host must win

Chapter 127 Celebration

Chapter 127 Celebration
After the initial joy and excitement, Manchester United's field captain finally remembered to shake hands with his opponent.Although the two sides are mortal enemies, there is still a need for proper etiquette, otherwise they will be sprayed to death by the British media later.

Fortunately, the Liverpool people have been immersed in grief, and neither side cares about this formality.

Later, under the leadership of Keane, the whole Manchester United team went around the field to thank the fans who came all the way to Wales to cheer for the team.

Wherever Manchester United players go, they will be greeted with enthusiastic cheers from Manchester United fans.The fans called the players' names one after another, and there were many named Yin Jun among them, and he was one of the most Manchester United players.

Obviously, Yin Jun's performance in the game has been recognized by the fans.

Manchester United captain Roy Keane and Yin Jun, as player representatives, were interviewed by the media on the spot.

Keane looked very excited, stepping on the dead enemy's corpse to win the championship, this feeling is really great.

Yin Jun is much calmer. On the one hand, he doesn't have any deep-rooted hatred for Liverpool, although he is also a Manchester United fan. On the other hand, he doesn't think winning a League Cup is so great.For Manchester United, the most meaningful thing is to win the Premier League and the Champions League.

Afterwards, players from both sides returned to the locker room, waiting for the start of the awards ceremony.The scene is handed over to the staff, who will arrange the scene in a short time.

Manchester United players continued to celebrate wildly in the dressing room, while Yin Jun was targeted by everyone and was drenched in champagne all over his body.Everyone is a person with high professionalism and knows who has contributed the most in this game.

It can be said that Manchester United was able to reverse and defeat Liverpool and win the second League Cup championship in team history. Yin Jun, who shot two shots and passed one, played a key role.

In the game, he not only played the role of attracting the opponent's defensive firepower, but also directly participated in all three goals of Manchester United under the strict marking of the opponent. No reversal is too much.

Contributing the most to the team to win the championship, he will naturally be fired upon by everyone during the celebration. Although Yin Jun was mentally prepared, he did not expect that everyone's firepower would be so fierce that when he came out to accept the award, it would be considered a change of set. The spare jersey still smells strongly of champagne.


Before the awards ceremony started, Yin Jun first received a gift, and he was named the best player of the game by the tournament official.

The best player in the League Cup has a history of more than ten years. This award has been awarded since 1990. It is named "Alan Haddock Award" after Alan Haddock, secretary of the English Football League who founded the League Cup.

Brian McNair, who scored the only goal of the game when United won the League Cup 11 years ago, won the award.Now that Manchester United won the cup for the second time, Yin Jun was elected without any surprise by virtue of his key performance in the game.

Subsequently, the runner-up Liverpool took the lead to accept the award, and the champion Manchester United lined up to welcome them.However, the Liverpool players were not happy at all, and each of them had a cold face throughout the whole process.

From their point of view, it is not an honor but a disgrace for the mortal enemy to line up to welcome them at this time.

The Manchester United players were all in a good mood. Keane even thought in his heart that it would be great if Manchester United could line up to welcome Liverpool every time they won the championship.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just a thought in the heart. First, it is impossible to become a reality. Second, if it is true, the Liverpool people may go crazy and fight Manchester United desperately.

After the Liverpool people received the award, they left the field in a hurry. They didn't want to see their rivals celebrating their victory in front of them.

Not only the Liverpool players left in a hurry, but even the Liverpool fans began to leave the field after the game. The stage was completely handed over to the Manchester United, and the Cardiff Millennium Stadium became a carnival for the Manchester United.


Led by captain Roy Keane, United's players made their way through the tunnel to the podium.

There were excited Manchester United fans along the way. Everyone greeted Manchester United players, high-fived them, and even stroked their heads and bodies... There are not many opportunities to get in close contact with your favorite players.

It's not a long passage, and Manchester United players interacted with the fans all the way, while boarding the podium.

After everyone received their respective championship medals, it was finally time to collect their trophies.

With the red ribbons falling all over the sky, amidst the cheers of tens of thousands of Manchester United fans at the scene, Manchester United captain Roy Keane raised the championship trophy.

After Keane held the trophy, the trophy was first handed over to Yin Jun, and everyone tasted the joy of toasting.

Afterwards, the Manchester United returned to the field and continued to celebrate.Everyone went to the stage set up in the venue and took photos to celebrate.

Champagne was also opened in large quantities again. Some active players grabbed the champagne and started fighting with their teammates one after another.

The Cardiff Millennium Stadium has completely become a sea of ​​joy for Manchester United people.


Reporters were also allowed to enter the stadium at this time to interview their favorite players.

As the best player in the game, as the main contributor to Manchester United's championship, Yin Jun has become the most favored player of the reporters.Many media flocked to Yin Jun, asking him how he felt about the team winning the championship, and asking him his thoughts on this game...

Infected by the atmosphere at the scene, Yin Jun's mood seemed much more excited than before.However, he is still working hard to restrain himself, so that he will not show too much gaffe.

Manchester United held a grand celebration at the Cardiff Millennium Stadium, and it was not until nightfall that everyone left the stadium one after another.

Back at the hotel, the Manchester United celebrations continued.At this moment of celebration, even with Ferguson's sternness, he did not interfere too much with the players' carnival.

Everyone was having a good time in the hotel, and many people got drunk directly.

While United were celebrating in the hotel, the news of Manchester United beating Liverpool to win this season's Carling Cup had spread across the world via the internet and radio waves.

The British media said after the game that Yin Jun's goal at the last moment of the game made Manchester United secure the victory. The Chinese teenager played a key role in the first final of joining the team. He is the biggest contributor to Manchester United's championship.

It should be said that Liverpool did a good job defensively today. Manchester United had more than one chance to score in the second half, but they were all blocked by Liverpool goalkeeper Dudek.However, even with Dudek's brave performance today, even with Liverpool's tight defense against Yin Jun in the game, they still failed to stop Yin Jun, allowing the Chinese genius to score twice and win the game!
 Because of the wedding, the updates these days are very unstable and the number is relatively small, but I hope everyone can understand, after all, this is a major event in life.Wait for these two or three days to pass, and the update will return to normal.Thank you for your continued support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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