The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 833 European Cup Match

Chapter 833 European Cup Match

The next period of time was calm, and everyone was actively practicing on the training ground.

I practiced every day until I was dripping with sweat before going back to the dormitory.

Halfway through, "Lin Hui, have you seen my table tennis racket?"

Halfway through, Jianhua found that his racket was not on him, so he began to fumble around and asked Lin Hui.

"No, isn't it on you?"

Jianhua always remembered that he was holding his racket in his hand, but why was it missing?
Could it be that he accidentally lost it just now?
"Well, Lin Hui, you go back first, I'll go back and look for you!"

After saying this, Jianhua walked back without stopping. The table tennis racket was half his life. If he lost it, he would not be able to play ball.

And this racket has been with Jianhua for a long time, and they already have feelings.

At the same time, Jianhua also knew the importance of table tennis to him and did not dare to stop for a moment to look forward.

Originally, Lin Hui wanted to tell Jianhua that I would go back with you to find him, but Jianhua disappeared in an instant without a trace.

Helpless, Lin Hui could only walk to the dormitory with his exhausted body.

As soon as he entered the door of the dormitory, the old man in charge of the dormitory poked his head and looked around, "Where is Jianhua? Why don't you see him? Don't you two usually follow each other?"

Lin Hui was surprised by the uncle's sudden question!

At the same time, the uncle also felt it, "That's what happened. There was a call from abroad, saying that he was looking for Jianhua."

"For overseas phone calls, are they male or female?"

"It's a woman!"

Lin Hui was overjoyed when he heard it was a woman.

Because he knew that it might be Han Yun who could call them from abroad at this time.

"I'll take it, Jianhua will be back soon!"

Without waiting for the uncle to answer, Lin Hui directly answered the phone.

He shouted into the phone.

Han Yun instinctively thought it was Brother Jianhua!
"Is it Brother Jianhua?"

"Han Yun is indeed you, I think you should give us a call!"

"Brother Lin Hui, where is brother Jianhua?"

"Han Yun, why do you talk about Brother Jianhua? Brother Jianhua, you don't take me seriously at all! Why are you ignoring me, a big living person, standing in front of you!"

Did Lin Hui deliberately pretend to be angry to tease Han Yunyun?However, Han Yun thought Lin Hui was angry.

"How can it be possible if it doesn't happen!"

The two chatted about daily life on the phone. After a while, Jianhua was still nowhere to be seen!
Lin Hui started to say to Han Yun, "I guess Jianhua hasn't found his racket yet. If not, wait until he comes back and give him a call!"

Lin Hui could hear Han Yun's reluctance, but finally managed to say yes.

Lin Hui was a little anxious, and so was Jianhua, who was nowhere to be seen when something happened.

Han Yun finally called after all the way, but he lost his table tennis racket. This seemed like a coincidence.

Lin Hui returned to the dormitory with complaints.

However, as soon as he stepped into the dormitory with his front foot, he heard the sound of the dormitory door being pushed open with his back foot!

"It turned out to be where we play, but it took me a long time to find it!" Jianhua started shouting as soon as he entered the door.

"Jianhua, do you know what you missed? I've been looking for a ping pong ball for so long."

Suddenly, Lin Hui's sudden question made Jianhua stunned for a moment.

"What did I miss?"

So good, what could he miss?
"It's Han Yun, Han Yun called!"

"what did he say?"

Jianhua said these words anxiously, but Lin Hui felt relieved when he heard Jianhua say these words.

At least this guy has some conscience!

"I won't tell you!" Lin Hui actually deliberately played off Jianhua!
Especially when he saw Jianhua frowning tightly, Lin Hui felt that Jianhua looked cute.

Lin Hui still couldn't bear to hide it from Jianhua, and said to Jianhua, "Actually, Han Yun didn't blame you, and she cared about you very much. She also said that she had entered a school and let her study!"

When he heard the word "study", Jianhua's eyes lit up, "Read, study is good!"
"Jianhua, do you still have any conscience? Can't you ask for Han Yun's contact number so that you can call him back?"

Lin Hui remembered the moment when Han Yun hung up the phone, still thinking about Jianhua.

In the end, Jianhuayi remained indifferent.

Even without saying a word!

"Jianhua, don't you want to call Han Yun? When she hung up the phone, she was thinking about you and wanted you to come back and call him!"

Lin Hui walked to Jianhua's side and handed the phone number written on the note to Jianhua's hand. "This is the note. You can do whatever you want!"

Jianhua still kept his head down, and Lin Hui knew he had to give Jianhua some time.

Only when Jianhua figured it out did he feel that he could overcome this difficulty!
Lin Hui felt a little tired, so he gradually lay down on the bed and couldn't help but fall asleep. He vaguely heard the sound of Jianhua opening the door.

But he didn't know if he was overthinking it. He dreamed of Jianhua calling Han Yun.

Until this dream came true the next morning.

Lin Hui woke up when it was just dawn.

The moment he woke up, Jianhua was also woken up.

And Jianhua, when he got up, he was in high spirits.

This made Lin Hui feel something was wrong!
Then he walked to the bathroom with Jianhua, brushed his teeth, and asked, "Jianhua, why are you in such a good mood today?"

"Lin Hui, don't you want me to be in a good mood?"

Lin Hui frowned when Jianhua said this. Why did he feel like he had seen her before?
"No, I mean you yesterday!"

"What happened to me yesterday?" Lin Hui was interrupted by Jianhua before he could finish speaking. "No, it's nothing," Lin Hui still said these two words hesitantly.

"Lin Hui, I called Han Yun back yesterday!" Jianhua said suddenly, which stunned Lin Hui for a moment.

Jianhua looked so lifeless yesterday, but ended up answering the phone behind his back. This was an eye-opener.

"Don't look at me like that. Can I still lie to you?"

Lin Hui hesitated for a while, "Jianhua, you were not like this yesterday!"

“People always change who I was yesterday!”

These words shocked Lin Hui. The Jianhua he saw today was indeed obviously different from the Jianhua he saw yesterday.

But he still asked anxiously, "Um, have you contacted Han Yun?"

In fact, Lin Hui wanted to ask Jianhua, how was your chat?

Jianhua nodded lightly.

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua's shy look. He must have talked with Han Yun. Otherwise, how could he be like this?
When Lin Hui and Jianhua were talking, Jianhua didn't even hear clearly: "Ah, Lin Hui, what did you say?"

"I said we should go to the training room to practice. I heard that the European Cup table tennis competition is about to start recently. We have to go out to compete again. This time we can't fall behind!"

"Is the European Table Tennis Cup the one that takes place every four years?"

"Yes, it happens once every four years. We finally caught up this time, so we have to practice harder!"

Hearing what Lin Hui said, Jianhua's eyes shone with light.

Only by constantly working hard can he become a leader in the table tennis world.

This way he and Han Yun will have opportunities in the future. Besides, Jianhua and Han Yun have said that they will visit Han Yun whenever they have the opportunity to go abroad.

If he can go to this European Cup, they might be able to agree to meet abroad.

When he thought of this, the corners of Jianhua's mouth couldn't help but tilt upward slightly.

"Jianhua, what's wrong with you today? Why are you smiling all the time? Could it be that someone gave you the ecstasy soup?"

Jianhua was not angry when Lin Hui said this.

Until they were on the way to the training ground and met Shaojie and Xu Xin!
As soon as he came up, Shaojie said to Lin Hui, "I heard that the European Cup table tennis competition will be held soon. Have you heard about it?"


"Lin Hui, look at how confident you are, you must be the champion again!"

Xu Xin looked at Lin Hui's triumphant look and knew that Lin Hui had confidence in men's table tennis again!
"What did you say?" Looking at Jianhua looking forward to it, "Maybe I will be surpassed by Jianhua this year!"

Lin Hui was never proud, he just spoke in a very easy-going manner.

Shaojie and Xu Xin walked over for a while, but before they heard Jianhua speak, they started asking Jianhua.

"Jianhua, what's wrong with you today? Why are you silent? I didn't see you talking!"

"You don't know, right? Han Yun called back yesterday!"

"What do you know?" As soon as Lin Hui opened his mouth, Xu Xin interrupted anxiously, "What did Han Yu say?"

"Of course I asked Jianhua!" Lin Hui deliberately joked about Jianhua.

However, Jianhua couldn't sit still and said, "Lin Hui, what are you talking about?"

Turning to look at Xu Xin and Shaojie, "Don't listen to his nonsense! Han Yun is living a good life abroad and is in school. This is the life she should choose!"

Jianhua feels that Han Yun has taken an important path in life. If she is allowed to stay here, Han Yun may not be as happy as she is now.

On the phone, he could hear Han Yun's longing for a better life, and he also went to some famous places. He talked about it with relish, which showed that Han Yun was much more cheerful than before.

"Jianhua, you said you are the same. Whose life is determined by himself, how can he say it is Han Yun's life?" Shaojie expressed disapproval of what Jianhua said.

"Okay, okay, we still have to practice. Let's go quickly. While we haven't participated in these few days, we have to practice hard!" Lin Hui began to urge everyone to come together.

There is not much time left for them every time. They have to strengthen training after just a few days of participation. After strengthening training, they will participate in large-scale foreign competitions.

They are always busy, like a spinning top, never stopping!

But everyone seems to have become accustomed to this kind of life, and feel that this way can make their lives more abundant!
"However, I heard that there is a quota for participating in the competition this time!" Xu Xin suddenly said this seriously.

"In the past, the quota limit was based on the selection of two opponents of equal strength. Is it possible that this time we will adopt the usual method?"

Lin Hui thought that when they competed in the past, they selected the participating places from several candidates and finally decided the participants. This was to prevent fairness and justice.

I should use the same method this time!
"Almost, but I'm not sure, because the training time this time is relatively short, I really don't know exactly how to choose. The coach should tell us then!" Xu Xin continued.

Afterwards, the four of them came to the training hall, where a lot of people had gathered!

Because there was a notice posted at the door of the training hall, it was obviously related to the European Cup table tennis competition.

Everyone gathered around and talked about each other.

"This table tennis competition is a major international event! It happens every four years. I have been on the national team for three years, and this time I finally caught up!"

"But this time the number of places to participate in the election is relatively small. There are only five old team members and five new team members. But there are about ten fewer places than usual. I don't know what happened this time!"

It seems that everyone is also confused about this quota issue.

"Yes, why are there less than a dozen? What is going on? Hasn't everyone always been ranked in table tennis? Originally, I thought I could participate in the last table tennis competition before retiring this year. If so If the number of places is reduced, it will really be a bit overwhelming!”

"When the coach comes, let's ask him what's going on. I'm sure he will give us a satisfactory answer!"

Everyone is dissatisfied with the increase in quotas, and they also hope that the coach will give everyone an explanation.

Afterwards, Shaojie whispered to Lin Hui and the others, "It's better for me and Xu Xin. We are in mixed doubles. You men's table tennis are a bit special, but I think it's okay for you to go, Lin Hui." " Then he glanced at it again and said, "Jianhua, you must be fine. I believe the four of us can still go to the European Cup to participate in table tennis competitions!"

However, when he finished saying this, he was glanced at by Xu Xin, "Can't you lower your voice? Everyone is making a fuss about this matter, but if you say this, everyone will hear it!"

Shaojie couldn't help but frowned, "I heard it when I heard it. Everyone's strength is here. Are we afraid that others will hear it? Besides, we have entered the major competitions step by step through our own efforts. , It’s not like he’s following some crooked path!”

Every time they won the ticket based on their own strength, and then entered major international competitions, they had their sweat and tears in every competition.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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