The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 817: Mentality No. 1, Competition No. 2

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes were locked on each other, as if they could see the unyielding heat deep in each other's hearts.

Ping-pong balls shuttled back and forth between them, and the rackets and balls intertwined with each other, making crisp collision sounds.

At the same time, Lin Hui has eyes and ears in all directions. With his keen observation and quick reaction ability, he is always able to make correct judgments in time and hit the table tennis ball back to Jianhua's side.

His eyes shone with determination, as if telling Jianhua, no matter how you change your moves, I can easily defeat you.

The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense. Lin Hui and Jianhua's balls kept falling on the floor, which seemed to reflect the fierce struggle in their hearts.

Lin Hui's muscles were tense, and every hit was filled with awe-inspiring power, while Jianhua was full of perseverance and determination. Although his body movements were a bit slow, his eyes shone with a fire that refused to be outdone.

Every hit was accompanied by the rapid beating of their hearts, as if they could hear their own heartbeats.

Lin Hui's rapid attacks came one after another. Jianhua tried his best to resist, but gradually felt powerless.

His body was getting tired, and his gym clothes were soaked with sweat.

However, his eyes remained firm, as if telling himself that he must persevere even if he lost.

Lin Hui became more courageous as he fought, his physical exhaustion driven by the desire to win.

There was determination in his eyes.

Bang, bang.

The table tennis ball flew in the air and made a crisp impact sound.

The ball in Lin Hui's hand bounced high.

The table tennis ball was like a flying meteor, passing through the layers of resistance in the air and flying towards Jianhua on the opposite side.

Jianhua's eyes were sharp and he focused on receiving the lob from Lin Hui.

His body was as flexible as a spring. He stood steadily beside the table tennis table and swung the racket rapidly with his hands.

His arms stretched out in a perfect arc to meet the trajectory of the ball.

The audience watched this fierce competition nervously.

Their eyes are focused on the table, and the flight path of each ball firmly attracts their attention.

They can feel the tension among the athletes on the field, as if they are part of it.

However, this scene is not unfamiliar to Lin Hui.

This kind of lob has become his specialty.

He skillfully adjusted the strength and angle of the racket to accurately launch the ball to Jianhua's position.

His eyes were firm and calm, and he hit the ball towards Jianhua mercilessly.

Because Lin Hui knew that this was a competition and it was no different than usual, he couldn't show mercy.

The table tennis ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, with a hint of spinning power.

The speed of the ball was extremely fast, as if a strong air flow was created out of thin air, making the surrounding air tremble.

The sound of the collision of the ball and the racket resounded throughout the entire playing field like war drums.

Lin Hui and Jianhua competed with each other on the table, their figures intertwined like two lightning bolts.

Their eyes were filled with challenge from their opponents and determination from themselves.

Their movements are smooth and precise, as if their bodies and rackets have become one.

Although Lin Hui's tactics are conventional, Jianhua will not be easily defeated.

His eyes were as sharp as knives, and a hint of coldness revealed his inner perseverance and determination.

Lin Hui and Jianhua showed the style of top players.

Lin Hui's lofty ball brought the audience into a whole new realm.

In this realm, time seems to have stood still, and only they and the ping pong ball exist.

They became the only presence on the field, and everything was forgotten.

At 15:14, the table tennis match between Lin Hui and Jianhua was so intense that they were chasing each other like two beasts fighting for territory.

Every ball is full of infinite power and skill, and the two figures keep flashing on the table like two whirlwinds.

The audience watched the game nervously, their enthusiasm burning like a flame, as if it could light up the entire arena.

"Lin Hui, he showed off his unique move again. Jianhua had no chance to catch it!" Xu Xin said to Shaojie.

Usually when the four of them play, they are always unable to match the strength of their opponents, but today, Lin Hui is obviously determined to win the championship.

"You know, Lin Hui does not distinguish between friends on the playing field. He only has opponents in his eyes." Shaojie said seriously. He deeply understood Lin Hui's fighting spirit and his desire for victory made him ruthless. , leaving no room whatsoever.

Shaojie's eyes returned to the playing field. He saw that Lin Hui and Jianhua's rackets were like sword blades, like lightning in the sky, cutting through the entire field.

Each ball carries so much energy that it's almost impossible to capture their trajectory.

The heartbeats of the audience seemed to be synchronized with the clatter of rackets. They seemed to be on the playing field, witnessing this thrilling duel with their own eyes.

The game reached 15:15, and the tension on the court reached its peak.

Lin Hui attacked mercilessly, making full use of every inch of space on the table.

The ball's speed and angle are unpredictable and unpredictable.The audience's eyes were glued to the trajectory of the ball, trying to find possible flaws.

In this intense table tennis game, every ball carries huge energy, like a rapidly rotating bullet, and it is almost impossible to catch their trajectory.

The sound of the collision between the racket and the ball seemed to be the accompaniment of the heartbeat. Every collision caused the audience's heartbeat to accelerate. They seemed to be on the playing field, witnessing this thrilling duel with their own eyes.

Lin Hui launched an attack without mercy. His skills were skillful and sharp, and every swing was full of endless power.

At the same time, Lin Hui and Jianhua kept changing the speed and angle of the ball, making it elusive.

Every inch of space on the table is fully utilized by them, and one can't help but marvel at their superb skills.

The audience stared closely at the trajectory of the ball, their eyes seemed to be embedded in the ball, and they did not dare to be distracted in the slightest.

They worked hard to find possible loopholes in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the game.

Every flight of the ball is a thrilling adventure, and every swing of the racket is a tense test.

The mood of the audience fluctuated. Sometimes they cheered and sometimes they were so nervous that their palms became sweaty, as if they were experiencing violent mood swings with the players on the field.

16:15, table tennis is so evenly matched.The players refused to give in to each other, tried their best, and fought for every score.

Their figures shuttled back and forth on the table, as agile as agile cheetahs, and every swing was full of a combination of power and skill.

Players serve alternately, and the transition between offense and defense is swift and smooth, like a perfect symphony.

Lin Hui and Jianhua are still having a fierce competition on the table tennis court.Every time the racket collides with the ball, it seems as if the entire stadium is filled with a deafening sound that echoes in the air.

Their arms waved rapidly, and the ping-pong ball shuttled quickly between them, sometimes hovering like a hummingbird, sometimes flying like a whirlwind, and sometimes like a dancing butterfly, light and agile.

Lin Hui and Jianhua no longer felt the fatigue they had felt before. They seemed to be filled with infinite energy, and the more they played, the higher they got.

Sweat dripped from their foreheads, forming a wet trail on the court as they bent over.

But they didn't seem to care about it, focusing only on the court in front of them and the competition between them.

Every time a table tennis ball flies towards each other, their eyes become sharp and focused, as if they can see every movement and every tiny change of the other side.

Their bodies flexibly evaded each other's attacks while quickly counterattacking.

Their movements are smooth and precise, like two elegant dancers showing wonderful dance moves on the stage.

The atmosphere on the field also became tense and intense, and the audience silently watched their every move.

Their eyes are fixed on the ball, as if they can feel every arc and spin of the ball.

Whenever they hit the ball, it flies so fast that it leaves a bright arc that cuts through the air.

The audience couldn't help but hold their breath, feeling the thick tension in the air.

Time seemed to stand still in this fierce competition, and all attention was focused on them.

Their body movements are fast and coordinated, as if the table tennis ball is integrated with their bodies.

Their eyes revealed their desire to win and their dedication to the game.

At this moment, this table tennis competition is no longer a simple game, but has become a daily practice match.

They enjoy the excitement and challenges brought by the competition and feel the strength and agility of their bodies.

With every swing of the racket, they can feel that victory is getting closer and closer to them. This feeling makes them more dedicated and passionate.

The entire stadium was filled with their enthusiasm and fighting spirit, as if the air was filled with their sweat and hard work.

Their figures danced on the court, and the sound of table tennis echoed in the air.

At 17:16, Lin Hui's skills once again surpassed Jianhua's by one point. The atmosphere on the court was tense and full of suspense.

Lin Hui's palms were slightly sweaty. He was concentrating on the trajectory of the table tennis ball, and every swing carried his desire for victory.

On the contrary, Jianhua's mentality has undergone tremendous changes.

He who was once impatient is now as calm as water, and there is a strange sense of harmony deep in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Hui with determination in his eyes.He knew that at this moment, winning or losing had become insignificant, and what mattered was the normalcy he was pursuing.

However, table tennis on the court is still cruel. It has no emotions, only cold strength.

Lin Hui's ball was extremely fast, passing through the air at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, and made a crisp sound, as if announcing the approaching victory.

Every spectator on the court held their breath, feeling the breath of impending victory.

The ping pong ball bounced up and then quickly flew towards Jianhua.

He kept his eyes on the ball and swung his hands rapidly, trying to hit back.

However, Lin Hui's skills have exceeded his imagination, and the ball is so fast that he cannot react.

He could only watch as the ball fell to the ground with a dull crash.

This blow was like an earth-shattering thunder, instantly shattering Jianhua's inner peace.

He felt the taste of failure, and a sense of loss surged into his heart like a tide.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down again.

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua, and he could feel the fluctuations in his opponent's heart.

He knew that this game was no longer a simple competition for Jianhua, but an inner choice.

Jianhua knows that winning or losing is not the most important thing, what matters is how you view the game.

No matter what the result is, you have shown your strength and determination.

In the intense table tennis match, Jianhua and Lin Hui were equally powerful, and their skills on the court were gorgeous and precise, which was dizzying.

The audience stared closely at the court, paying full attention to the landing point of every ball. Their hearts beat faster and they couldn't help but sweat the result of this game.

As Jianhua has felt the strong pressure from Lin Hui, he has not given up. On the contrary, his mentality has become calmer and unwavering.

He gripped the racket tightly and stared at his opponent with a determined light in his eyes.

Finally, Jianhua successfully tied the score with a wonderful return shot.

A cheer resounded throughout the stadium, and the audience stood up and applauded, expressing their most sincere appreciation for Jianhua's perseverance.

They can all feel that this game has entered a fierce stage, the outcome has become so delicate, and the decisive blow is about to come.

A tense atmosphere hung over the stadium, as if time had stopped flowing at this moment.

The audience's eyes were focused on Jianhua and Lin Hui, and their every move touched people's heartstrings.

On the court, Jianhua felt the power flowing in his body. He accumulated all the strength in his body and prepared to face the upcoming challenges.His eyes were firm, and he knew that this goal would determine the outcome.

Lin Hui's serve was like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky, and the speed of the ball was jaw-dropping.

However, Jianhua's reaction was equally quick. He moved his body quickly, swung the racket lightly, caught the ball and returned the ball.

The airflow on the court instantly became turbulent, and the ball made a sharp whistling sound in the air at a speed that made it difficult to track.

The audience's eyes were firmly fixed on the rapidly rotating ball, as if the whole world had stopped.

Finally, the ball flew over the back of the net and landed in the opponent's court.The audience cheered and applauded like waves.

The score became a tie again, 17:17, like a question mark hanging in the air, making people wonder.

At this critical moment, everyone can't help but start to wonder who can win in this competition.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and every round is full of uncertainty and suspense.

The audience bit their lips tightly and their eyes were full of anticipation. They were eager to know the final result of this table tennis match.

Like a painting, the plot of the table tennis match unfolds in front of the audience.

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(End of this chapter)

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