The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 816: Counterattack again

Chapter 816: Counterattack again
Lin Hui's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that Jianhua could hold on to one point so tenaciously.

But this moment of hesitation did not last long. Lin Hui calmed down, readjusted his breathing, and prepared to face the next challenge.

The atmosphere on the court instantly became tense. The audience's eyes were focused on Lin Hui and Jianhua, as if they could hear their heartbeats, and suspense filled the air.

Lin Hui grabbed the racket and threw the table tennis ball into the air without hesitation.The ball drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, heading towards Jianhua's weak spot with a sharp spin.

This time, Lin Hui's power was even stronger, and he went all out to maximize his strength.

Jianhua stared closely at the trajectory of the ball, quickly recalling his previous battle experiences in his mind.

He took a deep breath and subconsciously adjusted his position.

The table tennis ball passed by like a shooting star, and Jianhua raised his hand to hit an amazing backhand.

The sound of the ball hitting the racket echoed around the court, accompanied by gasps from the crowd.

The table tennis ball flew towards Lin Hui's backhand area like an arrow, spinning like a violent wind.

Lin Hui's eyes narrowed slightly, and he reacted quickly with his keen intuition.

He swung the racket hard, and the table tennis ball changed direction strongly under his control, as if it suddenly had a ghostly trajectory.The ball flew towards Jianhua's bottom line, and he was about to score.

However, Jianhua is indeed a top player. He has eyes and ears in all directions and immediately noticed the signs of this change of direction.

He held a glimmer of hope and frantically chased the ping pong ball.

He threw himself into the path of the ball with all his strength, stretching his body like a cheetah chasing its food.

The sound of contact between the ball and the racket sounded again. His amazing reaction speed pushed the ball over the baseline and successfully saved a point.

The scene erupted into warm applause and cheers, and the audience stood up one after another, applauding and applauding this wonderful duel.Lin Hui smiled slightly. He was not discouraged by Jianhua's counterattack, but instead became more inspired.

At 11:10, the game became tense again.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes met, and they both knew that victory would not come easily.Only by putting in more effort can we win the final victory.

The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua ran back and forth on the court.Sometimes they were fiercely offensive and sometimes solidly defensive, showing their superb skills in every move.

The audience watched the game nervously, as if they were integrated into it, breathing and fighting together with the players.

After several rounds of fierce confrontation, the score finally reached 11:11.Tension filled the air, and everyone knew that the outcome was uncertain.

Lin Hui and Jianhua stood in their respective positions, their eyes shining with determination.

They know that this is an important matchup in their careers and winning means a lot to them.

The ball was thrown into the air and time seemed to freeze.

Lin Hui and Jianhua went all out to chase the trajectory of the ball, their figures on the court like two whirlpools like a storm.

The sound of the racket colliding with the table tennis ball sounded again, and the ball flew towards the opponent's baseline.

The audience held their breath, eyes glued to the trajectory of the ball.

The ball was thrown into the air and time seemed to freeze.

Lin Hui and Jianhua went all out to chase the trajectory of the ball. Their figures on the court were like two whirlpools like a storm, full of power and speed.

The sound of the racket colliding with the table tennis ball sounded again, and the ball flew towards the opponent's baseline.

The ball flew over Jianhua's head and seemed to fly out of the court, but he quickly turned around and hit a difficult return ball, which flew to Lin Hui's left side.

Lin Hui's eyes narrowed. He showed no sign of weakness, reacted quickly, and swung the racket vigorously. The ball flew forward against the net cord, and fell down just a few centimeters away from the baseline.

The ball bounced across the net and flew towards Jianhua.

Jianhua seized the opportunity, quickly adjusted his body posture, and prepared to return the ball.

The racket collided with the table tennis ball again, making a crisp sound.The ball flew to Lin Hui's lower left. Lin Hui reached out to catch the ball, but the ball was too fast and he had no time to react. The ball slipped past his fingertips and flew out of the court grazing his cheek.

The audience let out a burst of exclamation and applauded for this wonderful return.

Lin Hui patted his cheek, anger and determination arose in his heart, and he decided not to give his opponent the slightest chance.

He stabilized his breathing, recovered his mind, and prepared to face the next round of challenges.

The atmosphere on the court was tense and burning. Lin Hui and Jianhua's bodies were already dripping with sweat, but they had no intention of giving up. Only victory was the only goal in their eyes.

In the exciting duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua, the ball flew to Lin Hui's bottom line.

Lin Hui's eyes narrowed. He quickly adjusted his posture and swung the racket hard. The ball drew an arc and hit the opponent's baseline.

Jianhua's eyes narrowed, and he returned the ball without showing any signs of weakness. The speed of the ball became faster and faster, and his momentum became more and more powerful.

Lin Hui tried his best to catch up, but he was never able to hit the ball back.

The ball fell at Lin Hui's baseline, hit the ground, and there was silence.Lin Hui couldn't catch the ball. He fell to the ground weakly, breathing rapidly.

At 13:12, Jianhua overtook him. At this moment, he felt a surge of ecstasy in his heart.

He always thought that Lin Hui was insurmountable, but now he has beaten Lin Hui several times in a row, which makes him feel unbelievable.

Jianhua understands that he cannot take it lightly and must continue to concentrate on playing.

He held the racket tightly, stood tall, gathered all his strength, swung the racket, and hit every ball.

There was a tense atmosphere on the court as the crowd held their breath and stared at every swing of the two top players.

Every shot of Jianhua shows his strength and skills. His body is coordinated and powerful, and every movement is as natural and smooth as flowing water.

Lin Hui stood there blankly, his face full of shock and disbelief.

Jianhua actually beat him three times in a row, which made him a little overwhelmed.

He had always been accustomed to his superior position and never thought that anyone would be able to catch up to him.

As the score tied, the tension grew.Everyone can feel the duel between the two players, and their heartbeats seem to be in sync with every swing on the court.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game. He forgot about time and the crowd around him, leaving only him and every ball on the court.

His eyes are firm and focused, and every swing carries immense power and determination.

Lin Hui finally recovered from the shock, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He knew it was time to fight back, he couldn't afford to lose anymore.

At the same time, several previous duels flashed through his mind. Recalling Jianhua's unique style of play and unparalleled skills, he decided to find a way to break this deadlock.

He took a deep breath and gripped the racket tighter.

His eyes became determined, and he began to imitate Jianhua's style of play, trying to find out his opponent's weaknesses.

He hit the ball faster and more accurately, and every shot he made was filled with power and determination.

Jianhua and Lin Hui's skills collided with each other, and the scene was extremely intense.A battle of technology and wisdom started between them.Every shot is precise and swift, and every movement is full of power and speed.

Jianhua was so immersed in the game that he almost forgot about his surroundings.

He only focused on hitting each ball, his eyes were fixed on the ball, and the racket in his hand was swinging so quickly and accurately.

Lin Hui, on the other hand, always remained calm and focused. He constantly adjusted his state and tried to find a breakthrough.

A glint of wit flashed in his eyes, and he began to observe his opponent's weaknesses and use his own advantages to launch a counterattack.

Lin Hui gradually discovered Jianhua's weaknesses and exploited them.His game became more flexible and versatile, and his shots became sharper and more precise.

Every shot was filled with power and determination, as if he had transformed into a ferocious cheetah, chasing his prey.

Jianhua started to feel nervous.

He felt the pressure increasing, the hand holding the racket trembled slightly, and his eyes became a little confused.

He began to doubt his abilities and worry about whether he could continue to lead.

However, Jianhua had no intention of giving up.

He took a deep breath and determined to chase every ball with all his might.

His eyes were fixed on the ping pong ball, as if the whole world was projected on the surface of the ball.

His body movements are agile and accurate, and every shot is full of power and flexibility.

The score between Jianhua and Lin Hui is getting closer and closer.

In the end, when the score reached 12:12, they were tied.

At this moment, Jianhua felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

He could feel the tense and depressing atmosphere in the air around him, as if the whole world had stopped.

However, Jianhua had no time to feel sad.

The table tennis balls continued to fly, and Hua met every challenge without hesitation.

His body flexibly shuttles in front of the table, and every movement shows his love and dedication to table tennis.

The table tennis balls continued to fly on the table, and the collision between the balls made a crisp sound.

Jianhua was immersed in the game, his eyes fixed on the table tennis ball, and his body moving quickly and keenly.

Every shot is his pursuit of victory, and every shot is full of power and determination.

The duel between Jianhua and Lin Hui became more and more intense. Their figures crisscrossed the table like two wild beasts fighting fiercely.

The audience held their breath and stared at them closely, as if their every move was engraved in their eyes.

No matter how exhausted he was, Jianhua had no intention of giving up.He could feel his energy being exhausted, and his breathing became rapid and irregular.However, his eyes were still firm and his body was still full of strength.

In this arduous and outstanding game, Jianhua tried his best to chase every ball, hoping to win another game.

This time, Lin Hui surpassed Jianhua again without mercy and rewritten the score to 13:12.

Jianhua was stunned for a moment, but he did not give up.

In his eyes, Lin Hui could actually see a flicker of fear.

The game was still going on, Lin Hui seized this opportunity and suddenly fired a ball.

The table tennis ball draws a beautiful arc in the air, like a flying bird, light and agile.

The moment the ball flew over, the atmosphere on the court was extremely tense.The audience's eyes were fixed on the table tennis ball, as if time had frozen at this moment.

Everyone can feel the speed and power of the ball, which is a heart-stopping beauty.

Lin Hui devoted himself wholeheartedly to the delivery of the ball. His eyes were sharp and focused, and his wrist flexibly waved the racket.

His movements are smooth and precise, and every shot is delivered with a fierce determination and desire to win.

On the opposite side of Jianhua, a look of determination gradually appeared on his face.

He gritted his teeth tightly, held the racket in both hands, and tightened his muscles, as if he was ready to give his opponent a fatal blow at any time.

The table tennis ball flew through the air, and the two players' eyes met.

Lin Hui watched the ball fly towards Jianhua, and his heart surged with belief in victory.Jianhua, on the other hand, flew toward the ball, his eyes revealing his desire to win and his unflinching courage.

The ball shuttled between the two people instantly, like a shooting star streaking across the night sky.

The hearts of the audience seemed to have stopped, and they were extremely nervous.

They could feel the tension between the two players, as if the entire venue was filled with this atmosphere.

The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua became blurry and fast in the dancing of table tennis balls.

Every move they make is so precise and sharp, and every shot is full of a combination of power and skill.

This is a fierce battle, a duel between two people trying their best.

They used all their wisdom and strength and were unwilling to give the other party the slightest chance.

There was an atmosphere of tension and energy filling the entire venue, as if the air had solidified due to their duel.

The ping pong balls flew in the air, making a crisp sound with every touch.

The audience's eyes were fixed on the two players on the field. They cheered for their idols and cheered one after another.

The score is approaching the decisive moment. This is a crucial contest.

Lin Hui and Jianhua, both had a fiery light in their eyes. They both longed for victory and were unwilling to surrender.

The table tennis balls flew between them, as if telling the two players' fighting spirit and desire for victory.

Lin Hui and Jianhua, both had a fiery light in their eyes. They both longed for victory and were unwilling to surrender.

The table tennis balls flew between them, as if telling the two players' fighting spirit and desire for victory.

Lin Hui was very fast. Whenever Jianhua hit the ping pong ball, Lin Hui would counterattack.

Jianhua, on the other hand, seemed a bit slow. Although he also wanted to win, he did not dare to lose too much.

Because he was worried that he would be laughed at if he lost so quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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