, so that Shaojie can win with confidence and strength.

Shaojie could of course hear what Lin Hui said.Lin Hui was deliberately making things difficult for him.

As long as this kid finds a little way, he can be complacent for a while.

There is also such a method to force and use others.

Fortunately, he and Lin Hui came to the national team together from the provincial team.

Knowing Lin Hui's temperament, otherwise he really thought that Lin Hui was deliberately targeting him to make things difficult for him, so he didn't tell him.

"Lin Hui, let the horse come here! Let's prove it with our strength, don't play tricks here, I must win you today, and let you know that I also have the strength to join the national team!"

Immediately, Shaojie's self-confidence was full.

And this is what Lin Hui wanted.Use the aggressive method first, and then let him arouse his desire to play.

The rest is for the two of them to fight with their strength.

With a bang, the ball flew back and forth between their desks.

Another bang, still no winner.

The two passed the ball back and forth, as if the ball was as easy as the two of them were good friends, swinging back and forth between the two of their wrists.

Jumping for a while, running for a while, dancing for a while.

It is impossible to see who is going to win and who is going to lose between the two of them!
When Lin Hui saw this moment, the corners of his mouth involuntarily tilted up slightly.

It's time to show his true strength.

A high-altitude falling ball, also known as a dark ball, the only thing is that it is a bit slow in speed.

But this didn't affect Lin Hui and Shaojie's play at all, and Shaojie didn't have time to lower his beat.

At this moment Xu Xin had already walked over.

"You two came so early!"

The two of them didn't answer Xu Xin's words at all!It seemed that both of them had forgotten the existence of other people.

Just play for yourself.

And Xu Xin who was standing aside.Never thought that there would be such a wonderful performance between Lin Hui and Shaojie.

The two of them have reached the 10th link since he came with the ball.

And every time you hit a ball, the height will rise by a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter.

Slowly, there were more and more people in the gymnasium, and they saw more and more people gathered here.

It also attracted the attention of many people to watch.

At the same time, there are some curious audience, counting "fifteen, sixteen" loudly

Yes, no problem, the balls of Lin Hui and Shao Jie have reached fifteen and sixteen.

And the distance between the two of them is getting farther and farther away from the sphere.

Because the radian and height are placed there, they have to find a suitable position for them.

From the voices of everyone shouting at them, Lin Hui could tell that there were more and more people.

It proves that there are more and more onlookers.

That's why he and Shaojie came to the gym to exercise in advance.

It is to allow all people to witness this sacred moment.

Although Lin Hui couldn't see the expressions on everyone's faces, he could imagine that everyone was looking forward to this, who would win the ball and who would lose!
For Lin Hui, this kind of ball is like a little finger, because he is best at this kind of high ball.

Finally, let the other party not receive it.The countless times he won trophies in the past, he won the opponent with this ball. Xu Zhihao is like this. He even defeated many opponents with this ball.

Tried and won!And there are no mistakes every time!
At the same time Lin Hui's ear rang, 22 eleven.

The people around him were still discussing, "Do you think Lin Hui won or Shaojie won?"

The person who answered, Lin Hui, was extremely difficult. "Of course Lin Hui won. There is no doubt about it. When have you ever seen Lin Hui use this follower to lose!"

This person must have studied him deeply, otherwise how could he say such words.

But Lin Hui really wanted him to let him down.

If it was on the field, Lin Hui would definitely go all out according to his words, but now it is not the field, he has to be in front of all the players to let Shaojie regain his confidence.

His only way is to let Shaojie win this game.

But there can't be any flaws in the slightest.

Everyone thought it was Shaojie who won!
No one knew about Lin Hui's game of chess, including Xu Xin.

At this moment, he heard Xu Xin saying to Shaojie, "Come on, Shaojie!"

But came from behind him, "I don't think so, maybe Shaojie can win Lin Hui, but Shaojie's ball is sure to be steady!"

In short, there were two voices behind Lin Hui.

One is supporting him, the other is supporting Shaojie.

But you will deliberately lengthen Shaojie and his match.

Deliberately expending energy to maintain this game.

Lin Hui put all his attention on the bridge ball and deliberately found the right timing.

But every time he felt that it was too late.

I just found out that this ball is quite good, but it was indeed put on his shore quietly by Rare.

It's not that he picks up or doesn't pick up.

If he can't pick it up, it is very suspicious that he is letting the water go.

If you don't answer, in front of so many people, how he defeated the opponent abroad makes everyone doubt me.

There is really no way, Lin Hui can only catch the ball and find other opportunities.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

But the outcome is yet to be known.

Shaojie was also dripping with sweat.Lin Hui could feel from the strength of his serve that he was about to lose his hold.

However, he had to make Shaojie persist, so he shouted loudly to all the watching team members, "Shaojie, you are doomed!"

And Shaojie also responded to Lin Hui, "There is no conclusion on who will win and who will lose. Don't say it too early, maybe I can beat you?"

Lin Hui laughed heartily when he heard this, this is what he wanted.

As long as Shaojie can defeat him in front of the big guys, it proves that his self-confidence is strong enough.

However, Lin Hui made a difficult decision in order to give Shaojie a big shot, "Shaojie, do you want us to make a fortune!"

Luck?Shaojie found it interesting when he heard it, and he may not lose this shot. After all, he has been exercising every day during this period, and Lin Hui has been busy with Jianhua during this period. It can be seen that his skills are not as sharp as before. There is still a slight step backward.

From the very beginning, Shaojie had been unearthed.

He still couldn't believe that Lin Hui's skills had regressed so much.

But in the process of playing later, it was indeed discovered that Lin Hui had really regressed.

The only thing that reminded him was that he was busy with Jianhua's affairs and neglected to practice.

This thus proves that he himself has improved a lot.

"Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

Block what?Lin Hui thought for a long time before he thought of a good bet.

"Why don't we invite the teammates present to eat roast duck, of course the loser invites, what do you think!"

Shaojie didn't know how many people were there, but he could feel the voices of everyone shouting, which fully proved that there were quite a few teammates.

But just now Shaojie had a stubborn mouth and agreed to Lin Hui's words, now it is impossible to go back on his word.

He could only reluctantly agree to Lin Hui, "Okay! It's a deal!"

Who knows, this is the routine that Lin Hui designed for him.

"it is good!"

When the teammates present heard the wish of the two betting lottery heads, someone shouted in public and took the lead in applauding.

This heightened the atmosphere to the extreme.

Shaojie doesn't dare to leave the ball for a moment, for fear that if he doesn't pay attention, he will lose the game.

After losing his money, if he didn't have money, how could he buy sticky bean buns for Xu Xin? I'm afraid he would have to borrow someone else's money.

This is not what a man does.

At the same time, he heard Xu Xin shouting at him, "Come on, Shaojie, come on, Shaojie!"

And the other side shouted "Come on, Lin Hui, come on, Lin Hui!"

Relying on their hearing, the teammates present were divided into two teams.

One supported Lin Hui and the other supported Shaojie. Lin Hui could clearly hear that there were more people who supported him, but fewer people who supported Shaojie.

Through this incident, Lin Hui also knew that he was recognized by everyone in the national team.

How happy he was.

But this time he might disappoint everyone.Because he has to help Shaojie, even if it means losing his own money, or letting others say that he is inferior to others.

He also willingly lost the game for Shaojie.

bang.Those who were not present were all silent.

Listen to who gets the ball.

And Lin Hui just took this opportunity to show his wisdom.

The ball, right in front of everyone's attention, fell completely on his case, and he ran forward with all his strength.

With his most proud right hand, he swung the racket and ruthlessly caught it in the direction of the ball.

However, it was only 0.1 away, and he was about to catch the ball.

But abruptly made him hesitate for 0.1 seconds.

It just so happened that it landed on the shore of his ball.

Obvious racket and ball fall behind.

That's how Shaojie became.

Shaojie stood there in a daze, looking at the scene in front of him without confidence.

If it wasn't for Xu Xin who ran over to hug him and told him "I won!"

Shaojie still couldn't believe that the scene in front of him actually happened in front of his eyes, he actually beat Lin Hui.

And he defeated Lin Hui in front of so many teammates.

"Xu Xin, is this true? Did I beat Lin Hui?"

He stupidly asked Xu Xin.

Xu Xin stared at Shaojie and said loudly, "Yes, Shaojie, you beat Lin Hui in full view! And you beat Lin Hui 31:30, which is already a very good record! Shaojie, you Awesome!"

Shaojie stared at Xu Xin and listened to what Xu Xin said that he had won against Lin Hui.

If Xu Xin hadn't told him, he really couldn't believe what was happening before him. He thought he was dreaming, a dream that couldn't happen.

After all, Lin Hui's strength is far above him.

Just because Lin Hui didn't strengthen his training this time and lost him, it made him happy.

Shouting loudly, "I beat Lin Hui!" He hugged Xu Xin and spun around.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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