The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 810 Who wins the second game?

Jianhua stared at Lin Hui closely, remembering what Lin Hui said to him in the dormitory on weekdays.

Those words seemed to be a powerful force that rekindled his inner fighting spirit.

The atmosphere on the playing field was tense and intense. The cheers and applause of the audience were intertwined, as if a huge wave was sweeping over.

However, for Jianhua, Lin Hui is the only one in his world at this moment.

He took a deep breath and stared at Lin Hui's swing of the table tennis racket, feeling a surge of determination in his heart.

Lin Hui's ball came flying very fast, but the strength seemed to be lacking.

Jianhua reacted immediately. He knew that Lin Hui was not going all out.

At this moment, Jianhua felt a little disappointed. He didn't want his victory to be based on Lin Hui's negligence.

However, the moment the score changed, Jianhua realized that he still had a chance.

He refocused, adjusted his state, and prepared to face the next challenge.

He waved the table tennis racket in his hand as if it was the scale of the contest between him and Lin Hui.

The ball flew in the air, leaving a beautiful trajectory.

Jianhua's muscles all over his body tensed, his eyes locked on the trajectory of the ball, and everything in front of him seemed to freeze.

He exerted his strength and hit the table tennis ball with all his strength. He wanted Lin Hui to see his determination.

The ball flew towards Lin Hui so fast that people could not react.

When Lin Hui faced Jianhua's attack, a hint of vigilance finally flashed in his eyes.

The ball hit the ground and the score became 9:7.This score made Jianhua full of confidence.

He felt a rush of blood rush into his heart, and he knew that he still had a chance and might be able to turn the situation around.

The surrounding spectators were attracted by this duel, and their eyes were focused on Jianhua and Lin Hui.

Everyone can feel the tension of the game and the fierce competition between the players on both sides.

Jianhua held the table tennis racket tightly, and his body exuded a dignified force.

His eyes were firm and persistent, and he knew that as long as he went all out, he could equalize the game.

At the same time, Lin Hui felt the strength and determination emanating from Jianhua, and he knew he could no longer passively be beaten.

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind, adjusted his state, and prepared for Jianhua's attack.

Jianhua's serve was like a flash of lightning, sent to Lin Hui's left side at extremely high speed.

Lin Hui reacted instantly and fought with all his strength.

The moment the ball collided with the racket, a crisp sound was made, as if the entire stadium was filled with this sound.

Lin Hui was determined to prevent Jianhua from equalizing the score.

His body was coordinated and flexible, and every move he made was just right, giving Jianhua almost no chance.

Jianhua, on the other hand, was not to be outdone. His attacks became more ferocious, the ball speed was faster, and the angles were more unpredictable.

Lin Hui had to concentrate on making accurate judgments and responses to every ball.

His wrist swings flexibly, and the racket draws a wonderful arc in the air, hitting the ball back.

At the most intense moment of the game, the cheers and applause of the audience gathered together to form a powerful wave.

Everyone admired the wonderful performance of both sides, and they could all feel the peak showdown between the players.

The score was still stalemate, and neither side was willing to give up any ball.

In the tense atmosphere, Lin Hui became more focused. He began to observe Jianhua's habitual movements and footsteps, trying to find a way to break through him.

Suddenly, he discovered Jianhua's weakness on one side, and he immediately decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

With a sharp crossstroke, Lin Hui accurately hit the ball to Jianhua's weak point. Jianhua had no time to react and the ball flew directly out of the sideline.

Lin Hui seized the opportunity of the previous point and further expanded his advantage.

And Jianhua was not to be outdone. He showed a more tenacious fighting spirit and tried his best to win every ball.

The atmosphere on the court is getting more and more tense. The strengths of both sides are evenly matched. Any mistake may lead to a reversal of victory or defeat.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly and stared firmly at Jianhua in front of him.He took a deep breath and concentrated all his strength on the racket in his hand.

The ball drew an arc in the air and quickly flew towards Jianhua.

Jianhua also fought with all his strength, and the rackets of both sides collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

Then, the ball hits the ground.

Finally, the score stopped at 9:8, and Jianhua won.

Lin Hui frowned, looking disappointed.

He originally thought that he had mastered the rhythm of victory in the table tennis competition, but Jianhua's winning streak caused his confidence to collapse instantly.

He felt the frustration in his heart and couldn't help asking himself, how could Jianhua make such rapid progress?
Lin Hui looked at the table tennis table with blurry eyes. The balls on the table were flying rapidly, and every hit was carried with great power.

He could clearly feel that every shot of Jianhua was full of power and accuracy, as if there was no room for error.

This opponent's progress was so fast that he felt a little helpless.

The anxiety in his heart spread, and beads of sweat oozed from Lin Hui's palms.

He knew that if this continued, he would probably lose this round.

But he also knew that the only way out now was to go all out without any retreat.

He gathered all his strength, raised his arms, and sent the ball hard.

The ball flew through the air quickly, carrying his determination and hope, and headed straight for Jianhua's sideline.

Lin Hui's heart was racing along with the ball, hoping that his hitting would bring some pressure to Jianhua.

However, despite the force of his hit, Jianhua responded with ease.

He stood firmly on the spot, swung the racket unwaveringly, and hit the ball.

The combination of the ball and the racket made a crisp sound, which seemed to tell Jianhua's strength and determination.

Lin Hui's heart sank to the bottom, and he watched helplessly as the ball flew over his head and fell to the floor unstoppably.

A disappointed sigh escaped his lips, unable to hide his failure.

This time, he lost to Jianhua again.

They tied at 9:9.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly, feeling the frustration rising in his heart.

He has lost three goals in a row, and the pressure on his heart is getting heavier and heavier, and he can't help but begin to doubt his own strength.

Jianhua looked at Lin Hui's disappointed expression and smiled slightly, as if he understood his inner struggle.

He gently swung the racket and said gently: "Lin Hui, you don't have to be discouraged. The game is not over yet, and the outcome has not been decided."

Lin Hui raised his head, a glimmer of hope flashing in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his emotions.

He stared at Jianhua closely, focusing all his attention.

He could feel the gazes of the audience around him. The pressure made his heart beat faster and sweat dripped from his forehead.But he didn't dare to be distracted, because at this moment, he had to go all out.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and solemn.

Lin Hui suddenly felt a strong force emerging from his body, and his thoughts became clear.

He forgot the pain of losing, forgot his uneasiness, and just focused on everything in front of him.

He calmed down and responded quickly.

When Jianhua served again, he moved his body decisively, aimed at the ball's landing point, and prepared to launch a fierce counterattack.

The ball flew through the air, and Lin Hui swung the racket hard, making a crisp sound.

The moment the racket and ball merged, it seemed as if the entire court stood still for a second.

The ball flew towards Jianhua, and Lin Hui's heart was racing along with the ball, expecting that his hitting would bring some pressure to Jianhua.

In this attack, he went all out, leaving no room for error.

Jianhua smiled slightly, and he met the ball without flinching.

His body movements were smooth and precise, without any hesitation.

The blending of the ball and the racket once again made a crisp sound, which seemed to tell Jianhua's strength and determination.

Lin Hui's heart sank to the bottom, and he watched helplessly as the ball flew over his head and fell to the floor unstoppably.

A disappointed sigh escaped his lips, unable to hide his failure.

This time, he lost to Jianhua again.

But Lin Hui was not discouraged. Instead, he felt a strong fighting spirit ignited in his heart.He realized that he still had a chance and that as long as he didn't give up, anything was possible.

He took a deep breath and readjusted.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and intense, and everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Hui.

He felt endless pressure, but he did not back down.He knows that only by defeating himself can he defeat his opponent.

Lin Hui stabilized his breathing, concentrated, and prepared for the next ball.

The racket swung in his hand like a bolt of lightning across the court.The strength of his whole body is concentrated in the hitting action, hoping to bring the final victory.

The ball was flying in the air, and Lin Hui's eyes were locked on it.He kept his composure and swung the racket without hesitation.

In an instant, the combination of the ball and the racket once again made a crisp sound, and the entire stadium seemed to be shaken.

The ball flew towards Jianhua, and Lin Hui's heart flew forward with the ball.

This time, he felt an explosion of strength and believed that he could overcome all difficulties.

Jianhua was slightly startled, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.The ball flew past him, touching the floor with a faint sound.

The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the landing point of the ball.

Lin Hui's heart was tense. He hoped that the ball would land smoothly in the opponent's court.

The ball rolled and finally stopped on the sideline.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball, as if time had frozen at this moment.

He watched the ball roll down bit by bit, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.Each touch of the ball brought a thrilling crash that cut through the silent air.

Suddenly, the ball flew towards Jianhua. His eyes narrowed and he jumped forward, stretching out his trembling arms.

The ball passed through his hand and bounced back towards the opponent with a roar.

An inexplicable power surged in Lin Hui's heart, as if at this moment, his body was filled with infinite energy.

He wins!After losing three goals in a row, he finally ushered in his victory.Lin Hui couldn't suppress his excitement. He jumped up and raised his fists high.

He had a bright smile on his face and a glint of victory in his eyes.

However, Lin Hui did not stop. His desire for victory far exceeded his need for rest.He couldn't wait to continue the game, and the table tennis balls were flying in the air, dancing to an unrestrained melody.

Every touch of the ball brings a wonderful feeling, like the heartbeat of nature, stirring the passion in Lin Hui's heart.His body seemed to be integrated with the ball, and every swing was so accurate and powerful, as if the table tennis ball was jumping in his hands while also jumping with the excitement in his heart.

Sweat was pouring on his forehead and his cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't care and only focused on the trajectory of the ball and the reaction of his opponent.

His eyes were shining with sharp light, as if he was predicting everything in the future.

Lin Hui's breathing gradually became rapid, and his heartbeat echoed in his ears like thunder.

He felt as if he was racing against time, and every second was filled with endless challenges and opportunities.

Ping-pong balls were flying around him, and the sound they made was intoxicating.

Lin Hui's body seemed to melt into the melody of the ball, intertwined with the ball, as if he had become part of the table tennis game.

His eyes became hotter and sweat rained down on his forehead.

His body seemed to be supported by invisible force, showing no signs of fatigue.

He brings all his passion and talent to the game.

Lin Hui stood next to the ball table, his soaked clothes clinging to his skin, and his breathing was rapid and short.

The ball flew in his hand, snaking like a snake.

Lin Hui was constantly trying to control his movements. He could not let his body move too intensely.

His body is slowly adjusting, allowing him to complete the next attack as quickly as possible.

He already felt that his body was full of strength, and every inch of his muscles was full and full.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and started swinging the table tennis ball in his hand.

"Bang" a crisp and dull impact exploded in the air.

The table tennis ball drew a perfect parabola in the air, and then hit Jianhua straight.

Jianhua's reaction was also very sensitive. As soon as he saw the rapidly hitting ping pong ball, he quickly made evasive movements.

The table tennis ball suddenly stopped when it was only about three centimeters away from Jianhua's head.

Lin Hui had no intention of continuing the attack.
He knew that Jianhua was now fully focused, and it would be difficult to achieve final victory if he continued to attack Jianhua.

So he decided to take a risky move.

As long as Jianhua loses his guard, his shot will undoubtedly hit Jianhua.

His plan worked!
There was a trace of pride on his face, but there was no relaxation because it was far from over.

Jianhua opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Lin Hui, and then stretched out his hands to block his front.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes,
When Lin Hui saw Jianhua's actions, a smile appeared on his face.

Lin Hui's feet moved slightly, and his whole body was like a missile, and the ping pong ball flew towards Jianhua.

At the moment when Lin Hui was about to touch Jianhua, the table tennis ball suddenly changed its trajectory, changed direction, and flew towards the other side.


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(End of this chapter)

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