The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 831 Playing ball to vent your pain

After seeing Han Yun off, Lin Hui sent Li Yu back, while Xu Xin and Shaojie accompanied Jianhua back to the national team.

Jianhua remained silent on the way back.

He regretted that Jianhua, who was sitting in the car, regretted that he was late in sending Han Yun off.

Seeing this, Xu Xin and Shaojie on the side could only try to comfort him.

"Han Yun will call us, so you don't have to be too sad. Lin Hui just said that if you have something to do, stop talking about it. Han Yun won't care about it."

Jianhua can tell that everyone must think that he is not a man!
Needless to say, he himself feels that he is not a man.

Jianhua let out a long sigh, and then fell deeply into self-blame. Then Jianhua turned his head and looked out the window without saying a word.

When Shaojie saw Jianhua's unhappy look, he comforted him, "Jianhua, it's not as bad as you thought. Han Yun didn't mean to blame you."

Shaojie could only try his best to persuade Jianhua. Jianhua had always been attentive, and since they were from the provincial team, they should naturally help each other.

As a result, Jianhua did not respond to him.

Shaojie didn't say anything more. Until the car drove to the door of the national team, Jianhua still didn't start to speak!
Helpless, after arriving, Shaojie could only remind Jianhua, "We're here, Jianhua!"

Jianhua, on the other hand, looked away from the window, hummed slightly, and got out of the car.

Xu Xin and Shaojie saw Jianhua's depressed look. They looked at each other and started to find a topic to talk to Jianhua.

"Jianhua, do you want to play ball? We will accompany you!"

"No, just hit your own ball. You don't need to accompany me. I want to practice on my own!"

Hearing what Jianhua said, Shaojie couldn't help but frown.

Then, he said forcefully, "Jianhua, we will use the table tennis rackets in the dormitory later to practice with you!"

Shaojie felt that if he could practice table tennis, he would be in a better mood.

However, Jianhua said coldly, "I'm a little tired. I want to take a nap when I go back!"

Seeing this, Shaojie had no choice but to silently walk behind Jianhua.

Xu Xin whispered to Shaojie, "Shaojie, you must send Jianhua back later, you know!"

Shaojie glanced at Xu Xin and nodded.

"Jianhua, I'm going back first. You don't have to think about anything. If you go back and have a good sleep, you might feel differently!"

"Yeah" Jianhua said like a puppet.

Afterwards, Xu Xin went to his dormitory, while Shaojie sent Jianhua back in person.

When he arrived at the door, Shaojie began to say, "Jianhua, go and have a rest. Call me if you need anything!"

Jianhua hummed again and closed the door of the room.

After that, Shaojie returned to his dormitory with peace of mind. Not to mention, he got up early this morning and he had to go back to his dormitory to catch up on his sleep.


"Li Yu, what you said today is really too serious. Don't you know that Jianhua? He is thin-skinned and will pretend to be guilty after just a few words!"

Lin Hui was talking to Li Yu when they were alone.

Li Yu, on the other hand, did not agree with Lin Hui's point of view, "Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua can do anything on weekdays, but today is different. Today is the day Han Yun leaves. Once she leaves, I don't know how long it will be before she comes back!" Li Yu felt depressed as he spoke.

After all, she had been talking to Han Yun about something. Now that Han Yun is gone, she doesn't know who she will talk to in the future.

After that, Li Yu continued, "Brother Lin Hui, no matter what, Brother Jianhua should give Han Yun a gift. He is not even willing to give it away!"

"It stands to reason that this is indeed the case, but Li Yu, don't you know that Jianhua can't turn a corner, and he is always so stubborn about what he wants to believe! There is nothing we can do against him!"

"Besides, isn't Jianhua already here? This means he has figured everything out!"

Lin Hui could only defend Jianhua in this way.

"You know that you are thinking about Brother Jianhua. Why are you still looking at him now? He has missed Han Yun. Han Yun is such a good girl. She is not a thousand times better than Wenya!"

Said Han Yun is a good girl. Lin Hui also admitted this.

But what can be done? He can't make the decision for Jianhua.

Especially emotional matters.

Lin Hui saw that Li Yu was getting more and more angry, and said to Li Yu, "We don't need to worry about the two of them. If we do, maybe they won't be happy. Let's just let it happen as it happens!" "

Hearing what Brother Lin Hui said, Li Yu couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Lin Hui, that's not what you said. You have to fight for happiness by yourself. If you don't fight for your happiness, why don't you let others fight for it? Besides, Han Yun has already paid a lot. If she can't see it, If we hope, she will definitely not come back, do you understand?"

How could Lin Hui not understand? After everyone has accumulated enough disappointment, he will never come back again.

But he didn't want this to happen to Han Yun.

"Well, it's getting late, Li Yu. I'm going back first, and I have to practice playing ball. You got up early today and are tired, so go back and lie down!"

After saying that, Lin Hui left directly. He felt that if the stalemate with Li Yu really continued, the two of them might start arguing.Instead of doing this, he might as well leave quickly.

However, Lin Hui heard Li Yu shouting his name angrily from behind.

Even if you get angry, there is nothing you can do about it. The discussion on this matter is completely meaningless.

After coming out, Lin Hui thought that they should return to the national team by now.

Yes, back!
Then he could only take a taxi, which would be faster.

If it were in the past, Lin Hui might have taken the bus job, but things were different now. He had to go back as soon as possible to see how Jianhua was doing.

Lin Hui directly stretched out his hand to stop one or two taxis. Fortunately, there were a lot of taxis today, so he stopped them immediately.

Sitting in the car, Lin Hui told the driver the exact address. He was trembling with fear along the way, worried about Jianhua.

The moment the car stopped at the national team, Lin Hui gave the master money and went straight to his destination, his and Jianhua's dormitory.

When he returned to the dormitory door, Lin Hui found that the door was locked, which meant that Jianhua was not there.

But Lin Hui, who was unwilling to give up, still opened the door. The result was just as he thought just now, there was no sign of Jianhua at all.

"Where has this Jianhua gone? He really doesn't want to worry about it."

Lin Hui muttered, "I'm not sure, Shaojie knows."

Yes, he went to ask Shaojie.

Lin Hui quickened the pace and came to find him in a hurry
Arrive at Shaojie's door.

He first knocked on the door of the room politely. It was not until he heard the voice asking him to enter that Lin Hui pushed the door open and entered.

Shaojie was lying on the bed to rest. He was somewhat surprised by Lin Hui's sudden appearance.

"Lin Hui, why are you here?"

Naturally, Lin Hui quickly asked Shaojie, "Shaojie, do you know where Shaojie has gone?"

"Jianhua, hasn't he returned to the dormitory?"

"No, I didn't see Jianhua!"

No?How is it possible? Jianhua clearly said he would go back to sleep, so where would he go if he didn't sleep?
"Lin Hui, you can't. Jianhua told me that he needs to take a nap. We have only been back for a short while, and we didn't even have enough time to take a nap!"

"But Jianhua is not in the dormitory, where has he been?"

Obviously Shaojie was very anxious when he saw Lin Hui. "Lin Hui, don't worry, Jianhua is such an old man, it's impossible to lose him. Maybe he is just in a bad mood and can't sleep and just take a walk!"

I hope it is like this, but Lin Hui is still a little worried
"Shaojie, tell me, Jianhua, will anything happen?"

"Lin Hui, what are you talking about? Although Jianhua is in a bad mood, how could an accident happen? No matter how poor the mental quality of each player in our national team is, they will not do stupid things. Just be patient!" "


As soon as Lin Hui started to speak, Shaojie interrupted, "It's okay. Lin Hui, you should go back and have a good sleep. We all got up early today and are a little tired. We have to practice playing basketball later." "

As he spoke, Shaojie yawned.

Lin Hui also felt that he could not continue to trouble everyone, as this would exhaust everyone physically and mentally.

Then he walked out of Shaojie's dormitory.

However, when Lin Hui walks on the road, it won't be that simple.

Jianhua is not in the dormitory now, so where else can he go?He would definitely not drink again, after all he drank so much last night.

After Lin Hui thought about it repeatedly, he felt that Jianhua might hide at this time.

Otherwise, he would go to the ball factory to practice ball to vent his unhappiness.

Without saying anything, Lin Hui first went to the training room where they usually practice to find Jianhua.

On the way, Lin Hui's footsteps were getting faster and faster, and he was a little worried about Jianhua.

But when he first arrived in the training room, Lin Hui felt relaxed

He saw Jianhua's figure, and sure enough, this guy was here.

Lin Hui felt relieved and walked over.

"Jianhua, why are you practicing just after you come back? Why don't you get some sleep?"

"I haven't practiced for a long time, and I want to practice now."

Hearing what Jianhua said, Lin Hui felt that Jianhua was using football practice to vent his pain.

"Well, Jianhua, how about I practice with you for a few times?"

When saying this, Jianhua paused.


Later, Lin Hui picked up the table tennis racket from the side and started practicing with Jianhua.

Jianhua's table tennis speed was as fast as his mood.

Lin Hui played with Jianhua.

Jianhua's balls flew out of his racket one after another with precise strokes, like strong wind and rain, forcing Lin Hui to retreat steadily.

Jianhua devoted himself wholeheartedly to playing basketball, as if venting all his unhappiness.

Lin Hui could only follow the direction of Jianhua's ball.

His body moved quickly, constantly adjusting his position, trying to resist Jianhua's ball.

But something happened to Jianhua's ball. The collision of racket and ball echoed in the table tennis hall, like a fierce symphony.

Lin Hui was beaten so hard that Jianhua was in a hurry.

Rather than being beaten up by Jianhua, it is better to say that Lin Hui gave in to Jianhua.

After all, Jianhua is in a bad mood now.

Then a bang was heard and Jianhua kept swinging the table tennis racket.

"Jianhua, I can't beat you today, is it okay if I admit defeat?"

Lin Hui felt that Jianhua today was attacking like a wolf.

"Lin Hui, you just said you were going to practice with me, but if you give in so quickly, it won't be good if the news spreads in the future and others will hear you!"

Lin Hui frowned, who had spread the word, this Jianhua was really.

It will excite him very much.

"Okay, I'll fight with you. Why don't you fight with me?"

Jianhua heard Lin Hui say this, and with a bang, the ping pong ball was passed from his side.

Lin Hui was caught off guard, "Jianhua, I wasn't ready yet, so you hit me. You're taking advantage of others' danger."

"Taking advantage of others' danger does not exist on the playing field. Just catch the ball quickly, Lin Hui."

Lin Hui was stunned for a moment, Jianhua Hui was quibbling, but fortunately he caught the flying ping pong ball, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoice that his reaction was quite timely.

He quickly adjusted his posture, got ready to serve, and then hit the ball hard.

The table tennis balls were flying back and forth on the table, and the two of them had a great time playing back and forth.

Lin Hui's serves are getting faster and stronger, and every shot is full of his inner passion and determination.Jianhua, on the other hand, is like a hard wall, as stable as a mountain, and can easily hit the ball back to the opponent's court every time.

Lin Hui stared at the table tennis ball intently, trying to predict Jianhua's next move.

He felt the table tennis ball draw an arc in the air, and Lin Hui reacted quickly and hit the ball to Jianhua's left side.

However, Jianhua's body instantly moved to the right and caught the ball easily.

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua standing opposite and couldn't help but sigh, "Jianhua, it's okay! I haven't seen you for a few days, and my level has improved again!"

"Lin Hui, can you please stop giving in to me?"

Jianhua knew that Lin Hui was giving in to him, but he didn't need Lin Hui to give in to him.

So, when Lin Hui heard what Jianhua said, he picked up the racket again and started playing.

He adjusted his breathing and thought about himself intently.

The table tennis balls kept jumping on the table, making crisp sounds.

Lin Hui condensed every inch of muscle in his body into his hands and fired a ball.

His ball became more accurate and powerful than before, and Jianhua also felt more pressure at this moment.

This is Lin Hui's true strength. The several championships Lin Hui has won are not based on overseas Chinese kung fu, but he has real strength.

Jianhua then waved his table tennis ball vigorously.

The two of them went back and forth like this, fighting for who knows how long. Jianhua never felt tired at all, but Lin Hui did.

Having been beaten by Jianhua, she burst into tears, "Jianhua, I won't fight, I won't fight, I'm too tired, I really don't want to fight."

At this time, Jianhua also gradually lost her strength.

Especially when he saw Lin Hui slumped on the ground, he could only take back the table tennis ball.

Then he walked to Lin Hui and sat down.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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