The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 835 Anxiety about quotas

Time passed by, Jianhua and Shaojie were still practicing in a stalemate.

Moreover, the two of them refused to give in to each other.

When Lin Hui and Xu Xin saw this, they sat aside.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Hui and Xu Xin looked at them quite boredly.

Then he said to Lin Hui coldly, "Do you think we will improve if we continue training like this?"

Lin Hui couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. Xu Xin used to be very confident, but when he suddenly asked this question, Lin Hui guessed that Xu Xin must also have some concerns!
"Xu Xin, you have times when you are worried. I have never seen you like this!"

However, Xu Xin let out a long sigh and frowned.

"Yes, Lin Hui, I always thought that I could overcome obstacles along the way, but slowly I found that this time it seemed to be more difficult than before, especially after these new athletes came recently, and they competed with each other. Shaojie and I were equally good at each other!"

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have already won the championship, and you will get better and better in the future,"

Lin Hui was comforting himself and Xu Xin, because he and Xu Xin had the same goal.

That's going to the top.

But I found that as I walked, the further I walked, the more the road ahead became like a cliff!
This is what is called being cold at high places!
"What are you two talking about here? You've been chattering for a long time!"

Shaojie came over panting, but found that he couldn't understand what the two people were saying!

Lin Hui frowned, "You and Jianhua are allowed to be vindictive, but Xu Xin and I are not allowed to chat?"

"Lin Hui, what are you talking about?" Shaojie was very unhappy to hear this!

But this is indeed a fact. Just now, Jianhua didn't give in to him at all, but he had no choice but to lose in the end!

"Okay, okay, stop bickering and think about what to do next."

Xu Xin said impatiently!

And she has already begun to worry about future selection competitions, because she doesn't know what she will face in the future, and she doesn't know whether she can sing all the way in the future.

"Just let nature take its course. If you think too much, you will only cause yourself more trouble!" Lin Hui could only say this calmly.

But when Jianhua and Shaojie heard what Lin Hui said, they couldn't help but sit down.

"Lin Hui, everyone wants to let nature take its course, but can we let nature take its course? Everyone will participate in the competition soon. But if it were in the past, everyone would not be so anxious. But things are different now. We No one knows how difficult the road ahead will be!”

Jianhua said in a low voice.

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua, who had his head lowered, and then at Shaojie, who had lowered his eyebrows. "It seems that everyone is under pressure today. Instead of this, let's discuss it together!"

Lin Hui suggested to the big guy.

Instead of being dejected here, it’s better to see how to go in the future!
After that, Jianhua sat down and said, "Let's not talk about us going to participate in the competition. Let's just say that our level is quite difficult. Think about it, only ten athletes participated in the competition among so many people. This is not child's play. To be more specific, it is not certain that among these ten people will be able to participate, don’t you think this makes us even more anxious?”

"Yes! Why did the coach set this rule? This has never happened before!" Shaojie also agreed with Jianhua's point of view.

"Although rules are dead, we people are alive and we can work through our own efforts!" Lin Hui held a different view than everyone else.

The rules can be changed, then they can also follow the rules and change them!

However, after Lin Hui just finished speaking, Xu Xin, who was the first to hold a different opinion, said anxiously, "Work hard? Lin Hui? You said it simply. Which athlete doesn't work very hard, but in the end he can't even get a quota?" ?”

"Lin Hui, this time it's not about working hard or not. It's about whether we can participate in the competition if we work hard!"

Shaojie also followed Xu Xin and said anxiously!
"It seems that everyone is confused about this quota this time. If we don't play at the expense of quota, we will treat it as an ordinary game!"

Lin Hui himself felt distressed at first, but he still tried his best on Weibo to let everyone get through the difficulties together!
In the end, Shaojie said directly, "Lin Hui? It's not as simple as you think. Everyone knows in their hearts that they may not even be able to reach the threshold of the competition!"

"Yes, Lin Hui, look at how many places there are for this competition. I don't know what the fuss is about, and it has never happened before. I am sure other people are as worried as us!"

Jianhua's words gradually became heavier.

"But what's the solution? The only way is to overcome the difficulties and meet this unknown challenge!"

"Everyone knows that the result is such a bad result anyway, and there is a possibility that they will not be able to participate in the competition. If everyone is able to participate in the competition, wouldn't that be okay?!"

"Lin Hui, this is the European Cup. The European Cup is a competition that many people dream of. Who doesn't want to participate in this competition that comes every four years?"

Shaojie said excitedly!

"Yes, Lin Hui! Look at it, everyone seems to have sacrificed their lives for this game!"

Now not only are the others bleeding, but the discussion between them is about to start a fight.

But Lin Hui still suppressed it.

"Don't we all know who will participate? Isn't this all unknown? But isn't all we can do now is practice playing well? Apart from this, do you think there are other ways?"

When everyone heard what Lin Hui said, there was really nothing they could do.

"Indeed! We can't think of any other way. The only way is to practice anxiously and see who will get the spot?" Shaojie lowered his head and said leisurely.

"Anyway, the four of us have been together from the provincial team to the national team. No one of us can fall behind this time!"

"Lin Hui, we don't want to fall behind, but what if we do fall behind?!"

Jianhua said without confidence.

But this also stunned Lin Hui.But he still reacted.

"What should I do? What can I do? That means you will miss the European Cup. If you are willing to miss it, then you will fall behind!"

Lin Hui felt that he had already said a lot of words. Any words that were conducive to a positive competition would be of no use to any of them, so he could only yell helplessly.

Such a roar actually made everyone realize the truth clearly!

"No, we can't fall behind. I have to participate in this European Cup. Otherwise, if I miss it, I will miss it for four years. I don't know if we will be in the national team for the next four years!"

Shaojie's eyes suddenly shone with light, he stood up straight, sat upright and spoke to the big guy.

"Since Shaojie thinks he can't miss it, I can't miss it even more. The two of us are partners. If one of the two can't go, the other one can't go." Xu Xin also started to become more confident. .

Only Jianhua, Jianhua didn't want the two of them to look brave, but kept his head down.

At the same time, everyone also discovered Jianhua and moved to Jianhua's side. "Jianhua, is it difficult for you? Don't you want to participate in the European Cup? If you don't want to participate, then you, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Shaojie stared at Jianhua.

"Shaojie, what are you talking about? Who doesn't want to participate? If everyone has the ability, they will definitely stand up and participate in the competition!" Right, Jianhua? "Xu Xin first criticized Shaojie, then turned to look at Jianhua and asked.

"I usually don't play as well as the big guys. I don't know if I can participate this time. If I can, it's a fluke!"

When Jianhua said this, his head was always low, and his voice was low in the dust.

"Jianhua, what are you talking about? Why do you have so little confidence? Don't forget yourself. You are the runner-up. Among so many people, you won the runner-up by relying on your own strength. Could it be that you, the runner-up? Do you rely on your own luck?"

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Jianhua suddenly raised his head and said, "Of course not. This is based on my own strength. How can I say it is based on my own luck?"

"Then it's over. Since you have such strength, you also have the ability to beat anyone in our team and get a spot to participate in the European Cup!"

After Xu Xin's persuasion, Jianhua seemed to be a little more confident than before.

He raised his head and said weakly, "Can I?"

"Jianhua, of course you can do it!" Lin Hui gave Jianhua a positive answer.

Xu Xin and Shaojie nodded, agreeing with Lin Hui's idea.
"Since everyone has now reached an agreement that our goal is to directly reach the European Cup, then no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we must face them, especially when we get tickets, no matter whether we can succeed or not , we must persist until the last moment and never give up," Lin Hui said to the big guy at this moment.

At this moment, the eyes of the big guys are shining with light, "Okay, we will definitely go all out! In the following days, we will try our best to get the tickets!"

As he spoke, Shaojie stretched out his hands, and Lin Hui and Xu Xin folded their right hands together one by one. When it was Jianhua's turn, Jianhua hesitated.

Everyone looked at Jianhua meaningfully, and in the end, Jianhua still stretched out his hand.

"Come on, let's come on together!" Lin Hui shouted with all his strength!

Later, Xu Shaojie asked, "Lin Hui, we have been practicing for such a long time. Have we been practicing like this in the past few days? Is there no problem? Should we also practice before playing? Otherwise, how can we prove ourselves?" Has your arm strength improved?"

Shaojie's shoulder is a little aching. If he persists like this for a long time, his shoulder may not be able to compete and it will be useless.

If that's the case, it's better to practice your arm strength and play ball at the same time.

"Yes, Lin Hui, Shaojie is right. We can't always insist on doing such a project. If we do this for a long time, with such a project, we may not have any increase, but will regress. What I mean is that In the morning we will strengthen arm strength training, and in the afternoon we will try this pongball exercise to see if there is any improvement than usual!" Xu Xin still agreed with Shaojie's words.

"Xu Xin is right. Why don't we practice the horizontal bar in the morning and table tennis in the afternoon? This way our hands won't get too sore if we alternate back and forth. What do you think, Jianhua?"

Lin Hui turned his attention to Jianhua.

"I think there's no problem. Let's start practicing playing in the afternoon!"

Jianhua also agrees with Lin Hui's point of view!
"If that's the case, let's train until now this morning, take a nap at noon, and then continue in the afternoon!"

Lin Hui looked at the time and saw that it was getting late too, while making this decision.

"Okay, I'm just about to go back and make a call!" Xu Xin thought about how she hadn't called her home for a while, so she took this time to call her home and tell them that they were about to participate in the European Cup.

"Then Xu Xin, take us to say hello to the coach. I wonder if coach Xu is okay during this period?" Lin Hui looked at Xu Xin and asked.

"It should be okay. I haven't called home for a while, but I heard some time ago that our provincial team has new members, and their skills are no worse than ours!"

Xu Xin thought about the last time she talked on the phone and said that the national team had a group of good newcomers and their skills were quite impressive.

"They are actually better than us! Will they come to the national team again in the near future? Then we will feel a sense of crisis again," Shaojie said lightly.

"You know, every time we participate in a competition, we are faced with a crisis. If we don't improve ourselves, we will be eliminated sooner or later!"

Lin Hui's history has always been like this. New people often come and old people leave. Even if they have won countless championships, they have to give way when they reach a certain position.

"I'm so scared when you say that!" Shaojie deliberately pretended to be scared.

"Shaojie! You're just kidding!" Lin Hui couldn't help but glance at Shaojie.

The former Shaojie was not so active and lively. Since he and Xu Xin won the mixed doubles championship last time, he has become much more cheerful than before.

"Okay, I can't talk to you anymore. I'm leaving. I have to go back to the dormitory to rest! My arm is still a little sore!"

As Shaojie spoke, he stretched his arms and walked forward. Jianhua had been competing with him just now.

It was so bad that he was embarrassed to admit defeat. In the end, he couldn't hold on any longer. His arms are still sore to this day!
When he thought of this, Shaojie moved his arms again, but he had to protect them, as he had to practice table tennis in the afternoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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