"Let's try it again, I don't believe we can't crack this style of play!"

Now Lin Hui is completely resigned to death. He believes that since he can create such a ball, he must have a way to crack it.

"We're not in a hurry, we'll take our time. We have time anyway!" Suddenly Jianhua remembered the difficulties he encountered while playing basketball. "Lin Hui, I want to ask you for advice!"

Jianhua thought about it. When he was playing on the playing field, the opponent's ball always caught him by surprise, leaving him wondering how to solve it.

Just now Lin Hui decided to do research on playing basketball?

In this case, Jianhua also wants to ask Lin Hui for advice!

"Okay, then get your ball first and let's study it together!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, Jianhua started to hit the ball!

However, as soon as the ball was served, it was easily broken by Lin Hui.

"So it was Lin Hui who played like this. I said that I couldn't think of how to return the ball, but it was easily solved by Lin Hui. Lin Hui, you are indeed a well-deserved champion!"

Everyone thinks that winning the championship is luck, but when it came to Jianhua, he thought how could it be luck? If it was luck once, would it still be luck after two, three, and countless times?

Jianhua would not believe it.

He and Lin Hui were together, and he could see the hard work that Lin Hui always put in!

"If you analyze Jianhua's goal carefully, you will definitely analyze it. It's just that you were sick at the beginning, so you didn't react!" Now Lin Hui is constantly looking for a way out for Jianhua, because he knows Jianhua won third place.

"Lin Hui, you know how to tell jokes. At that time, if I had not been sick, I would not have remembered it, because I felt that I had never seen this kind of playing in my memory, and even thought it was a bit incredible, but now that you are here You cracked it easily, I think you deserve it!"

Jianhua said what he was thinking to Lin Hui!

In the past, Jianhua didn't believe it, but now he finally believes it.

Lin Hui didn't rely on luck, he won entirely by strength!

"Jianhua, please don't leave me here to praise me. I can't tell the difference between east, west and north. Look, I can't figure out how to respond to playing like this!"

Lin Hui once again thought about the solution that the other party gave him just now

"Even you can't think of it, and I can't even think of it. But Lin Hui, don't worry, we can definitely come up with a countermeasure."

While Jianhua was comforting Lin Hui, Xu Xin and Shaojie came over!

If you two don't play ball, what are you talking about here?

"It's nice of you to come. Now Lin Hui is worried."

"Worried? What are you worried about?" Shaojie looked at Lin Hui and asked!

"Lin Hui, let's demonstrate it in front of Xu Xin and Shaojie."

Jianhua knew that this style of play could only be shown in front of him and Shaojie, after all, he said he couldn't explain it clearly!

Afterwards, Jianhua began to serve the ball and attack in the direction of Lin Hui.

However, Lin Hui was still the same as before, not receiving it, just a little bit short.

"How could you not catch this ball? Where did the mistake occur? Just now I clearly saw that you would have caught the ball!" Xu Xin looked at Jianhua and Lin Hui demonstrating this kind of ball for him when he was playing just now. Hit all the moves!

"Yes, what's going on with this ball? But I found that this ball seems to have no flaws. No matter how I hit it, it seems that I can't beat it, but no matter how I return the ball, it seems that it can't return to the opponent's Jianhua side!"

What Shaojie said is what Lin Hui has been pursuing, because when he was playing, he really couldn't understand how the opponent could play such a ball, and he didn't even have a way to solve it, which made him really distressed and even played in vain. Lost a point!

"Since Jianhua can hit such a ball, then Jianhua must have some way to fight back!"

Xu Xin transferred all her hopes to Jianhua!

However, Jianhua frowned and said, "I didn't hit this ball."

"If you didn't hit me, then who did?"

When Lin Hui saw this, he began to confess to Xu Xin and Shaojie.

"This is the ball played by the opponent's player in my championship match! But it cost me a point in vain. Until now, I can't think of how to play!"

No wonder! Xu Xin felt that playing this kind of ball was so advanced that even they didn't know how to play it!

"So that's what happened, Lin Hui. From the perspective of Jianhua's playing, you should be able to touch the ball from that angle. But on the contrary, when you hit it, the ball can't land. This is weird, what is going on?"

Lin Hui has also constantly guessed about the problem Shaojie said, but until now, he doesn't know how to continue playing the ball.

Just when everyone felt in a dilemma, Xu Xin suggested: "No, let's find Coach Wu. Maybe he is well-informed and will naturally know how to play this kind of ball!"

"Coach Wu should definitely know!" Jianhua also agreed!

However, just when they were about to go find Coach Wu, the coach appeared on the training ground!

This also made them feel that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At the same time, with everyone's encouragement, Lin Hui quickly walked to the coach's side!

And said loudly to the coach, "Coach, can I ask you for advice on how to play!"

Lin Hui said this, but Coach Wu was stunned, and Lin Hui encountered difficulties in playing.

"Let's take a look!" Coach Wu followed Lin Hui to the table tennis table without saying a word!

At this time, Coach Wu reached out for the racket. When Jianhua saw this, he handed his table tennis racket to Jianhua's training hand!

Then Lin Hui started to fight with Coach Wu!

What if, everyone starts to come together!

Watching Coach Wu play with Lin Hui!

At this time, Lin Hui didn't flinch at all and hit the table tennis ball directly. As a result, Shaojie, Xu Xin and the others looked at Coach Wu! I found that Coach Wu actually hit the table tennis ball on the table with quick eyes and quick hands.

This made Lin Hui stunned. It turned out to be so easy. As long as he was fast enough, he could catch the ball.

And he was a step too late, which also resulted in the ball not hitting the table!

Sure enough, a coach is a coach and is different from others!

After thinking for a while, Lin Hui hit the ball sent by Coach Wu again.

They played for several rounds, and Lin Hui and Coach Wu were evenly matched!

Finally, after the table tennis ball hit the ground with a bang, Coach Wu said to Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, that's good. Your table tennis is good again!"

Lin Hui laughed when he heard this, "Coach, you are still a good educator!"

Afterwards, Coach Wu returned the table tennis racket to Jianhua's hand, then told everyone to practice well and left the training ground!

After Coach Wu left, Jianhua was the first to step forward and said, "Lin Hui, did you see clearly the coach's style of play just now?"

Obviously, Jianhua didn’t see clearly when he said this!

Later, Jianhua continued, "Why can't we get on the table no matter how hard we fight, but Coach Wu gets on the table with just one swipe? This is really amazing!"

"Jianhua, it's not a miracle. The only martial arts in the world that can't be broken is the speed. The same goes for our table tennis. As long as we can keep up with the speed, we can definitely bring table tennis back to life!"

When Lin Hui said this, Jianhua seemed to understand but not understand!

Then Xu Xin said, "Lin Hui, do you mean that the coach was one step faster than all of us just now, so he was able to hit the table tennis ball on the table easily?"

There was no difference between watching Coach Wu play just now and when Lin Hui and Jianhua played!

But the coach got on the table and Lin Hui fell to the ground!

And just now Lin Hui also explained to them that it was because of his speed!

"Speed, it turns out to be speed!" Shaojie muttered silently.

"Yes, it means that all of us have not been able to increase the speed of this kind of ball. Coach Wu has been on the battlefield for a long time. He has seen all kinds of balls and can recognize this kind of ball at a glance. As long as the speed can keep up, If you don't believe it, let's practice!" Lin Hui said.

"That's it! I explained that when Lin Hui and I played, no matter it was Lin Hui or I, the two of us could never hit the table tennis ball on the table. But just now, we saw with our own eyes The coach hit the ball on the table!"

When the table tennis ball hit Lin Hui's table, Jianhua was in disbelief.

The coach did it easily, but they failed no matter how hard they tried!

"It seems that we still have a lot to practice. Next, we still have to strengthen our training so that we can meet the needs in the future!"

Lin Hui thought that if he hadn't participated in an international competition this time, he wouldn't have known that there were people outside the world. He even discovered that the athletes in this international table tennis competition were stronger than each other!

It made him doubt whether he could succeed, but by chance, he accidentally won the championship in this competition!

This honor simply fell from the sky!

"Lin Hui, you are right. Although we have achieved good results in this competition, we still have to work hard to reach the world and reach higher places!" Shaojie slowly grew up under Xu Xin's influence. Awareness has also begun to increase!

In particular, Xu Xin told him that they need to go to a larger competition venue to show their success and let everyone in the world recognize it. They also know that there are a group of athletes in Eastern countries who love playing!

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start practicing quickly." Xu Xin reminded everyone as she looked at everyone standing here and expressed their opinions!

Besides, Coach Wu had just demonstrated this method of playing to them. Xu Xin's hands were itchy now and she couldn't wait to try his kind of ball. What would it be like to play in his hands?

"Yes, let's start practicing quickly, otherwise wouldn't what Coach Wu taught us just now be in vain?!"

Then the four of them continued to practice!

But they found that they couldn't hit the ball on the table at all, which made Xu Xin and Lin Hui confused!

The same goes for Shaojie and Xu Xin!

I found the same movements, the same playing style, except that one table tennis ball goes up and the other goes down!

This forced Xu Xin and Shaojie to stop playing table tennis in their hands.

He said to Lin Hui and Jianhua, "What's going on? In the hands of coach Wu, it's like that. In our hands, how can it become like this? I always miss the ball on the table. Jianhua, Lin Hui, what about you?"

Naturally Jianhua and Lin Hui were the same. They contacted each other for several rounds and still found that the results were the same as the initial practice!

Seeing the two of them, Xu Xin understood, "Are we not fast enough? Lin Hui, didn't you just say that? As long as we are fast enough, we can succeed!"

"Lin Hui and I have just sped up a lot faster than before, but we still can't get on the table!" Jianhua was a little depressed!

Obviously he and Lin Hui copied Coach Wu's actions 1:1, but in their hands it looked like this!

What went wrong?

"It's possible, it's possible that our speed hasn't been improved yet, so the next step is for us to improve our speed again!" Lin Hui could only helplessly say to Shaojie, Xu Xin and Jianhua.

"We saw that Coach Wu was so relaxed, but when it came to fighting, it became so difficult. It seems that we are still far behind in training to the point where Coach Wu is in full swing!"

Shaojie let out a long sigh and returned to the table tennis table!

In fact, this is a helpless move. Although the probability of playing this kind of ball on the playing field is very low, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Lin Hui wants to crack this method of playing!

"Jianhua, if we come again, I still don't believe it. We can't win this kind of ball!" Lin Hui rolled up his sleeves at this moment. He believed that as long as he didn't keep in touch with Jianhua like this, there would be no problem!

Similarly, when Jianhua saw this, "Yes, let's do it again. I don't believe that Leonardo da Vinci can draw an egg as round as that, so we can't play ball. Can we play so well?!"

Lin Hui frowned when he heard this. Sure enough, educated people are different. They say that practice makes perfect!

"Yes, Jianhua is right. We have all practiced. Don't you believe it? Practice makes perfect. It is not only useful in all places, but also useful for our table tennis!" Xu Xin heard Lin Hui The conversation between Jianhua and the two people is very interesting, and I agree with Jianhua’s point of view!

Because there are no shortcuts to playing table tennis, that is, practice makes perfect. They need to play on the training ground day after day, day after day, year after year!

Even if their hands are calloused, even if their bodies are weak, they must practice to make perfect!

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(End of this chapter)

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