host must win

Chapter 108 Manchester United's New Year Greetings

Chapter 108 Manchester United's New Year Greetings

During the chat, Yin Jun still felt from Sun Jihai's words that he was worried about his current situation and doubts about the instability of his current life.

Manchester City is newly promoted from the Premier League, and Sun Jihai is just an ordinary player. His salary is not high, only 1.2 pounds a week.Even if some other income is added, it is about 70 pounds a year.

This number, for ordinary people, is already astronomical. After all, it is nearly 10 million annual salary in RMB.However, players are a high-income group, but at the same time a high-spending group.Moreover, Sun Jihai came to live in the UK with his family. His wife, Sister Wang, has no job in the UK and works as a full-time wife at home. Although his income is surplus after paying the rent and living expenses, it is not much. , in Manchester where housing prices are high, buying a house is not something that can be done in the short term.

And Sun Jihai is the type with a strong traditional concept, and he always feels that without a house, he is not a home.So he wanted to buy a house in Manchester and give his wife a stable home.

Sister Wang is also a Chinese woman with a strong traditional concept. After coming to the UK, Yin Jun did not have little contact with Sun Jihai and his wife. She also knew that she was a woman who was very good at housework. Sun Jihai can train and compete without any worries. At the same time, he is also working hard to save money to fulfill Sun Jihai's wish to buy a house in Manchester.

From Sun Jihai and Sister Wang, Yin Jun has seen the appearance of traditional Chinese model couples. In fact, Yin Jun is very envious of Sun Jihai. After all, in the era of entering the 21st century, in such an era of materialistic desires, he can find such a virtuous couple. Assistant, it's really too difficult.


Of course, this is also related to Yin Jun's previous experience.

It stands to reason that Yin Jun was born in a cadre family and his own conditions are good, so it is not difficult to find a satisfactory partner.

But the fact is that Yin Jun's marriage in real time and space is very unfortunate.

When he was in college, he had a very beautiful girlfriend, but when he graduated from college, the parents of the girl in Shanghai asked Yin Jun to go to Shanghai to develop, but Yin Jun had to go to Shanghai because of his major. Xichuan's research institute went to work.Under the conflict between love and career, the two finally had no choice but to choose to break up. A pair of golden boys and girls who were envied by everyone in college finally separated.

After starting to work, Yin Jun talked with another girlfriend under the introduction of others. The other party's conditions were also good, and Yin Jun was quite satisfied. However, after three years of dating, when it came time to discuss marriage, Yin Jun could not satisfy her. In terms of material requirements, the marriage eventually fell through.

In the next few years, Yin Jun talked to several partners one after another, almost met all kinds of girls that might exist in reality, and unknowingly wandered into his early thirties.

At this time, Yin Jun talked about another person under the introduction of others.When they met for the first time, the other party behaved like a good girl, which made Yin Jun's parents who were already worried about his marriage very satisfied. Yin Jun himself didn't want to be entangled in marriage anymore because of the twists and turns in these years, and planned to find someone who could get married The object of the marriage was married, so it was settled.

However, when the two parties went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain their certificates, live together temporarily, and planned to hold a wedding at an optional date, Yin Jun discovered that his nightmare had begun.The other party not only has a de facto marriage history, but also has other people's children who are several years old, and has a particularly weird temper, and is a thorough pastoral feminist.

Faced with such a person, Yin Jun really couldn't serve him, but when he wanted to divorce, he couldn't get rid of him no matter what. In desperation, he had no choice but to choose to leave the house, so that the other party agreed to the divorce agreement. signature.

At the age of 33, Yin Jun started from scratch again.However, he has finally come to an end and met someone who can be with him for a lifetime.

The other party was his high school junior, two years younger than him, also because of an unfortunate marriage.The two reunited at an alumni meeting. After being introduced to each other by their classmates, and because they had known each other before, after getting along for a period of time, they finally came together. When Yin Jun was 34 years old, the two met People have the crystallization of love, until Yin Jun penetrates into the current game world.

It is precisely because of these experiences that Yin Juncai is particularly envious of Sun Jihai, who not only has a good career, but also has a good wife, who is truly a big winner in life.


The New Year's Eve dinner that the two families ate together was enjoyable, making Yin Jun feel the real warmth of home.

Although because of the existence of the "host" system, Yin Jun knows that this world is actually a game world, and it may not really exist, but this kind of experience makes it difficult for him to regard this world as false, and it is also difficult for him to accept this world as false. The mentality of the game to face everything.

In the midst of many worries, Yin Jun finished the New Year's Eve dinner, and his manager Aunt Tang drove him to the Carrington training base to meet up with his teammates.

At the Carrington training base, Yin Jun received congratulations from all his teammates.Especially Ferdinand, who actually learned about some Chinese New Year traditions through the Internet, and even asked Yin Jun for a red envelope after paying his respects to Yin Jun.

Yin Jun naturally didn't prepare a red envelope, so he had to ask for forgiveness, saying that he would make it up later.

At this time, the old man also jumped out to join in the fun, saying that there is no way to make up for it later, if you want to give it, you must give it today, and everyone must give it.He also said that the bus driver could go to the airport to buy red envelopes from Chinese shops passing by the Chinese settlements in Manchester.

Seeing that everyone was in such a good mood, Yin Jun couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

After the team experienced a losing streak in the Christmas Devil fixtures, Manchester United quickly got back on track.The team is currently unbeaten in eight games in all competitions.

Amidst the commotion, all members of the Manchester United team packed their bags and boarded the bus.

On the way to the airport, the bus took a detour and passed a nearby Chinese community.Yin Jun also fulfilled his promise, went to a Chinese store to buy a large stack of red envelopes, and withdrew 1000 pounds in cash from a nearby ATM, sealed more than 30 red envelopes, and gave them to all teammates and coaches in the car Both group members and staff sent one.

Ferdinand, who likes to be lively, recorded this scene with DV, and added the link of everyone in the car following Yin Jun, saying hello to all Chinese fans in awkward Chinese, and then posted it on Manchester United's official website.

At this time, Yin Jun knew that these were actually arranged by Ferguson, which was the program of Manchester United greeting Chinese fans.

(End of this chapter)

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