The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 818 Protracted War

Chapter 818 Protracted War

The game between Lin Hui and Jianhua has come to an intense end, and the entire competition field is filled with a tense and exciting atmosphere.

The audience closed their eyes tightly and watched the progress of the game with concentration, and their heartbeats echoed throughout the stadium.

Jianhua stood on the side of the table, his body covered with sweat, and his soaked clothes clung to his skin.

He gritted his teeth, and small beads of sweat broke out on his forehead, flowing to his eyebrows.

He knew that if he could defeat Lin Hui, he would win the honor of table tennis champion, and this honor would accompany him throughout his life.

Lin Hui was calm on the stage. He was holding a table tennis racket in his hand, and his sweat dripped on the table, making a crisp sound.

The atmosphere on the table became more and more tense, and the pace of the game became faster and faster.

Every shot they hit is full of power and skill, and every move they make is full of flexibility and speed.The two people on the field were like a pair of fierce dancers. Their figures intertwined and danced, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit and determination.

The audience was so nervous that they could hardly hold their breath. They were attracted by the intensity of the competition and felt as if they were immersed in it.

They could feel the heartbeats of Lin Hui and Jianhua, and their anxiety and tension.

They hope Jianhua can defeat Lin Hui.

Jianhua on the stage is determined to lose beautifully no matter he wins or loses.His racket was like a bolt of lightning, leaving a bright trajectory in the air and instantly hitting Lin Hui's ball.

The ball flew to Lin Hui's side so fast that it was difficult to catch.

Lin Hui stretched out his hands and hit the ball instantly, and the ball bounced quickly.

The ball flew over the net and towards Jianhua's side.

The hearts of the entire audience were in their throats. They held their breath and nervously watched the trajectory of the ball.

As the ball gets closer to the ground, they can feel its speed,

The ball hit Jianhua's sideline, Jianhua did not catch it, and Jianhua lost a ball.

Later, Jianhua was not discouraged and looked at Lin Hui's ball again.
It bounced up and flew towards his side with a lot of force.

Jianhua's eyes were focused, and he moved his body quickly, reaching out to try to catch the ball.

As a result, the ball did not follow the pattern, and Jianhua frowned slightly. He did not expect that Lin Hui's ball speed could be so fast.

Then Jianhua took a deep breath and adjusted himself.
Holding the racket, his eyes were locked on Lin Hui.

The ball drew an arc in the air, as fast and sharp as lightning.

Lin Hui's body was tense, his eyes were fixed on the ball, and his hand was holding the racket.

He can feel every subtle change of the ball, and he knows that he must make the most accurate judgment at this moment.

Jianhua also stared at the ball closely, his eyes full of firmness and determination.

He will not let Lin Hui score easily, he wants to prove his strength.

The time the ball stayed in the air was almost negligible. Lin Hui stretched out his hands and hit the ball instantly.

The ball streaked across the sky like a meteor, flying towards Jianhua's side with a harsh whistling sound.

The duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua was in full swing. The two chased each other and sweated mercilessly on the court.

In just a few minutes, Lin Hui had already left Jianhua far behind and was ahead of Jianhua.

His technique is skillful and sharp, and every ball hits Jianhua just right, leaving Jianhua unable to fight back.

However, Jianhua felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

He can't let Lin Hui continue to win, otherwise he will lose the chance to win.

This championship means a lot to him.He decided to reverse the situation and gain the last chance for himself.

Lin Hui called Jianhua again, but Jianhua fell to the ground hard because he didn't catch the ball.

The violent impact caused Jianhua to feel severe pain. His body seemed to be torn apart and it was unbearable.

He was curled up on the ground, groaning, barely able to get up.

When Lin Hui saw this, he panicked and asked anxiously: "Jianhua, get up!" There was a panic in his heart, and he couldn't ignore this sudden accident.

The surrounding atmosphere froze instantly, and the teammates and spectators on the field were stunned, watching helplessly as Jianhua fell to the ground.

Their hearts sank, as if time had stopped.

Lin Hui stared at Jianhua in front of him, seeing that he was in so much pain that he could not speak.

Jianhua's face was covered with sweat, and his face was as pale as a piece of paper.His legs could no longer support him and he was shaking as if he was about to collapse.

Lin Hui walked to Jianhua firmly and held his hand tightly.

"Jianhua, if you give up now, you will lose. Are you willing to give up like this?" Lin Hui's voice was firm, as if he wanted to pass on his strength to Jianhua.

A look of helplessness flashed in Jianhua's eyes. He had lost confidence and felt that he could never stand up again.

"Think about your mother in heaven, would she want you to give up? Would she want you to lose to such difficulties?" Lin Hui's voice was full of affection and persuasion.

Jianhua's eyes began to flicker, and he gritted his teeth silently.

He recalled his mother's teachings during her lifetime, and that selfless love and strong willpower now ignited a fire in his heart.

Finally, Jianhua struggled and used his last strength to stand up with difficulty.

There was perseverance and perseverance on his face, as if he had overcome all difficulties.

There was a burst of warm applause from the table tennis audience, and people cheered for Jianhua's strength and courage.

Looking at Jianhua's figure, they seemed to see an indomitable warrior who could persevere and never give up no matter how many difficulties he encountered.

A glimmer of light flashed in Jianhua's eyes, and he felt the power coming from deep within.

He knows that as long as he doesn't give up, he will be able to overcome difficulties and welcome victory.

Shaojie stared closely at the battle situation on the field, his heart filled with excitement and shock.

He could hardly believe his eyes that Jianhua was able to stand up after such an astonishing fall.

His body seemed to have surpassed the limits of the physical body and contained incredible power.

Xu Xin was also shocked by this scene. He could hardly help but stand up, clapped his hands excitedly, and his eyes shone with an eye-catching light.

He couldn't believe it at all. It was an amazing miracle that Jianhua could stand up so tenaciously.

Shaojie couldn't help but have deep respect for Lin Hui. He knew that Lin Hui must have given Jianhua great encouragement and support behind his back.Without Lin Hui's encouragement, how could Jianhua stand up so quickly?

Although they could not hear the conversation between Lin Hui and Jianhua from the audience stage, Shaojie was sure that Lin Hui must have used some inspiring words to motivate Jianhua.

Just as Shaojie's thoughts were spinning rapidly, the table tennis ball started flying in the air again.

The figures of Lin Hui and Jianhua intertwined on the table, and their movements were like a gorgeous dance, full of the perfect combination of strength and skill.

The ball speed was so fast that Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes were locked on each other. They seemed to have entered a transcendent state, and the surrounding noise and the cheers of the audience seemed to become insignificant.

Their eyes reveal unparalleled concentration and determination, and they have only one goal in mind - to defeat their opponents.

The collision of every ball brings endless excitement. The shadow of the ball bouncing on the table seems to become an interweaving of light and shadow, and the instantaneous changes are elusive.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's bodies are extremely flexible, their movements are like wind and rain, and their skills are like bright stars, overflowing with light.

Their sweat drips like rain on the table, their breathing is as powerful as a surge, and their bodies are as flexible as springs.

Their eyes reveal firmness and determination, and they have only one belief in their hearts - never give up.

The duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua was unbelievable. Their strengths were almost evenly matched, and every score was hard-earned.

The audience held their breath nervously, their eyes fixed on the table, as if they could transmit their power to Lin Hui and Jianhua through their eyes.

Time gradually passed in the duel between Lin Hui and Jianhua. Their strength became stronger and their skills became more and more proficient.

Their bodies are constantly challenging their limits, and their minds are constantly and gradually sublimating.

Just as the audience was immersed in this thrilling showdown, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of Lin Hui and Jianhua.

At 19:19, Lin Hui and Jianhua started a thrilling contest on the court.

Although the pain on Jianhua's body was clearly visible, he didn't care and devoted himself to the game.

Every swing was full of power and determination, as if his body was made of steel and could not be restrained by pain.

Lin Hui was shocked. He had played against Jianhua many times, but he had never seen Jianhua in such a powerful state.

Jianhua's skills came like a storm, and Lin Hui was caught off guard by the violent attack.

He couldn't help but secretly sigh that Jianhua had surpassed his past self and became a real opponent.

However, Lin Hui was not knocked down.

He took a deep breath, readjusted himself, and continued to fight Jianhua resolutely.

His eyes became as sharp as a knife, which seemed to indicate that he would meet Jianhua's challenge with a stronger attitude.

The air on the court seemed to be frozen, and every swing of the two men was like lightning, so fast that it was difficult to catch.Their figures intertwined, and every time they touched the ball, they seemed to release an infinite force.

The spectators in the arena were stunned and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

This duel was simply like a fierce battle with an unpredictable outcome.

Lin Hui's sweat continued to drip from his forehead, but there was no flinch or discouragement in his eyes.

The muscles all over his body were tense, and every nerve was operating under extreme tension.

A look of perseverance gradually appeared on Jianhua's face, and his eyes shone with persistence and determination.

Although the pain on his body became more severe, his willpower became stronger.

He took a deep breath, turned all the pain into motivation, and launched another wave of attacks again.

The entire stadium seemed to be caught in a violent storm, with the sound of the swing of the racket and the sound of the ball colliding together to form an exciting symphony.

The heartbeats of the audience seemed to be in sync with it, and they could not help but get involved in this fierce competition.

Time passed unconsciously, and every minute and every second was full of tension and excitement.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, and every swing is full of endless wisdom and power.

Lin Hui and Jianhua's eyes were filled with determination not to admit defeat. They had no way out but to try their best.

The pressure and tension of the game reached extremes, and the atmosphere on the court became tense and intense.

Jianhua and Lin Hui, their eyes were fixed on the ping pong ball, as if there was only one small ping pong ball on the table in the whole world.

Their eyes are full of determination and persistence. They swing the rackets in their hands tirelessly, and every shot is full of power and skill.

They are like actors on the stage, hitting the table tennis balls flying, spinning and bouncing, showing breathtaking skills and coordination.

Sweat rolled down their foreheads and soaked their sweatshirts.

Their breathing was rapid and powerful, like a beast being activated, releasing endless energy.They have completely lost their sense of time, leaving only table tennis and each other's opponents, as if the whole world has been swallowed up by this protracted war.

The table tennis ball keeps bouncing and rolling on the table, as if it has its own vitality.Every hit is their control and pursuit of life.

Their moves are as beautiful as paintings. The table tennis balls draw beautiful arcs in the air, as if they are telling wonderful stories.

The surrounding spectators had already been attracted by this protracted battle, and they stared intently at the two people on the table.

Some people clapped their hands and cheered, while others prayed silently.

In their eyes, this is not only a table tennis match, but also a challenge and transcendence in life.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Jianhua and Lin Hui's bodies were exhausted to the extreme, but they were unwilling to give up.

The table tennis ball shuttled between them, and their eyes revealed their desire for victory. They tried their best, and despite the sore muscles and difficulty breathing, they still persisted.

At this moment, there was a harsh sound and the ping-pong ball rolled to the ground.

They stopped holding their rackets and stared at each other.The two bodies fell to the ground almost at the same time, with smiles of satisfaction and exhaustion on their faces.

Never has a table tennis player been able to play for such a long time, but Jianhua and Lin Hui did it.

They used a protracted battle to show the world their persistence and perseverance.

Jianhua's determination and Lin Hui's calmness were intertwined, adding endless drama to this game.

As for the audience, they were not only looking forward to the victory, but also moved by the hard work of both sides.

Who can finally win this game?This question lingers on everyone's mind.

They don’t know the answer, but they know that both Jianhua and Lin Hui are very good athletes.

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(End of this chapter)

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