The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 812 The Last Last

The second game ended in a draw, and Jianhua felt confident.

He firmly believes that he has the ability to challenge Lin Hui, and perhaps become the champion like Lin Hui back then.

He firmly believed that he had enough courage and strength to try all this.

Immediately afterwards, the table tennis ball made a perfect arc in Jianhua's hands.

The flight trajectory of the ball is clearly visible, as if it is a gorgeous arc drawn in the air.

Jianhua's wrists are flexible and strong, and his ability to control the ball is undoubtedly top-notch.

His opponent Lin Hui was not to be outdone, and the ball quickly bounced between the two.

Every rebound was accompanied by a harsh sound, as if the duel between the two was a battle between ping pong balls and wooden boards.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense. The audience held their breath and watched the game with rapt attention.

Jianhua was constantly urging himself, he must keep a clear mind and a stable mentality.

If he can win this game, it will be a major breakthrough in his career.

At this critical moment, Jianhua's physical and mental state have entered the best state.

He constantly used his skills and experience to constantly engage in fierce duels with Lin Hui.Every serve and every return amazes the audience.

The ball drew a perfect arc in the air, as if telling everyone that it was an excellent ball.

And Jianhua also showed his strongest strength at this moment, hitting the ball with great power.

It passed through Lin Hui's defense at extremely fast speed and flew to the edge of the table.

Lin Hui's brows furrowed deeply, and he was keenly aware of Jianhua's rising confidence.

Soon, the table tennis ball in Jianhua's hand was flying like a free-flying bird, soaring in the air.

Lin Hui felt the pressure from his opponents strongly. He knew that he could not show weakness and must face the challenge calmly.

Suddenly, the table tennis ball in Jianhua's hand flew towards Lin Hui in an instant, and the speed was so fast that people were caught off guard.

Lin Hui's heartbeat accelerated, and he immediately entered a fighting state, his eyes fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, like a cheetah ready to hunt.

The table tennis ball drew a wonderful arc in the air and arrived in front of Lin Hui in the blink of an eye.

Lin Hui suddenly raised his hand and hit the ball hard, and the ping pong ball quickly flew back to the opposite side.

The entire venue fell silent, except for the swishing sound of table tennis balls in the air.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes met in the air, and both of them could see the excitement and challenge in each other's eyes.

Lin Hui's heart was full of passion.

He jumped up suddenly, his body as flexible as a cheetah, and reached the edge of the table in an instant.

He stretched out his hand, held the racket tightly, exerted force on his wrist, and shot the ball like an arrow, hitting the spot where Jianhua served. The table tennis ball bounced to Jianhua's left side.

Jianhua's eyes lit up. He was not frightened by Lin Hui's attack, but felt a little excited.

His body flexibly dodged the ball and hit the ball to Lin Hui's lower right corner with his backhand.

Lin Hui's reaction was extremely fast. He jumped to the right like an agile hound, holding the racket in his left hand, and hit the ball back with a hard swing with his right hand.

The table tennis ball kept changing directions in the air. The competition between the two had attracted the attention of the people around them. Some people gathered around and saw this fierce competition.

Lin Hui and Jianhua are both the best in the game. Their abilities are evenly matched, and every shot can bring a strong visual impact.

Jianhua's skills are slightly inferior to Lin Hui's, but his reactions are extremely quick.His eyes were fixed on Lin Hui's movements, as if he wanted to remember Lin Hui in his mind.

Lin Hui is indeed a professional player. His reactions are very sensitive and he has been able to dodge several attacks in a row.

"Lin Hui, come on!"

"Lin Hui, come on!"

There were enthusiastic cheers from the audience.Lin Hui is the focus of today's team, and his performance has won the recognition of countless fans.They all hope that Lin Hui can create a miracle and let the team win the championship.

"Come on, Lin Hui! You can do it!"

"Lin Hui! Come on!"

Lin Hui's face became more and more solemn, and the sweat on his back had soaked the clothes on his back. He had reached his limit and did not dare to continue such an attack.But this is the last chance, and he is unwilling to give up. He doesn't know what cards he has that can be used to make a comeback. The only way is to take a gamble!
He handed the racket to his left hand, his legs were slightly bent, his arms were stretched forward, and his right foot was slightly arched, gathering enough strength.Then he jumped up, his body like a sharp sword, and rushed towards Jianhua.

Jianhua was also shocked when he saw this.He never expected that Lin Hui would do such a crazy thing at this time.

But his performance was even more thrilling because he reacted too quickly. He turned around, moved his body to the side, and easily dodged the ball. The counterattack ball was grabbed by him.

Jianhua's performance shocked the audience. Lin Hui's crazy attack was simply seeking death!
Even Lin Hui himself did not expect that he would risk his life to attack Jianhua.Just now, he was completely confused by Jianhua's performance and did not notice that his body had reached its limit.He knew that if he could not win, he would lose.

Jianhua watched the ball fly to his other side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Hui! You are definitely losing!"


A bullet pierced the air and went straight to Jianhua's eyebrows with a sharp whistling sound.

Just when everyone held their breath and looked forward to the ending, they only heard a muffled "bang".The ping pong ball flew towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui's body spun in mid-air and caught the ping pong ball. Then his body fell forward and fell heavily to the floor.

The whole place was silent, and everyone was stunned.How did Lin Hui do it just now?Such a precise attack?How did he do that?
Jianhua was also stunned. He had never expected that such an accident would happen. It was simply impossible!The shot just now was obviously aimed at Lin Hui, but why was he still unharmed?Is it just good luck?

It was a tie at 1:1.

Lin Hui got up from the ground, his forehead was covered with sweat, but there was a smile on his face.This battle was finally not in vain.

"Lin Hui! Come on! Lin Hui! Come on!."

Lin Hui raised his head and looked at the crowds all around him, all cheering for him. Warmth surged through his heart and tears shone in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and strode towards the table tennis table.

Lin Hui looked straight ahead, and then made a bang sound, and the ping pong ball flew out.

Jianhua watched the ping pong ball flying towards him and hurriedly reached out to catch it. However, he did not expect that the ball actually carried a violent force. He fell backwards involuntarily and fell heavily to the ground.


Hearing the shouts from behind, Lin Hui quickly turned around and saw Jianhua lying on the ground groaning in pain.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

Lin Hui hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

Jianhua shook his head in pain. He felt like he was hit hard on the back of his head and his whole body felt dizzy.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy."

He supported his body and sat up reluctantly.Lin Hui looked at his expression and felt a little uneasy.

"Is it okay? I'll help you go to the hospital."

"No, I'm fine."

Jianhua suppressed his discomfort and stood up.

"Let's continue." Jianhua stood up and looked at Lin Hui firmly.He couldn't lose, especially not in front of Lin Hui, that would make him lose too much.He took a deep breath and picked up the table tennis ball again.

Lin Hui looked at him, smiled slightly, picked up the table tennis ball from the ground, and started to serve.Although his shot was not as sharp as Jianhua's, it was accurate and forced Jianhua to maintain a high degree of concentration at all times.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the two men played extremely fiercely.

Jianhua's offense was extremely sharp, but Lin Hui's defense was equally strong. His body was as nimble as a monkey, constantly changing his body shape to avoid Jianhua's attacks.The two were in a stalemate for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Hui let out a long cry and threw the table tennis ball into the distance.

The table tennis ball makes a crisp sound, which is constantly echoing in the collision of racket and ball.

Jianhua's body was in unbearable pain, but he gritted his teeth and waved the racket in his hand without showing any signs of weakness.His eyes were so sharp that he seemed to be holding the racket to pieces.Lin Hui was filled with emotion when he saw Jianhua like this, thinking that Jianhua was much stronger than before.

However, at this moment, Lin Hui made an inadvertent mistake, allowing Jianhua to score a point.

This point turned the game into a 1:2 situation.Lin Hui was a little disappointed, but at the same time it also inspired his fighting spirit. He was determined not to let Jianhua get any chance.

The duel between the two became more and more intense, the speed and arc of the ball continued to increase, and the court was filled with a tense atmosphere.

The surrounding spectators were also attracted by this game. They held their breath and watched the duel between the two young people intently.The sound of the racket keeps ringing, the trajectory of the ball changes erratically, and the dynamics on the court are dizzying to watch.In such a tense environment, the two kept fighting each other, and every minute was thrilling and amazing.

Finally, in a shocking moment, Jianhua made a powerful counterattack and hit the ball hard on the side where Lin Hui could not react. The score was successful and the score became 2:2.

The atmosphere on the court reached a climax, and the audience burst into warm applause and cheers.Jianhua and Lin Hui were both immersed in the passion of the game. They firmly believed that they could win and would never give up easily.

This time, Lin Hui chose to defend.

He knew where his advantage was, but it was only one point.Because the table tennis ball is so mobile and round, he had to defend carefully to avoid being hit by Jianhua, which gave him an opportunity to attack.


Lin Hui knocked the ping pong ball away again.

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on Jianhua's body, and he wanted to seize this opportunity.

"Bang Bang Bang"

After the table tennis ball flew into the net, it bounced back in the frame.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The ping pong ball kept rolling in mid-air, but Jianhua was still unable to stop its flight.

"Pap tap tap."

In such a competition, Lin Hui did not dare to slack off at all.



The table tennis ball makes a wonderful sound.

Lin Hui held the racket tightly, full of confidence and determination.
The table tennis ball kept bouncing in mid-air. Lin Hui swung the racket hard and the ball flew towards Jianhua's baseline.

Jianhua's eyes were sharp and he reacted quickly. He made several wonderful swings in succession and hit the ball back to Lin Hui's sideline.

He adjusted his breathing, recovered his mind, and prepared for the next ball.

This time, Lin Hui found that Jianhua's arm movements were a little stiff, as if he was suffering from fatigue.There was a movement in his heart and he knew it was time to take action.

The table tennis ball flew over like a dragonfly. Jianhua reacted quickly, but the ball flew past him and landed on his baseline.

"Score!" Lin Hui raised his arms and shouted, ecstatically.

The competition became more and more fierce, with Lin Hui and Jianhua going back and forth, refusing to give in to each other.

Their skills have reached the level of proficiency, and every ball is amazing.

Lin Hui was so excited that he was sweating profusely. He could feel that victory was right in front of him.

His mood was very complicated, both excited and nervous.

Jianhua was not to be outdone, his eyes flashed with firm determination.He knew that if he lost this game, his table tennis career would be dark.

Therefore he must not lose!

The next game became more and more tense, and the scores between the two remained in a stalemate.

The spectators on the court were so nervous that they held their breath. Their eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, and they kept shouting along with the flight trajectory of the ball.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's scores have been tied, and the score has become three ties.

The atmosphere on the court became extremely tense, and it seemed as if the whole world had stopped.

The ball flew towards Lin Hui. He swung the racket nervously, but he did not expect the ball to fly out of the boundary.

The two were once again in a stalemate.

Lin Hui's brows furrowed more and more tightly, feeling anxious.He can't continue like this, otherwise he will be eliminated.

With a "boom", the table tennis ball hit the ground.

Lin Hui glanced at the table tennis ball on the ground and once again made a wonderful counterattack.


The ball flew very close to the frame.

Lin Hui was overjoyed.

He knew that he had to win this game back, otherwise he would definitely lose.He quickly picked up the ping pong ball and started swinging it wildly.

The table tennis ball kept spinning on the ground, and finally stopped on the net, and Lin Hui's racket just hit the ball, and he smashed the table tennis ball to the opponent.

At this time, thunderous cheers rang out from the scene, and they shouted excitedly to celebrate Lin Hui.

Lin Hui couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although his racket didn't touch the net, it felt really great.

Lin Hui's racket did not hit the ball, so the score became 4:3
Jianhua's face was gloomy and uncertain, and there was a complicated look in his eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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