The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 805 Champion Competition

"Jianhua, congratulations, congratulations!"

As soon as Jianhua walked off the field, Shaojie was the first to congratulate Jianhua.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xin and Lin Hui also came over and congratulated each other on Jianhua's table tennis promotion.

But there was no smile on Jianhua's face, but sadness.

Jianhua's victory made him feel as heavy as a dark cloud.

He knows that the upcoming championship match will be a tough battle as he will be pitted against Lin Hui.

The two practiced table tennis together and participated in competitions together. They had a tacit understanding and encouraged each other every time, but now, they have to become opponents.

This situation made Jianhua feel conflicted and entangled in his heart. He didn't know how to face such a situation.

In his inner struggle, the time of the game gradually approached.The audience waited excitedly, and there was a tense atmosphere in the venue.The referee's whistle sounded and the game started.

Lin Hui swung the racket, and the table tennis ball flew towards Jianhua like an arrow from the string.Jianhua's eyes were firm and he reacted quickly, hitting the racket back lightly.

Both players are very skilled, and every return they make shows their years of practice and grinding.

The situation on the court was tense and intense. The two of them were going back and forth, and the ping pong balls shuttled across the table at a speed that was hard to catch.

The audience held their breath and watched every turn with rapt attention.

The game entered a decider.The atmosphere on the field became more tense, as if the air had solidified.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes intertwined with each other, seeming to tell each other silently: "We have worked together for so many years, no matter we win or lose, we are the best friends."

Lin Hui threw a powerful serve, and the ping pong ball flew through the air like lightning.

Jianhua stared closely at the ball, his body reacted quickly and hit the ball back with precision.

The ball landed and Lin Hui's return was caught by Jianhua.

It can be seen that both of them are working hard and no one wants to lose.

Tension filled the court, and the audience stared closely at the two players on the stage, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes met each other again, revealing not only friendship, but also their tacit understanding and determination.

They both know that no matter what the outcome of this game is, they are still best friends and this game only temporarily separates them.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly and threw a powerful serve.

The ping-pong ball flies through the air like lightning, with a dazzling speed.

Jianhua stared closely at the ball, his body reacted quickly and hit the ball back with precision.ball
Flying over the net, he went straight to the side where Lin Hui was.

Lin Hui's reaction was equally quick. He jumped up nimbly and caught the ball.

The duel between the two sides was like a martial arts battle, and every shot showed their years of training and hard work.

Their figures shuttled quickly across the stage, the ball came and went, and their cooperation and confrontation were shocking.

Every shot seemed to determine their fate. They devoted themselves to this game and tried their best, unwilling to leave any regrets.

The audience in the audience also became excited as the game progressed, cheering and applauding endlessly.

They cheered for these two outstanding players and supported them with enthusiasm and encouragement.

The entire venue seemed to be filled with this passion, and there was an atmosphere of tension and excitement in the air.

The scores of both sides are closely linked.

Both Lin Hui and Jianhua can feel each other's persistence and perseverance, which makes them work harder and be more confident.

They are constantly adapting their tactics and strategies.

Their movements were in sync with the ball, nervous and exciting.

Lin Hui and Jianhua devoted themselves to the game. They had exceeded their own limits just to compete for the final victory.

Finally, there was a loud hitting sound and the ball flew to Jianhua's side.

His eyes sparkled with determination and he met the ball without hesitation.

The ball hit the ground with a crisp sound.

1:0 Lin Hui scored.

"Shaojie, who do you think will win between Lin Hui and Jianhua?"

Although Xu Xin felt that Lin Hui was more likely to win, she still asked Shaojie.

"Lin Hui and Jianhua are in the same dormitory and play together. They are familiar with each other's tactics. As usual, Jianhua is still not as good as Lin Hui."

The two of them trained together in the table tennis room and knew each other well. Shaojie felt that the possibility of winning was much greater. After all, he had won the championship.

Xu Xin frowned and glanced at the tight table in the table tennis room, filled with doubts.

He knew that the duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua would be a fierce contest, but his real doubt was who would win this battle.

The four of them are all members of the table tennis team. They train and compete in this spacious dormitory every day. The tacit understanding between them has already penetrated into their blood.

Lin Hui is a short player with outstanding skills. His ball speed is dazzling, and his movements with his feet are as agile as flowing water.

Jianhua, on the other hand, is a tall and powerful player. His power is shocking, and every serve carries an irresistible momentum.

There was a tense atmosphere in the table tennis room. The figures of the two players were intertwined on the table, making every round dazzling.

Lin Hui's racket drew beautiful arcs in the air, and every swing was powerful and accurate.

Jianhua, on the other hand, uses his tall body as a fulcrum, and every serve is as fast as lightning.

Shaojie stood in the audience, watching their game intently.

His eyes were full of anticipation, because he knew that this game would determine the outcome of their team.

He recalled the past games and found that Lin Hui's technical advantage was almost unmatched, but Jianhua's strength could not be ignored.The competition between these two players is simply like a duel between heaven and earth.

Every round on the table makes people nervous. The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua are intertwined, as if they have become one.The clash of rackets, the friction of balls on the table, every tiny sound echoed in the air.

The hearts of the people in the audience were beating fast, and their eyes were glued to their every move, for fear of missing any excitement.

Time seemed to freeze in this small space, and one second seemed to become extremely long.

Jianhua continued his attack without fear.

The sound of rackets clattering and balls scraping on the table was endless.

Their figures were intertwined and seemed to have merged into one.

The hearts of the people in the audience were beating fast, and their eyes were glued to their every move, for fear of missing any excitement.

Jianhua felt strong pressure from Lin Hui, but he was not afraid.He quickly adjusted his mentality, concentrated his attention, and responded to Lin Hui's attack with all his heart.

With every shot, he tried his best to hit the ball accurately and powerfully.

Not to be outdone, Lin Hui continued to show strong strength despite Jianhua's defense being almost impeccable.

His skills are like a giant dragon, powerful and flexible, constantly trying to break through Lin Hui's defense.

The racket danced in his hands, and every shot carried an unstoppable force, which amazed the audience.

Time seemed to freeze, and one second became extremely long.Everyone felt the tension of this game, as if the whole air had solidified.

The audience's eyes were fixed on Lin Hui and Jianhua, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

Lin Hui was preparing to launch an attack, while Jianhua was watching his every move, ready to react at any time.

Lin Hui swung the racket, and the ball flew rapidly through the air with an unstoppable momentum.

Jianhua reacted immediately, swinging his racket like lightning and hitting the ball back to the opponent's side.

Every round on the table is tense, and every shot makes people's hearts beat faster.

Lin Hui responded quickly and hit the ball back to the opponent's corner.

The ball on the table flies through the air, and every collision brings a harsh sound.

The audience held their breath, they could not predict what would happen at the next moment, but they were all attracted by the game and shocked by the performances of Lin Hui and Jianhua.

Jianhua continued his attack without fear. His racket drew an arc in the air. The ball was like a twinkling star, instantly traveling through space and heading straight for Lin Hui's baseline.

Lin Hui hurriedly adjusted his posture and hit back with all his strength. The sound of the collision between the ball and the racket resounded throughout the court.

The hearts of the audience seemed to be beating out of their chests, and they stared nervously at everything on the table.

They can feel the tension between Lin Hui and Jianhua, and every move they make is full of power and skill.

This is a real showdown, a fight with no retreat.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the table, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

Lin Hui and Jianhua were both focused on facing each other's attacks. Their figures were intertwined on the table, forming a wonderful and tense scene.

The sound of the clatter of rackets and the friction of balls on the table echoed throughout the entire court.

Every round is nerve-wracking and every shot has the heart racing.

Their figures drew arcs in the air, their rackets danced in the air, and every hit brought excitement and shock.This is a real game, a heart-pounding showdown.

Lin Hui and Jianhua are eager to win.

Their eyes are full of firmness and determination, their movements full of power and skill.

Jianhua continued his attack without fear. His racket danced even faster, and the ball flew through the air and went straight to Jianhua's baseline.

Lin Hui reacted immediately. He hit back with all his strength, and the sound of the collision of the ball and racket echoed throughout the court.

The hearts of the audience seemed to be beating out of their chests, and they stared nervously at everything on the table.

They can feel the tension between Lin Hui and Jianhua, and every move they make is full of power and skill.This is a real showdown.

On the field, the sun shines on the ground through sparse clouds, reflecting a warm light and shadow.

Staring at the scene in front of him, Jianhua frowned slightly, feeling an indescribable emotion in his heart.

On the competition field, the energetic audience was like a blazing fire, with enthusiasm and anticipation intertwined.

They stared closely at the field, as if they could witness the birth of history at any time.

The table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and instantly turned into a shooting star.

At that moment, the world seemed to have stopped, leaving only the table tennis ball and two players.

Time seems to be frozen, and every second seems to be stretched out, giving people enough time to savor the beauty.

With a crisp sound, the table tennis ball hit the ground with a bang.The scoreboard on the playing field flashed a score of 1:1, which clearly demonstrated the strength gap between the two sides.

Jianhua and Lin Hui smiled, as if they were not nervous because of the closeness of the game.

After all, for them, the game has just begun, and there are endless challenges waiting for them.

They took a deep breath, and a firm force surged through their bodies.

The game continued, their figures intertwined on the field, and every movement was full of power and speed.Their jerseys were soaked with sweat, but their eyes did not flinch.

The surrounding environment became blurry, as if only Jianhua and Lin Hui existed in this world.

Their thoughts were undulating like waves, and their eyes were full of desire for victory.

The expressions of both people were frozen on their faces.

The ping-pong ball shuttled between them like a meeting point of fate.

The game continued, their figures intertwined on the field, and every movement was full of power and speed.

Every shot is a testament to their hard work, their bodies and willpower reaching their peak at this moment.

Lin Hui's eyes flashed with calmness and decisiveness, and every judgment was just right.

His ball path is unpredictable and unpredictable for his opponents.

Jianhua, on the other hand, showed his extraordinary speed and strong control, and every shot was filled with domineering power.

The audience cheered them on and boosted their morale.

At this juncture, they felt the support of the audience, which became their motivation to continue fighting.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and every collision of the ball took people's breath away.

Their heartbeats seemed to echo across the field, this was the most important moment of their lives.

A sharp sound broke the silence, and Lin Hui's ball hit Jianhua's sideline and scored a crucial point.

Lin Hui's eyes flashed with joy, but he did not stop, but continued to hit the ball with high intensity.

Jianhua calmed down, he knew he couldn't lose, he needed to show his strength.

There was determination in his eyes as he constantly adjusted his batting strategy and looked for opportunities.

After a few more rounds, Jianhua finally found an opportunity, and he quickly launched a fierce attack.

Every shot is dazzling with power and speed.

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