The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 809 Catch up again

Chapter 809 Catch up again
The ball flew past Lin Hui and bounced from the table to the ground without mercy.

Lin Hui's eyes widened, anger and frustration welling up in his heart.He didn't expect that Jianhua's skills were so superb and he defeated him mercilessly.

He took a deep breath, put away the anxiety and confusion in his heart, and regained his composure.

At the same time, Lin Hui watched the game nervously.

Holding the racket tightly with both hands, his eyes flashed with determination again.

He knew that he could not make any more mistakes and had to go all out to turn the situation around.

The next moment, Lin Hui swung his racket violently, and the ball drew an arc in the air at a dizzying speed.

This time, he didn't hesitate, he put all his strength and skill into the strike.

The ball flew toward Jianhua at an astonishing speed, and Jianhua's eyes flashed with surprise.

He didn't expect Lin Hui to fight back so quickly, which caught him off guard.

However, Jianhua was not hit by the ball.He moved his body nimbly and hit the ball over the edge with his unique skills.

Lin Hui felt that all the muscles in his body were trembling, and his breathing became rapid.

He looked at Jianhua, and their eyes met again, and each could feel the other's determination and efforts.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and readjusted himself.

The ball once again drew a beautiful arc in the air, faster and more accurately.

He swung his racket and the ball hit Jianhua's weak spot. It made a crisp bouncing sound and flew towards Jianhua.

Jianhua retreated hurriedly and fought back with all his strength, but the ball exceeded his expectations.

He could not stop the flight of the ball and could only watch as the ball flew past him.

The ball passed through accurately and made a crisp sound.

2 draws
Lin Hui's heartbeat accelerated a bit, and his tense nerves finally relaxed.

A wave of confidence and joy emerged spontaneously, and he felt that victory in this game was getting closer and closer to him.

He looked around and saw warm applause and cheers from the audience, which was an affirmation of his efforts and a compliment to his skills.

Lin Hui's eyes once became profound. He stared at the auditorium in the distance, as if he was looking at everyone, feeling the passionate shouts.

Lin Hui readjusted his condition and once again faced the wind and prepared to serve.

He swung the racket, and the ball was like a dexterous butterfly under his control, drawing a beautiful arc with faster speed and more accuracy.

A trace of anxiety flashed in Jianhua's eyes. He knew the importance of this goal and must go all out.

He adjusted his body posture, quickly retreated, and fought back with all his strength.However, the ball has exceeded his expectations.

Time seemed to have frozen, and Lin Hui's heartbeat seemed to have stopped beating at this moment.

He could not stop the flight of the ball and could only watch as the ball flew past him.

The ball passed through Jianhua's body accurately and made a crisp sound.

The applause in the audience suddenly fell silent, and everyone held their breath, frozen in this moment.

Then, a burst of warm applause and cheers sounded again, rushing to the stadium like a storm.

A bright smile broke out on Lin Hui's face, and he felt the joy of victory filling his body.

Jianhua was silent. He looked at the excited Lin Hui on the court, and his heart was filled with endless loss and regret.

In this game, he could not defeat Lin Hui and regain his own glory.

Lin Hui showed even better skills, and every serve was full of power and skill.Although Jianhua tried his best, he could not withstand Lin Hui's offensive.

Lin Hui couldn't calm down for a long time. He quickened his pace and quickly caught up with Jianhua who was in the lead.

Just now, Jianhua was several points ahead of him. Lin Hui felt that Jianhua was stronger, but now, everything has changed.

There was a trace of nervousness on Jianhua's face, and he felt Lin Hui's approaching aura.

He couldn't help gritting his teeth nervously and holding the racket tightly with both hands.However, despite the anxiety filling his mind, he still mustered up the courage to continue the fierce table tennis match without flinching.

There was a tense atmosphere on the court, and every move of the two men triggered cheers from the audience.

Lin Hui's every swing was full of power and precision, and his eyes shone with determination.

Jianhua, on the other hand, stayed close to the table, always ready to deal with Lin Hui's attack.

He kept changing the trajectory of the ball in the hope of making Lin Hui lose his balance.

Sweat dripped from the foreheads of the two men, their bodies were bent, and their breathing was rapid and rhythmic.

The clashing sound of table tennis rackets is endless, and the ball shuttles back and forth on the table at a speed that is difficult to catch.

The figures of the two people intertwined on the court, as if dancing a ping-pong dance.

The audience held their breath and stared at the two men on the court.

They can feel the tension and excitement, as if they are actually there.

Every change of ball had them holding their breath, hoping to see with their own eyes who would emerge victorious in this intense contest.

Time seemed to freeze, and every second seemed to become longer and slower.

Lin Hui and Jianhua looked at each other, and they could feel the determination and persistence in each other's hearts.They all know that this game is not only a battle for victory, but also a challenge and breakthrough for their abilities.

Finally, in a fierce confrontation, Lin Hui got his chance.The strength and flexibility of his whole body burst out at this moment, and his ball hit Jianhua's weakness like a bolt of lightning.

The trajectory and speed of the ball exceeded Jianhua's expectations. He had no time to make an effective counterattack and could only watch the ball slip by.

.At this moment, his body was full of strength and confidence, and he believed he could win.

However, Jianhua did not give up.

Although he was lagging behind, his eyes revealed his tenacity.He took a deep breath, gripped the racket again, and prepared to face the next challenge.

Both Lin Hui and Jianhua knew that the game was far from over.

Jianhua regained his confidence. He gripped the table tennis racket tightly, all the muscles in his body tensed.

His eyes were anxious and determined, and a trace of perseverance flickered in his pupils.

The table tennis ball in his hands seemed to have the magic of life, containing infinite power and hope.

He swung the racket hard, and the table tennis ball shot out like a bolt of lightning, roaring through the air and flying towards Lin Hui.

The ball was so fast that it was dazzling, like a comet with twinkling stars piercing the night sky, rushing towards the target without any doubt.

Lin Hui felt the pressure from Jianhua. His body tensed up instantly and his eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, preparing to make the most perfect counterattack.

His posture is tall and straight, like a tough willow tree, standing against the wind.

Every cell in his mind is running rapidly, analyzing the trajectory and speed of the table tennis ball.The table tennis ball drew a perfect arc in the air and quickly approached Lin Hui.

Lin Hui focused his attention, his eyes were like two sharp blades, locking the trajectory of the table tennis ball.

He swung the racket quickly, and the table tennis ball was hit back by him like a magic trick, crossing the net lightly and accurately and flying towards Jianhua.

The tension on the court reached its peak, and countless eyes were focused on the trajectory of the table tennis ball.

The table tennis ball was spinning in the air, carrying the hopes and efforts of the two people.

Jianhua's heartbeat quickened, and all the muscles in his body tensed, preparing for the final sprint.

The table tennis ball was getting closer and closer, and Jianhua felt the breath of victory.

He swung the racket hard, and the table tennis ball flew towards Lin Hui again like a ray of light.

The speed of the ball was so fast that it was difficult to catch, as if a blazing fireball broke through the constraints of time and space and rushed towards the goal.

Lin Hui realized the danger. His muscles tightened and his body was ready to go like a spring.

He concentrated and watched the trajectory of the table tennis ball firmly.He swung the racket quickly, and the table tennis ball was knocked back by him like a bolt of lightning and flew back to Jianhua's side.

The atmosphere on the court instantly became tense and intense. Both players tried their best, and the muscles in their whole bodies were full of strength and tenacity.

The table tennis ball shuttled back and forth between Lin Hui and Jianhua, and every counterattack was full of power and skill.

The bouncing ball on the table is like a shooting star, cutting through the night sky, bringing people endless surprise and passion.

The score became 3:3.

Lin Hui's eyes revealed a trace of nervousness, but he did not give up, his eyes shone with determination.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and regrouped.

Jianhua finally showed a smile on his face. This was the first time he had competed.he
His eyes sparkled with confidence and determination.In this game, he has been trying to find his rhythm and form, and now he finally found it.

He was convinced that he could defeat Lin Hui, and a strong fighting spirit arose in his heart.

Lin Hui's serve, the ball flew towards Jianhua, fast and accurate.

Jianhua reacted quickly and hit the ball back to the opponent's baseline. Lin Hui caught the ball with difficulty, but the speed of the ball was too fast for him to control and the ball slipped out of the sideline.

Jianhua won the point and the score became 4:3.

The audience in the auditorium was excited, cheering and applauding the wonderful performance of the two players.

Everyone can feel the tension and excitement of the game, as if they are immersed in it, fighting together with the players.

Lin Hui regained his lost confidence and knew that he could not lose to Jianhua.

He took a deep breath, put away his distracted thoughts, and concentrated on the game.

He returned to the tee, ready to meet Jianhua's challenge.

Jianhua was ready, his eyes shining with determination and fighting spirit.He said to himself: "I will definitely win!"

Table tennis balls flew back and forth between them, and the sound of the collision of rackets and balls echoed throughout the court.

The audience was waiting attentively, and every response made them nervous.


Every counterattack contains infinite power and skill, as if the entire stadium is enveloped in their talent and passion.

There were fine beads of sweat on Lin Hui and Jianhua's foreheads, and their breathing was rapid and strong.

The table tennis ball flew towards Jianhua under Lin Hui's serve. Jianhua caught the ball steadily and hit back hard.

Lin Hui caught the ball deftly and hit back mercilessly.The two of them were going back and forth, and the atmosphere on the court reached a climax. Every round was so tense that people held their breath.

In the end, Jianhua successfully hit the ball out of the sideline.

Lin Hui caught Jianhua's counterattack, his eyes full of determination and determination.

He gripped the table tennis racket tightly, swung it hard, and hit the ball towards Jianhua's corner.

Jianhua watched helplessly as the ball flew toward him. He moved his body quickly and nimbly stepped into a posture ready to fight back.

He gripped the racket tightly, a surge of power surged from his body, and he hit the ball back without hesitation.

Lin Hui observed Jianhua's movements and immediately adjusted his position.

His body instantly bent like an arrow, and then quickly straightened, ready to catch Jianhua's return ball.

The ball flew back and forth between the two men, and the atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense.

The audience held their breath, their eyes fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, hoping to witness the result of this exciting duel with their own eyes.

Lin Hui's eyes flashed with a cold light. He seized the opportunity and hit the ball to Jianhua's weakness again and again.

Every turn he took was full of power and skill, making Jianhua feel unprecedented pressure.

However, Jianhua does not admit defeat easily.

He gritted his teeth tightly, tensed his muscles, and met Lin Hui's challenge without flinching.His eyes shone with tenacious will, and he was determined to break Lin Hui's offensive.

Time passed by minute by second, and the score kept rising. The 8:6 situation made people more and more nervous.

The audience was in high spirits and cheered from time to time, cheering for the wonderful performance of the two players.

Finally, Jianhua ushered in a critical round.

He took a deep breath and concentrated on getting ready to fight back.Lin Hui served, and the ball drew an arc in the air and went straight to Jianhua.

A glimmer of light flashed in Jianhua's eyes. He quickly judged where the ball would land, and then swung the racket hard.The ball was struck like a bolt of lightning and flew towards Lin Hui at an astonishing speed.

When Lin Hui saw the ball flying towards him, his heart tightened and he reacted immediately.

His body dodges like a nimble cheetah and then strikes back quickly.

The ball flew back and forth between the two, and the atmosphere on the court reached its climax.Every turn between Lin Hui and Jianhua was full of passion and power, which amazed people.

In the end, Jianhua successfully hit the ball out of the sideline.

The score became 9:6, and the audience burst into warm applause and cheers.

Lin Hui stopped, breathing heavily, feeling the excitement in his chest.

He was still one point away from winning the second game, but seeing Jianhua like this, he seemed a little unwilling.

Lin Hui felt that he had to go in and out quickly to score this point.

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(End of this chapter)

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