The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 804: Both sides win

"Lin Hui won, Lin Hui won!"

Xu Xin in the audience stood up excitedly and cheered.

"Yes, Lin Hui wins, and the rest depends on Jianhua."

Shaojie said calmly, as if he had expected Lin Hui's victory.

He turned his eyes to Jianhua on the field and prayed secretly in his heart.The duel between Jianhua and his opponents is still going on fiercely, and their movements are as fierce and fast as a storm.

The ping pong balls flew crazily in mid-air, releasing dazzling sparks with every collision.

The fierce duel between Jianhua and his opponents unfolded on the table tennis court. Their rackets made a piercing whistling sound like a rapidly rotating windmill.

The audience held their breath and stared at the center of the court.

Jianhua's posture is elegant and stable, and his eyes reveal an unparalleled confidence.

The opponent has a determined look on his face, and every shot is full of strength and determination.

The ball flew back and forth between the two men at dizzying speed.

The table tennis ball drew a silver arc in the air with a deafening sound.

Every hit is accompanied by the violent friction between the racket and the ball, as if the entire court is filled with the energy of the hit.

Jianhua's eyes are always locked on the ball, and his movements are smooth and accurate.

Every swing is accompanied by the strength and flexibility of his whole body.

His wrist turned dexterously, and the table tennis ball continuously changed direction and speed in the air, like a smart meteor.

Jianhua took advantage of this opportunity and launched a fierce attack on his opponent. The ping pong ball flew over his head and landed on the opposite table.

The opponent, not to be outdone, took the ball and sent it towards Jianhua again.

The table tennis ball flies in the air with changes in rotation and speed, which is dazzling.

The ball kept passing between the two, and every collision was accompanied by a crisp hitting sound.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game, his eyes sharp and focused.

He seemed to be one with the table tennis ball, injecting his emotion and power into every shot.

The opponent was not to be outdone, and his eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball.His reflexes are sharp and quick, and every catch comes with determination.

The ball flew across the table and shuttled back and forth between the two men.

Sometimes he was on Jianhua's side, and then he flew to his opponent's side.

The rotation of the table tennis ball brings a unique atmosphere to the court, as if time has been frozen at this moment.

The muscles all over Jianhua's body were tense, his heartbeat quickened and his blood boiled.

He constantly adjusted his state, looking for his opponent's weaknesses, hoping to turn the game around.

The opponent's eyes flashed with determination, and he saw through Jianhua's intentions.

He caught every ball steadily and gave Jianhua enough pressure.

Their duel was like a dance, every move precise and graceful.

As time passed, the ping pong ball kept flying between the two.

Their figures intertwined on the court, and every move was full of power and passion.

On the table tennis court, a tense atmosphere filled the air.

The audience's breathing seemed to become short, because Jianhua and his opponent had tied the score at 16:16.

Every move they make and every return seems to determine the fate of victory or defeat.

Sweat dripped down Jianhua's forehead, moistening his eyebrows.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring straight ahead without any signs of relaxing.

He knew that this was his last chance, and he had to win this game, win this victory, and stand out.

The table tennis racket seemed to be an endless extender in his hands.

Every swing is an extension of his firm will and a reflection of his pursuit of victory.

Every movement he made was so precise and powerful, like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night sky.

Not to be outdone, every return shot was filled with power and skill.

The duel between them is like two swordsmen fighting on a table tennis court. Every hit can cause the air to vibrate and make the audience hold their breath.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the two players on the stage, as if their gaze could give Jianhua strength and allow him to unleash his infinite potential at critical moments.

His moves became sharper and more accurate, and every ball seemed to be infused with his soul.Every muscle in his body is working hard, and every swing is his commitment to victory.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and only the ping-pong ball flew back and forth in the air, making a bang-bang sound.

Jianhua's whole body's strength was concentrated on the last ball. He used everything he had to complete this moment that determined the outcome.

The ball flew out, traced an arc, and landed accurately where the opponent could not reach it.

A burst of warm applause and cheers erupted from the audience, setting off a frenzy.

The entire stadium was surrounded by this exciting atmosphere. Everyone held their breath and watched the development of the game nervously.

Jianhua felt the support and encouragement from the audience, and he knew he could not live up to their expectations.

He aimed at the next goal, put away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and concentrated on the game.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and energetic, and every serve was breathtaking.

The ball flew quickly across the field. After a fierce confrontation, Jianhua finally successfully served the ball to the opponent's half in a counterattack.

The opponents tried their best to chase, but the ball was getting further and further away from their reach.

Jianhua felt his heart beat faster. He knew that this was his last chance and the moment to decide the outcome was coming.

He took a deep breath, waved his arms vigorously, and the ball roared toward the opponent's open space.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze and everyone's heart stopped beating.

The ball flew over the opponent's head and touched the ground lightly.

The entire stadium fell into a dead silence, except for the faint sound of the ball on the ground. 17:16, Jianhua won a goal!
The audience burst into wild cheers and waved their arms vigorously, as if cheering for Jianhua's victory.

Jianhua finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat, and his strength and enthusiasm were fully released.

The game continued, but the atmosphere was different.

The opponents' expressions were a little downcast. They seemed to feel Jianhua's momentum and began to hesitate and fear.

Jianhua also became more confident and determined. He knew that he was on the road to victory.

In the following games, Jianhua played his best, and every serve was full of power and precision.

The ball flew across the field so fast that opponents could not parry it.They kept making mistakes, giving Jianhua opportunities.

Bang, Jianhua attacked the opponent.

The ball flew towards the opponent's court like a bolt of lightning, extremely fast.The opponents watched the ball go over the net, with a hint of fear and helplessness in their eyes.

"Wow! This ball is so fast!" The audience exclaimed and applauded Jianhua's outstanding performance.

The opponent hurriedly adjusted his position, hoping to try his best to intercept the menacing ball.

However, his movements seemed a bit clumsy, as if he was suppressed by Jianhua's momentum and unable to perform to his own level.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and went straight to the right corner of the opponent's court.

The opponent tried his best, but could only watch helplessly as the ball slipped past him and hit the court.

"Score! Jianhua scores!" The referee's whistle pierced the silent air, and the audience burst into warm applause.

Jianhua smiled slightly, and the joy of victory rose in his heart.He knew that his hard work and persistence had finally paid off.

As the game continued, Jianhua's condition got better and better.

Every time he serves is like a bomb, instantly detonating the opponent's defense.

The expressions of the opponents became more and more depressed, and they began to feel at a loss and did not dare to let down their guard easily.

The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense, and the audience held their breath and watched every wonderful round intently.

Jianhua was ready to attack, his eyes flashing with sharp light, as if he wanted to see every weakness of his opponent.

The ball rose slowly, like a shooting star, crashing down into the sky with endless power.

The opponent raised his racket in panic, but was unable to make an effective counterattack.

The ball lightly touched the opponent's racket, made a crisp sound, and instantly changed direction, flying diagonally towards the opponent's left side.

Opponents lost their balance in an instant, overwhelmed by the power and speed of the ball and unable to steady themselves.

Their eyes widened, full of astonishment and surprise.

The ball grazed the edge of the opponent's racket, flew through the air gently, and finally hit the other side of the court.

Jianhua picked up the ball and almost scored, but fortunately he had quick eyes and quick hands.

The ball grazed the edge of the opponent's racket, flew through the air gently, and finally hit the other side of the court.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the court became tense. Everyone held their breath and watched the trajectory of the ball.

The ball stopped firmly at the edge of the field and did not continue rolling.Jianhua breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension in his heart gradually dissipated.He walked over to the ball, reached out, picked it up, and inspected it carefully.

The surface of the ball is smooth and white. It is his favorite game ball. He spent several months of saving to buy it.He couldn't help but sigh that this shot was surprisingly accurate.

The opponents not far away left the field dejectedly. They could not deny that this goal was Jianhua's victory.Jianhua looked at their leaving figures and felt a sense of pride in his heart.

This game is a decisive battle between him and his opponents to compete for the annual table tennis championship.Jianhua is the leader of the table tennis team. His skills are famous throughout the school, so he is highly anticipated.

However, this is not an easy game.The opponents are all table tennis masters from other schools. They have also gone through long-term training and tempering.For Jianhua, this game is undoubtedly the pinnacle of his table tennis career.

After this victory, Jianhua felt more confident.He took a deep breath and stared at the table opposite, his whole body filled with strength and vitality.He knows that the next game will be more intense, but he is ready.

The referee blew the whistle to continue the game, and Jianhua quickly adjusted his state and prepared to face the challenge of the next opponent.He held the racket tightly and stared at the ball, focused and determined.

The opponent threw the ball very fast, Jianhua counterattacked with quick eyes and hands, and the ball flew through the air with a harsh sound.He went all out for this goal, hoping to continue to lead.

The game continued, and every ball was an exciting contest.The skills of Jianhua and his opponents collided with each other, their sweat splashed on the table, and the field was filled with a strong atmosphere of table tennis.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the game entered the final decisive stage.At this moment, Jianhua's heart beat faster and he felt the call of victory.His eyes shone with determination and desire, and he knew that if he persisted just a little longer, victory would be just around the corner.

The ball flew back and forth, getting faster and faster.Jianhua's movements became more and more flexible, and every counterattack was accurate.He seemed to enter a transcendent realm, becoming one with the ball and perfectly controlling every angle.

18:16, Jianhua leads the opponent by two points.
Finally, the game came down to the final goal.This goal determines the fate of victory or defeat.

Jianhua concentrated on attacking, his eyes shining with determination and perseverance.

The ball flew through the air with a loud crash and hit the opponent's racket.

The opponent also resisted Jianhua's ball with sharp eyes.

The figures of Jianhua and his opponent intertwined on the table, and the table tennis balls flew in the air like two burning fires.

Each of their strikes was full of power and speed, as if it could tear the air and bring about a gust of wind.

This is a contest of strength and skill, and their eyes reveal endless fighting spirit and persistence.

In this fierce battle, they showed their best side and fought hard for victory.

The last ball was played for more than ten minutes.

In the end, after a fierce duel, Jianhua won the game with a slight advantage.

He was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his face.His eyes were filled with victory, and he knew that this game was the result of his hard work.

The opponent was not discouraged at all. He held the table tennis racket tightly and said to Jianhua with a smile: "You are such an excellent opponent. This game is really exciting."

Jianhua smiled slightly and extended his hand to his opponent, "You are also a very good player. The duel between us was really unforgettable."

They shook hands and exchanged appreciation and respect.

This game is not just a competition between two people, but also a sublimation of friendship.

Their hearts resonated at this moment, and they both knew that this game was just the beginning, and they would continue to challenge each other in the days to come.

After the game, there was warm applause on the court.

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