The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 837 Fighting for Admission Tickets

After having tea and food, Lin Hui watched Li Yu leave the national team.

But Li Yu still looked back at Lin Hui reluctantly, and said with an expression, "Brother Lin Hui, go back, you have to train in the afternoon!"

"Okay, then, Li Yu, I'll go back. If you need anything, call me!"

After saying that, Lin Hui returned to the dormitory and took a short rest.

"Lin Hui, it's time to wake up, it's time for us to practice!"

After Jianhua took a lunch break, he began to look at Lin Hui, who was still sleeping on the bed.

"Yes, is it morning?" After waking up, Lin Hui opened his eyes in a daze and asked.

"It's already afternoon. It's time for us to practice playing. Lin Hui, you must have been confused by your sleep!"

After a period of confusion, Lin Hui woke up.

Afterwards, he and Jianhua came to the training ground.

At this moment, the team members have all gathered together, and they seem to be working hard to compete for the quota.

"Let's practice hard today and see if our morning practice has any results!!"

Lin Hui thought about this morning. They had trained all morning. If it was the same as usual, it would be declared a failure!
Jianhua looked at Lin Hui's confident look and said, "Okay, Lin Hui, then we will win or not!"

After Jianhua finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled, then came to the table tennis table and started training this afternoon.

At the beginning, they were very confident.

The collision of racket and ball echoed on the training ground, making a crisp sound.

Bang, bang, bang, the sound of table tennis balls falling to the ground was heard one after another, including Lin Hui's, Jianhua's, and other athletes'.

At the beginning, Lin Hui's body was moving flexibly.

But later on, I found that the more I fought, the more tired I became. "Jianhua, do you feel more tired than before?"

Lin Hui seriously doubted whether it was related to their table tennis practice in the morning? !
If that's the case, did they train in vain?

"I'm okay, but Lin Hui, aren't you!"

Jianhua didn't dare to continue talking, because he was not happy with Lin Hui, and Jianhua suspected that it was not their training failure, but Lin Hui's training intensity these days that his body couldn't bear.

Lin Hui didn't seem to hear Jianhua's words, but kept talking to himself, "I don't know how Shaojie and Xu Xin are doing in practice. If they are the same as us, it proves that our practice is good." It’s a failure!”

Lin Hui felt that the strength in his hand was still the same as before, and it became heavier. This proved that it had no effect on you!

And at this time, Cao Cao is here.

Shaojie and Xu Xin also came over at some point!

"Did you find any problem?"

Lin Hui's first reaction was that Shaojie and Xu Xin might also think that they were here because of the morning's practice.

Unexpectedly, two people walking towards me suddenly stopped.

"Found a problem? What problem did you find?" Obviously, Shaojie was unaware of Lin Hui's inquiry!

"The two of us came here just to practice with you two and play mixed doubles. Lin Hui, what are you talking about?" Xu Xin also looked confused.

Sigh, Lin Hui thought that the two of them, Xu Xin and Shaojie, were also here to talk to him about this matter, but he didn't expect that it wasn't the case at all!
"No, I didn't say anything. Since this is mixed doubles, let's practice together."

Just like that, the four people were on the table tennis table, and the ping pong balls were flying among them in the air, making a banging sound. It was very lively!
They didn't know how long they fought before they stopped.

"Lin Hui, we have been fighting for such a long time, should we take a break?!" Shaojie was the first to stop and ask Lin Hui.

Seeing Shaojie sweating profusely, Lin Hui couldn't help but nodded, "Then let's take a rest!" "

After that, the four of them sat down to rest together, while discussing whether everyone's tactics had improved compared to before.

"Lin Hui, I think if we keep practicing like this, maybe we can all get a place in the competition!" Shaojie suddenly said this, which surprised Lin Hui.

This proves that Shaojie has made great progress than before!

"Xu Xin, do you think so too?" Lin Hui looked at Xu Xin.

"Yes, I feel that the intensity is a bit better than usual during training, don't you guys?"

Lin Hui always felt a little powerless just now. He didn't know what was going on, but the strength on his wrist could not be exerted. But when he asked Jianhua just now, Jianhua didn't ask what to say to him!
If there is improvement, Lin Hui will take it to heart!
"Well, since everyone thinks it has improved compared to before, let's train in the morning and start practicing playing in the afternoon. What do you think?!"

"Very good, I am the first to agree." Shaojie stood up and was the first to agree with Lin Hui's point of view!

"I agree too," Xu Xin also said.

"I don't have a problem either!" Jianhua also agreed.

"If everyone thinks so, then let's continue practicing like this!"

Time passed day by day, and finally it was time for their selection!
The four people sat together and talked quietly.

"I'm a little nervous, how about you?" Shaojie was the first to say to the big guy.

Shaojie didn't feel nervous even if he didn't say that, but when he said that, Jianhua felt really nervous!
"Shaojie, can you stop saying that? Everyone was not nervous before, but you have changed it." Xu Xin muttered and complained at the side.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Anyway, we have been practicing better recently. After all, the ugly daughter-in-law still has to meet her parents-in-law!"

Lin Hui could only comfort everyone in this way, because he felt that it was useless to say anything now and could only meet the challenge head-on! "Lin Hui, you must be confident, look at you like this, you must be in control of the victory!" Shaojie said to him when he saw you acting like this!

Everyone became nervous, but Lin Hui was not nervous here.

"What are you talking about? I am also a human being. I feel the same as everyone else. Everyone is a little worried. How can I not be worried?!" Lin Hui said to Xu Xin and Shaojie while looking at the stage. !

Soon, the competition for spots in the mixed mixed and men's singles began!

This competition for places is the same as usual. The first round is divided into pairs of duels. After entering the second round, another pair of duels begins, and so on, and then until 20 players start dueling, ten players will compete. A winning player!

In the first round, everyone entered with ease, and in the second round, it was still easy!The third round was a little bit more difficult, but it didn’t affect it!

After all three rounds were played, there were only 40 players left for the next day, and 20 players were selected!

Jianhua, who was walking on the road, began to say to Lin Hui, "After these few rounds of competition, although there is no pressure, I feel that the remaining few people do not seem to be as easy as imagined!"

"Jianhua, don't have such a big psychological burden. How we usually fight is how we fight now. Anyway, that's it. Besides, if we enter the top ten, we may not be able to get a place in the competition. If we don't enter the top ten, You might even get pre-entry tickets! All this is unknown, so don’t be too nervous!”

Jianhua's face has turned pale since the three rounds of golf. This made Lin Hui a little worried. Is Jianhua too nervous?

"That's right, we can fight however we want. Anyway, we can win the final match tomorrow!"

I don't know when, Shaojie and Xu Xin also came over.

"Shaojie, you were not like this before. You were always frowning. But now you are relaxed!" Jianhua looked at Shaojie's relaxed look and said to him!

"Of course, I am about to be relieved. Can I not be relaxed? During this period of time, you don't know that I can't eat well or drink well. I feel a lot more haggard. I'm going to get better soon. In conclusion, I was finally able to have a good night’s sleep!”

Shaojie thought that he had been struggling for the past few days. If it were him alone, it wouldn't be easy, but he and Xu Xin were playing mixed doubles.

If he dragged Xu Xin down, he would feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, when they played together these few times, they had a very tacit understanding and easily defeated each other.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Recently, my dad sent me some delicacies from our hometown. You can follow me to the dormitory to get some later!"

Xu Xin just received a package from the province today. If Shaojie hadn't said that he couldn't eat well or sleep well, he would have forgotten about it!
"Is it true? Coach Xu has brought us delicious food again. Could it be the dried fish from our hometown again?!" As a senior foodie, Shaojie's first thought was Coach Xu. He must have I made my own dried fish!

"Not only dried fish, but also pickled cucumbers were sent to us. Since I called, my family has also sent the prepared pickled cucumbers. Don't you each have a copy! "

"Looking at the food one by one, your faces lit up with joy, as if you haven't eaten in a few lifetimes!" Jianhua, who was silent on the side, said to the big guys!

When Lin Hui and Shaojie heard this, they couldn't help but frowned, "Jianhua, can you share some of yours with me? Anyway, I haven't eaten anything in my life."

Lin Hui said playfully to Jianhua!

"Coach Xu brought this to me, why should I feed it to you? Don't you have it?" Jianhua was doing his part.

"Who just said that we haven't eaten in a few lifetimes? We really haven't eaten in a few lifetimes. Otherwise, how could we share your food?!"

Xu Xin saw that Lin Hui, Shaojie and the others were noisy here, and couldn't help but feel that the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Don't worry, I brought a lot for you all to share. If it doesn't work, I'll ask my family to send us some more!"

"Okay, but I just don't know if Coach Xu's salary this month is enough for the few of us. I think back then, the few of us almost made Coach Xu collapse!"

Lin Hui thought about how hungry they were when they were in the provincial team. It was the coach who called them and the older boys home!

After arriving at Coach Xu's house, there were plenty of fish and meat on display, and he and his wife watched them eat to their heart's content!
But the two of them didn't move their chopsticks and just said they were full. If Xu Xin hadn't said later that they had eaten all their one month's salary, they would still not know about this situation.

"Lin Hui, you still have the nerve to say that you ate five bowls of rice from Coach Xu in one meal, and you ate all the food of the coach and his wife!" Jianhua thought about how Lin Hui was very rude back then!

Lin Hui laughed twice, "I was really hungry at the beginning, otherwise how could I eat so much? I didn't feel very good after I went back. My stomach was so full that I couldn't sleep well all night!"

It was a joke at that time. He ate so hard that he couldn't sleep at night. He had no choice but to run a few laps on the playground to digest the food in his stomach!
Now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit ridiculous!
"You guys? You almost ruined our family, but when I went back, I heard from my mother that these newcomers who came recently also often come to our house to eat!"

After hearing this, Lin Hui, Jianhua, and Shaojie looked at each other and smiled.

"It turns out it's not just us, it seems there are others like us! If this continues, Xu Xin, you may not even be able to eat a meal of meat when you go back!"

After saying this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"You still have the nerve to say that if you people weren't so good at eating, I wouldn't be in this situation. I often can't eat anything I want. I have to wait for my parents to get paid, which will be next month."

Xu Xin recalled that when he was in the provincial team, his life was indeed very tight. It seemed that his parents both worked, but the food at home was often not enough!
"Didn't we come to the national team? We won't compete with you, but the coach and the teacher's wife have recruited new players again. Xu Xin, it seems that you, my own son, are not as good as the rest of us, right? Personally!"

Now Lin Hui was making fun of Xu Xin.

"You guys have the nerve to say it!" Xu Xin said reluctantly.

Then a few people talked about the wonderful time in the provincial team.

"Yes! We were all very innocent at that time. It's been almost two years since we joined the provincial team in the blink of an eye. Time really flies by!"

Lin Hui couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes! Time flies so fast. In a few years we will retire. Let's try not to have any regrets before we retire!"

Shaojie, who thought he was not very serious, said seriously.

At the same time, this sentence also made everyone fall into deep thought.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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