The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 836 The atmosphere is a bit harmonious

Chapter 836 The atmosphere is a bit harmonious
After returning to the dormitory, Jianhua sat down on the bed and muttered, "I'm so exhausted!"

"Jianhua, this doesn't seem like your style. Normally you work hard and never complain. You don't say a single word. What's wrong today?"

Lin Hui looked like this when he saw Jianhua when he came back, and said mockingly to Jianhua!

"Lin Hui, don't you know how hard the young hero worked today? How long did he persist with me? I almost made him fall down from exhaustion."

At this moment, Jianhua thought of how he and Shaojie were chasing each other, and he couldn't help but shook his head. This Shaojie really wanted to save face.

But fortunately he didn't lose to Shaojie, otherwise it would have been too embarrassing!

"You two, you are such a big person, you still want to save face, what should I say to you."

Seeing how relaxed Lin Hui was when he spoke, he still had the intention to laugh at the two of them.
Jianhua couldn't help but ask Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, aren't you worried about the European Cup table tennis competition at all?"

"Don't worry. How can you tell that I'm not worried? I'm so worried that I'm like ants on a pot. Besides, what's the point of being anxious? I'll have to face it sooner or later."

Thinking that the road ahead will be even more difficult,
And he could only reach the top by climbing up the rock step by step.

"It turns out you have the same concerns as us!"

The reason Jianhua didn't speak just now was because he felt that his worries were greater than before, and he didn't expect that Lin Hui was even greater than him.

"Ignore this, we should eat, drink, and exercise well. All other thoughts are in vain."

Lin Hui said that he had already taken out the prepared lunch box. It was lunch time.

However, at this time there was a sudden knock on the door of their room.

Lin Hui happened to walk over and opened the door to see Li Yu.

Lin Hui was very surprised by Li Yu's sudden arrival, "Why are you here suddenly?"

"You still have the nerve to ask me why I came so suddenly? Then did you call Han Yun and say that there has been no news from you recently and asked me to come and take a look?"

Hearing this, Jianzhuang couldn't help but frowned. Is it Han Yun?Isn't it Li Yu?He even called Han Yun a few days ago!

It’s unreliable to be told that they have no contact so quickly!

"No, we just called Han Yun a few days ago. What? How can you say there is no news from us?" At this time, Lin Hui had also reacted and asked Li Yu.

"Really? I, why didn't I know?" Li Yu stammered!

Lin Hui was a little stunned on the spot, but on the other side, Jian Huajian felt that this was intentional and said, "Well, Lin Hui, I'm going to the cafeteria to eat first!"

What he actually wants is for you, Lin Hui and Li Yu, to stay alone for a while longer and make it clear what you want to say. After all, couples have a lot to talk about.

After Jianhua left, Lin Hui asked Li Yu to come over and told her that they were going to participate in the European Cup.

"What? So soon? You didn't just participate in the competition, why are you going again?!"

Obviously, Lin Hui was surprised when he said that Li Yu played in the European Cup.

"Yes, this is the European Cup held every four years, and everyone is actively signing up to participate!" Lin Hui said casually to Li Yu, but you didn't know the worry on Lin Hui's face.

Instead, he said to Lin Hui, "Well, Brother Lin Hui will definitely be able to win the championship this time, right?!"

After all, in the past, Brother Lin Hui always won the championship again and again and returned home with great achievements, and this time was no exception. Therefore, in Li Yu's heart, he believed that this time he would be a sure winner.

"This time it's not as simple as we thought before. Everyone is worried, especially about this quota!"

"Quota?" Li Yu widened his eyes curiously.

"You don't know, just yesterday our coach said that the quotas this time are really precious. Even some athletes with good results may not be able to participate, so everyone is practicing in a hurry now. During this period, It’s time for everyone to work hard!”

When Li Yu heard Brother Lin Hui say this, he knew why Brother Lin Hui had not been looking for him for so many days. It turned out to be this reason!

"Brother Lin Hui, what's wrong with you? You haven't called me for so long. It turns out you're busy training again!"

"Yes, I have been worried about this matter!"

Halfway through, Lin Hui stopped. How could he talk so much to Li Yu?Originally, this was a matter for their national team. If Li Yu knew about it, wouldn't it also make Li Yu worried?
"Brother Lin Hui, you have participated in many table tennis competitions. Don't worry too much. I believe you will get good results this time!"

You will hear Li Yu say good grades, and Lin Hui can't help but sigh.

"Brother Lin Hui? Could it be?" Li Yu couldn't help but ask.

"This time, we don't know who can participate, but the quota is certain, but the number of people who can participate is unknown!" Lin Hui said with another long sigh!

Li Yu heard Lin Hui say this, but he didn't understand!
"Brother Lin Hui, no matter whether you can participate or not, can you get a certain ranking? In my heart, you will always be the champion!"

What Li Yu said deeply stimulated Lin Hui. He raised his head, looked at Li Yu with glowing eyes, and then stammered, "I will work hard!"

Suddenly, the two people stared at each other.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Li Yu asked Lin Hui, "How are Brother Lin Hui, Brother Jianhua and Han Yun doing? Have they told you?"

Lin Hui was stunned at first, and then said, "Didn't you say that Han Yun sent you here? Why didn't you know?"

"This, that, I just deliberately tested Brother Jianhua!"

Han Yun had never called her at all, and she just took this opportunity to see Brother Lin Hui.

Lin Hui saw Li Yu's little problem, and then said to Li Yu, "The two of them have been getting along well recently, and their relationship seems to be relatively stable. Since Han Yun went abroad, he called Jianhua as soon as possible, and Jianhua also Reply as soon as possible.”

Lin Hui told Li Yu the whole story.

Li Yu heard Brother Lin Hui say this and said softly, "Brother Jianhua has some conscience!"

"Actually, Jianhua has his own ideas, so you don't have to worry too much about them. Besides, no one can avoid emotional matters!"

Lin Hui once again spoke to Li Yu like Tang Seng.

Li Yu was very impatient and said, "Brother Lin Hui, I understand."

Then, her stomach rumbled. "You haven't eaten yet, have you? Come on, I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat!"

Originally, Lin Hui was about to go to eat, but suddenly he heard Li Yu's hungry stomach growling, so he reminded him!
"Is it okay? Brother Lin Hui, can I go to dinner with you?" Li Yu asked excitedly when he heard what Lin Hui said.

"of course."

The last two people came to their canteen and saw Jianhua and Shaojie at a glance, sitting together to eat.

Lin Hui took Li Yu to get some food, and then walked to sit next to them.

"Li Yu, are you here?" Xu Xin was the first to greet you after seeing you!

"Yes! I came over to see you. I heard that you are going to participate in the European Cup!"

When it comes to the European Cup competition, everyone's face suddenly becomes melancholy!
"Why aren't you all happy? Is it possible that you are really depressed because of the quota issue?"

"Li Yu, you don't know that our selection is particularly strange this time. Everyone is fighting for this spot, and some people even have trouble sleeping at night."

Xu Xin couldn't help but talk about what happened to everyone recently because of this incident.

"Although, I don't know what you are worried about? But I think no matter whether you can participate in the competition or get a quota, you just need to go all out!"

Li Yuneng comforted everyone like this while eating.

Because she can't understand other people's pain, let alone other people's suffering!
"Li Yu, it's not what you imagined at all. We are all anxious and angry because of this matter. In the past, we could work hard and have a goal. Now that we are working hard, we don't even know what the goal is! Shaojie couldn't help but say.

"Everyone, don't be so discouraged. Anyway, the facts have become a foregone conclusion. We should do whatever we should, eat and drink. Anyway, all we can do is exercise!"

As soon as Lin Hui finished saying this, he heard similar discussions coming from other places not far away.

"I don't know who had this bad idea. I actually got in the top ten and may not be able to participate in the competition. This is more of a treaty than a treaty of overlords!!"

"We have been with the national team for so many years, but this is the first time we have encountered such a problem!"

"This is probably what we call seeing each other for a long time. I never thought that something like this could happen before we retired."

It seems that not only Lin Hui and the others, but also other team members are also aggrieved by this uneven distribution.

"Brother Lin Hui, it seems that your opinions are quite strong!" Not only Lin Hui, but also Li Yu heard this and whispered to Lin Hui.

"Yes, everyone is panicked and worried now. Who doesn't want to get a quota to participate in the European Cup? But this quota is blind!" When he said this, Lin Hui couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This is also the first time they have encountered this situation when they came to the national team.

"Lin Hui, Li Yu, you two continue to sit for a while. I have finished eating, so I will go back first!" Xu Xin felt that during this period, besides exercise, she had to cherish every minute and every second.

And you have to improve yourself effectively within this effective period of time.

"Then I've eaten, you guys eat!" After seeing Xu Xin leaving, Shaojie also actively chased after her.

Only Jianhua is left, but Jianhua has just eaten, how can he leave?I couldn't help but bury my head and start eating.

Suddenly, Li Yu said to Jianhua, "Brother Jianhua, you must get a quota this time! Maybe Han Yun can fly abroad to watch your competition."

Han Yun is abroad. Going to watch a European Cup game is not very recent.

"Li Yu, don't put pressure on Jianhua, just let nature take its course. No matter who of us can go or who can't go, those of us who go must work hard, and those of us who don't go will not lose ourselves. His nature!" Lin Hui could only say this, because this unknown was really shocking!
As a result, Jianhua didn't think so and responded positively to Han Yun, "I will definitely get the spot this time!"

Jianhua is confident and his eyes are shining.

"Yes, Brother Jianhua, this is the you I know, sunshine! Handsome! And confident!"

Lin Hui couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. What do you think?It’s not him that should be mentioned, but Jianhua?
Lin Hui must have heard the split, right? , and began to ask Li Yu, "You praise Jianhua to the sky, I think why shouldn't the person in this sentence be me?!"

"Brother Lin Hui, how can anyone praise themselves? Brother Jianhua is more handsome than you. Besides, brother Jianhua is also more accurate!"

Hearing this, Lin Hui frowned even more, but Jianhua, who was sitting beside him, chuckled.

"Jianhua, why are you laughing?"

"No, it's nothing..." Jianhua said while eating.

Nothing, this is what?After all, Jianhua didn't laugh at him like this on weekdays, but today he was uncharacteristically laughing at him.

"Isn't that right? Am I not sunny? Am I not handsome?"

"Yes! You are very sunny and handsome. Is that all right?"

How did Lin Hui hear this?It’s always a little awkward: “Jianhua, you’ve gone too far!”

"Where did I go too far? You made me say it."

The atmosphere is very harmonious now. Lin Hui and Jianhua no longer have the same psychological burden as before, but they are teasing each other.

Li Yu, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but bury his head in his meal when he saw the two of them joking around.

"Well, the food in your cafeteria here is really good!"

"Is it delicious? If it's delicious, Li Yu, you have to come to our cafeteria often to eat! No matter how many times you eat, you won't be able to bear to go back to the supper club to eat."

When Jianhua heard Li Yu's words, he couldn't help but respond!

"Okay, Brother Jianhua, I will definitely come more next time. However, I am so good at eating, I won't eat Brother Lin Hui to pieces, right?!"

"You, aren't you kidding me? Lin Hui, you really want me to be defeated!"

At this time, Jianhua actually learned to joke. Lin Hui couldn't help but frowned deeper, and found that the two of them had teamed up to tease him.
"It's enough for you two, you've been saying bad things about me here for so long!"

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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