The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 802: Fighting much better than before

Elsewhere, Jianhua bit his lip tightly. He couldn't lose, he had to win.

Then he took a deep breath and put down the distracting thoughts in his mind, and all the nerves in his body seemed to be mobilized.

The opponent's ball came flying again, and Jianhua reacted quickly, moving his body flexibly, as if his body and the racket were one. Every move he made was so accurate, and every return of the ball carried a force that could not be ignored. .

The audience's eyes were focused on this fierce game, and every change of the ball aroused their excitement and wonder.

As the score got closer, a tense atmosphere filled the court.

Jianhua's feet moved quickly on the court, and every return ball landed accurately in the opponent's space.

Jianhua lost another goal, two goals in a row, and he was not to be outdone.

The opponent's skills and speed are constantly improving, and every return ball has an incredible power, as if it is trying to break the restriction of the air.

The score is 14:12
Jianhua felt pressure and tension, and his heartbeat seemed to shatter his chest.

Then, the table tennis ball drew a perfect arc in the air and flew towards Jianhua.

Time seemed to freeze, and the audience nervously held their breath.

Jianhua's eyes were watching the trajectory of the ball without blinking, and his body was tense, ready to react at any time.

Finally, he used his strength and skill to successfully return the ball and send it back to the opponent's side.

His eyes were fixed on the ball flying into the distance.

Time seemed to freeze, and one second seemed as long as a century.

He knew that if the ball fell to the ground, it would mean complete failure.

Fortunately, the ball did not fall to the ground.

It landed lightly on the opponent's table tennis table, making a faint echo.

Jianhua's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and he felt a deep sense of relief welling up from the bottom of his heart.

The victory of this goal gave Jianhua hope of turning defeat into victory.

He knew that if he lost one more goal, he would lose his chance in this championship game.

Therefore, Jianhua gritted his teeth and made up his mind not to let his opponent score easily.

After that, every time Jianhua swung the racket, he concentrated on it and put all his strength into every ball hit.

His movements are smooth and powerful, and every return shot is full of energy, which makes people impressed.

Finally it became 15:14 and the gap narrowed a bit, and Jianhua began to become more confident.

Jianhua felt that every nerve in his body was full of energy, and his heartbeat was buzzing in his ears.

He held the table tennis racket tightly, locked his eyes with his opponent, and was ready to continue.

The ball was launched, Jianhua's eyes were watching the trajectory of the ball, and his body was tense, ready to exert force.

When the ball touched the face of his racket, he swung it hard and the ball made a crisp bounce sound and flew to the side of his opponent.

The opponent was caught off guard and could only force a counterattack, and the ball speed slowed down significantly.Jianhua reacted quickly, moved his steps, adjusted his stance, and hit the ball again.

His movements are fluid and flexible, with power and accuracy in every swing.

Then, the table tennis ball drew a colorful arc in the air, quickly passed through the opponent's defense line, and fell on the opponent's bottom line like a hot meteor, making a crisp snap and scoring!

Jianhua's eyes flashed with confidence. He took a deep breath and tightened his muscles, as if a cheetah was ready to exert force at any time.

He moved quickly, his flexible steps quickly changed direction, and the racket in his hand turned into a flying stream of light. The racket and the table tennis ball echoed each other during the swing, and there seemed to be an elusive tacit understanding.

In the tense and fierce competition, Jianhua sometimes counterattacked like lightning, and launched continuous attacks like a sudden storm, forcing his opponent into a difficult situation.

The opponent's expression began to become anxious, his brows furrowed, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

The force in his hand when hitting the ball was no longer stable, the landing point of the ball also deviated, and he made frequent mistakes.

Jianhua relied on his strong aura and excellent skills to gradually widen the gap between him and his opponents.

His movements are smooth and powerful, and the table tennis ball under his control is sometimes gentle and erratic, sometimes fast and powerful.

The interaction between the racket and the table tennis ball makes a series of slight collision sounds, like a musician playing an exciting piece of music.

The air on the field seemed to become tense because of his presence. The audience held their breath and watched this wonderful duel with rapt attention.

Every hit is carried with incomparable power and skill, as if you can see the trajectory of the table tennis ball dancing in the air and feel the blood and passion contained in it.

Jianhua faced the opponent's efforts and struggled, his eyes showing ruthless determination.

He relentlessly hits the ping pong ball into his opponent's weak points, forcing him into desperate situations.

Jianhua's figure shuttled across the court like lightning, and his mind was filled with various changes in strategies and tactics.

Each shot is full of power and accuracy, as if it is a fatal attack.

On the table tennis court, the opponent watched Jianhua catch up, galloping like a beast, his movements sharp and cruel.

With the ruthless determination in his eyes, he began to launch a fierce attack on Jianhua.

Jianhua felt the pressure. He saw the ping-pong ball flying towards his weak point, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Fortunately, he quickly dodged so that the ball did not fall to the ground.

The atmosphere on the court was extremely tense, and you could almost hear the tension and anxiety in the air.

The audience held their breath and stared closely at the competition on the stage.

They can all feel the tense duel between the players on the field, as if the entire stadium is enveloped in this urgent atmosphere.

The table tennis balls keep flying back and forth between the rackets. The speed and force are so fast that it is almost difficult to catch the trajectory of each ball.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game, his eyes were focused and determined, and every shot was filled with determination and power.

Afterwards, the table tennis balls collided and made a crisp sound.

The opponent's attacks are becoming more and more fierce, and every hit has a sound of breaking through the air, which is chilling.

Jianhua gathered all his strength, stabilized his mind, and fought back with lightning speed.

His return of the ball was flexible and accurate, and every hit was like a bolt of lightning crossing the court, making people stunned.

The cheers of the audience resounded throughout the stadium, cheering for this exciting duel. The strength of both sides was an eye-opener for them.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the sense of oppression was like a huge wave that was about to drown the players on both sides.

Jianhua's breathing gradually became rapid. He knew that now was the decisive moment and there could be no hesitation.

He concentrated and felt every movement of the ball. His body and brain worked closely together to transform him into an impeccable table tennis warrior.

The opponent's offensive became more and more fierce, like a hungry wolf, roaring and rushing towards Jianhua.

The ball speed is getting faster and faster, and every hit carries a destructive force.

However, Jianhua did not flinch at all, his eyes shone with determination, and he was determined to defeat this powerful opponent.The only sounds left on the field were the breathing of the two people and the collision of table tennis balls.

The audience held their breath and nervously watched this desperate struggle.

They felt each other's tension.

The opponent held the racket tightly, and after being caught up by Jianhua, his counterattack seemed a little inadequate.

The table tennis balls were flying on the stage at an astonishing speed, as if they did not belong to this mortal world.

The audience's breathing became rapid. They marveled at the intensity of the game, while Jianhua felt the pressure of the game.

The ball speed is getting faster and faster, and every hit carries a destructive force.

The only sounds left on the court were the breathing of the two people and the collision of table tennis balls, as if time had frozen.

Each hit made their hearts beat faster, as if they were about to burst through their chests.

All the muscles in Jianhua's body were tense. He stared at the trajectory of the table tennis ball and devoted himself completely to the game.

His fingers were as nimble as steel, and every stroke was accurate and powerful.

Time blurred in this fierce competition, as if only the two of them existed in this world.

Every movement they made was compact and precise, without any hesitation.

A powerful serve from his opponent made Jianhua hesitate, but he immediately adjusted his posture and hit the ball back with faster reaction.

The speed of the ball was so fast that it was like lightning streaking across the night sky, and Jianhua's hitting was even more accurate.

His eyes flashed with a cunning light, and he had found his opponent's flaw.

A perfect return shot hit the opponent's sideline and won the round.

Jianhua on the stage was playing ball seriously, while Xu Xin and Shaojie in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

"Shaojie, did you see that?" Xu Xin's voice contained a hint of surprise, "Jianhua's mentality is much better than before, and he was actually able to catch up with his opponent."

Shaojie nodded, he was also shocked by Jianhua's changes. "Yes, I didn't expect that Jianhua is indeed much more powerful." His voice was full of admiration.

Jianhua's body on the stage moved in a coordinated manner, and his eyes focused on the direction and speed of each opponent's shot.

His moods fluctuated like ping-pong balls, but he learned to control his emotions, turn them into power, and turn them into motivation for every shot.

Table tennis balls danced on the stage, and the sound of the collision of rackets and balls echoed in the gymnasium.

Jianhua's figure is like a bolt of lightning, moving flexibly through every corner of the table.

His fingers manipulate the racket deftly, and each shot carries a unique power and speed.

Xu Xin and Shaojie's eyes were always fixed on Jianhua. They seemed to have forgotten everything around them and only focused on the wonderful competition on the stage.

What they saw was not just a person playing table tennis, but also a young man whose mentality gradually became stronger.

The atmosphere in the audience became more and more enthusiastic. The audience clapped and cheered, and the applause surged like ocean waves.

Every score by Jianhua attracted a chorus of admiration, and every wonderful return shot of his made people marvel.

On the stage, Jianhua devoted himself wholeheartedly to the game. He could feel the attention and expectations of his friends in the audience, which was an unprecedented motivation for him.

He knows that only by constantly working hard and improving his mentality can he become a truly outstanding athlete.

The table tennis balls were flying in the air, and Jianhua's mood also jumped.

His eyes revealed determination and perseverance. He was no longer afraid of failure and just wanted to play table tennis better and show his strength and potential.

At this moment, Jianhua felt an unprecedented confidence and pride.

He understood that he had stepped out of the shadow of the past and moved towards a new starting point.

This game is just a small beginning for Jianhua. He knows that there are more challenges waiting for him in the future.

But he believes that as long as he maintains this mentality and hard work, he will be able to overcome everything and become a superstar in the table tennis world.

Xu Xin and Shaojie were still standing in the audience, their eyes full of pride and joy.

They knew that the Jianhua in front of them was no longer the person they were familiar with, but a new Jianhua.

They silently encouraged Jianhua and hoped that he could go all the way and achieve his dream.

They believe that in the near future, Jianhua will create its own glory on the table tennis stage.

On the stage, Jianhua held the racket tightly, his eyes firm and confident.

His eyes shone with determination, as if he had already seen victory.

His body is as straight as a pine tree, exuding an invincible force.

In the audience, Xu Xin clenched her fists tightly, her heart filled with trust and support for Jianhua.

She knew that no matter what difficulties and challenges she faced, Jianhua could handle them with ease.

His skills have reached an unprecedented level, and it is impossible not to be impressed by him.

Shaojie was also silently watching Jianhua on the stage, his heart filled with admiration.

As the game began, Jianhua quickly showed his strength.

His ball is light and sharp, as free as flowing water.

Every time he swings the ball, people feel an irresistible force.

On the stage, Jianhua's eyes became brighter and brighter, full of confidence.

He could feel the power surging in his body, and he believed he could overcome everything.

His sword dance is picturesque, exuding endless majesty and power during the dance, making it impossible to look away.

Jianhua's skills became sharper and his attacks became more ferocious.

Every move he makes is as fast as lightning, which makes people feel in awe.

Look, Jianhua is more and more confident than before. If he keeps doing this, Jianhua can defeat the opponent. "

Xu Xin saw Jianhua on the stage and she firmly believed that Jianhua could win.

"Yes, I think so too." Shaojie nodded.

If Jianhua persists like this, Jianhua can really win this competition.

He and Xu Xin stared at Jianhua on the stage, and at the same time moved their eyes to Lin Hui's ball table.

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(End of this chapter)

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