The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 834 Strengthening physical training

Just as everyone was having a heated discussion, Coach Wu walked in.

The training room suddenly became silent.

Everyone knows the purpose of Coach Wu’s visit this time!

It must be telling them all the doubts in their hearts!
Coach Wu got straight to the point and said to all the players present, "You must have seen this notice. We will have a European Cup table tennis match soon!"

Coach Wu paused as he spoke. He was also worried, but he still said to everyone, "Everyone must have seen the quotas for this selection competition! There are only a few!"

"This time is a little different from the past. You need to rely on the top ten of the national team and evaluate it before you can participate in the competition!"

"So next, everyone must practice diligently and strive to enter the top ten rankings of the national team!"

Coach Wu had just finished speaking, "Coach, what does it mean to be included in the top ten for evaluation? Is it possible that daily training should also be included?"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd asked Coach Wu with doubts.

Some of us didn't discover it, thinking that it was only through the reminder of this team member in the past ten years that we discovered the clues.

Coach Wu also responded enthusiastically, "This player asked a very good question. It means that although you have already entered the top ten, you still have to refer to it based on your past playing experience."

"Then what does Coach Wu mean?"

"Yeah? What does this mean!"

Everyone started talking, "This has never happened before!"

"This coach means something!"

Suddenly it became noisy.

"Lin Hui, do you know what the coach means when he says this?"

Jianhua also asked in confusion.

"not sure!"

There was still silence just now, but he immediately opened the pot and said, "Quiet, quiet!"

When Coach Wu said this, everyone stopped to discuss, but Coach Wu could only blow the whistle around his neck.

There was still noisy noise just now, but now it has quieted down!
Coach Wu continued, "Don't you want to know what's going on? I can tell you that everyone has a chance. The players who entered the No. 10 in this competition may also be eliminated, and the players who entered the 15th may also be eliminated. Represent our national team in the European Cup!!”

As soon as this word comes out.

There was another wave of doubt in everyone's mind.

However, they still raised their heads and waited for Coach Wu to continue.

"It's not that you think that you can sit back and relax after entering the tenth place. We will also take into account everyone's performance. This time we got the list of European Cup opponents and analyzed them based on their play, so we thought that we would let the opponents who are suitable to restrain them go against the opponent. !”

Coach Wu’s words don’t mean that it is possible for everyone.

But some people think it's unfair.Obviously they have entered the top ten due to their ability, but they may be replaced at any time. This is simply a game.

Athletes who are not ranked among the top ten may take the place of the top ten athletes and participate in the competition at any time.

It can be said to be a wonderful benefit!

"Coach, this is unfair! Since we have already entered the top ten, why do we need to evaluate? Then what is the meaning of the game? Why not just choose!"

"There is nothing fair or unfair, the rules are set by the national team, you just have to obey!" Coach Wu's resolute words left everyone present at a loss!
Because no one knows who will be selected and who will be eliminated!

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and start practicing. Instead of discussing what is fair and unfair here, why not hurry up and make yourself stronger!"

Coach Wu left after saying these words!
After he left, everyone continued to talk.

"What does the coach mean by this? Should the top ten go or not? If not, the next 11 may replace the ten. What does he mean? I really can't figure it out."

Among them, the team members began to talk one after another, including Lin Hui and Jianhua.

"Lin Hui, did you understand what the coach said just now? Why did the coach make such a decision?"

Jianhua, I heard it clearly just now, but I am still a little confused about the coach's decision.

"Coach Jianhua just wants us to go all out. Whether we are in the top ten or not yet, he wants to give everyone something to look forward to and a sense of crisis!"

This is what Lin Hui analyzed from coach Wu just now. For example, if you have won the championship, this is already the highest honor, but if you are in the national team, it may not be in the world.

"Lin Hui, when you say this, you mean that the coach is calling us. It is impossible to find players who can suppress the opponent?" Suddenly, Shaojie said to Lin Hui.

Before Lin Hui could say anything, Jianhua took the lead and said, "Shaojie, what are you talking about? You and Xu Xin are in mixed doubles. There is no need to compete with men's singles like us. You are always making sarcastic remarks!"

Jianhua felt a sense of crisis. After all, he was a male table tennis player, and his strength fluctuated, so he was worried that he would be replaced.

But Xu Xin and Shaojie are different. They play mixed doubles, and not many people participate in international competitions, so they naturally have no pressure.

"Jianhua, what you said is wrong. Why are Xu Xin and I no longer under pressure? Don't you know that several new combinations have recently come in? Our pressure now is no less than yours!"

"What?? Are you coming to a new group too?" Lin Hui suddenly looked at Xu Xin and asked

"Yes, Lin Hui, don't you know? We have recently had three more pairs, which were also selected from your men's table tennis, and they are also very strong. This time, we are also a little worried!"

From the attitude and expression of Xu Xin's words, Lin Hui could indeed see the hesitation of the two of them.

"Don't worry, guys. As long as you show your true strength, how do you usually fight? How will we fight now? And I believe our luck won't be so bad!"

Lin Hui felt that if they were replaced by others, it would prove that their strength was quite weak. If that was the case, then why would they participate in the competition?
"Lin Hui, you have the nerve to say that you are the champion, but we are different from you!" Jianhua complained silently.

"Champion? Today I am the champion, but I may not be the champion tomorrow! It is also possible that I will be pulled down by others. I am also worried! But what is the use of worrying? Instead of worrying, it is better to make yourself stronger. As the coach just said, practice hard Ball, make yourself stronger!"

While talking, Lin Hui started walking in the direction of table tennis.

"What Lin Hui said doesn't make sense. Shaojie and Xu Xin, let's strengthen our training and strive to make our game better and better, so that we won't have any worries!"

After saying that, Jianhua also followed Lin Hui's direction.

Looking at the backs of Lin Hui and Jianhua walking away, Shaojie could only say helplessly, "Then let's start practicing as well?"

Just like that, the four of them came to the table tennis table one after another.

The ping-pong ball made a bang, bang, bang sound on the table tennis table.

It can be seen that everyone wants to get a certain quota in this competition.They hit the ping pong ball with all their strength, making a deafening sound!

Suddenly, Shaojie came over and began to ask Lin Hui, "It's not an option for us to fight like this. Is there any better way? Or improve our arm strength? I think we suffered a disadvantage during the game because the strength of our arms sometimes It’s too hard to eat!”

Shaojie's words actually made Jianhua pause.

"Yes, Lin Hui, there is no way for us to fight like this. Practice makes perfect, we have learned it, but the strength on our arms really needs to be strengthened, but what can we do?"

Then Lin Hui stopped and walked over with the table tennis ball in his hand.

"It's not impossible to increase the strength of our hands, Xu Xin? Do you also want to increase it?"

Lin Hui glanced at Xu Xin, and Xu Xin hummed softly.

"Since everyone has the same opinion, then we might as well strengthen one arm strength in a short period of time, but then we can only practice dumbbells!"

"Lin Hui, it's not like you don't know that we have been practicing with dumbbells for a long time! If it doesn't work, can you change it to something else?" Jianhua said.

Indeed, they practiced with dumbbells countless times when practicing table tennis.

But if you still practice now, there will definitely not be any increase!

"Then do you have any better opinions?"

At this moment, Lin Hui looked at everyone and asked, everyone shook their heads repeatedly!
Time stopped at this moment. After a while, Lin Hui had an idea and said, "How about we run with someone carrying someone on his back?"

"A man carrying someone on his back? Jianhua asked in surprise.

Similarly, Xu Xin and Shaojie also cast doubtful glances.

"We carry each other on our backs, and I carry Jianhua on my back and hold him up while running on the playground. This not only strengthens our exercise but also strengthens our arm strength. I think it's pretty good. What do you think?"

"Does Lin Hui have to run? Can't we use our arms to lift up in place?" Xu Xin was a little embarrassed after hearing Lin Hui's suggestion. They were three boys and she was a girl. How should they practice this?

"I'm really sorry. I forgot. Are you a girl?"

Suddenly Xu Xin frowned and said very unconvinced, "What's wrong with girls? Are girls worse than you guys?"

"Well, Xu Xin, that's not what I meant. What I meant was..."

"What you can do, I can do too!"

Xu Xin interrupted Lin Hui's words, and seeing Xu Xin's stubbornness, Lin Hui did not continue the stalemate.

"Lin Hui, why not practice on the horizontal bar? Isn't that much better than running? You can also practice your arm strength!"

"But haven't you practiced every day and there has been no increase?"

Lin Hui asked Jianhua with an unquestionable look, "Yes, we have practiced, but we have not practiced so seriously. We only practiced a few times. If we strengthen our training during this period, we can't say for sure how strong our arms will be." It will be much stronger than before, why don’t we try it first!”

At the same time, Jianhua handed Lin Hui a color.

Ang, yes, Jianhua is indeed right. After all, Xu Xin is a girl. It is okay to let Shaojie carry Xu Xin on his back, but it is definitely not okay for Xu Xin to carry Sister Shao on his back.

After Lin Hui caught Jianhua's gaze, he began to say, "Let's practice like this first, and then we will think of other ways! Xu Xin, Shaojie, what do you two think?"

"I think it's okay," the young master said.

"I think it's okay too." Xu Xin also agreed.

"Since everyone thinks there is no problem, let's go!"

Later, under the leadership of Lin Hui, everyone came to the playground together. Usually there would be a lot of people here, but today there were very few people, or even none at all.

This also just gives them more opportunities to practice.

"Don't be stunned, just do what you say and start practicing!"

Lin Hui climbed directly onto the horizontal bar, then sat and flexed and stretched his body upwards.

When Jianhua saw this, he quickly followed Lin Hui to do the same action, and Shaojie and Xu Xin followed closely.

They practiced and counted.

At the age of fifty, Shaojie really couldn't hold on any longer, "I haven't practiced for a long time, I'm really tired!"

"Why are you tired? Shaojie, you said you are too. I see you eating a lot on weekdays. When training comes, you are definitely the one who calls me tired!"

While sitting on the ground to rest, Shaojie raised his head, "No, Lin Hui, what do you mean by that? I eat too much, what does it have to do with being tired? Besides, I haven't practiced less!"

"Shaojie, don't you understand what Lin Hui means? He just means that you eat more, sell less and don't work hard. Look at Xu Xin, we are still practicing here, but you can't bear it anymore. Are you a man? "

Jianhua's words deeply stimulated Shaojie's heart.

"What did you say? Jianhua, I am no longer a man, I am a strong man!" As he spoke, Shaojie also tapped his chest to show his strong shoulders.

"If you are a man, then you should start practicing quickly. Why don't you rest!"

Although Jianhua was breathing heavily when he said this, he still didn't forget to complain to Shaojie!

"Practice, practice, who is afraid of whom?!" As he said that, Shaojie stretched out his hands and lifted his body to practice pulling it up and down.

After practicing for a long time, I am still a little sleepy, but I still have to hold on to my body, otherwise I will be laughed at by everyone again.

In the end, it was Xu Xin who said, "I have to take a break, you guys practice first!"

Xu Xin was obviously out of breath.

"Don't tell me, I'm really tired. I need to take a rest!" Seeing Xu Xin starting to rest, Lin Hui couldn't help but want to be lazy.

Only Jianhua and Shaojie were left.

But neither of them disliked the other just now. Even though they were very tired, they didn't dare to relax!
"How about Jianhua Shaojie, you two also have a rest!" Lin Hui looked at them, looking a little overwhelmed!

And the two of them looked at each other unconvinced!
"No need!" in unison.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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