Six hours later, they set foot on the territory of their own country!

Their hearts were full of excitement, and even looking at the familiar look made each of them feel that their own country was better!

When they return with a full load and hold the trophy they competed for for the country, this land is worthy of their pride and worthy of being loved by each of them!

Especially when I got out of the airport, I saw the crowds of people in the airport and it was so prosperous!

Let him recall that this is still the place they left!

"We've only been away for a few days, but this is where we have deep roots!" Lin Hui wanted to embrace this land up close!

This land gave him hope of life and more honor. His roots are here and his hope is here!

"Don't tell me, I really miss it! It's only been a few days, but it feels like several years have passed!"

When Xu Xin heard what Lin Hui said, she couldn't help but sigh!

Brother Shaojie behind us is different. The two of them are supporting each other!

The two of them have experienced earth-shaking changes in the past few days, especially Jianhua. He never thought that he would come back injured!

However, Jianhua is quite pleased because he feels that all the efforts are worth it!

"Okay, don't lament here, Coach Wu is waiting for us in front!"

While several of them were talking, the coach and other team members were already walking in front, and they had fallen a long distance behind.

Shaojie saw that the large army had left, and he couldn't help but remind Xu Xin, Lin Hui and the others!

Hearing what Shaojie said, the guys hurriedly caught up with the big team, and then took the bus all the way back to the national team. On the way, they looked left and west, looking at the land they had not seen for a long time, and they were very happy!

This time they had already arrived when they came back. There was no salute and no sound of gongs or drums to greet them in the middle of the night. On the contrary, it was very quiet.

This also made Lin Hui and the others like it very much, because when they won the championship in the past, the national team would welcome them, but after more times, everyone got used to it and found that it was the same as usual. The next day Everyone should practice!

"Everyone, please rest early today. See you in the training room tomorrow!"

After Coach Wu finished speaking, he left, and the rest of them each carried their luggage back to the room!

Especially when Lin Hui and Jianhua returned to the room with their luggage, they immediately started to pack their heavy luggage.

The moment when Lin Hui took out his heavy trophy!

He began to keep looking at the golden trophy!

Winning this trophy was hard-won, it was earned step by step with his hard work and sweat!

Also feeling the same as Lin Hui, there was Jianhua. Although he won a bronze medal, this was the first time he had won an international award in his life!

This is a relief to Jianhua and a comfort to his mother’s spirit in heaven!

If his mother knew that he won the bronze medal, she would definitely be very happy!

Everything was seen by Lin Hui.

Lin Hui packed up all his luggage and placed the trophies, but found that Jianhua had been looking at his trophy.

"Jianhua? Although you won the bronze medal, it was also your first step towards success!"

Lin Hui thought Jianhua was thinking about it because he won the gold medal!

Unexpectedly, Jianhua thought of his mother because he saw the bronze medal. How happy his mother would be if she could see him win the bronze medal!

"Lin Hui, what did you say?" Jianhua vaguely heard what Lin Hui was telling him.

However, in Lin Hui's eyes, he really thought that Jianhua was too sad, so he didn't hear what he said and repeated to Jianhua again, "Jianhua, let the past be in the past. Anyway, you have gained Winning the bronze medal is also a good start!”

Why was Jianhua so confused when he heard Lin Hui's words? He didn't understand why Lin Hui said such things to him!

Then, he instantly understood that Lin Hui had misunderstood!

No wonder!

"Lin Hui, don't you think it's sad that I won the bronze medal?"

"Is not it?"

Sure enough, Lin Hui thought he had won the bronze medal and felt unhappy!

"Of course not, I am happy because I won the bronze medal. If my mother could see the moment when I got the trophy, she would be very happy too."

sweat! Lin Hui let out a long sigh. He thought Jianhua was unhappy because he won the bronze medal, but he didn't expect that it was because his mother didn't see the moment he won the bronze medal and felt sad!

Lin Hui immediately put his big hands on Jianhua's shoulders and said to Jianhua: "Auntie will see it, and he will bless you in the future!"

Then Lin Hui saw Jianhua smiling at him.

Soon after a while of emotion, Jianhua began to say to Lin Hui, "It's getting late, let's go to bed early, we will continue to practice ball tomorrow!"

After saying that, Jianhua put away his bronze medal!

"Okay, then Jianhua, you should go to bed early and don't clean up too late. I really can't bear it anymore, so I'm going to bed first!"

Lin Hui was a little tired from the long journey. In addition, taking care of Shaojie and Jianhua these days also made his body a little tired, so he lay down on the bed and fell asleep!

And made a snoring sound, which also made Jianhua, who was packing his luggage, take notice!

Lin Hui was really tired of taking care of him and Shaojie during this period.

At the same time, Jianhua saw that Lin Hui had not covered himself with a quilt, so he walked to Lin Hui and gently covered him with the quilt.

He even said, "This guy is the same. He doesn't sleep well at all. The quilt is not covered at all. He is not afraid of catching cold!"

After covering himself with the quilt, Jianhua put all his luggage away and then lay on the bed and fell asleep!

He slept for a long time and dreamed for a long time.

I dreamed of many people and many things in my dream!

It made him feel that without the encouragement from these people, he would not have been able to get where he is today!

Then, he heard Lin Hui calling Jianhua to him, "Wake up soon, Jianhua! You're going to be late!"

This made Jianhua open his eyes suddenly!

"Jianhua, don't sleep. If we go to bed again, we will miss playing ball!"

My aunt's phone asked Lin Hui, what time is it now? "It's almost seven o'clock!"

When he heard seven o'clock, Jianhua sat up from the bed and quickly put on his clothes

"It's almost seven o'clock, and I slept for too long!"

Not only Jianhua felt this way, but even Lin Hui felt like he hadn't had such a good sleep in a long time!

"My own bed is more comfortable and I can sleep soundly!" Lin Hui thought about how they would toss and turn in the hotel before, but now they returned to the national team and fell asleep on their own beds. Fell asleep!

"Yes, I really slept until dawn. Let's wash up quickly!"

In the past, they would get up at six o'clock and go to the canteen for a meal, but today they can only go to the canteen to buy some steamed buns to eat on the road!

And while holding and eating this steamed bun, "It still tastes familiar to me before. It's so delicious. Not to mention I haven't eaten it for a few days, I still miss it!"

Jianhua talked while eating, not forgetting to talk about the familiar recipe!

"Jianhua, you can be satisfied with just a steamed bun. If you eat some delicacies from the mountains and seas in the future, you will be happy to death!"

It seems that Lin Hui is mocking Jianhua, but in fact he is envious of Jianhua's satisfaction!

"Lin Hui, don't forget that when we were in the provincial team, we couldn't eat enough for a whole day. Coach Xu even took us back to eat. Now we can eat well and eat well. Of course we can eat A steamed bun is quite satisfying!" Jianhua and Lin Hui have gone through the most difficult time ever!

Now that they understand the bitterness, the sweetness now is obtained from the bitterness in the past, so they must cherish every bit of it now!

While they were talking, they saw Xu Xin and Shaojie!

And said to them, "Morning!"

"It's still early, what time is it now!" Xu Xin said anxiously!

"Did you also oversleep?"

Lin Hui looked at Xu Xin like this and felt that he was inseparable from them.

"Yes, after I came back, I didn't expect to sleep until dawn!" Shaojie said a little embarrassed.

"Then you two haven't eaten yet? Here are two buns that Jianhua and I haven't eaten yet. You should hurry up!" After saying that, Lin Hui stuffed his buns into the hands of Xu Xin and Shaojie!

"Don't tell me, I'm really hungry!" Xu Xin picked up the bun and took a bite. She found that today's bun was particularly fragrant. "This is stuffed with mushrooms. It's delicious!"

Lin Hui laughed when he heard this. A second ago, he was laughing at Jianhua for being ignorant. Now, Xu Xin was just like him!

"What? Am I right?!"

Xu Xin started to ask while eating and looking at Lin Hui smiling like this!

"No! I'm not thinking that no matter how delicious the food outside is, it can't compare to the food of our national team. This taste and recipe are all familiar to us!"

"Yes, Lin Hui, no matter how far I go, I still think our national team's steamed buns are the most delicious. Do you think so, Jianhua?" Shaojie ate while not forgetting to look at Jianhua who was immersed in eating the steamed buns. ask

"It's natural!"

Then several people laughed like children!

"Let's not talk about it for now, let's go in and practice!" At Xu Xin's suggestion, everyone walked into the training room!

This reminded Lin Hui of the ball the opponent's athletes played during his game!

This made him think how should he break this style of play?

Afterwards, he started discussing with Jianhua!

"Jianhua, I'm going to fight like this, can you see if there's any good way to break it?!"

Lin Hui and Jianhua came to the table tennis table. Lin Hui picked up the racket and hit Jianhua with a ping pong ball!

When Jianhua saw this, wasn't this the ball Lin Hui played when he participated in the game?

"Lin Hui's ball!"

"Yes, this is a ball I made when I was playing with the opponent, but I still can't figure out how to catch it in order to come back and win!"

Lin Hui kept all the goals he lost in his mind, thinking about seeing if he made any mistakes when he returned to the national team!

The result was discovered by Jianhua. Since Jianhua already knew about it, that was just right!

You can study it carefully with him!

"Then Jianhua, let's think about a way to crack it. Let's try to hit it to see if we can crack this kind of ball. Then Lin Huibian started to stretch out his table tennis racket and hit Jianhua, but the result still fell. !

It can be seen that there is no way to crack this kind of ball!

"It's okay, Lin Hui, if we try again, there will always be a way to crack it!"

After Lin Hui made a mistake in playing, Jianhua encouraged Lin Hui. He believed that Lin Hui was a talented table tennis player and could crack this style of play!

However, Lin Hui was a little depressed, what he said to Jianhua!

He thought of many ways, but still couldn't figure out how to deal with the problem.

If he hadn't won on other balls this time, it would have been impossible to win the opponent!

"Didn't you see it? He made a lot of weird balls, which made me a little overwhelmed!"

Jianhua could see clearly in the audience that there were indeed some balls that Lin Hui didn't catch, and it was just a coincidence that Lin Hui caught some of the balls!

However, if this is a coincidence, then Lin Hui's championship position is definitely not a coincidence.

He and Lin Hui live in the same dormitory. The two of them often go to the training room to play ball before dawn. This time today is an exception!

Jianhua takes all the hardships that Lin Hui has endured into his heart!

"We take our time, one day won't work, two days won't work, ten days and a half month, one day we will be able to think of a way to crack this ball. Besides, as long as he can hit such a ball, then we will definitely be able to Find the flaw!"

Jianhua encouraged Lin Hui because he knew that Lin Hui was not only the hope of the national team, but also the contrast on his way forward!

Just like the ball that Lin Hui hit just now, Jianhua feels that as long as he cracks this ball, not only Lin Hui will be able to improve, but it will also lead to his continuous improvement!

"Jianhua, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I feel that there is absolutely no flaw in playing like this. No wonder the opponent's athletes can always win when they play! It seems that he knows this is his trump card, so until now no one can Crack!”

Any table tennis player can create his own style of play, and naturally Lin Hui also knows it.

However, this style of play made Lin Hui feel that it was very rare, and he even felt that he could not find a way to break it in a short period of time!

If it cannot be cracked, it will be impossible for him to win if he meets this athlete competing in an international competition in the future!

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