Chapter 803
"Shaojie, look, Lin Hui's opponent is not weak either. This time Lin Hui has met his opponent."

As soon as Xu Xin finished speaking, the table tennis ball flew through the air lightly and suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp impact. However, Lin Hui did not catch the ball. His hand froze in mid-air and his brows furrowed.

Shaojie's eyes were fixed on Lin Hui, with a worried look on his face.

Lin Hui's eyes flickered, as if he was going through intense thinking and decision-making in his heart.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire stadium solidified.

The audience's breath seemed to have stopped. They stared at Lin Hui closely, looking forward to his next move.

Lin Hui has always been the right hand of this table tennis team. No matter how strong the opponent is, he can always cope with it.

However, today, the opponent's strength exceeded everyone's expectations, leaving Lin Hui in a dilemma.

Shaojie clenched his fists, his mood fluctuating like a ping-pong ball.

He knew that the decision in this moment would have a huge impact on the entire game.

If Lin Hui chooses to continue fighting, they still have a glimmer of hope to counterattack; but if he chooses to give up, victory will only be in the opponent's pocket.

Lin Hui's lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were closed tightly.

The surrounding environment seemed to be blurring, and only the ping pong balls on the ping pong court were spinning in his mind.

He recalled the past, the days of constantly honing his skills, the sweat and tears of fighting for table tennis.

He once vowed to become the strongest table tennis player and strive for honor and victory for himself and his teammates.

However, today's game made him feel unprecedented challenges and pressure.

The opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations, and he felt his own limitations and powerlessness.

However, he also understood that giving up was not his choice.He cannot live up to his own dreams, let alone the expectations of his teammates.

Suddenly, Lin Hui's eyes opened, with a firm light shining inside.

He reached out his hand resolutely and held the ping pong ball tightly.The touch from his hands made him feel his strength and confidence again.

When Shaojie saw this scene, a warm current surged in his heart.

He knew that Lin Hui had made his choice and he would continue to fight for his dreams and honor.

Lin Hui's body straightened up again, and his eyes became firm.Around him, everything began to change.

The air was filled with a tense and intense atmosphere, as if time had been compressed.

Lin Hui quickly adjusted his posture, raised his wrist slightly, and the table tennis ball passed through the air at an unparalleled speed, drawing a gorgeous arc.

At this moment, he completely integrated himself into the world of table tennis, and every move he made was as smooth and accurate as a dance.

Lin Hui has only one goal in his eyes, and that is victory.Every shot he makes is full of power and skill, and every angle is carefully calculated.

The table tennis ball drew beautiful arcs in the air and hit the opponent's table with unparalleled speed, making a deafening impact.

Time froze in this fierce duel.The eyes of Lin Hui and his opponent intertwined, and each could feel the blood and passion in the other.

Shaojie stood in the audience, watching the competition on the stage intently.

With this goal, he felt Lin Hui's determination and strength, but unfortunately he did not expect such an ending.

A feeling of helplessness came to his heart. He really hoped that Lin Hui could seize this excellent opportunity.

On the stage, Lin Hui held the racquet with both hands, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He stared at the ping pong ball closely, his eyes full of concentration and desire.

The moment the ball flew over, he adjusted his posture and swung hard.

However, the ball escaped his control, slipped past his racket, and fell to the ground.

Alas, what a pity!This ball is so good, why didn’t Lin Hui catch it? "

Shaojie looked straight at Lin Hui playing on the stage and couldn't help but sigh.

"Actually, it was just a little bit close. Maybe Lin Hui was careless." Xu Xin defended Lin Hui.

Xu Xin knew that Lin Hui had been dominating table tennis for a long time, so this shouldn't be a problem for him, but what she saw with her eyes was that Lin Hui had lost a goal.

However, Xu Xin firmly believes that Lin Hui will turn around.

Bang, the ping pong ball made a sound.

The opponent's attack was still fierce and fast. Lin Hui had no room to dodge and could only fight hastily.

Lin Hui's counterattack was also very sharp. The two of them were playing back and forth with great enthusiasm. The table tennis balls made crisp collision sounds and tinkling metal knocking sounds.

It seemed that Lin Hui had the advantage, but Xu Xin knew that Lin Hui was actually not easy. He was hit on the shoulder several times while defending.

Lin Hui's performance also surprised Shaojie. He originally thought that Lin Hui had better luck in the past and picked up this bargain.

However, he found that although Lin Hui's counterattacks did not have that sharp attack power, they could always hit the key points and cause great trouble to the opponent.

Someone in the stands shouted:

"Come on, Lin Hui."

"Lin Hui, come on, Lin Hui."

The sound of cheering echoed in his mind several times, and he suddenly felt as if he had become more agile and flexible.

Firm faith was renewed.Staring at the table tennis ball with sharp eyes.

He knew this was his last chance.

He wants to win, win beautifully.

Lin Hui had an indifferent smile on his face, knowing that this was his last chance.

If he makes another mistake, he will lose this opportunity forever.

He must win, win beautifully, win brilliantly.

Lin Hui's face became more and more serious.His eyes became sharper and sharper, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if to tell the audience that he already had a chance to win.

He knew that his opponent's mentality had completely collapsed and was in chaos.

"Bang", Lin Hui's ping pong ball continued to fly in the air.

Lin Hui's ping pong ball was like a lightning bolt, traveling through the air quickly and making a harsh whistling sound.

The speed of the ball is so fast that the audience can't help but hold their breath and focus on the trajectory of the ball.

Lin Hui's movements are accurate, and every shot he hits is full of confidence and strength.

His body is like a precise machine, and every movement is smooth and powerful, perfectly hitting the table tennis ball back to the opponent's side.

The opponent couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He originally thought he could win this game easily, but he didn't expect Lin Hui to be so powerful, which made him completely lose confidence.

On the court, the atmosphere was tense and enthusiastic, and the audience made sounds of exclamation and admiration.

They admired Lin Hui's skills and felt the confidence and determination he showed.Lin Hui's table tennis ball flew across the entire court, and every hit was so precise and powerful.

His eyes are fixed on his opponent and he won't let any slack go.He knows that only by going all out can he win this game.

As the game progressed, Lin Hui's advantage became more and more obvious.

Every shot he hits is full of power, and every return shot leaves his opponents helpless.

The audience was impressed by his performance and moved by his skill and determination.

Lin Hui knew that as long as he persisted a little longer, victory would be right in front of him.His movements are more stable, his eyes are sharper, and his body is full of strength and tenacity.

"Bang", Lin Hui's ping pong ball accurately hit the opponent's side again.

Lin Hui's advantages are becoming more and more obvious. Every shot he hits is full of power, and every return ball leaves his opponent helpless.

Lin Hui was immersed in the game wholeheartedly. His breathing gradually became steady, but his heartbeat accelerated a bit.

His movements became more and more stable, and the table tennis ball in his hand seemed to become an extension of his body, and every hit was accurate.

His eyes are as sharp as a knife, directly watching every move of his opponent through the net, and accurately predicting where the ball will land.

"Bang", Lin Hui's ping pong ball accurately hit the opponent's side again.

The audience burst into cheers because Lin Hui took the lead by one point.

But he knew that this was not enough.The game is not over yet, victory only belongs to those who persist until the end.

As the game continued, Lin Hui served the ball behind his opponent. When his opponent returned the ball, he swung the ball hard and the ball quickly crossed the net and landed firmly on the opponent's baseline.

Every shot he hits is as sharp as a sword, and every return shot carries endless pressure.

The opponent felt the pressure, his mood became tense, and he was no longer as calm and confident as before.

Lin Hui saw this and knew this was his chance to turn the tide of the battle around.

He adjusted his breathing, stabilized his mentality, and concentrated on receiving every return ball from his opponent.

Every hit is a release of his power, and every return is a display of his skills.

As the game entered the final minutes, a tense atmosphere filled the court.

Lin Hui felt the expectations of the audience around him. He knew that they all wanted him to win.

Then the opponent hit the ball back. Lin Hui's eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He quickly judged the landing point of the ball and swung hard. The table tennis ball drew an arc and accurately hit the opponent's baseline.

There was silence on the court, and the spectators' eyes were fixed on the ball, and their breaths stopped.The ball hung in mid-air, as if time had stopped.

Then the ball touched the floor softly and made a faint sound.

The entire stadium seemed to be in silence, and the breaths of the audience stagnated, as if time had frozen at this moment.

Lin Hui put away his previous fighting expression and showed a smile instead.

He unabashedly demonstrated his confidence and strength, as if victory was already within reach.

On the opponent's side, an elusive expression appeared on his face.

His eyes were full of desire for victory and unwillingness to fail, and he was determined not to give up easily.

The referee raised the yellow card in his hand to indicate that the game should continue.

The opponent picked up the racket, his eyes shining with determination.

He swung hard and the ping pong ball flew to Lin Hui's side again.

Lin Hui's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he quickly judged where the ball would land.

His fingers flexibly adjusted the angle of the racket and hit the ball in an arc.

The table tennis ball draws a beautiful arc in the air and quickly approaches the opponent.

The opponent seemed to be well prepared. He moved his body flexibly and prepared to hit the ball.

The atmosphere on the court was tense and intense, and the heartbeats of the spectators echoed in their ears.

The table tennis ball was spinning in the air, and the eyes of Lin Hui and his opponent met in the air, and each could feel the other's firmness and determination.

Finally, the table tennis ball gently landed on the opponent's racket, making a crisp sound.

The atmosphere on the court erupted instantly, the audience cheered wildly, and applause came in like waves.

The ball drew a perfect arc and accurately hit the opponent's baseline.

His eyes shone with confidence and victory, like an invincible strong man.

The opponent's expression became more and more serious, with a trace of loss and helplessness in his eyes.

Two points later, Lin Hui overtook the opponent by two more points. One more point and the game was over.

Lin Hui adjusted his breathing, his eyes showing firmness and determination.

Firmness and determination shone in his opponent's eyes as he picked up his racket and prepared to hit the final ball.

The atmosphere on the court was solemn and tense, and everyone knew that this goal would determine the outcome.

The racket was held firmly in his opponent's hand, and his eyes were locked on the ball without wavering.

His fingers trembled slightly, revealing the tension and pressure inside him.

Then he swung his racket and the ball flew into the wind at an astonishing speed.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on the ball, and his brain instantly accelerated, calculating the trajectory and speed of the ball.

He moved his body quickly to prepare for this crucial ball.

His body was like a precise machine, with every muscle in an extremely tense state, waiting for instructions.

The ball got closer and closer, and Lin Hui's heartbeat seemed loud enough to be heard by his opponents.

His breathing became rapid, but he tried to control his emotions and stay calm.

At the last moment, Lin Hui reacted instantly. He quickly swung the racket and hit the ball.

The ball flies towards the opponent's ball at an incredible speed.The opponent's eyes widened and his muscles tensed up, trying to intercept the menacing ball.

The ball bypassed the opponent's defense, passed through the net in an instant, and bounced onto the opponent's court.

Time passed by minute by minute, as if a century had passed.

Afterwards, the audience cheered in unison as they witnessed this wonderful moment.

Lin Hui won! !
His eyes were shining with victory, and he felt the joy of impending victory.

The opponent watched helplessly as the ball stopped in his own court, his face pale, revealing the pain of being unable to accept defeat.He sat limply on the ground, losing the strength to continue playing.

Lin Hui walked up to his opponent and extended his hand to express friendly assistance.The opponent silently took Lin Hui's hand, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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