Afterwards, Jianhua watched Lin Hui's every move closely, and couldn't help but murmur to himself: This game is really difficult to win. His and Lin Hui's skills are so close. It seems that they have to work hard to achieve something.

As the game progressed, Jianhua felt that his body was gradually exhausted.

Fine beads of sweat broke out on his forehead, and the drops slid down his cheeks, as if every drop of sweat was witnessing his desire for victory.

Lin Hui's skills were not inferior in any way, and every hit fell accurately within Jianhua's attack range.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, staring closely at the center of the court, as if not allowing the slightest negligence.

Jianhua cursed himself silently in his heart, blaming himself for not working hard enough, otherwise he could have taken down Lin Hui.

Jianhua had to face the cruel reality.

His body began to send signals of fatigue, his breathing became rapid, and there seemed to be an invisible force in his chest that was constantly compressing his internal organs.

He clearly felt that if he continued like this, he would be exhausted by Lin Hui and eventually be completely defeated.

He must find a breakthrough and make a quick decision.

Jianhua's eyes flashed with determination, and he decided to launch the final sprint.He tightened the grip on the racket in his hand, and his body was like a spring ready to go.

At this moment, a breeze blew across the court, and the tiny blades of grass on the grass swayed in the wind, as if cheering for Jianhua.

He felt an infusion of strength, as if all the fatigue in his body had been swept away.

Gathering his energy, Jianhua quickly adjusted his mentality.

He was no longer swayed by Lin Hui's strength, but instead focused more on every ball in front of him.

His eyes were locked on the incoming ball, as if the only thing between him and the ball was.

A deep cheer resounded throughout the stadium. Jianhua swung his racket and hit the ball accurately.

The ball flew over the net and landed out of Lin Hui's reach.

The audience cheered for his outstanding performance, and the applause sounded like thunder.

Jianhua felt a burst of joy in his chest, and he found his confidence again.

This blow seemed to inspire all the strength in his body, and he was determined to meet the next challenge with an even better performance.

As the game continued, his duel with Lin Hui became more intense.Every shot they hit was full of power and skill, and every movement was as smooth as a dance.

The atmosphere on the court was tense and passionate, like a wonderful picture.

Jianhua's heart burned with endless fighting spirit, and he was determined to achieve the final victory in this game.

He holds the racket tightly and meets every challenge and every opportunity.

This is a crucial battle, and victory and defeat can only happen in the blink of an eye.

As for Jianhua, he marched bravely towards victory without hesitation.

The game entered the most intense stage. This blow seemed to inspire all the strength in Jianhua's body. He could feel the raging energy surging in his body.

Resolutely, he was determined to meet the next challenge with an even better performance.

Lin Hui was not to be outdone. There was a hint of determination in his eyes. He knew that he was facing a powerful opponent.

The duel between them became more intense, every shot was full of power and skill, every movement was as smooth as a dance.

Their figures are intertwined on the court, their speed and flexibility are staggering.

The atmosphere on the court became tense and passionate. The audience watched every moment of the game nervously, and their moods fluctuated with the changes in the score.

The coaches on the sidelines clenched their fists nervously, their eyes revealing their expectations and confidence in the players.

Jianhua's heart was burning with endless fighting spirit. He could feel that victory was right in front of him, and he was determined to achieve the final victory in this game.

He holds the racket tightly and meets every challenge and every opportunity.His eyes were firm and sharp, and his body was full of strength and stability.

This is a crucial battle, and victory and defeat can only happen in the blink of an eye.

Jianhua knew that he had to go all out, and he could not hesitate or shrink at all.

With every swing, he unleashes his power and skills, and every shot carries his desire and pursuit of victory.

As for Jianhua, he marched bravely towards victory without hesitation.He is not afraid of difficulties or failure. Deep in his heart, he has only one belief, which is to defeat Lin Hui and win this game.His eyes shone with determination, and his body was full of strength and vitality.

No matter how strong his opponent is, he will persevere and keep attacking until the last moment.

It was a spectacular battle, a showdown between two top players.Every swing and every run they make is full of power and skill.

Their figures danced on the court, like a dialogue between two dancers, beautiful and intense.

Time is extremely precious in this game, and every second determines the fate of victory or defeat.

The audience held their breath, they could feel victory approaching and defeat chasing behind them.

Jianhua was full of confidence and determination. He knew that as long as he persisted until the last moment, victory would belong to him.

His muscles were taut and every stroke brought all his strength and energy with him.

He ran quickly, turned nimbly, and every move showed his desire and persistence for victory.

At this tense moment, Jianhua could feel that he had surpassed himself. His body and consciousness were perfectly integrated. He could predict his opponent's movements and every reaction he made was accurate.

His eyes shone with victory, and his breath was full of strength and determination.

He knew that as long as he persisted, victory would be waiting for him not far away.

At this moment, he felt the joy of victory, and he knew that he was about to defeat Lin Hui.

His heartbeat echoed in his ears, his breathing echoed in the air.

His body felt the flow of strength and vitality, and his mind was clear and sharp.

He could feel victory coming, and every move he made was filled with strength and determination.

At this moment, he seemed to be the embodiment of victory, and every move he made showed his desire and persistence for victory.

He could feel the anticipation and admiration from the audience, and he knew he had brought them to perfection.

There was a bang, and Jianhua's heart seemed to beat.

He had been excited about this game, but the result was that he actually lost.

Lin Hui, that cunning opponent.

He is always good at using various means to confuse people and make people unpredictable.

This time was no exception. He cleverly changed the speed and angle of the ball, so that Jianhua could never really adapt to his technique.

Every time the ball landed, the sound seemed to mock Jianhua's weakness.

The current situation is 8 to 7, and Jianhua's opponent is already one point ahead.

This score was too heavy for Jianhua. He originally did not expect to be in such a predicament.He clenched his fists, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Jianhua was not willing to lose the game like this, so he decided to go all out and perform at his best.

The surrounding environment began to blur, and Jianhua's concentration was completely focused on the court.

He felt every breath, every heartbeat, every subtle change in movement.

Every movement on the court seemed to slow down, and Jianhua could clearly see every bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, and every breath of air passing by his ears.

His body seemed to have become extremely flexible, and every swing carried a fanatical power.

His eyes were locked on the trajectory of the ball, predicting the location of each shot with perfect accuracy.

The audience burst into applause in the stands, cheering for Jianhua's persistence and hard work.

As for Jianhua, he has been completely immersed in the world of the game, and his whole body and mind have been integrated into this fierce competition.

Time seemed to have stood still, and every second became extremely precious.

Jianhua no longer thinks about winning or losing. He just wants to chase every ball with all his strength. Whether it is a strong hit or a deft return, he is letting himself go.

This game is no longer just about victory or defeat, it represents Jianhua’s honor and dignity.

With every shot, he could feel the passion and power flowing through him, and he knew he was bursting with the energy deep within him.

Finally, the game entered the final critical moment.

Jianhua felt that his physical strength was approaching the limit, but he had no intention of backing down.

Jianhua held the racket tightly, took a deep breath, and gathered all the power in every cell of his body.

Jianhua was not afraid of the powerful shots launched by his opponents.

His eyes were locked on the ping-pong ball. The moment the ball flew over, his wrist twisted quickly, and the racket, with an elusive speed and power, hit the ping-pong ball like a bolt of lightning through the night.

The speed of the ball is jaw-dropping.

The table tennis ball drew a perfect arc in the air, and with a sharp roar, it went straight to the opponent's camp.

The opponent hurriedly hit back, but the ball was so fast that he couldn't react.

The moment the ball hit the ground, there was a deafening roar.The entire stadium fell silent, and all eyes were focused on where the ball landed.

The moment the table tennis ball bounced, his opponent's eyes were fixed on the ball, but he didn't know that Jianhua had already turned around, preparing to receive the return ball.

The racket and the table tennis ball intertwined and made a crisp sound.

Jianhua hit the ball back easily. The ball was so fast that it seemed to break the shackles of time, making it impossible to capture its trajectory.

The audience was in awe as they saw an otherworldly table tennis player.

Their eyes followed the flight of the ball closely, as if there was only this ping pong ball left in the whole world.

Jianhua's body was already hot with passion and power, and he felt the tremors of every muscle in his body.

He knew that this was not just a game, but also the ecstasy and pursuit of his soul.

On the court, his returns are becoming more and more deft and precise.The opponent was unable to cope with each counterattack and could only watch the ball fall to the ground and listen to the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.

Time seemed to have frozen, with only ping pong balls dancing in the air.

Jianhua is fully immersed in the world of table tennis, and every move he makes is so natural and smooth.

His heartbeat was buzzing in his ears, as if it was racing to the rhythm of table tennis.

The racket becomes an extended body organ in his hands, accurately sensing the changes of every table tennis ball.

The spectators on the court seemed to be infected by his enthusiasm and cheered wildly. Their voices came like a tide and seemed to drown the entire court.

Jianhua's body had exceeded its limit, and he felt an unprecedented power flowing through every nerve in his body.

His eyes are locked on the trajectory of every ball, accurately judging his opponent's intentions.

His wrists danced, and the racket sliced ​​through the air, making a sharp and precise sound.

The ping pong ball bounced off his racket with jaw-dropping speed.

Jianhua could only watch the ball flying toward him, unable to stop it.

At this moment, Jianhua entered a situation that seemed like another world.

He forgot everything around him, only the conversation between him and the table tennis ball.

Every counterattack is the call of his soul, and every attack is the release of his heart.

His mind is as quick as lightning, constantly adjusting his strategies and looking for his opponent's weaknesses.

Time seemed to stand still on the court, and the cheers of the audience seemed to be frozen in the air.

Only the duel between Jianhua and Lin Hui continues, with their figures crisscrossing the court, leaving behind beautiful arcs.

Jianhua felt that all the strength in his body was concentrated between his wrists.

He stabilized his breathing, adjusted his posture, and stared at the ball that was about to fly.

The ball flew in front of him, and his body swung the bat without hesitation like a natural reflex.

The ball bounced out, drew a perfect arc, and flew towards the opponent's baseline.

The ball hit the baseline with a crisp sound.

The ball hit the baseline with a crisp sound.

Lin Hui quickly chased the ball, his body nimbly avoiding obstacles on the court, and his eyes revealed his desire for victory.

He quickly counterattacked and swung the ball towards Jianhua's lower left corner.

Jianhua's eyes flashed and he rushed towards the ball without showing any signs of weakness.

The moment the ball collided with the racket, a powerful impact spread through his arm, and it quickly flowed through his body like an electric current.

The direction of the ball was changed and it flew quickly towards Lin Hui's body.When Lin Hui was about to receive the ball, he felt an irresistible force coming towards him.

He jumped up hard and caught the ball steadily.

The moment the ball touched the ground, there was silence on the court, as if time had stood still.

Then, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers, praising this wonderful showdown.

Lin Hui raised his head and stared at Jianhua sharply, with a mocking smile on his lips.He swung the ball to Jianhua's right side without hesitation, and the ball flew towards Jianhua's weak point with a sharp spin.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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