The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 801 It’s still hard to tell who wins or loses

Jianhua was competing fiercely with his opponent, and the same was true for Lin Hui.

His opponent was shocked again and again by the ping pong balls passed by Lin Hui.

It was a very powerful ball. He admired Lin Hui's ball very much.

But you still can't give up, you have to fight hard, after all, it is a championship game.

Then, staring intently at Lin Hui in front of him, he felt the confidence and strong competitiveness exuding from him.

His eyes were firm and he pursued the opponent fiercely without showing any signs of weakness.

The table tennis ball shuttled between the rackets, flying back and forth quickly.

His body is flexible and agile, and every move he makes is full of power and speed.

His wrist twists deftly, hitting the ball with intense spin and power every time.

Every time he hit the ball, Lin Hui accurately found the opponent's weakness and hit the ball with great accuracy, putting tremendous pressure on the opponent.

The opponent felt the power of Lin Hui's ball and was filled with admiration for Lin Hui.

His eyes sparkled with recognition of the skill and strength displayed by his opponent.

He took a deep breath and made up his mind to never give up. After all, this was a championship game and he had to go all out to win.

The atmosphere on the field became increasingly tense, and the audience watched this fierce duel nervously.

Their moods fluctuated with the fall of each ball, and their eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the ball, as if they could foresee every turn and result.

Both Lin Hui and his opponent entered a state of high concentration. Their minds were completely immersed in the game, their bodies were dancing, and every shot showed their skills and strength.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, every tiny movement was magnified, and every breath seemed particularly heavy.

The audience held their breath, they could feel the tension and intensity on the field.

This is a game full of suspense and uncertainty, and every round is a tense confrontation.

Neither Lin Hui nor his opponent was willing to give up. They both longed for the taste of victory and fought for it with all their strength.

In the table tennis hall, the table tennis ball sometimes flies in the air, and sometimes jumps back and forth in the hands of Lin Hui and his opponent.

The racket was swung like a sharp sword, making a whistling sound as it broke through the air. It hit the ball again and again, causing bursts of brisk bouncing sounds.

Lin Hui's head was covered with sweat, and his body was dancing flexibly. His eyes were focused and firm, as if he and his opponent were the only ones left in the world.

His body is tall and straight, with well-defined muscles, and every swing is full of power and accuracy.

His feet are quick and nimble and he stands steadily in the middle of the court.

The opponent is not weak either, and he is also focused on hitting every ball of Lin Hui.

He has a slender figure, and although he is slightly shorter than Lin Hui, his reaction speed is extremely fast.

His eyes are sharp and calm, and he hits the ball with ferocity, making the ball fly fast and accurately.

Table tennis was played between the two, and there was a tense atmosphere on the court.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the two men, and they were immersed in watching this wonderful contest.

Their moods fluctuated with the scores of Lin Hui and his opponents, sometimes cheering and sometimes falling into silence.

After a while, Lin Hui scored a point, and there was a burst of warm applause on the court.

Lin Hui raised his head and smiled proudly. This score meant a victory attempt for him.

However, the next moment, the opponent also scored a point, which calmed Lin Hui's pride.

His eyes flashed, full of fighting spirit and determination.

The victory began to be inseparable, and the two figures were inseparable on the court.

Every ball carries their pursuit of victory, and every shot is full of power and skill.

Their heartbeats seemed to become so clear at this moment, and every swing triggered a fierce heartbeat.

Their clothes were soaked with sweat, but they didn't care.

They are immersed in the game and try their best for every ball.

Their eyes revealed their desire for victory, and their faces were filled with determination and perseverance.

The audience's breath froze as they felt the tense and intense atmosphere on the court.

Every serve, every return took their breath away.

They seemed to be immersed in the game, feeling the force of the racket hitting the ball, seeing the trajectory of the ball flying in the air, and hearing the sound of the ball colliding with the ball.

Time seemed to have frozen, and the duel between Lin Hui and his opponent was fierce throughout the stadium.

The fate of victory or defeat lies in these last few points. Who can seize the opportunity and who will be the master of victory?
This is a contest about honor and dignity, a peak showdown between two top players.

Every swing they made and every landing of the ball aroused cheers from the audience!
When the last ball flew over the net, Lin Hui's racket hit the ball and made a loud sound.

The ball flew past the opponent and eventually flew out of bounds without hitting the chopping board.

Lin Hui lost the ball.

But how could Lin Hui give up? He continued to stare at the opponent and turned defeat into victory.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly, sweat dripping from his forehead, and his eyes revealed perseverance and determination.

He knew that now was the time to show his true strength.He stood in the center of the court, and the spectators around him stared at him silently, as if they could feel the power contained in him.

The opponent put away his smile, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

He understood that Lin Hui was not the kind of person who gave up easily. His strength was far beyond his imagination.

Therefore, he also kept a close eye on Lin Hui, alertly preparing to meet the challenge.

The atmosphere on the court became tense for a moment.

The two of them swung their rackets in tacit understanding, and the table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in the air. Each swing brought a strong wind, as if it was going to blow over the entire court.

Lin Hui's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he decided to go all out.His body moved nimbly, and every movement was precise.

The table tennis ball seemed to come alive in his hands, turning into a bolt of lightning and quickly passing through the opponent's defense line.

The opponent kept retreating, feeling filled with uneasiness.

Lin Hui's strength exceeded his expectations, and he could not underestimate this opponent.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to hit the ball back into the opponent's court.

The spectators on the court nervously watched the progress of the game.What they saw was not only a table tennis match, but also a wonderful duel.The landing point of every ball triggered a burst of cheers and cheers from them. They were attracted by the intensity of the game and seemed to be immersed in it.

Every swing of Lin Hui brought an explosion of power, and every landing point of the ball brought a touch of surprise.

His body is flexible and agile, and he can catch the opponent's ball just right with every jump.

Lin Hui was completely immersed in the game and focused all his attention on table tennis.

The opponent held the racket tightly and his chest heaved violently.He tried his best, but he lost the ball.

However, he did not lose confidence, but instead strengthened his determination.

The current score is only 13:12, Lin Hui is only one point more than him.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and solemn, and the audience watched this fierce duel attentively.Every ball is like a decision, deciding who will be the winner.

Lin Hui tightened his grip on the racket and felt the strength and stability in his hands.

His body is ready like a spring, ready to meet the opponent's attack at any time.

He knew that he had to concentrate on fighting without any distractions.

The game continued and the ball flew in the direction of Lin Hui.

His eyes were electric and he accurately judged the trajectory of the ball.

His body moves like a bolt of lightning, deftly swinging the racket and bouncing the ball back into the opponent's court.

The opponent reacts quickly and fights back with all his strength.

The speed of the ball was so fast that it was elusive, but Lin Hui was well prepared.

He used accurate hitting skills to return the ball to the opponent's sideline.

The audience burst into cheers. They were attracted by this fierce competition and excited for the wonderful performance of the two players.

The score became 14:12, and Lin Hui once again led by one point.

He can feel that his confidence and strength are growing, and this feeling makes him more involved in the game.

He has forgotten his surroundings and the gaze of the audience. He only focuses on the ball and his opponent.

The game continued, with every turn filled with tension and excitement.

Lin Hui sometimes moved flexibly and sometimes exerted force steadily, defeating the opponent's strong counterattacks time and time again.

His heartbeat and breathing were integrated into the atmosphere of the game, as if he had become one with the ball.

The tension on the field has reached its peak.
Lin Hui, a young and outstanding player, showed amazing strength in this table tennis match.

His ball path is as fast as an arrow, and every shot is like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky.His eyes revealed determination and confidence, as if there were countless devils cheering him on behind his back.

The player on the opposite side had a solemn expression and his brows were slightly furrowed.He is a seasoned veteran who has defeated challengers from all corners in countless competitions.

However, in this contest with Lin Hui, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

He understood that if Lin Hui won another round, he would not be able to reverse the situation, and the outcome of the game would be imminent.

So, he made up his mind not to allow himself any hesitation.

He held the racket tightly, devoted all his strength, and fought back mercilessly.

His shot was like a shooting star, cutting through the silence of the night and flying quickly towards Lin Hui's half.

Lin Hui's eyes changed slightly, and he noticed the change in his opponent.He did not flinch at all, but instead aroused his inner fighting spirit.

He tried his best and used his sharpest stunt to hit the ball back hard.

The speed of the ball is so fast that it is difficult to catch.The fans' eyes followed closely, but they could only see the blurry figure of the ball, like a ray of light streaking across the night sky.

The score finally reached 14:13, and the pressure on the court escalated unprecedentedly.

The two players on the stage felt each other's enthusiasm, as if the duel between them had transcended the table tennis match itself.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.The audience held their breath and their hearts beat faster.

Their eyes were fixed on the two players on the stage, as if their gaze could influence the direction of the game.

In Lin Hui's heart, a flame had already been lit.

He knew that this was his last stand against his opponent and his last chance to win.

He took steps without hesitation, ready to face the next challenge.

Behind Lin Hui, a dazzling light gradually rose up, like the explosion of a supernova.

This power made him feel endless motivation and courage.

As the game continued, the two players on the field collided with each other like two fierce storms, setting off a whirlwind of table tennis.

Their figures flew across the court, and every hit was accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking the air and a fierce collision.

At this moment, Lin Hui's eyes shone with a firm and unshakable light.He gathered all his strength and poured everything he had into the ball.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, like a shooting star across the night sky, with a hint of victory or defeat.

And in that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the entire stadium fell into dead silence.

The ball finally hit the ground, bringing with it a faint trail of dust.

However, when the dust gradually cleared, the situation on the field exceeded everyone's expectations.

The ball that seemed to determine the outcome was actually blocked by the opponent's sudden counterattack!

Lin Hui's heart sank to the bottom. He did not expect that his opponent could make such a difficult blocking action at such a critical moment.

At this moment, he felt the invisible pressure of the challenger, as if he would fall into endless darkness if he made one wrong move.

Lin Hui took a deep breath, prepared himself, and prepared to continue the attack.

At this moment, the coach's voice emerged in Lin Hui's mind: "Stabilize your mentality and stay focused."

He gripped the racket firmly, his eyes flashing with perseverance again.

This time, he was hitting the ball more accurately, with a perfect combination of power and speed in every swing.

The table tennis balls on the court are burning like flames, intertwining beautiful trajectories.

However, opponents are not to be outdone.

He also showed excellent technique and strong willpower, and was full of infinite power when hitting the ball.The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the heartbeats of the audience seemed to be pushed to a climax.

The two sides are evenly matched, and no one can easily gain an advantage.Lin Hui felt sweat falling from his forehead. His body had reached its limit, but he still persisted.

The pressure on the court was increasing, and the entire atmosphere seemed to be frozen in that moment.

The audience did not dare to blink for fear of missing the most exciting moment.

The ball was sent out again, and the figures of the two players were flying on the court. Every move they made showed extremely high skills and speed.

The ball bouncing on the table burns like fire and can reach extreme speed in an instant.

The audience's emotions also rose.Their cheers, shouts, and cheers converged into a huge energy to cheer for the players.

In this fierce match, Lin Hui gradually regained his form, his serves became more and more accurate, and his hitting became sharper.

The opponent did not show weakness, he also showed his strength.

Round after round of duel, the score was tight.

Lin Hui seized the opportunity and scored with a precise fast break to tie the score.

At 15:15, the game entered the decisive point.

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(End of this chapter)

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