host must win

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 The New National Team
As Yin Jun performed better and better at Manchester United, he quickly became the darling of Old Trafford and the favorite player of the Red Devils.

Some Manchester United fans said that Yin Jun will be the next Scholes, because he is as low-key as Scholes, and at the same time he is good at offense and defense; some Manchester United fans say that Yin Jun will be the next Giggs, because he can be like Giggs, A fast breakthrough on the wing; of course, more people say that Yin Jun will be the next Beckham, because he not only has the same super offensive ability as Beckham, but also has an excellent free kick and handsome appearance...

In the eyes of Manchester United coach Ferguson, Yin Jun was originally like Beckham, because he originally introduced Yin Jun as Beckham's substitute.Later, he felt that Yin Jun was like Keane, because he was not only excellent in offense and defense, but also had leadership skills; but now the old man felt that Yin Jun was more like Cantona.

Cantona is a legend of Manchester United, so after Cantona left Manchester United, the fans said that Manchester United needed a "new Cantona", some people said that Beckham was the new Cantona, because they both wore No. 7 jersey; some say it’s Keane, because they both have leadership qualities and have the same bad temper; others say it’s Ruud van Nistelrooy, because after Cantona retired, he was the best foreign player… But in Ferguson It seems that only Yin Jun's characteristics on the court are the most similar to Cantona.

In an interview with The Sun, Ferguson said: "I thought he would be Beckham, because his position on the field is very similar to David, and his offensive ability is also very strong. But now I want to emphasize that he is like Cannon." Toner has a better reason. Although he plays in midfield and has the skills and ability of a midfielder, he is a killer. This season, he has scored 28 goals in 18 games. He is A quiet kid who likes a quiet life, I rarely even see him being interviewed by the media. However, his performance on the court proves how good he is."


After playing the 4th round of the FA Cup against West Ham United, Manchester United has 6 days of rest time. Their next game will be on the afternoon of February 2st.

In the middle, Manchester United would have had a Premier League game on Wednesday night.But because Manchester United just played a game on Sunday afternoon, and there is another game next Saturday afternoon, and the team has played 1 games in January, Manchester United hopes to postpone the 7th round of the Premier League. After discussing and consulting the FA and the Premier League, the game was finally postponed to the evening of February 25 in the middle of next week.

January 1st is Chinese New Year’s Eve, and Yin Jun’s parents also came to the UK. Yin Jun originally wanted to accompany them, but because Manchester United had an away game the next afternoon, unless he wanted to miss the game , Otherwise, don’t even think about spending the New Year with your parents at home.

Yin Jun’s parents can understand this. Yin Jun has just gained a firm foothold in Manchester United, and the pressure of competition within the team is also quite high. After all, it is the superstars like Beckham, Scholes and Veron who are competing with him. A super person, if you are not careful, you are in danger of losing your position.

As a man, he should naturally focus on his career during the entrepreneurial stage. What's more, Ferguson thoughtfully gave Yin Jun a half-day off on the afternoon of the 31st, allowing Yin Jun to have a New Year's Eve dinner with his parents at home.


This afternoon, Yin Jun's house was quite lively, because Sun Jihai, who was also in Manchester, also brought his new wife to Yin Jun's house, and the two families celebrated the new year together.

Sun Jihai's wife, Sister Wang, is a fellow villager with Yin Jun, and her family is also a member of the system, so she has some common words with Yin Jun's parents.

Sister Wang married Sun Jihai at the beginning of last year. The two had been in a long-distance relationship for quite a long time before, and their relationship with each other was very solid.

Yin Jun and Sun Jihai were chatting about football, mainly about their respective situations and the situation of their respective teams.

As a newly promoted Premier League team, Manchester City has performed well this season and has been in the middle of the standings.Especially in the 25th round of the Premier League two days ago, Manchester City beat the farmer Fulham 4:1 at home, scoring 37 points, and the ranking rose to 9th.For a newly promoted horse, this is already a very good performance.

However, Sun Jihai's recent situation in Manchester City is not very good.The Frenchman Sommel, who joined from Bordeaux in Ligue 350 for £[-] million during the winter break, made his debut as a right center back. Dunn, who was originally the main player in this position, was pushed to the front line, and Sun Jihai was pushed to the bench.

Like Sun Jihai, Li Tie, who was firmly in the team's main position at the beginning of the season, has also changed his current situation in Everton.He has not performed well recently, and he is no longer Everton's iron main force.

Of course, the situation of Sun Jihai and Li Tie is not the worst among Chinese overseas players. Li Weifeng, the national team defender who played for Everton with Li Tie, has returned to China to look for opportunities because he has no place in the team.

Speaking of Li Weifeng's sad return to China, Yin Jun and Sun Jihai were also quite sad, and at the same time encouraged each other to train hard and compete well.Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to return to China in such a dismal manner like Li Weifeng.


Of course, the two talked more about the new national team match in mid-February, especially the warm-up match between China and Brazil on February 2.

This is the first game of the new head coach of the Chinese team, Ali Hahn, after taking office.The Chinese Football Association announced the list of the new national team last week.

In order to face the Brazilian team, the Football Association will also recall Chinese players who played in the European League.In addition to Yin Jun, other players include Sun Jihai, Li Tie, Yang Chen, Xie Hui, and Shao Jiayi who has recently landed in the German Bundesliga.

In addition to the game against Brazil, the Chinese Football Association is still in contact with another game, the specific date is February 2, and the opponent is still in contact.

The warm-up match with the Brazilian team was the first time the national team regrouped after half a year. Half a year is not a long time, but for the players, it is not a short period of time.

In particular, the national team has also changed its head coach. The meritorious coach Milou left and ushered in the Dutchman. Everyone has to face a new environment.

However, as relatively successful players studying abroad, Yin Jun and Sun Jihai are not too worried about their position in the new national team.As long as Alan Han is not demented, he will definitely not use them.

Especially Yin Jun, during the World Cup and his outstanding performance after joining Manchester United, he has grown into a super star in European football and has become famous in the entire world football.Under normal circumstances, Ali Han will still use him as the core of the midfield when forming a new team.

(End of this chapter)

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