Chapter 814
During the fierce competition on the stage, the table tennis ball drew a silver arc in the air, and then landed gently on the floor, making a crisp ping pong sound.

This sound of landing announced that the score between Jianhua and Lin Hui was once again tied.

The atmosphere on the court was tense and intense, and even Xu Xin, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't help but feel anxious.

She frowned and stared intently at the competition on the stage.

However, Xu Xin still believes deep down in her heart that Lin Hui's skills have declined, while Jianhua's skills have continued to improve.

Every swing he makes comes with strong confidence and power, as if he has mastered the rhythm of the entire game.

However, relatively speaking, Jianhua could not catch up with Lin Hui's strength, which Xu Xin also had doubts about.

She bit her lip gently, and after thinking for a while, she raised her head and continued to watch the competition between the two of them on the court intently.

At this moment, Lin Hui is waving a table tennis racket. His figure is agile and vigorous, and every swing carries his firm will and superb skills.

His eyes revealed his desire to win and his unyielding determination, as if he wanted to hit every ball in the most perfect arc.

Jianhua showed his tenacity and persistence.

His movements are agile and accurate, and every hit is carried with unparalleled power and speed, as if he is going to smash the ball in an instant.His eyes shone with the desire to win and the determination not to admit defeat, as if he wanted to use his strongest strength to defeat his opponent.

Every move and every look on the court is full of tension and passion.

There is a wonderful dance between the racket and the ball. The trajectory of the ball in the air is like a colorful ribbon, which is dizzying for people to watch.

The audience in the audience was also attracted by this game. They clenched their fists nervously and watched the two people on the stage intently.

They can feel the tension on the court and the determination of the players to fight hard, as if they themselves are in the game.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, stared quietly at the two people on the stage.

There was a trace of expectation and worry in her eyes. She hoped that Lin Hui could maintain his lead and that Jianhua could realize his potential.

She deeply understands that this game is very important to both people. It is not only related to victory or defeat, but also related to their affirmation and confidence in themselves.

At this moment, Xu Xin felt the importance and intensity of this game.

She knew that whether it was Lin Hui or Jianhua, they were all showing their love and dedication to table tennis in their own way.

Every move they make embodies their sweat and hard work, and every shot carries their dreams and hopes.

Xu Xin's eyes were fixed on the competition on the stage. She was looking forward to the final outcome and looking forward to seeing both people achieve their own glory.

She believed that, win or lose, they would both be good friends.

Shaojie sat next to Xu Xin. He looked up at the intense table tennis match going on on the stage and frowned slightly.

He felt that something was wrong with Xu Xin's expression just now, as he seemed to be completely immersed in his own thoughts.

Shaojie watched his expression worriedly, but received no response.

Shaojie's curiosity was aroused. He approached Xu Xin and said kindly: "Xu Xin, what are you thinking about? Why do you look so absorbed?"

He longed to know Xu Xin's inner thoughts.

However, Shaojie's question did not elicit a response from Xu Xin.

Xu Xin kept smiling and staring at the table tennis table.

Shaojie was a little confused. He began to wonder if his voice was too soft, or if Xu Xin didn't hear his question.

Finally, Xu Xin raised her head, smiled at Shaojie and said, "Who do you think will win, Lin Hui or Jianhua?" His voice was gentle and calm, with a hint of thought.

Shaojie was surprised, but he didn't expect Xu Xin to finally answer his question.

He looked at Xu Xin in confusion and asked doubtfully: "No matter which one of them wins the final table tennis victory, he is still a friend of both of us, isn't he?" There was a kind of friendship and tolerance in his voice. .

After hearing Shaojie's words, Xu Xin nodded slightly, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

He understood what Shaojie meant and the true meaning of friendship.Win or lose, their friendship will not be affected.

Shaojie's eyes turned back to the competition on the stage. He did not speak anymore, but quietly observed the struggle between Lin Hui and Jianhua.

He understands that they are friends and partners who have grown up together. No matter what the result is, this game will become a precious memory for them.

The atmosphere on the field became increasingly tense. The audience held their breath and stared at the two players on the stage.

The rise and fall of every ball tugged at their heartstrings.

They can feel the hard work of the players, and the power of perseverance and perseverance seems to be able to pass through the screen and touch everyone's heart.

On the table, Lin Hui and Jianhua alternated their efforts, showing their skills and perseverance in every move.

Their eyes were focused and sharp, as if they could penetrate each other's thoughts.

The audience in the audience could not hide their excitement. They followed the trajectory of the ball with their eyes and silently cheered for their favorite player in their hearts.

The tension reached its peak.Every audience member held the applause tightly in their hands and cheered for their favorite players.

The duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua became more and more intense, their moves became sharper and the ball moved faster and faster.

Finally, the game entered the final decisive stage.

Lin Hui and Jianhua fought each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit and determination.

Every shot on the table is full of power and speed, as if it is going to defeat the opponent.

The audience held their breath and stared at the competition on stage.They could feel the rapid heartbeats of the players and hear their gasps.

At this moment, the entire venue was immersed in a tense and intense atmosphere.

Finally, the game came to the final decisive goal.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's hands holding table tennis rackets trembled slightly, and their eyes were locked on each other.

The ball flew out, passing through the vibration in the air, and flew towards the opponent like an arrow from a string.

Time seemed to freeze, and the entire venue fell into deathly silence.

The audience held their breath, unable to take their eyes off the ball on the stage.

What happens next will determine who will win this victory, Lin Hui or Jianhua, who will be the winner, and who will be the loser.

At this moment, the entire venue was enveloped in a tense atmosphere, and everyone was waiting for the results to be announced.

Although the score at the moment is still 6:6, Jianhua and Lin Hui are closely intertwined, and their table tennis balls are like dexterous butterflies, dancing freely in the air.

The racket danced in their hands, making a crisp and powerful hitting sound, like a gorgeous performance on the stage.

The atmosphere on the table became tense and intense, and the audience's eyes were fixed on every moment of the game.

The eyes of Jianhua and Lin Hui were focused and determined, and they unleashed their skills and passion with every ball they touched.

The table tennis ball turned into streaks of light in their hands, drawing gorgeous arcs on the table, like a wonderful dance.

Suddenly, Lin Hui skillfully sent a curve ball into the opponent's blind corner.The audience immediately burst into exclamation and applause. This goal was so exciting.

Lin Hui relied on this outstanding performance to temporarily take the lead, but the game was not over.

A trace of determination flashed in Jianhua's eyes, and he knew he couldn't give up easily.

He held the racket tightly, condensing all the strength of his body, like a leopard preparing to pounce on its prey.

Every subtle change on the table caught his eye, and his heartbeat seemed to be synchronized with the beating of the table tennis balls.

Everything on the table became extremely intense in an instant, and the duel between Jianhua and Lin Hui became a real competition.

Their figures intertwined constantly, and the table tennis ball shuttled between them, sometimes spinning at high speed, sometimes flying lightly.

Every shot is filled with their inner fire, and every breath is accompanied by the release of power.

The audience held their breath and watched the progress of the game nervously.They seemed to be able to feel the nervous heartbeats of the players on the stage. Their faces were filled with desire for victory and worry about failure.

This game is destined to be a hard and fierce battle.

Whether it is Jianhua or Lin Hui, they are elites in the table tennis world, and every confrontation between them is full of sparks and conflicts.The lead in the score does not make them relax their vigilance, but instead stimulates their inner fighting spirit.

Although Lin Hui temporarily took the lead, the race did not reach the end.

Jianhua's eyes flashed with the desire for victory, and he was ready to fight every next ball with full fighting spirit.

This game is far from over, and who will ultimately win is still an unknown mystery.

Bang bang bang!The table tennis balls made a fierce collision sound on the table, as if to highlight the fierce confrontation between the two players.Beads of sweat broke out on Lin Hui's forehead. His body was a little tired, but he had no intention of stopping.

On the contrary, he held the racket more firmly and prepared to face the next challenge.

Opposite Jianhua, his skills have improved a lot than before.

His body shuttled around the table flexibly, and the racket in his hand was like an agile snake, quickly counterattacking every ball that came over.

There was a sharp light in his eyes, as if telling Lin Hui that he was no longer the easily defeated opponent before.

Lin Hui gritted his teeth, feeling the difficulty of playing this time.

With every swing, his muscles seemed to be torn apart, but he had no intention of giving up.

He knows that this game is of great significance to him and it is an important step towards victory.

At this moment, Lin Hui suddenly changed the angle of his serve.

His racket drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the ball cut through the night sky like a shooting star, flying accurately in front of Jianhua.

This goal was full of Lin Hui's desire and determination to win.

Jianhua's eyes narrowed, and he followed the ball's trajectory closely, trying to predict where it would land.

His body moves quickly and he swings the racket steadily in the direction of the ball.

However, the speed and power of the ball exceeded his imagination. He only had time to touch it lightly before the ball left his racket.

The ball continued to fly forward, traveling rapidly through the air.

Lin Hui watched nervously, hoping that the ball would pass through the opponent's defense and hit the table.

Then, a small sound came into my ears, which was the sound of the ball colliding with the table.

A bright smile broke out on Lin Hui's face, and his heartbeat sped up involuntarily.

boom!A dull crash sounded, piercing the quiet air.

At that moment, Jianhua's heartbeat seemed to pause.

The boxing duel between him and Lin Hui has entered a fierce stage, and the two fought for several rounds without deciding the outcome.

Lin Hui, the immortal idol established in Jianhua's heart, has always been the goal of his yearning.

Every time they fight, it's like a fight to the death, like a touchstone of fate.

Lin Hui's every movement was smooth and smooth, both steady and sharp.

And Jianhua, despite his superb skills, has never been able to surpass the unattainable mountain of Lin Hui.

Every time he lost, he felt doubly frustrated, as if his hope had been blown away by a cold wind.

However, today, when the ball was suddenly hit by Jianhua, making a heart-pounding sound, his confidence returned to his heart again.This goal was like a sign of his success, as if it was a sign that he was about to break through Lin Hui's towering wall.

Jianhua's eyes flashed with determination, and his gaze was firmly fixed in front of him.

At this moment, he felt extremely focused and powerful, as if there was an infinite energy flowing through his body.

He is no longer the fearful boy who fought against Lin Hui, but a warrior who truly stood up.

He took a firm step, like a lion glaring at its prey, and struck out.

His fists were like thunder, piercing the air extremely quickly and bringing up an unstoppable flow of air.

Every inch of muscle is tense, exuding strong strength.

Time seemed to have frozen, and the surrounding atmosphere was tense and intense.

The audience's shouts were like bursts of thunder, giving Jianhua endless strength.

Their eyes were on this young man who dared to challenge Lin Hui, looking forward to his breakthrough.

Lin Hui also noticed Jianhua's changes, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

He felt this powerful threat from Jianhua, as if a strong wind was approaching quickly.

He couldn't help but hold his breath and concentrate on meeting this challenge.

At that moment, the two fists collided violently, and a loud noise erupted in the air.

The strong impact made the surrounding space tremble, as if the whole world was shaken.

However, things did not develop as Jianhua expected.After the impact of his fist, although it brought up a strong wind, it did not really defeat Lin Hui.

On the contrary, Lin Hui was as steady as a rock, motionless.

Jianhua's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he did not give up easily.

He knew that this was just the beginning of a protracted battle, and that he would need to work harder to cross the invisible mountain of Lin Hui.

So, he retracted his fist and readjusted his posture.

His eyes became firm again, and a determined force was gaining momentum in his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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