As time passed, the competition became more and more intense, especially on Lin Hui's side.

One moment they were overtaken by the opponent, and the next moment they overtook them again. It can be said that the two of them were playing very energetically.

The audience below held their breath, afraid of missing every detail.

Li Yu in the audience is closely following Lin Hui's ball.

Suddenly, Han Yun said to Li Yu, "Sister Li Yu. Brother Lin Hui is about to overtake us. It's great. He is indeed the top player to win the championship."

They are getting better and better at playing, and they are much more mature than before!

He also began to talk to Li Yu involuntarily, and firmly believed that my brother Jianhua and the others would definitely win the final victory.

He chuckled, "Do you believe it now? When I told you before, you never believed it.

Han Yun was a little worried before, thinking that Brother Lin Hui and the others were going to be wiped out this time, but he didn't expect that in just a few minutes, they would get up again.

For Han Yun, it was like a miracle. Before, she was thinking about how she could win, because others had surpassed them by several points, but now she actually turned defeat into victory, which made Han Yun feel incredible!

Then she shifted her gaze to the stage again. When she watched Jianhua playing, she felt much better!

Moreover, brother Jianhua has now caught up and the fight is tied.

Han Yun watched Brother Jianhua playing ball like a warrior on the Charge. Now he would hit to the left, and then to the right, trying to knock the opponent down.

It seems that brother Jianhua's confidence has returned now.

Especially when I saw Brother Jianhua swinging the racket gently, and then hitting the opponent's side, and the opponent served the ball again.

At this moment, Jianhua is not afraid of danger, let alone difficulties.

He stared at the other party, wishing he could beat him back to his hometown!

At this time, Li Yu couldn't help but have a smile on his face. It seemed that Lin Hui was playing better and better than before!

Lin Hui on the stage saw the opponent while playing and wanted to hit him again!

He snorted, no way!

It was because of his negligence that he scored such a point before. Now it is absolutely impossible for him to let the opponent win a goal!

He must work hard now and must use all his strength, otherwise it would be impossible for him to play basketball!

Now he has the other party in his eyes, as if the other party is his prey!

Here we always catch up with the opponent by one point before being overtaken by the opponent again. The two of us are always like this, chasing each other.

Lin Hui couldn't help but start to think that this guy was extraordinary in strength. If this continued, both he and the other party would be dragged to death.

In addition, he had to think of a way to do it, but what he could do was to shoot a ball violently at the opponent, and the ping pong ball made a muffled sound.

Yes, when the opponent played Lin Hui's side, the ping pong ball broke.

At this time, Lin Hui never expected anything, but Lin Hui still concentrated and wisely sent the ball over!

This made the opponent very surprised. He thought how could Lin Hui catch the ball.

As a result, Lin Hui caught the ball in his hands and hit it back.

The opponent did not react for a moment and dropped the ball to the ground.

It was him who should have scored the ball, but Lin Hui scored a point like this. The opponent felt very unwilling and even stared at Lin Hui.

I wish I could eat him alive, because the share just now was his.

But he lost so easily, which made him a little unwilling and a little angry!

This made Lin Hui never expect that he would be a blessing in disguise. He thought that playing ball would be very difficult, but he didn't expect that the opponent would give him a ball like this. This was something he never dreamed of, and it took no effort to get it. !

The score reversed and became 10 to 9. Lin Hui was the one who scored more points.

This made Lin Hui feel ecstatic in his heart. At the same time, Li Yu, who was watching the game in the audience, looked surprised!

"Han Yun, did you see the ball that Brother Lin Hui got just now? The table tennis ball has been broken, but Brother Lin Hui can still hit the opponent's ball!"

Han Yun was stunned for a moment, right?

Didn’t I see the ping pong ball break?

If the table tennis ball is broken, how can Brother Lin Hui still serve it to the opponent and win a ball?

It should be a relatively difficult move for table tennis players!

"That's such a pity. You just didn't see how great Lin Hui's shot was!"

He saw that the other party's face was already green.

Brother Lin Hui originally lost the ball, but on the contrary, he also won the opponent at this time, which made Li Yu stunned.

She thought this was the most powerful shot she had ever seen in table tennis!

"But Sister Li Yu, I can think about the way Brother Lin Hui played just now. It can be imagined that Brother Lin Hui must have easily hit the ball to the opponent's hand without any effort!" Although Han Yun did not see Li Yu Answer, but she can imagine Brother Lin Hui playing basketball. He must be handsome and domineering.

"In a word, the opponent must not have thought that this kind of ball would happen often, but they would all lose. But Brother Lin Hui actually won. This opponent was also caught off guard. It seems that he was also a little confused. of."

While watching the competition on the stage, he said to Han Yun.

In fact, Han Yun didn't know much about this, but he couldn't be wrong when he heard Li Yu praise Brother Lin Hui.

Then Han Yun turned his attention to the stage again, and he looked at Brother Lin Hui.

I realized that it was such a pity just now, and then turned my attention to Shaojie and Xu Xin, and found that the two of them were also actively working hard to play, both wanting to advance to the championship game!

Before, she thought that everyone was going to be wiped out, but unexpectedly, it seemed that everyone was resurrected again.

I felt a little excited inside, and even a little nervous.

At this moment, Xu Xin and Shaojie winked at each other when they saw the ball sent by the other party. The two of them have always cooperated with each other tacitly, but I don’t know what happened today. They didn’t have the tacit understanding they had in the past. Instead, they made some mistakes!

This made Xu Xin a little worried. Will she lose the goal because the two people don't cooperate well?

If they lose, they will be further and further away from their dreams, when they think of this.

Absolutely not!

But it was also due to her negligence that the table tennis ball fell to the ground. The opponent gained one point and lost one!

Xu Xin felt very upset. Originally, she and Shaojie didn't cooperate well, but they lost a goal because of their own losses!

When Xu Xin lost the ball, she immediately said to Shaojie, "I'm sorry, Shaojie, I didn't mean to do it just now!"

However, Shaojie began to comfort Xu Xin, "Don't be discouraged! We will definitely be able to do it. Don't be too nervous, relax!"

Shaojie could also tell that Xu Xin was so nervous, it could even be seen in her voice and the expression on her face!

However, he can't blame Xu Xin, they win and lose together!

And their ultimate goal is to win this goal and successfully enter the championship game!

After Xu Xin received Shaojie's comfort, she felt even more guilty. If it hadn't been for her negligence just now, how could she have lost? !

Just because she lost the ball just now, her eyes became more determined, staring at the opponent, for fear of making any mistakes again!

As for the opponent, he took advantage of the opportunity just now and pursued the victory, hoping to distance himself from Xu Xin and Shaojie again.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, became more energetic due to his own negligence. He even started to be more focused than before, thinking that he must recover the goal just now.

As a result, the more this happened, the more restrictive it became, which made her even more angry!

Upon seeing this, Shaojie immediately asked the referee for a five-minute timeout.

During these five minutes, Shaojie comforted Xu Xin, "Don't be nervous, we just lost two goals. You usually play like this, how are you playing now?"

While Xu Xin was drinking water, Shaojie quickly comforted Xu Xin, because he felt that Xu Xin was completely out of shape. If this continued, it was very likely that they would really miss the championship!

"Shaojie, I, I'm a little worried, I'm worried that I will lose this round!"

Xu Xin stammered these words!

However, Shaojie could only continue to say to him, "No matter whether we lose or win in the end, as long as we can play with our heart, forget about everything else."

After Shaojie finished speaking, the short five-minute rest time has arrived!

The two of them returned to the table tennis table again.

This time Xu Xin had the experience she had just now, and she relaxed a lot and was not even as nervous as before!

As expected, the intensity and angle of her playing were further improved than before!

This made the other side look at them with eager eyes. When they thought of taking advantage of the opportunity just now to capture Xu Xin and Shaojie, it seemed that their imagination was too simple!

Shaojie and Xu Xin have now begun to fight back. It can even be said that the two of them are now working together more and more tacitly than before, and it can even be said that they are fighting with ease!

The other party couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. If this goes on for a long time, the two of them will definitely lose! !

Xu Xin and Shaojie here are becoming more and more courageous with every setback, and they fight harder and harder.

Suddenly, the audience in the audience shouted to those on the stage: Come on! come on!

Obviously, this shout of cheers was for the opponents of Xu Xin and Shaojie.

However, this does not affect the two of them at all. Their goal is to defeat each other and become the champions in the next round!

Here Xu Xin and Shaojie are playing more and more positively!

Lin Hui was a little downcast. Just now he was still elated, but the other party gave him a point.

At this moment, he somewhat agreed, because the other party seemed to be chasing him and not letting go!

It seems that today’s promotion match is not easy to win! Lin Hui complained in his heart!

However, he has never lost in table tennis, and this time he is even less likely to lose. At the same time, Lin Hui's eyes are more determined, he believes that he can definitely win!

He stared straight ahead, fearing that the other party would miss every moment because of playing with him!

With a bang, the ping pong ball hit his shore, and Lin Hui pushed the ping pong ball hard in front of the opponent!

It seemed like an ordinary game, but it made Lin Hui a little worried, even a little scared, whether he would lose the game because of this game.

One second ago, Lin Hui was still frustrated because of this second!

Because Lin Hui felt that the other party seemed to be much more powerful and stronger than he imagined!

If this continues, Lin Hui feels that if the situation cannot be broken, it will be a fatal blow to him and his opponent.

As time passed by, Lin Hui was still fighting to the death with the other party!

The score is still 11 to 10. If it continues like this, Lin Hui thinks he will have an overtime match with the opponent.

Because the two of them can never tell the winner, this means that the two of them are at risk of being eliminated at any time!

"For the first time, I found that the final level of promotion is very difficult, especially this one. It seems that everyone is very strenuous. It seemed very easy just now, but it changed again this second. It’s very difficult!”

Han Yun was very worried. Will they get it? Can they get a certain quota and successfully advance?

It wasn't Han Yun's heart that was swinging back and forth, but the fact that they were playing together gave him a feeling of uncertainty in his heart!

"Yes, this table tennis is much more difficult than the previous table tennis. This table tennis is an international competition of the European Cup, and the gold content is much higher than before, but I believe they can still successfully advance. After all, Our domestic table tennis still has a certain market internationally!"

Because Li Yu had seen relevant information about Brother Lin Hui and Brother Jianhua on the streets abroad.

Many foreign friends say that domestic table tennis players are very good, and even admire them very much!

If they are unable to qualify for promotion this time, it will be a big loss for the majority of table tennis players, as well as for the audience and enthusiasts!

It is also a loss for the national team, but Li Yu does not believe that Brother Lin Hui and the others cannot fail to advance!

"They were able to get to where they are today, but it took a lot of effort. It's been so long and no one has qualified for promotion. You can imagine how difficult it will be!" Han Yun couldn't help but say. With.

In fact, everyone knows that it gets harder the further you go, especially the next championship game, which will be even harder than it is now.

However, these are the tests and challenges that each of them should accept to advance to the competition.

If they can win this game, then their next sentence will become increasingly difficult.

After all, the person standing at the top is often the final winner!

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(End of this chapter)

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