Lin Hui felt that the tension on the court had dissipated a lot, and he decided to take the rhythm of the game into his own hands.

He calmed down and started the game again.

The ping pong balls on the field were flying constantly, and their figures were moving as fast as lightning.

Lin Hui constantly adjusted his state and strengthened his aggressiveness, while Jianhua adopted a strategy of winning steadily, leaving Lin Hui no chance to score.

The competition entered a fierce stage, and the audience cheered and applauded continuously.

Lin Hui suddenly saw an opportunity. He showed his strength and successfully dunked the ball.

The score became 4:4, and the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax.

Jianhua's face became more complicated, and he regretted that his previous strategy was too conservative.

Lin Hui felt the taste of victory and decided to continue to strengthen his attack so that Jianhua could not fight back.

Lin Hui felt the taste of victory and decided to continue to strengthen his attack so that Jianhua could not fight back.

Bang, the ping pong ball flew up in the air.

Lin Hui took a step forward with his right leg and waved his hand.

He watched the ping pong balls fly.

Upon seeing this, Jianhua jumped up quickly, trying to intercept Lin Hui's attack.

But Lin Hui had already expected such a move from Jianhua. He prepared one step ahead and attacked Jianhua directly. He raised his arms high, raised the ball high above his head, and dunked it again.

The table tennis ball flew back and forth between Lin Hui and Jianhua.

Lin Hui feels that his condition is getting better and better, and he has found a way to defeat Jianhua.

"Jianhua was very uncomfortable being suppressed, and Lin Hui has already started to fight back!"

"Yes, I also think that it seems that the balance of the competition has tipped to Lin Hui's side."

"Jianhua has made many mistakes. He simply cannot keep up with Lin Hui."

"Lin Hui is too powerful. Jianhua loses without any suspense."

The voices of discussion came one after another.

They felt that Jianhua might lose because Lin Hui's offense was so fierce.

Lin Hui's eyes showed a trace of pride, and he felt a refreshing feeling. He felt that his body was full of endless energy.

Jianhua's sweat had soaked his vest.He saw a smile hanging on the corner of Lin Hui's mouth, as if he was laughing at himself, and he felt something stung his heart.

Unknowingly, Jianhua had given up resistance and allowed Lin Hui to attack. His face was full of exhaustion.

Lin Hui's eyes fell on Jianhua, and his expression was a little surprised that Jianhua had no defense.

Is Jianhua about to admit defeat?
The table tennis ball in Lin Hui's hand was like a dancing star, flying rapidly towards Jianhua's side, as if there was an invisible force pulling its trajectory.

The table tennis ball cuts through the air and makes a sharp whistling sound, stimulating people's auditory nerves.

Jianhua's eyes flashed, like an enraged lion, suddenly bursting out with all his strength.

He faced the ping pong ball without hesitation, his arms seemed to be injected with infinite energy, and he swung the racket as fast as lightning, heading straight for the ping pong ball with shocking power.

Lin Hui smiled, with a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth.

He stared at Jianhua, his eyes flashing with sharp light, as if he could penetrate every vein of his heart.

He knows that he is the king of table tennis, and the current Jianhua is far from enough to compete with her.

The moment the table tennis ball collided with the racket, the air was filled with intense energy fluctuations.

The ping pong ball burst out with dazzling light, like a blazing sun burning between the two.

Lin Hui felt the vibration from the racket, and the table tennis ball in his hand turned into a stream of light again, aiming at Jianhua's counterattack position.

Jianhua's eyes were firm, and his body seemed to have become an indestructible fortress.

His movements are elegant and smooth, and every swing is like a powerful arrow, hitting the path of the table tennis ball accurately and swiftly.

He constantly changed his angle to meet Lin Hui's challenge and maximized his strength.

Lin Hui frowned slightly. He felt Jianhua's determination and perseverance, but it was not enough to shake his confidence.

Jianhua gritted his teeth and flexed his body flexibly, like a strong bow, ready to unleash a fatal blow at any time.

His eyes narrowed and he focused on the table tennis ball, ready to meet Lin Hui's challenge.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and it was as if he could hear his blood rushing through his ears.

The table tennis ball turned into a stream of light again, like a shooting star piercing the dark night sky.

Lin Hui's eyes flashed with uneasiness. He felt Jianhua's power, and the powerful aura seemed to swallow her up.She gripped the racket tightly and tensed her muscles, preparing for this round of decisive battle.

On this table tennis battlefield, the two figures intertwined, and every hit was filled with the determination to destroy everything.

The sound of the collision of rackets and table tennis balls echoed throughout the stadium, and applause and cheers continued to echo.

Their sweat evaporated in the air, filling the air with a wave of heat.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and only the battle between them continued.

Their eyes were locked on each other, and they were engaged in a silent, fierce battle with each other.Lin Hui continued to win by surprise, while Jianhua turned decay into magic. Their skills and wisdom reached their peak at this moment.

Lin Hui, I will never lose to you, Jianhua swore secretly in his heart.

Lin Hui and Jianhua stood next to the table tennis table.

Lin Hui held the table tennis racket and felt the tension in his hand.

At this moment, he seemed to be on an infinite battlefield, with only the confrontation between him and Jianhua.Every time he swings the racket, he brings confidence and determination, hoping to use the most exquisite skills to drive the ball into the opponent's territory.

However, the moment the table tennis ball made a crisp sound, Lin Hui's expression suddenly froze.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the score actually became 5:5.Jianhua showed his long-hidden strength and relentlessly resisted Lin Hui's sharp offensive.

Lin Hui felt suffocated. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the surprise in his heart.

This result caught him off guard. He thought he could easily defeat Jianhua, but he didn't expect his opponent to be so powerful.

The table tennis racket slipped through Lin Hui's hands, and he followed the ball's every flight path closely.

There was a sharp light in his eyes, as if he wanted to take in the entire table tennis table scene.Every shot is a perfect combination of his power and skill.

However, Jianhua is not to be outdone.He moved his body flexibly and transformed into a swift cheetah.

His table tennis racket seemed to have become spiritual, dancing in response to his body, hitting the ball sharply and accurately.He faced Lin Hui's offensive without fear and hit the ball back instantly.

The ball flew in front of Lin Hui, carrying a strong wind, and gently hit the other side of the table tennis table.At this moment, the whole room seemed to be at a standstill, with only the trajectory of the ball moving through the air.

Lin Hui was dumbfounded.He didn't expect that his opponent was so powerful and could even fight him to a draw.This is not just a game, but more like a contest between them, a display of strength.

He took a deep breath and put away his inner panic.He knew that at this moment, he had to concentrate and exert his greatest strength.He gripped the table tennis racket tightly and stared at Jianhua opposite.

Lin Hui and Jianhua stood on the stage, holding the rackets tightly in their hands, and the table tennis balls kept flying back and forth between them.

The collision of balls makes a crisp sound, like musical notes jumping in the air.The audience watched the game intently, with endless anticipation and excitement in their eyes.

Lin Hui's figure is elegant and flexible, and his eyes embody infinite determination and concentration.

Whenever the ball comes, his body moves quickly in an instant, and the racket dances like the wind, like an elegant butterfly dancing among the sea of ​​flowers.His movements were smooth and swift, like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night, making people unable to help but fall in love with him.

Jianhua, on the other hand, looked more stable and steady. His body was straight, his eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball, and a perseverance of strength emanated from him.

Every time he hits the ball with an irresistible force, the ball is fast and powerful, and every serve is like a bomb exploding in the air.

The ping-pong ball flew back and forth between the two at a dizzying speed, and the collision between the balls made a series of fierce sounds.

The audience was completely attracted by the competition. Their eyes were fixed on the two players on the stage, and every move caused them to marvel and cheer.

The competition continued in this fierce atmosphere. Lin Hui and Jianhua's bodies were like two dexterous dancers, jumping on the stage.

Their movements are vigorous and graceful, and every move exudes a strong sense of strength and determination.Table tennis is like a star between them, shining brightly.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and every spectator fell into a wonderful state. They seemed to be in another world, completely attracted by the intensity of the game.

The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua flashed quickly in front of their eyes, and every movement they made was like a painting, vividly depicting passion and power.

The game continued, and the two bodies were like a pair of spinning hot wheels, constantly intertwined on the stage.

The mood of the audience also continued to rise as the game progressed. Their heartbeats merged with the sound of the ball, as if synchronized with the game.This table tennis match has become a dynamic picture, and every detail is full of vividness and shock.

In this fierce competition, Lin Hui and Jianhua showed their best skills and willpower.

Every fly of the ball contains their desire to win and their unremitting efforts.Every cell in their bodies is fighting for this game, and their eyes reveal endless determination and determination.

The game is still going on. The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua are like two shooting stars piercing the night sky. Each of their swings exudes a strong power and passion.

The audience seemed to be in a spectacular game, their emotions kept rising and falling with the development of the game, and every turn made their hearts beat faster.

This is a table tennis match full of passion and power. Lin Hui and Jianhua are like two dancers dancing gracefully on the stage.

Every move they make is full of power and agility, and every collision of the ball triggers a series of fierce sounds.The audience was completely attracted by the game. They felt as if they were on the stage, feeling the excitement of every ball and the impact of every swing.

The bodies of Lin Hui and Jianhua were like two powerful energies, constantly colliding on the stage.Every move they made was full of power and passion, and every swing was like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky.The ping-pong ball flew between them at a speed that was hard to catch, and each collision made a crisp sound.

In this fierce competition, Lin Hui and Jianhua were on par with each other, and their skills and willpower reached their peak.

Every shot reflects their sharp posture and sharp reflexes.The audience's eyes closely followed every detail of the game, and they seemed to be able to feel every breath and heartbeat of the players on the stage.

The game is still a close call.

In Lin Hui's offensive, Jianhua gradually fell into a disadvantage.Lin Hui's speed became faster and faster, and Jianhua gradually couldn't keep up with Lin Hui's frequency. Moreover, Lin Hui's movements seemed more subtle, and every movement was full of beauty and charm.Although Jianhua continued to seek a breakthrough, Lin Hui did not give him a chance.Whenever Lin Hui's racket is about to hit Jianhua's body, he will change direction in time to avoid Jianhua's punch, and then continue to attack Jianhua.Lin Hui is like a ferocious cheetah, taking away the opponent's life every time he attacks.

Lin Hui seemed to have turned into a sharp dagger, hurting Jianhua every time he struck.


Lin Hui finally gained the advantage in this battle, and the racket in her hand hit Jianhua hard on the head.This heavy blow knocked Jianhua unconscious and he fell backwards.He fell to the ground, his body trembling slightly, but no sound was heard.

They then looked to see who was today's champion, only to find that Lin Hui was firmly on top.Lin Hui is much stronger than Jianhua, and he had the upper hand in the previous game.

The game continues.

The ping pong ball flew over.

Lin Hui's movements are still very fast, but Jianhua's movements don't look so simple.

His body bounced up like a spring, his wrist suddenly rotated, and the table tennis ball flew away.His eyes narrowed, and he sensed danger.

The trajectory of the table tennis ball was changed, its speed suddenly increased, and it flew towards Lin Hui at lightning speed.

Lin Hui's eyes suddenly shrank, and he felt a little vigilant in his heart. He shifted his body to the right, and at the same time raised his leg and kicked out.

He kicked the ping pong ball hard with his toes, causing the ping pong ball to spin in mid-air and finally fall down the stage.

Lin Hui snorted coldly and turned to look at the ring.In this game, he was absolutely dominant.In the previous game, Jianhua was forced to retreat continuously, but he had the advantage, so he had to seize this opportunity.

A proud smile appeared on his lips, and he rushed out again.

His table tennis racket flicked, and the table tennis ball flew from the edge of the table tennis court to the stage.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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