The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 819 Unknown Victory

Chapter 819 Unknown Victory

The table tennis championship competition between Lin Hui and Jianhua has entered the final stage, but the fight is in full swing.

The audience couldn't get enough of it and felt that this was a new battle.

Their eyes were fixed on the two figures on the stage, as if even their breathing became heavy.

Lin Hui waved the table tennis racket in his hand, and he was ready to compete with Jianhua.

Although the two of them are friends, on the playing field, everyone is a rival.

After that, Lin Hui looked at Jianhua opposite, with a determined light in his eyes. He took a deep breath, turned the tension in his heart into strength, and prepared to go all out.

The table tennis racket is like a dancing sword, and Lin Hui's movements are smooth and flowing. Each return is a combination of hardness and softness, with both strength and skill.

Every shot he takes is precise, and every ball is full of power and speed.

The audience watched intently, as if they were in the world of table tennis, and felt every wonderful moment of hitting the ball immersively.

And Jianhua was not to be outdone. His eyes were firm and focused, and his talent and skills were demonstrated in every return shot.

His movements are smooth and flexible, and every shot is full of power and agility.

The arena was filled with a fierce atmosphere of competition, and the hearts of the spectators seemed to be beating faster.

Their eyes are fixed on the ball, as if they can convey their power to the players through their sight.

Every collision of the ball brings bursts of fierce sound, which seems to convey the endless struggle and passion of the players to the audience.

The tension at the scene reached its peak.

Lin Hui and Jianhua both entered a state of concentration.Their returns became faster and more precise, and every ball was jaw-dropping.

The ball drew an arc in the air, as if time had frozen.

The table tennis score stopped nervously at 21:21.

The atmosphere in the entire stadium instantly became tense, as if time had stood still.

Jianhua's eyes were sharp and focused, as if a sharp arrow penetrated directly into Lin Hui's heart.

He stared closely at every ball Lin Hui fired, leaving no room for error.

Although his legs and feet were already in some pain, this did not stop his determination and persistence.

The table tennis ball shuttles through the air, carrying the sound of breaking wind, conveying the desperate battle between the two players.

Lin Hui's ball shot across the dark night sky like a meteor, instantly arousing exclamations.

However, Jianhua was not defeated by all this. He reacted quickly and hit the ball back with a bang.

In this round, the two men's skills entered a wonderful state of balance, as if there was an invisible tacit understanding between them.

The light on the court seemed to have frozen, and people's breathing became silent.

Only the sound of the ball flying continued to echo, as if telling the fierce battle between the two players.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the entire stadium was immersed in a tense and intense atmosphere.

The hearts of the spectators seemed to be grasped, and their pulses accelerated with every collision of the ball.

In this tense atmosphere, the figures of Jianhua and Lin Hui shuttled back and forth on the court, like two rotating storms.

Their movements are accurate and precise, and every shot is delivered with power and speed.

Their sweat drew beautiful arcs in the air, like a living painting.

The ball passed quickly, like lightning streaking across the night sky.

Both Jianhua and Lin Hui devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the game. There was only a desire for victory in their eyes, and there was no room for fear or retreat.

As the game lengthened, the audience's anxiety continued to grow.

Their eyes are fixed on the ball, not daring to be distracted for fear of missing a wonderful moment.

Every hit caused cheers and cheers from the audience, and the entire stadium seemed to be surrounded by enthusiastic shouts.

The game lasted for a long time, but Jianhua had no intention of giving up.

He is like a tenacious lion, constantly fighting for every ball, no matter how difficult and arduous it is.

His eyes shone with determination, and he would use his own efforts and strength to win the final victory.

Lin Hui also showed his strength and skills on the court.

His ball is fast and accurate, and every shot is full of infinite power.

His eyes revealed his desire for victory, and he was unwilling to give up easily.

In this tense and fierce competition, table tennis between Jianhua and Lin Hui became the language of communication between the two players.

They use the ball to express their thoughts and emotions, and to demonstrate their skills and abilities through the strength and angle of the ball.

This game lasted for a long time, with the ball flying back and forth as if it would never stop.

The eyes of the audience were attracted by this wonderful game. They were immersed in this world full of passion and power, as if they could feel every heartbeat of the players.

As time goes by, their eyes flash with the desire for victory. They are unwilling to give up easily. They must use their last strength to fight for the final victory.

Finally Jianhua hit the ball hard again.The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally landed accurately on Lin Hui's baseline.

21:22 Jianhua scored one point, leading Lin Hui.

Lin Hui felt his heartbeat speed up, and he knew that he was in trouble.

Facing Jianhua's powerful attack, he felt that he had relaxed his vigilance against himself.

Lin Hui must quickly adjust his condition and cannot continue like this.

He held the racket tightly and stared at Jianhua opposite.

Lin Hui began to work hard on hitting the ball, and the ball flew back and forth between Lin Hui and Jianhua. The speed was so fast that the audience could hardly see the trajectory of the ball.

They were attracted to the game.

In this game, Jianhua and Lin Hui’s table tennis became a special language of communication.

They express their thoughts and emotions through the force and angle of their shots.

Every shot is a challenge and response to the opponent, as well as a demonstration of one's own abilities.

As time passed, Lin Hui gradually found a way to crack Jianhua.

He observed every detail of Jianhua and discerned some of Jianhua's weaknesses.

He flexibly adjusted his tactics in an attempt to defeat powerful opponents.

Finally, Lin Hui successfully hit a difficult backhand shot. The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally landed accurately on Jianhua's baseline.

At 22:22, Lin Hui scored a point.The two sides tied again
This victory allowed Lin Hui to regain his confidence.

He looked at Jianhua's slightly tired expression and knew that his opponent had reached his limit.Lin Hui is determined to use his last bit of strength to win the final victory.

He tightened his nerves, concentrated, and prepared to deliver a ball.

The game in this game is far from over, and the balance of victory is still swinging between the two players.

Whether it is Jianhua or Lin Hui, they are not willing to give up easily. They must use their last strength to fight for the final victory.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and stared firmly.

He held the racket tightly, and the blood and passion in his heart were conveyed between his fingers.

Slowly, he bent his body slightly, looked straight ahead, and blew gently.

The racket made perfect contact with the ball.

The ball made a crisp impact, jumped instantly, and flew gently over the net of the table towards Jianhua.

Then he stopped incredulously. Lin Hui's eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

Jianhua, on the other hand, looked at this scene expressionlessly, but endless disappointment had already surged in his heart.

He knew that he would definitely lose this ball.

Lin Hui's mood was completely different. He felt the joy of the ball, and the indescribable excitement made his whole body tremble.

Lin Hui scored, Jianhua was a little disappointed, but the game was not over yet.

The ball flew over the net in the air and continued to fly towards Jianhua.

He nervously watched the ball's trajectory, trying to figure out the best reaction.

However, the ball suddenly stopped and hung in mid-air, as if time had been frozen.

The shot felt so perfect that he felt the long-lost taste of victory.

However, Jianhua's mood changed from disappointment to endless anger.

Although Lin Hui won the round, he could also feel Jianhua's anger and challenging gaze.

The game is still going on, and Lin Hui knows that Jianhua will go all out and will not give in easily.

A firm determination arose in his heart, and he wanted to prove that his victory was not an accident.He holds the racket tightly, ready to meet Jianhua's next challenge.

The expression on Jianhua's face gradually calmed down, and he took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

He knew that this game was not over yet and he could not give up at this time.

His eyes were fixed on the table, and the atmosphere on the table became tense again. Lin Hui and Jianhua's attention was focused on the trajectory of the ball.

Their eyes sparkled with fighting spirit and determination.The game has gone beyond a personal vendetta between them and turned into a real showdown.

The racket made perfect contact with the ball again, making a crisp impact sound.

The ball rolled in the air and flew towards Lin Hui.Lin Hui reacted quickly, swung the racket and hit the ball back.

The ball drew an arc in the air and flew towards Jianhua.

Jianhua adjusted his position nervously, trying to make the best counterattack.His heartbeat was racing and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

The ball was spinning rapidly in the air, and Jianhua quickly moved his body to prepare to hit the ball.

His eyes were fixed on the ball, as if he could see every subtle change of the ball.

The moment the ball fell, Jianhua hit the ball hard.

The contact between the ball and the racket made a crisp sound, and the ball flew towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui watched the trajectory of the ball with sharp eyes. He reacted quickly and swung the racket to hit back.

Every action on the table is nerve-wracking.The skills of Lin Hui and Jianhua were on full display.

With a bang, the ping-pong ball hit the floor heavily, making a crisp echo.

The scoreboard of the game showed the number 23:23, which meant that Jianhua and Lin Hui were tied again.

Their duel has been so fierce that the winner has never been decided.

The audience began to feel uneasy. They anxiously watched the two players on the table, hoping that they could win or lose as soon as possible.

Among them, Xu Xin was particularly anxious. She frowned and stood up. "This overtime match is too long. There is no result yet." She couldn't help complaining.

Xu Xin's words revealed her inner anxiety, and her mood gradually became tense as time went by.

Her eyes were fixed on the table tennis table, constantly looking for the winner.

She felt uneasy, as if she was also in the game, experiencing this fierce battle with the players.

But Shaojie sitting next to Xu Xin seemed relatively calm.

He sat there quietly, smiling softly. "Lin Hui and Jianhua are not in a hurry when they play. Why are you in a hurry? There will be results." He said calmly.

Shaojie's voice revealed a hint of relief and confidence.

He is well aware of the strength of Lin Hui and Jianhua, and understands that the competition between them is not just a simple victory or defeat relationship.

This is a battle about honor and dignity that requires every player to perform at their best.Shaojie firmly believes that a winner will be born in the end.

On the table, neither Jianhua nor Lin Hui was affected by the anxious atmosphere around them.

They swing their rackets with concentration, and every shot is full of power and skill.

Their eyes are firm and focused, as if they can penetrate the ball's rotation trajectory and understand every move of their opponent.

The table tennis balls flew back and forth on the table, making a piercing whistling sound.The figures of the players flashed quickly next to the table, and their movements were as fast and accurate as lightning.

The battle on the table is full of power and passion, and every collision makes people's hearts beat faster.

They clenched their fists unconsciously, and beads of sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Sometimes they cheered and sometimes sighed, as if they were at the competition site, feeling the joy of victory and the frustration of failure with the players.

However, both the audience and the players knew that this game would have an outcome.

Their figures flashed quickly next to the table, and the rackets in their hands were swung like the wind. Every shot was struck with strong power and accurate angles.

The ball flew around on the court, making a piercing whistling sound, setting off bursts of airflow, and the collision of the racket and the ball echoed throughout the stadium.The spectators were so impressed by the intensity of the game that they could almost see the tiny friction between the ball and the racket and the arc of the ball.

In the final stage of the game, the two players were almost the same in terms of strength. They were attacking and defending each other, constantly changing their strategies, trying to find each other's weaknesses.

The audience held their breath and stared at the trajectory of the ball, anticipating the next moment.

Finally, in a thrilling moment, Lin Hui caught Jianhua's mistake and scored a key point with a precise diagonal shot.

The audience cheered and applauded Lin Hui to show their respect for Lin Hui's goal.

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(End of this chapter)

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