The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 830 Didn’t come after all

Chapter 830 Didn’t come after all
"Jianhua, it's time to get up." The first thing Lin Hui did when he woke up was to wake up Jianhua. After all, today was the day they sent Han Yun away.

After a long time, Lin Hui thought that Jianhua must have not woken up, so he called again, but still got no response from Jianhua.

At this time, Lin Hui panicked. When he turned around, he found that Jianhua was not on his bed at all.

Lin Hui quickly put on his clothes, stood up and took a look, what on earth is going on?There was no trace of sleep on the bed. Could it be that Jianhua didn't sleep all night last night?
If Jianhua didn't sleep, then where was he?
Several questions entered Lin Hui's mind directly.

However, just as he was inspecting where Jianhua had gone, the door of their dormitory was pushed open.

Lin Hui's first reaction was to call Jianhua, but when he turned around, he found that it was Shaojie and Xu Xin.

Xu Xin and Shaojie were both surprised by Lin Hui's shouting, "What, Lin Hui? Jianhua? Aren't you here?"

"I haven't seen Jianhua since I came here, and I don't know where Jianhua has gone!"

However, Xu Xin and Shaojie didn't pay attention at all, they just said calmly, "I'm not sure, Jianhua went to wash up, don't worry, he will be back in a while!"

I hope so, but Lin Hui has an uneasy feeling in his heart, and he always feels that something is not right!

But we can only wait a moment.

"Shaojie, Xu Xin, please sit down first. I'll come over after washing up."

At the same time, Lin Hui also wanted to go to the bathroom to see if Jianhua was there and freshen himself up.

But when he went to the bathroom, he found that there was no Jianhua's voice. Where had this Jianhua gone?Early in the morning.

Lin Hui can only think on the bright side.

Maybe he has returned to his dormitory.

After Lin Hui washed up, he hurried to the dormitory. When he opened the door, he still didn't see Jianhua.

Then he started asking, "Is Jianhua still not back?"

Xu Xin shook his head.

Lin Hui realized something was wrong and said to Xu Xin and Shaojie, "Jianhua might not have slept all night last night, was he? He was hiding!"

Now the only thing Lin Hui thinks about is that Jianhua may have hidden himself.

"No way, Lin Hui! Jianhua hiding? This is not what a grown man would do!" Xu Xin said with some confusion.

Lin Hui didn't want Jianhua to hide, but that was the fact.

From the time he woke up early in the morning, Jianhua was nowhere to be seen.

If this isn't hiding, what is?
"Then if Jianhua really hides, it means he doesn't want to see Han Yun. Then won't Han Yun be disappointed?" Shaojie said casually.

"Shaojie, you have a crow's mouth. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!" Xu Xin couldn't stand it anymore and said to him.

However, Shaojie was very unhappy. Did he say the wrong thing?
If Jianhua really wants to go, he will definitely show up at this time. They have been here for a while, but they still haven't seen Jianhua, which explains everything.

"Lin Hui, what should we do if Jianhua doesn't come back?" Xu Xin also started to worry.

"If this is the case, let's wait a little longer. If Jianhua still doesn't show up, then we can only send Han Yun off."

Time passed by minute by minute, but Jianhua still didn't show up, which made Lin Huiyue feel that what he just said had come true.

"Lin Hui, there's no way we can keep waiting like this. If Jianhua doesn't show up, then we won't go?" Xu Xin began to ask Lin Hui anxiously
"Wait another 5 minutes. If Jianhua still doesn't show up, then we'll leave!"
Lin Hui could only make a decision like this, but these 5 minutes were longer than a long night.

They looked at the door from time to time, hoping that Jianhua would show up.

But time passed by, and Jianhua never showed up.

Finally, 5 minutes came and they couldn't wait any longer.

Lin Hui started to say, "Then let's go first and ignore Jianhua for now!"

"Lin Hui, if Jianhua won't go, then what's the point of us going? Han Yun definitely wants to see Jianhua." Shaojie suddenly said again.

"But can't we not find Jianhua? Then if we are friends with Han Yun, can't we send her off in person?"

Lin Hui could only comfort himself, Shaojie and Xu Xin in this way.

"Okay, Shaojie, stop talking. Let's see Han Yun off. After all, we are friends!"

Xu Xin saw the surprise on Lin Hui's face and knew that he was worried about Jianhua hiding!
"Let's go!" Lin Hui could only say helplessly.

Especially when he walked out of the dormitory door, Lin Hui turned around every step of the way.

How he wished Jianhua could appear in front of them, but just like that, when they walked to the door of the national team, they still didn't see Jianhua.

Helplessly, the few of them could only rush to the airport in a car.

But Lin Hui had already told Jianhua yesterday that Han Yun would fly to the airport this morning, and if he had his heart set on it, he would definitely come to the airport!
Along the way, Lin Hui felt uneasy.

What should Han Yun tell Li Yu when he saw Han Yun?

It's all Jianhua's fault, but trouble happened at this time.

If I had known yesterday, he should have been guarding Jianhua, and he would have been kidnapped.

But it seems like it's too late to say anything.

"Lin Hui, we are here"

Under Xu Xin's reminder, Lin Hui regained consciousness.

Lin Hui glanced outside and saw that he had arrived so quickly. Then he could only say "Oh" in hindsight and walked out of the car.

Yesterday, Li Yu said that Han Yun's boarding gate was at Gate [-], so they should go there.

"Let's go to gate two. If they come, they should be there!" Lin Hui said clearly now.

Xu Xin and Shaojie could only follow him closely. However, when they had not walked a long distance, they already saw Han Yun and Li Yu not far away.

Li Yu and Han Yun looked forward to their appearance, but found that one person was missing, and that was Jianhua.

"Brother Lin Hui, where is brother Jianhua? Why didn't he come?"

When Li Yu saw that Jianhua was not around, he hurried forward and asked Lin Hui in a low voice.

"Here, I'll tell you later!" Lin Hui could only fool Li Yu like this.

"Brother Lin Hui, it's already this time, why aren't you telling the truth? What's going on with Brother Jianhua? Is he really not giving Han Yun a gift?!" Lin Hui could only nod helplessly.

"Let me just say that Brother Jianhua has no sense of responsibility at all. Even if he can't express his true feelings, it's okay to send Han Yun away!"

Jianhua didn't show up, which made Li Yu feel that it wasn't worth it for Han Yun.

Then, Han Yun walked up to Lin Hui and shouted "Brother Lin Hui!"

"Han Yun, you are going abroad today, but remember to give us news as soon as possible so that we know you have landed safely!"

Lin Hui can only say this!

"Okay, Brother Lin Hui, I will sue you as soon as possible!" Although Han Yun had a smile on his face, he felt a little bitter in his heart, and he still said what he was thinking.

"Brother Lin Hui, why didn't Brother Jianhua come? Did something happen?"

Yesterday, Sister Li Yu told her clearly that she had told all of them.

Han Yun always thought that Brother Jianhua would come to send her off today, but he never saw him.

"Jianhua, Jianhua suddenly feels a little unwell, so I'm here to see you off on his behalf!"

At this moment, Lin Hui could only make up such a white lie, while Xu Xin and Shaojie standing aside could only listen helplessly to Lin Hui's making up.

"Isn't it the same if we send you here? Do you still dislike us?" Xu Xin could only attract Han Yun's attention at this time.

"What are you talking about? How could I dislike it? I'm really happy that everyone can come to see me off today. I've been getting along with you all during this period. It's been the happiest period of time! If it weren't for each of you, I wouldn't be able to see you off today. It won’t be like this!”

Han Yun thought of the first time she came to BJ, the first time she met so many brothers and sisters, and the first time she found her biological parents here. This was the most satisfying thing in her life.

"If that's the case, Han Yun, when you go there, remember us often and give us a call from time to time to let us know how you are doing there?"

Xu Xin said immediately.

"Okay, you can rest assured on this. I will definitely call you and tell you everything about me!"

Han Yun promised Xu Xin.

Then, Shaojie and Han Yun standing next to Xu Xin nodded and said, "I wish you a safe journey!"

And Han Yun also said politely to Shaojie, "Thank you!"

At this time, Lin Hui hoped that Jianhua could come over and say goodbye to Han Yun.

However, he still hasn't seen Jianhua's shadow. This Jianhua is the same, and he doesn't know where he has gone. It's really too much.

There is no one like him. Does he really want Han Yun to leave?Won't it make him regret it? !
At this moment, everyone felt the same as Lin Hui, hoping that Jianhua could appear here at this moment.

But time passed by, and Jianhua was nowhere to be seen. Finally, the sound of a plane taking off came.

It seems that Han Yun is really leaving.

A few of them could only bid farewell to Han Yun reluctantly, but it seemed like they could do nothing else.

The only thing that can be done is to hope that Jianhua will show up at this time. Lin Hui is thinking that Jianhua will show up quickly, show up quickly. If you don't show up, you may miss it in your life!
However, the more Lin Hui thought this way, the less Jianhua appeared in everyone's world. Until Han Yun's plane took off, Jianhua was still nowhere to be seen.

"Brother Lin Hui and Brother Jianhua have gone too far. If something happens, they can't come and see Han Yun off, and they have to keep running away!"

After Han Yun left, Li Yu said to Lin Hui immediately.

However, how could Lin Hui not know Li Yu's anger? "If I can find Jianhua, I will carry him over, but now Jianhua doesn't know where he has gone, not even us!"

"What? Do you mean that Brother Jianhua is missing? Where has he gone?"

Lin Hui didn't know either. If he had known, he wouldn't have come to see Han Yun off alone with Xu Xin and the others!

"We went to Lin Hui's dormitory today, but we didn't see Jianhua. Maybe Jianhua was not in the dormitory last night!"

Xu Xin saw Lin Hui's embarrassed look and helped him explain.

"He disappeared last night. It seems that brother Jianhua had already thought about it yesterday and was not going to send Han Yun away!"

Just when everyone thought this was the result, a figure appeared in front of them.

It's Jianhua!
"Han Yun, is Han Yun gone?" Jianhua asked breathlessly.

"Jianhua, why did you come just now? Han Yun has just taken off!"

After all, he came late because he drank too much last night. When he woke up the next day, it was already late.

"Jianhua, have you been drinking?" Lin Hui asked Jianhua when he smelled the smell of alcohol all over his body.

However, Jianhua did not answer Lin Hui's question at all, but silently looked at the disappearing figure in front of him.

"Don't look, Han Yun has already taken off. We all hope you can come, but Han Yun's plane has already taken off, so don't look too. If you miss it, you will miss it!" Li Yu could only say this with unwillingness.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Jianhua could only apologize to everyone.

"I'm sorry, what's the use? The person you should be sorry for is not us at all, but Han Yuyun. Han Yun has been with you for so long, can't you exchange it for you to send him off in person?"

Li Yu said angrily to Jianhua
However, Jianhua could only bury his head lower.

Seeing this, Lin Hui could only persuade Li Yu, "Since Jianhua is already here, don't talk about him. It must be because he drank too much and was delayed!"

Li Yu asked about the smell of alcohol on Jianhua's body without Lin Hui's explanation.

"Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua knew that Han Yun left him today, but he drank so much yesterday. Isn't this intentional?"

In fact, the reason why Jianhua drank was that he didn't know what to do, so he wanted to drink to relieve his sorrow.

But when he woke up the next day, he found that he regretted it. He should give Han Yun a gift anyway, after all, he was a friend.

He had no choice but to take a taxi and ask the driver to hurry up, but he came a step too late and Han Yun left anyway.

"Okay, stop talking, Jianhua doesn't feel good, and him coming here already explains everything!"

Lin Hui and Jianhua live under the same roof, so they naturally know what Jianhua is thinking.

The fact that he was able to come here showed that he still hoped to see Han Yun, but he just came too late.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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