host must win

Chapter 126 We are the champions!

Chapter 126 We are the champions!
When the Manchester United players returned to their own half, the Liverpool players had already stood in their positions and waited for the game to start.

Not long after the referee blew his whistle to restart the game, the fourth official held up a sign indicating 3 minutes of stoppage time on the sidelines.This also means that Liverpool only have 3 minutes to save the championship.

After the game restarted, the noise in the stands was much smaller because nearly half of the Liverpool fans did not make a sound.

The TV broadcast cut to the stands of the stadium, and the Liverpool fans who appeared in the camera were almost as if they were produced by an assembly line, all of them held their heads in their hands and looked at the direction of the stadium in silence. different.

They also seem to have foreseen the fate of Liverpool losing the championship, and feel desperate because they don't know how to change this ending.

Usually, when fans find themselves appearing in the TV broadcast on the big screen at the scene, they will actively respond to the camera by waving and smiling at the camera, but now the Liverpool fans appearing in the TV broadcast , no one smiled at the camera.

The Liverpool players on the field also realized that they had half stepped off the cliff.In order to save themselves, they launched the most violent attack on Manchester United's goal.

Manchester United, on the other hand, recovered after the goal, retreated into their own defensive third area, and then set up a bus in front of the goal, building a Great Wall of flesh and blood, really blocking Liverpool's attack with their bodies.

Ferdinand once again caught Gerrard's long-range shot with his chest, and the football bounced off and flew for more than ten meters, which shows the power of this kick.

But this time Ferdinand did not lie on the ground clutching his heart and refused to get up. Although he was suffering, he still insisted on getting up from the ground and re-entering the game.Because he didn't know if the Liverpool players would take the initiative to kick the football because he fell to the ground.Didn't they do that the previous time?Then at the last minute, the red-eyed Liverpool players probably wouldn't do it.


The No.90 game was 37 minutes and 23 seconds, and there were [-] seconds left before the end of the game.

Irving took the ball in the frontcourt and tried to force a breakthrough into the penalty area.

When there were three Manchester United players in front of him, and Yin Jun behind him, he was surrounded by four Manchester United players.

Even so, no one can easily steal the ball from his feet.He flicked the ball to the left out of the way of Manchester United captain Roy Keane's tackle, and at the same time pulled it back to allow Scholes to clear the space.

After pulling back, he pushed the football forward again, pulling the ball in a V shape, trying to get rid of Yin Jun behind him.In the blink of an eye, he only faced Wes Brown.

He put the football forward and accelerated the frontal breakthrough of Wes Brown.

Brown made a shovel, but Irving poked the football away first.

"Owen passed four people! It's dangerous!!"

Ferdinand rushed over to block Owen's way forward, but he didn't dare to take it easily, because Owen had already entered the penalty area. If he sent a penalty at the last moment, he would really be a sinner...

He didn't even dare to lift his hands, with his back behind his back, for fear of being touched by the football.

Owen raised his left foot as if to shoot, but Ferdinand dared not ignore it, so he raised his foot to block it.If Owen's left foot fell and swayed behind the football, when Ferdinand wanted to lift his foot to block again, Owen's movements were very fast, and he shot a low shot, which really shot the football towards the goal!


"Owen! Shoot—!"

"Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen... Owen--!!!" The commentator of Liverpool TV kept shouting Owen's name, as if calling God.

Amid the exclamation of the audience, the football ran towards the far corner of the goal against the turf.Butters, who had just moved to the close corner to block the angle, saw the football approaching during the movement, and quickly fell to the ground and threw himself sideways.

He didn't know if he could touch the ball, but he gave it a shot anyway, and then he felt his fingertips touch the ball.

Everyone, including Owen himself after the shot, was staring at the football.

The speed of the football was so fast that almost no one saw whether Butters made the jump or not.They stared wide-eyed at the football as it rolled across the turf and headed for the back post.

From Owen's eyes, the football was slightly deflected to the outside of the goal post, and he felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

In the hearts of many people, it seems that a very long period of time has passed since Irving took a shot, but in fact it is less than half a second, which is the blink of an eye.


Under the attention of the whole world, the football slipped out of the bottom line by rubbing against the outer edge of the back post!

Owen's knees softened, as if he lost the strength to support his body in an instant, and knelt on the ground.

Looking back, Ferdinand clenched his fists when he saw the football roll off the baseline.

Butters, who was lying on the ground, turned his head to confirm that the football flew out of the bottom line. He didn't get up from the ground immediately and waved his fists to show off. Instead, he let out a sigh of relief.

Gerrard sprinted across the baseline, picked up the football that had bounced off the billboard, and ran straight for the corner flag.He actually didn't know if Butters really touched the football, but at this time, he must have taken a corner kick. After all, this might be the last chance for Liverpool to attack.

But he just ran to the corner flag area, and before he put the football down, he heard the referee's whistle from behind him.

The whistle blew three times in a row, it was the whistle for the end of the game!
"The game is over!!! The game is over!!"

"At the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Manchester United equalized twice after falling behind twice, and finally Yin Jun scored the lore goal!"

"Manchester United are champions!"


The Manchester United substitute players who had been waiting on the sidelines ran into the pitch with open arms, while the Manchester United players on the pitch behaved differently. Jump up and hug the nearest teammate.

Even if this is just a seemingly tasteless League Cup champion, the Manchester United players are very happy.On the one hand, this is Manchester United's first League Cup title other than Ryan Giggs. On the other hand, this title was won by them by beating arch-enemy Liverpool, making it even more rare.

The moment the whistle sounded, the Liverpool players collapsed to the ground as if all their energy had been drained.Some even covered their faces and wept bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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