host must win

Chapter 132 The first beauty

Chapter 132 The First Beauty
Out of some strange thoughts, Yin Jun didn't show that he had recognized the other party, and deliberately teased the die-hard beauty fan of the sworn enemy.

Kirsty Gallacher was very depressed, and she was unwilling to interview Yin Jun, a player of the arch-enemy team, but Yin Jun has been too popular recently, and is recognized as the best young player in PFA this year. Players, but also "Turin Sports" in this year's new European Golden Boy Awards one of the hottest.Sky TV also wanted to get more news about Yin Jun, so it sent her to interview Yin Jun.

Prior to this, Sky Sports had contacted Manchester United and Yin Jun's agent many times, hoping to do an exclusive interview for Yin Jun, but it failed.Yin Jun did not intend to accept these British media interviews at all. He not only rejected Sky TV, but also rejected interview requests from other media.

So far, that is, CCTV has conducted an exclusive interview with Yin Jun, and the rest, even the big domestic sports newspapers such as "Sports Weekly" and "Football" magazine, have not been able to conduct an exclusive interview with Yin Jun.

In desperation, Sky TV moved some thoughts and sent Christy, a stage flower, to come forward, hoping to complete the exclusive interview with Yin Jun.

Although she is a pillar of Sky Sports, the 27-year-old Kirsty is also facing a lot of pressure at work.Newcomers emerge in endlessly, and all of them try to find ways to get ahead. Even a veteran of the TV station like her, life is not easy.

If she can interview a hot new star like Yin Jun, it will also be of great benefit to consolidating her position in the TV station.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Kirsty did not approach Yin Jun directly and request an exclusive interview, but adopted a roundabout tactic, and finally met Yin Jun's face.


Seeing that she saw Yin Jun himself, Christy did not expect Yin Jun to say such a thing.

After weighing it up, she secretly gritted her teeth and whispered, "My name is Kirsty, 36C, 24, 36, these are my measurements."

When Yin Jun heard this, he was a little stunned. This proportion and this figure are really perfect. He deserves to be a national treasure-level beauty anchor among the British population.

However, he really didn't realize that there was such a charming and predictable body hidden under the black and white professional attire of this beautiful anchor.

Seeing Yin Jun's reaction, Kirsty Gallacher was secretly proud and asked, "Can you accept my interview now?"

Yin Jun squeezed out a wry smile, and said, "I didn't ask you to tell me just now, but you insisted on saying, isn't this embarrassing me? Is it tempting me to make a mistake?"

Seeing his wronged and innocent expression, Kirsty Gallacher was determined to kill him, but at this moment, she could only suppress the emotions in her heart and urged: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up. "

Yin Jun smiled, sighed and said, "Forget it, who made you a beauty? Beauty usually has privileges."

Seeing that Yin Jun finally let go, Christy Gallacher secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Kirsty Gallacher's exclusive interview with Yin Jun did not choose to be conducted on the site of Manchester United, let alone the office of Sky TV, but in a coffee shop with a good environment in downtown Manchester.

"Claes tranquillo" coffee lounge is not the most upscale place in Manchester, but Christy likes the style there the most. It always gives people a kind of elegance and precipitation from the 50s and [-]s, with gloomy tones and changing light, The solid and simple wooden floor, plus the thick velvet curtains, the owner is a couple who have lived in Italy for many years. Because of their age and mentality, they returned to their hometown to enjoy this leisurely life. They opened this coffee gallery to chat. comfort.

Kirsty discovered this place by accident when she came to Manchester before, and since then, every time she comes to Manchester, she will stop here.This exclusive interview with Yin Jun was also placed here by her.

After agreeing on the time and place with Yin Jun, Christy left first.Yin Jun went to deal with some of his own affairs. After the team checked into the Laurie Hotel in the evening, he took a short vacation with Sir Alex, expressing that he had some personal matters to deal with.

Ferguson is still very relieved about Yin Jun. This little guy from the East is not as worrying as those guys who came out of the Manchester United youth training camp. Since coming to Manchester, Yin Jun has shown very self-discipline and never The media saw reports of Yin Jun haunting those messy places.Ferguson agreed to Yin Jun's request for leave, but told Yin Jun to rush back to the hotel before ten o'clock, without saying anything.


After Yin Jun left the Laurie Hotel, he drove straight to the place Kirsty had agreed with him.

It has been more than half a year since he came to Manchester. Yin Jun has already obtained his driver's license, and he is familiar with the situation in Manchester. In addition, the place that Kirsty agreed with him is not too secret, so he found the place very quickly. .

When Yin Jun entered the somewhat dark booth in the coffee gallery, he couldn't help but stop, let himself hide in the darkness, and quietly observed this intellectual woman known as "the number one football beauty in England".

The beige cashmere coat hangs on the coat hook next to it. The high-neck cashmere jumper that fits shows the perfect curves of women. The cashmere tights and long riding boots on the lower body are hidden under the coffee table. On both hands, the desk lamp with simple and exquisite shape emits soft and dim light, and looks out of the window with blurred and melancholy eyes, as if completely immersed in a separate world.

Seemingly aware of something, Kirsty cast her gaze into the darkness.Yin Jun showed smaller teeth, and his white teeth looked very clear in the dark. Even Yin Jun didn't know if he had a heart-to-heart, but he knew that this night would not be too boring.

The conversation started almost inadvertently.Because it is not a formal workplace, this interview is also different from regular interviews.

To be precise, this is more like a conversation, a small talk between friends.

Yin Jun doesn't know why the fan of Liverpool's arch-enemy conducted this interview in this way, but personally, Yin Jun likes this way very much.

Kirsty did not ask some very sharp or even sensitive questions because of her status as a Liverpool fan, or like other British tabloid reporters. She just asked some questions such as Yin Jun's life in Manchester and his impression of the Premier League. Questions such as his impressions since most of the season, of course, also include some questions about his possible selection as the best young player in PFA, and the recent concern about the European Golden Boy Award launched by "Turin Sports News" .

Because the other party's attitude was good, Yin Jun didn't hide it too much.In general, both parties are very satisfied with this interview, and the effect is beyond expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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