The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 872 It's Wonderful

The playing on the stage was full of passion, and the audience in the audience were excited when they saw them playing, hesitating, shouting, and all kinds of sounds followed!

Especially when Han Yun heard other spectators shouting there, she couldn't help but shout nervously.

Especially when she saw Brother Jianhua playing, she couldn't help but cheer along with the audience. Even when Jianhua won the ball, he started to stand up excitedly!

"Win again, win again, brother Jianhua wins again!"

Han Yun was so excited when he saw Brother Jianhua winning the game!

I was even so excited that I almost jumped up.

Li Yu frowned!

Because Li Yu knew that this was the mentality of a newborn!

He was like this before, but now she is much calmer than before. You could even say it’s a lot calmer!

Then Li Yu turned his attention to the stage.

Seeing Brother Lin Hui playing on the stage looking very handsome, he started to turn defeat into victory again.

At the same time, I saw Brother Lin Hui swinging the table tennis ball so lightly.

The table tennis balls were flying back and forth between the two of them. Brother Lin Hui looked so handsome when he played the ball!

Li Yu looked a little fascinated.

He never thought that watching Lin Hui play would be a kind of enjoyment.

Especially when Brother Lin Hui swung the table tennis ball hard just now.

That action is so handsome!

Yes, he can be said to be handsome in Li Yu's eyes.

At this time, Lin Hui, who was playing on the stage, looked like he was pulling away when he saw his opponent.

I couldn't help but complain: weren't you awesome just now? Weren't you very powerful just now? Let you see what is truly powerful.

At this moment, Lin Huisheng's table tennis ball was spinning in his hand, and then he attacked the opponent!

The table tennis ball in his hand sometimes made this pattern, and sometimes it made that pattern. In short, it was full of changes!

At first, Lin Hui was still thinking that the opponent was not powerful. Now Lin Hui deliberately played table tennis tricks, and even provoked the opponent back and forth in front of him!

At the same time, the other party felt distressed. Lin Hui could see from his eyes that the other party wanted to beg for mercy. He was even more defeated than before!

However, this is also what Lin Hui expects. This is what he wants!

He swung the table tennis ball so hard, but the opponent didn't catch it, which was even a bit outrageous.

Compared with the previous ones, there was a clear gap, which made Lin Hui look excited.

He never thought that the other party would suppress first and then advance!

When thinking of this, Lin Hui regained his confidence.

Later, he had no confidence at all, but now Lin Hui is clean again!

Rolling up his sleeves, he wants to compete with the opponent and let the opponent know what is called table tennis and what is called real Chinese table tennis!


On the other side, Jianhua is very serious at this moment!

In the past, Jianhua was always on par with his opponent. It could even be said that he was far behind his opponent, but just now!

Jianhua began to turn defeat into victory, and even began to chase each other with each other.

But it doesn’t exist anymore!

At the beginning, the situation was reversed. Due to everyone's encouragement and support to him, Jianhua began to become more confident, so he reversed the situation just now!

Even the score was clearly ahead of the opponent. If he kept it up, he even thought it was possible to win the best promotion match!

When he thought of this, Jianhua couldn't help but feel beautiful.

This time, Xu Xin and Shaojie were not as smooth as Jianhua and Lin Hui.

This game between her and Shaojie was extremely difficult! It can even be said to be very strenuous!

In the past, the two of them cooperated very well, but now they don't know what happened today. No matter how they cooperate, they are a little different.

But I can’t say what’s different!

Xu Xin even thought about whether the other party was specifically against him!

Whenever they hit a ball, the opponent would hit back hard, making Xu Xin and Shaojie confused again!

Xu Xin's mentality was finally reversed before, but now she is becoming more and more hesitant!

If the two of them continue like this for a long time, how will this competition proceed?

How to carry out the final chase.

Being sleepless made Xu Xin become worried!

At the same time, just now, the table tennis ball made a sound and fell to the ground.

The score became 11 to 9, which was a devastating disaster for Xu Xin and Shaojie!

If the opponent scores another point, their game will be over!

Xu Xin's whole person began to categorize.

However, she cannot lose. If she loses, how will her dream come true?

Xu Xin just hopes that one day the table tennis she plays can go global, go abroad, and let more people understand table tennis!

If it stops here, her fate will also be reversed!

You can't be firm, you can't!

At this moment, Xu Xin's eyes were shining, and he believed that he was the best, otherwise she would have failed her father, and also failed so many comrades who had cared about her and helped her!

This scene appeared in Xu Xin's eyes!

She hit the ping pong ball hard into the other party's hand, and then the other party saw the ball flying towards us, and they didn't even have time to react to us. Fortunately, the two of them received the ball from Xu Xin and Shaojie without any danger. The ball!

But it can be said that they are half a beat too late!

They didn't have time to react, and the ping pong ball came over!

When the opponent thought of this, they felt that they must end this game immediately. It’s the last ball, don’t relax, don’t take it lightly!

The nerves on both sides were tense.

However, this allowed Xu Xin and Shaojie to turn defeat into victory while losing just now!

The ping-pong ball fell to the ground and made a ping-pong-pong sound!

The score became 11 to 10, and they caught up. If it became a tie, the chance of winning would be greater, when I thought of this!

Xu Xin's eyes shone with light, and she even thought that if they could persist like this, they would definitely win!

At this moment, Han Yun and Li Yu on the stage were happily watching them play on the stage!

Now Brother Lin Hui and Brother Jianhua are far ahead, while Shaojie and Xu Xin are lagging behind!

"Sister Li Yu, look, Xu Xin and Shaojie seem to have been defeated over there!"

The reason why he still uses the word "lost" to describe it is because when he watched them play just now, he found that they had been lagging behind and even felt a little downcast!

"Don't worry, they will win, don't worry! After all, they have countless blockades on the battlefield, this little blow is nothing to them!"

Li Yu believed throughout this game that they could do it.

I feel that if all of them can achieve their ideal results in this competition, it will be a gratifying event for any of them!

"But Sister Li Yu is not what we imagined. I see that Xu Xin and Shaojie are really unable to do what they want. Why don't we cheer them up!"

After soliciting Han Yun's opinion, he turned to the stage and shouted: "Come on Shaojie, come on Xu Xin!"

This voice reached the ears of Shaojie and Xu Xin.

The two of them did not fight very well just now, but they heard the encouraging voices of Li Yu and Han Yun. I couldn’t help but cheer up again!

At the same time, Shaojie said to Xu Xin, we can definitely do it, come on, Xu Xin!

Although Xu Xin is no longer as confident as before, she can feel that everyone is working hard to let them win.

After Xu Xin and Shaojie felt everyone's expectations for them, they cheered up and started to set off!

"Let's work hard together!" Xu Xin said this, then leaned forward, looked straight ahead at the table tennis racket, and held it firmly in her hand.

Xu Xin has participated in countless competitions, large and small, but he stopped here because he didn't believe in himself!

Then the ping pong ball was sent towards her. Xu Xin looked at it fiercely, and then without giving the other party any chance, he hit the ping pong ball over. The other party also felt Xu Xin's power, and then they The ping pong ball in his hand waved like this.

Xu Xin and Shaojie began to increase their intensity, flying table tennis balls in their hands like live rabbits, jumping back and forth between their chopping boards.

This made Xu Xin regain her confidence. He felt that she could definitely do it at this moment!

On the stage, Li Yu and Han Yun watched their actions.

Then I began to think: They have regrouped and are about to reverse course.

Especially when they saw the movements of the two players on the stage and sent the table tennis balls to each other fiercely, the other side was a little timid and even a little scared.

Because at the last moment, no one is not afraid, afraid of losing, afraid of being overtaken!

Especially, during the last ball,

Even failure, even success!

"Great, they have cheered up again. This time, I really hope all of them can advance!" Han Yun said excitedly.

This was Han Yun's first time watching a game for such a long time, and he even felt a little excited, a little lonely, and even a little depressed.

But mostly Han Yun was relatively happy, because she saw that Brother Jianhua was so handsome when he was playing ball, much better than the usually quiet Brother Jianhua.

It turns out that Brother Jianhua transferred all his words to table tennis. No wonder he doesn't like to talk on weekdays, so he put all his efforts into this!

Then Han Yun turned his attention to Brother Lin Hui, and found that Brother Lin Hui became more and more excited as he played, and even clearly opened the score with his opponent.

This is also Brother Lin Hui's last point. If Brother Lin Hui can win this goal, then he can successfully advance!

Han Yun stared at Lin Hui on the stage. At the same time, Brother Lin Hui was also afraid of missing every moment of Brother Lin Hui playing.

Lin Hui specially stretched it a lot. This kind of ball is his favorite!

But the other party seemed to see what he was thinking and deliberately went around like this, but Lin Hui would not give him this chance!

In the past, Lin Hui didn't know what the opponent's ball was like, but after a long period of playing, he found that the opponent's ball was nothing more than that!

He specifically looked for the opponent's loopholes. It can even be said that he found the ball that the opponent was not good at playing. But Lin Hui wanted to take advantage of this to achieve the final goal!

Of course the opponent also knows that if he loses this time, he will miss the championship match, but he will not give up, even at the last second, he will fight with Lin Hui until the last second!

He stared at the ball sent by Lin Hui and tried hard to save the situation, but found that the ball was not under his control!

No matter how hard he tried, it seemed like he couldn't save it!

But even so, he still wants to pursue his best efforts!

Because no one can understand the temptation of the championship. At the moment of standing on the podium, waving to the Chinese and all the audiences, even everyone cast envious eyes!

This moment of glory is what everyone wants to see!

Including Lin Hui, Lin Hui is the same!

Because he also wants to gain a sense of victory from this competition, and he also wants to stand at the highest point of the competition and look up to his compatriots!

So Lin Hui didn't dare to neglect at this moment. He didn't know that everyone was looking at him!

He only puts himself in the realm of playing table tennis, even just him and his opponent!

I can’t feel the cheers from the outside world!

He looked at the opponent intently, watching the ball served by the opponent, and felt it was time. He hit the goal with a ping-pong ball and launched a counterattack at the opponent!

The table tennis racket made a loud banging sound when it hit the opponent's ball table!

Then it bounces back again!

Lin Hui hit the ping pong ball back again and even sped up. He wanted to use this opportunity to catch his opponent off guard!

Start looking for the right time. If the time is right, he must use this opportunity to win the opponent!

Then the table tennis ball flew back and forth between the two people, sometimes on Lin Hui's side, sometimes on his opponent's side. Lin Hui played the ball very easily, and he even felt the hope of victory!

It was because Lin Hui won the opponent's ball this time, but he hit Lin Hui fiercely. With just a little bit of distance, Lin Hui could hit the ball to the opponent's court, but he But it failed!

The score was tied again, which made Lin Hui a little distressed!

It was his negligence. He must not take it lightly next time!

After learning the lesson just now, Lin Hui began to strengthen his defenses, staring at the ball sent by the opponent with wet eyes, and began to counterattack and attack!

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(End of this chapter)

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