The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 838: Not moving forward

After this discussion, everyone got back what Coach Xu sent from Xu Xin, and then returned to their dormitories happily!
As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Lin Hui couldn't wait to open the things inside.

"It still tastes the same as before, Jianhua, you eat one!"

While talking, Lin Hui stuffed the dried fish he brought back into Jianhua's mouth!
"Yes, it does taste like that! But we are no longer the same teenagers we once were." Jianhua sighed while eating!

If Jianhua didn't say that, Lin Hui still couldn't feel it, and then Lin Hui fell into deep thought!
They were still carefree boys in the past, but now, they have to become mature and face all difficulties!

But it seems like it happened yesterday!
However, Lin Hui still raised his head and said to Jianhua in a very positive manner, "Yesterday is already in the past. Today we must work hard to become stronger! Play hard. As long as we are in the same national team, it is right to play hard all day long." If you treat yourself well, you must also treat the country well."

Jianhua still felt a little melancholy when he saw Lin Hui's positive attitude.

After three considerations, Jianhua still said what he was thinking, "Lin Hui, I'm a little worried!"

Worried?Is Jianhua worried about not being able to go to the European Cup table tennis competition?

Seeing this, Lin Hui put a pair of strong arms on Jianhua's shoulders, "There is nothing to worry about. We have always been like this. When we step into one challenge after another, we will face the next challenge, so Jianhua: No matter what our future life will be like, we should face it actively and bravely!"

Lin Hui's words were like bright sunshine shining deep in Jianhua's heart!

Although Jianhua wanted to say something else, he was stopped by Lin Hui, "Jianhua, don't think too much, go to bed early, we will face the next round of challenges tomorrow!"

After saying that, Lin Hui returned to his bed, and Jianhua hesitated for a long time before lying on the bed silently.

He thought of many past events in the past, about not coming to the national team, and about the things he encountered in the national team.

He seemed to have encountered many problems when he came to the national team, many of which he had to overcome alone. But this time he must stand at the top, and he couldn't help but fall asleep thinking about Jianhua.

When they woke up the next day, everyone was full of energy, including Lin Hui and Jianhua.

He arrived at the playing field early, along with Xu Xin and Shaojie. When he saw the two of them, he immediately said hello.

"Lin Hui, Jianhua, you are here!"

The two of them nodded and looked at the stands.

Later, Lin Hui began to say, "Our victory or defeat will be decided soon. Everyone must work hard! No matter whether we can enter the top ten or not, we must go all out!"

"Well, Lin Hui, we will." Xu Xin was the first to agree with Lin Hui's statement.

Immediately afterwards, Shaojie also said, "Lin Hui, we will definitely work hard and strive for all four of us to be selected to participate in the European Cup table tennis competition!"

Everyone was confident, but Jianhua remained silent.

But this difference was noticed by Lin Hui, and he reminded softly, "Jianhua doesn't have to worry about passing the test!"

Jianhua nodded slightly.

Less than 10 minutes later, everyone took their places and started playing.

Lin Hui went into battle lightly, while Jianhua felt a little stressed.

Jianhua was a little nervous when he fired the first ball.

Just because of nervousness, Jianhua lost the first ball.

But this did not affect Jianhua's mood, and he began to strengthen his defenses.

At the same time, I am confident and feel that I can do it.

Shaojie and Xu Xin worked very well together, and they defeated each other easily!

When 40 went into 20, all of them were promoted, but Jianhua was almost defeated.

Fortunately, Jianhua had already come in, which made him relieved!

When 20 entered the top ten, no one was as relaxed as before.

Jianhua was quickly eliminated. Later, Xu Xin and Shaojie narrowly won, while Lin Hui successfully entered the top ten.

When they learned about each other's results, they began to see the crestfallen Jianhua comforting him, "Jianhua, don't be like this. Although you didn't make it into the top ten, it doesn't mean you can't go. Didn't the coach say that? According to the usual And Zong, there is still some room for it!"

Lin Hui was the first to say comforting words to Jianhua, but Jianhua was frowning.

I guess this is the coach’s comfort to those who lost out!
At first Jianhua thought it might be a fluke, but now he really understands why Coach Wu said this.

"Lin Hui, I know it is impossible for me to go to the European Cup table tennis competition. Please stop comforting me like this. I know my own skills in my heart!"

Seeing Jianhua's dejected look, Shaojie and Xu Xin couldn't help but come up and comfort Jianhua.
"Jianhua, don't be so downcast. Although everyone has entered the top ten, the real participation quota has not been determined yet. Everything is unknown. Don't give up until the last moment." Xu Xin said to Jianhua Encouraging words.

Shaojie, who was standing aside, responded softly to Xu Xin.

Jianhua knows that everyone has good intentions, but the facts are already in front of him. If he loses, he loses.

"Don't comfort me. I appreciate everyone's kindness. You can continue practicing. I want to be alone!"

Jianhua said and left.

However, Lin Hui, Xu Xin, Shaojie and others looked at Jianhua's leaving figure and could only silently watch him disappear before their eyes.

"Lin Hui, you said nothing will happen to Jianhua, right? He can't think about it, right?"

Xu Xin was the first to become suspicious.

"Don't worry, Xu Xin, Jianhua is not that kind of person. Isn't he just a European Cup player? It's not like this!" Lin Hui felt that Jianhua was not the same Jianhua he used to be.

The Jianhua of the past may be the same, but the Jianhua of the present may not be the same. I don’t know why, but Lin Hui just intuitively believes in Jianhua.

"How could Jianhua be that kind of person? He has been always positive recently. Just because he did not enter the top ten this time does not mean that he will not be able to participate in the European Cup in the future!" Shaojie feels that Jianhua is better now than before. too much!

"But, I saw that Jianhua seemed to be in a very low mood, is something going to happen?"

Xu Xin was still worried and said worriedly.

"Let him be alone for a while. We have all entered the top ten, but Jianhua did not make it. He must feel inferior. Otherwise, how could he be alone? He wants to be alone, let's give him some time!" Lin Hui and Jianhua lived in the same dormitory. Although he knew Jianhua's character very well and was strong at heart, the only thing they could do was to let Jianhua think about it.

"Okay, let's continue practicing. We may face more severe challenges next!"

Xu Xin couldn't help but say that although they had successfully entered the top ten, the final quota for the European Cup was not notified to everyone. The only thing they could do was to continue practicing.

"Okay, let's continue practicing!" After Lin Hui finished speaking, he also started practicing table tennis.

But he has been worried about Jianhua, and he doesn't know where Jianhua has gone now. He must be very sad. Everyone from the provincial team has entered the top ten, but he suddenly failed.

It doesn’t matter whether it makes it into the top ten or not, but mainly because of this sense of gap, Jianhua must feel very uncomfortable.

The reason why Lin Hui said this just now is because he didn't want everyone to worry about Jianhua like him!
This exercise made all his thoughts fly to Jianhua. How he wished time could go faster!

But the more this happened, the slower time passed, and Lin Hui could only find an opportunity to leave.

He wanted to find Jianhua and see where Jianhua had gone now

But after searching around for a while, Jianhua was nowhere to be seen, so he had no choice but to return to the training ground.

After the training, it was getting dark.

And after saying goodbye to Xu Xin Shaojie, he returned to the dormitory.

I thought Jianhua would come back when I returned to the dormitory, but I didn't expect that Jianhua was not in the dormitory at all, and I didn't know what Jianhua was doing.

Just when Lin Hui was extremely anxious, the door of the dormitory opened.

Lin Hui looked up and found it was Jianhua.

He stood up immediately. "Jianhua, where have you been? Do you know that I am very worried about you?"

"I, I didn't do anything? I just went to the playground to exercise. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Jianhua said to Jian Linhui as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, no, no, nothing happened? Jianhua, did you go to the playground to exercise?"

"Yes, Lin Hui, are you thinking that I will seek some short-term opportunities? How is that possible? It's just a quota for a competition. Besides, the final decision has not been made yet, how could I say so lightly? give up?!"

Lin Hui was scared to death. He thought Jianhua was so fragile, but he didn't expect that it was not like this at all. He was stronger than he imagined.

But Jianhua's previous attitude was very worrying.

Lin Hui opened the skylight and said frankly, "Then why do you want to be alone for a while?"

"I want to be alone for a while. I think there must be something I'm not satisfied with, or it's not in place, so I'll think about it and improve it!"

When Jianhua first started, he was really depressed and couldn't help himself, because everyone came out of the national team together, but he was the only one who didn't make the top ten.

Feeling that he was still lacking a bit, he then thought about why he couldn't beat the opponent or was not as good at playing as the opponent.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he still lacked practice, especially in terms of arm strength, so he thought it would be better to practice more!

He didn't expect that Lin Hui would miss him so much when he came back!
"So that's it, Jianhua, that's great. You can think so. I'm really only happy for you. I thought you gave up." Lin Hui looked happy.

"Give up? How could you give up? Why should I give up? When we come to the national team, we win when we lose, and when we succeed, we fail. Have you forgotten that you have also experienced countless failures?"

At this moment, Jianhua's mind was particularly clear, and he thought that Lin Hui had also become successful from failure.

Lin Hui chuckled, then touched the back of his head, "Yes, I have also walked through failures again and again, but every time I failed, I began to sum up my experience. Where are the shortcomings and where should I improve? If you practice more, you will gradually be able to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses!"

When Lin Hui was mid-sentence, he suddenly thought of Jianhua, "You are the same as me. Could it be that you stole my skills?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I steal from you? Besides, isn't this the consciousness that everyone should reflect on themselves?"

What Jianhua said made Lin Hui suddenly have an epiphany. He never thought that Jianhua would have self-realization.

Jianhua used to blame himself so much, but now Jianhua actually learned to reflect on himself, which made Lin Hui feel that Jianhua was doing something extraordinary.

"Yes, Jianhua, you are right, but if you continue like this, you will be successful one day, because everyone feels that they are not at fault, and they do not look for problems from themselves, but from others. , You can never find mistakes. When you find that one day you start looking for problems from yourself, you will truly wake up."

At first, Lin Hui always felt that it was someone else's fault?Later he discovered that no matter whether the opponent was a female table tennis player or a weakling, he should change his mind.

"Yes, Lin Hui, you are right. I never thought so in the past, but after repeated failures, I began to reflect on myself. What did I do wrong and what did I do poorly? Slowly I also discovered that only by improving yourself can you truly succeed!”

Jianhua is always afraid of failure and afraid of everything. It is because of this that he fails again and again and cannot defeat himself.

Today, he completely feels that only when he becomes truly strong can he win glory for the national team.

If he does not go to the European Cup this time, then he will continue to strengthen his practice and cannot give up on himself just because of a quota.

"Okay, Jianhua, your consciousness is quite high!" Lin Hui patted Jianhua's shoulder gently. He didn't expect that Jianhua was much stronger and braver than he imagined!
Lin Hui didn't practice well all afternoon, he was worried about Jianhua.

But Jianhua thought so thoroughly.

"Lin Hui, you can figure it out, don't you allow me to figure it out too?"

Jianhua and Lin Hui were joking.

"Yes, yes, of course, I hope you can surpass me!"

The two of them were talking to each other in the dormitory.

All the pain and tiredness turned into laughter and disappeared day and night.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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