The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 832: One heart only plays ball

"Do you think I'm cold-blooded, do you think I'm ruthless, do you think I did something wrong?"

Jianhua, who was sitting next to Lin Hui, suddenly spoke to Lin Hui about this.

But what Jianhua said surprised Lin Hui.

At the same time, Lin Hui also felt that the reason why Jianhua could say this was because Jianhua had some awakening.

"Jianhua, no matter what you do is right or wrong, as long as you follow your own heart!" Lin Hui could only comfort Jianhua in this way.

When Jianhua heard what Lin Hui said, he felt even sadder and more confused than before.

"Lin Hui, it's not that I haven't thought about it. I think I can tell Han Yun what I'm thinking, but do you know the result? I can't hurt him. Now she has finally got on the right track. In the future, If we are really destined, we will meet again!"

Lin Hui knew that he had his own thoughts and gently raised his hand to Jianhua's shoulder, "Jianhua doesn't need to think so much. Since the matter is over, let's get over it. Let's just play ball well." As long as you stand at a higher place, there will still be many people looking up to you!"

Lin Hui was talking to himself and Jianhua, because he knew that as long as they could get results, it would be the best comfort for them!

"Okay, Lin Hui, then the two of us will continue to play two sets!"

"Play two sets, play two sets! Who is afraid of whom?" After Lin Hui and Jianhua said this, they continued to practice.

The rackets flew in their hands and bloomed like flowers on the table.

Every hit is carried with strong power and precise angle, making the ball fly in mid-air.

The collision between the racket and the ball made a crisp sound, which seemed to tell the passion and determination of the two players.

Lin Hui's eyes are focused and sharp, and his wrist is like a flexible snake, making the ball spin in the air, changing direction and speed.

Jianhua was immersed in the game, his eyes fixed on the ball, and he accurately judged its trajectory and landing point.

Their figures danced on the table, like two clever butterflies, sometimes dancing gracefully, sometimes suddenly accelerating, as if they were going to hit the ball into the opponent's heart.

There was a vibrant atmosphere on the table, and every shot they made made the air surge with invisible power.

"Start the counterattack. Weren't you unable to beat me just now?" Jianhua said, looking at Lin Hui's flying ball.

"Who said I can't beat you? I was just warming up, now is the time for us to really start."

In fact, Lin Hui was afraid that Jianhua would not be able to think about it just now, so he deliberately let her go to make him feel better.

Now that Jianhua doesn't have so many knots in his heart, Lin Hui no longer gives way to Jianhua.

Bang, the table tennis ball passed through the air with a bang, and Jianhua began to use all his strength to throw the ball out!

Just like this, the ball flew in mid-air, like a shooting star across the night sky, and sometimes the ball rotated back and forth, like a ballet dancer on the stage.

Soon, some people came to watch.

This made Lin Hui and Jianhua a little embarrassed. They just did it for practice.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had to play hard.

After they saw Lin Hui and Jianhua playing ball, they stared at the direction of their ball flying seriously. At the same time, they didn't say anything, they just watched.

At this moment, Jianhua was a little nervous, why so many people suddenly came.

If he loses, will he be laughed at by everyone? He can't lose, he can't lose to Lin Hui, even in practice.

Lin Hui watched Jianhua play harder.

Knowing Jianhua's little thoughts, he must be afraid of losing, which is why he plays so hard.

At this time, there were two more figures in the crowd, including Xu Xin and Shaojie.

"When did the two of them fight so passionately, why didn't we know?"

Shaojie looked at Lin Hui and Jianhua playing in front and said.

"Shaojie, do we need two of us to know this? Lin Hui can win the championship and Jianhua can win the runner-up. Isn't it the result of more practice on weekdays!"

"Besides, when we play table tennis, we rely on practicing more and playing more!!"

These words reminded the dreamer.

"Yes, we should really practice more. Look at Lin Hui and Jianhua, they are already practicing while we are sleeping. It can be seen that they have put in more effort than us!"

In the past, when Shaojie appeared on the training ground, he would see Jianhua or Lin Hui. It can be seen that they have to work much more than him and Xu Xin. If this is the case, they do not dare to be lazy.

"But, Xu Xin, just now Lin Hui was still looking for Jianhua, why are they getting involved now? Could it be that the two of them are venting their dissatisfaction to each other?!"

"Shaojie, what are you talking about? Lin Hui came to Jianhua because he was worried. Maybe Jianhua was playing at the practice ground just now and didn't know anything. Don't talk nonsense!"

Xu Xin glared at Shaojie, who was so scared that Shaojie didn't dare to say anything.

He shifted his gaze to the two people fighting in front again.

At this moment, Lin Hui and Jianhua were hitting each other with one ball.

Everyone gathered around to watch and were very excited!
The last time they heard about the competition, it was Lin Hui and Jianhua. Unfortunately, none of them could see them. Being able to see the two of them playing here today also made them feel that they had been in the competition venue. I've seen them both.

With a bang, the ball fell to the ground!

Jianhua lost a goal to Lin Hui, but Jianhua was still unwilling to accept it. Wasn't it just a loss?I'll catch you back soon!
Now Jianhua is full of confidence!

Nothing can stop him from moving forward!
He stared straight ahead, leaned forward, stared at the ping pong ball, and then made a fierce attack with a bang.

Lin Hui judged the direction in which the table tennis ball was flying, and with a gentle wave of the table tennis racket, it landed on Jianhua's table.

Jianhua, on the other hand, was not in a hurry, and with such a gentle wave, he waved to Lin Hui's side again!

The two of us just pass the ball back and forth.

Everyone gathered together, wondering who of the two of them would be better and who would win the ball.

"Why don't you guess whether Lin Hui or Jianhua will win? How about we place a bet?"

I don't know who suddenly shouted like this in the crowd.

This made everyone start to say: I bet ten dollars that Lin Hui will win, then I will bet five dollars that Jianhua will win.I have ten dollars, I have twenty dollars, I have five dollars.

In this way, what was originally an entertaining game turned into a bet for everyone!

Although Lin Hui and Jianhua were playing seriously, he also heard the sound of everyone betting.

This made the two of them even more focused than before, because no one was willing to lose this game, because losing this game meant everyone would lose money.

"Lin Hui, come on!"

"Jianhua, come on!"

A group of people formed a circle around Lin Hui, encouraging Lin Hui.

The other wave of people who chose Jianhua were beside Jianhua and encouraged him.

Whenever Lin Hui is unable to do what he wants, people on Lin Hui's side will cheer him up.

And the same is true on the other side!

This made Lin Hui and Jianhua feel bitter in their hearts. It was obviously an unintentional exercise for the two of them, but it was used as a bet by everyone.If one of them wins, it means the other party will lose money.

Immediately, Lin Hui gave Jianhua a look that made him win, and sure enough, Jianhua lived up to expectations and lost the game directly.

Later, in the next game, Lin Hui deliberately pretended to lose to Jianhua!
Just like that, Jianhua and Lin Hui, you and I are equal in every game.

This made the people who were placing bets anxious, "How many games have been played, why can't the winner be determined?"

At this time, Lin Hui was playing ball and said, "You guys, the bet you made is in vain. Jianhua's ball is not weaker than mine. When I was playing before, it was because Jianhua was injured, so I was lucky enough to win." Champion."

As Lin Hui's supporters, they placed a bet that Lin Hui would win. However, these people did not believe Lin Hui's words because they knew that Lin Hui had won several championships, but Jianhua had never won one.

When Jianhua heard what Lin Hui said, he said very humbly, "Lin Hui, don't say that. You have won the championship many times, and I was just lucky enough to win the runner-up, but today I am I just have better luck than you!"

The two people were humble to each other here, which made the two groups of people who bet for them feel that they shouldn't bet? !

Finally, that person stood up and said, "How about we return the money to you! Lin Hui and Jianhua can play like this for a whole day, and we won't be able to win or lose!"

From the moment he made the bet, he saw the tactics of Li Hui and Jianhua!He couldn't help but suggest it.

"But we have already placed the bet, how can we easily withdraw it?" There were also those who objected.

"But they have been fighting for such a long time, and it is still hard to decide the outcome. Why not just take the money back!" Naturally, some agreed.
"I'd better share the money with everyone. Let's pretend we didn't place any bets today!"

Some people were not very happy but gave their money to them anyway!
Lin Hui and Jianhua, who were playing basketball, knew that their plan had succeeded.

Then he continued, "Since, Jianhua, we have been playing for so long and are tired, why not stop here today!"

"Okay, let's finish it!" When Jianhua heard what Lin Hui said, he also took his ball back from him.

At the same time, the people watching the two of them play also dispersed one after another!

In the end, only two people were left, Xu Xin and Shaojie over there.

"Since when did you two have such a tacit understanding?" Xu Xin naturally saw the tricks they were playing.

"Xu Xin, you've seen it all. If we don't cooperate like this, it won't be a good thing if anyone loses money!"

Since Lin Hui has exposed Xu Xin, it would be better to say it directly.

"Yes, Xu Xin, if we win here, and we win against Lin Hui, then what we lose is everyone's money. This is not good. Besides, they might make an issue out of this matter! "

Naturally, the two of them would not follow everyone's wishes.

"Okay! Lin Hui, Jianhua, you two can cooperate so well, think of it together!"

Shaojie also started to praise Lin Hui and Jianhua.

"The two of us have been playing and practicing for so long, so I won't accompany you anymore. Let's go back and take a rest!"

Lin Hui had been playing for so long and was really tired. He didn't even have the energy to talk to Shaojie.

"Then Lin Hui, you should go back first. Shaojie and I have to practice here for a while!"

Hearing what Xu Xin said, Lin Hui and Jianhua left the training room.

On the way back, Jianhua said to Lin Hui, "When I heard them placing bets just now, it scared me. After all, it wouldn't be good for either of us to lose."

"Yes, if I win, the people on your side will lose money. If you win, the people on my side will lose money. If someone with any intention reports it, we can't tell. You have to stand there for punishment!" Lin Hui thought about just now, how dangerous it was!

Jianhua remembered just now and continued, "But Lin Hui, fortunately you gave me a look just now."

"Jianhua, you and I have the best understanding. You can understand my casual look!"

Lin Hui also said to Jianhua with some pride.

"No, I've been in the same dormitory with you for so long, how can I not know what you're thinking? I can know just a look or a word from you!"

Jianhua is no longer as rigid as before, and starts to become lively.

"Really? Then you are really the roundworm in my belly. I won't dare to reveal anything in front of you easily in the future. You will already guess it. I won't let you guess it when I compete with you in the future. !" Lin Hui deliberately joked with Jianhua.

"Lin Hui, what are you talking about? How could I become a roundworm in your belly? Besides, I have been studying playing basketball, but I have no time to study you!"

Jianhua is actually arguing with Lin Hui now.

"Really? That's good. I'm really worried that you can master my ball and overtake me in the future, so I can rest easy!"

"Lin Hui, what you said reminds me. I really need to study your ball when I go back and think about how to crack it. Otherwise, I will always suffer a loss when I play with you in the future. For example, this time you won I won the championship, and I won the runner-up, but I suffered a big loss!"

In fact, Lin Hui deliberately said that he wanted Jianhua to be more motivated and stop thinking about Han Yunyun.

"Okay, Jianhua, I'll wait for you to study it!"

Then the two people laughed, looked at each other and walked towards the dormitory.

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