host must win

Chapter 133 Double Red Meeting Part 3

Chapter 133 The third bomb of the Double Red Club
On April 2002, 2003, in the 32nd round of the [-]-[-] Premier League season, Manchester United played against Liverpool at home.

In the home team locker room at Old Trafford, Ferguson was mobilizing the team before the game.

"I have only one request for this game." Ferguson raised a finger, "Win!"

"This is a very critical game on the way to the championship. We not only want to win, but also to win beautifully!" Ferguson said with an excited expression, "Win Liverpool, we will return to the top of the list again! Then wait for Arsenal Arsenal made a mistake! Maybe Arsenal can win again from Villa Park, but as long as we beat one opponent after another and keep putting pressure on Arsenal, they will never be able to hold back one day!"

"This game is not easy to play." Captain Roy Keane said with a smile, "boss, Liverpool is also competing for the Champions League, and we are competing with Arsenal for the league title. This kind of game is the most difficult to play."

"Who said that?" Ferguson glared at Keane and said, "As Yin said, we all won 3:1 cleanly at Anfield. Now that we are back at home, do I want a beautiful victory? Is the request too much?"

"Not too much!"

"Of course not too much!"

"Boss, just watch!"



All the players were very excited. Although everyone already knew what Yin Jun said in the pre-match press conference, but now hearing what the head coach said, the feeling is still different.

The starting players gathered in the player tunnel, and the substitute players happily went to the bench.


"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!" John Mortenson stood up and yelled, "It's only been 5 minutes since the game started, and the goal came! The home team got off to a fantastic start! The visiting team, Liverpool, suffered a heavy blow!"

Just 1 minute ago, Manchester United launched an offensive in the middle of the frontcourt. Giggs broke through and passed to Yin Jun. Yin Jun sent a scalpel-like through ball, directly through Liverpool's defense line, and found Ruud van Nistelrooy in front of the penalty area.

Seeing that Ruud van Nistelrooy was about to break into the penalty area, the captain of the Liverpool centre-back, Finn Hyypia, tripped up and down and brought him down in a hurry. Referee Riley awarded a penalty kick and sent Hyypia off with a red card.

Immediately, Ruud van Nistelrooy hit a penalty kick and opened the scoring for Manchester United. 1:0, Manchester United not only took the lead in score, but also gained an advantage in numbers.

Although the head coach of the visiting team Houllier was very dissatisfied, he had to passively adjust his personnel. He replaced forward Baros with Biscayne, and let the Croatian midfielder play as a central defender to maintain the integrity of the defense.

Although Biscayne is a defensive midfielder, he has no problem playing as a central defender with a height of 1.9 meters.

Seeing Liverpool's adjustment, Ferguson got up from the coach's bench, patted his butt, then walked to the sidelines, shouted the names of several players, and called them to the sidelines.

"After the game restarts, Liverpool may focus on pestering us in the midfield." Ferguson said, "Give them a tough response in the midfield! Tell them, this is our territory!"

Keane and Scholes nodded, they knew Ferguson was talking to them.

"In the meantime, we can try to hit them directly in the back!"

Yin Jun and the others all nodded, but Yin Jun asked: "Boss, what if they retract the line of defense instead of fighting us in the midfield?"

Ferguson said: "Then try to draw a foul!"

Yin Jun nodded and said, "Understood!"

The three players ran back to the field, and Queiroz said beside Ferguson: "Yin is a young man with ideas."

"It's really good. Dare to ask questions and have ideas." Ferguson nodded. No coach would dislike such a young man.

Of course, Ferguson knew that Scholes and Keane would not raise this question, because they have rich experience and know what to do in that situation. This is the role of stars like Keane and Scholes. Sometimes there is no need for the head coach to give special instructions, and they can also quickly make judgments and adjustments based on their own experience.


After the game restarted, as expected by Ferguson's judgment, despite playing one less player, Liverpool did not retreat across the board, but advanced the defense line, and the two sides fell into a fierce battle in the midfield.

"Jazz, why are you so sure that they will fight for midfield?" Queiroz asked.

"The game has just started. If Houllier is not stupid, he will know that it is impossible to hold back the defensive line now, so their best choice is to play in the midfield, advance the team's defense line, and form a defensive line against the penalty area. Chain protection! After all, the few players in Liverpool are on the front line, not the midfield." Ferguson said to Queiroz.


Just as Ferguson passed on his coaching experience to his assistant, there were cheers from the stadium stands, and both Ferguson and Queiroz hurriedly looked up into the field.

This is Keane, with the help of his teammates, teamed up to break the football, and then he quickly passed the football to Yin Jun who came over to respond. Yin Jun pulled the ball and turned around, looking forward, Giggs, Solskjaer, Fan Nidu is sprinting, where is it going?

A decision was made almost instantly, and the pass was made to the left!
Yin Jun raised his foot and passed the football to Giggs who was running wildly on the left.

With fast speed, delicate skills at the feet, able to pass and shoot, handing over the football to Giggs, Manchester United can have more options in offense!

The most important thing is that Giggs runs faster than Solskjaer, who played as a right midfielder today, and is already the closest offensive player to the opponent's goal.

If you have time to take an opportunity, you still have the speed to seize the opportunity. If you don't look for him, look for someone!

Giggs was sprinting, the football fell in the air, Liverpool defender Carragher came out to defend, and the strong Carragher body slammed into Giggs, preventing him from stopping the ball comfortably. Giggs, who was planning to stop the ball Seeing this, he immediately changed his mind, jumped up and pushed the football out!
Header ferry!

Van Nistelrooy was in the middle, with his back against the direction of the goal, and he carried Biscayne who had just come off the bench.The Dutchman pointed his forehead forward and handed the football to Solskjaer, but Solskjaer ran away directly.

Is this a bad pass?
Then people saw Scholes running up, and he pushed the football directly to the middle.

This push was very subtle, and it stopped the football from the air very well, and set up a fort for Yin Jun who inserted in the back!

Yin Jun rushed forward, and Scholes was very comfortable with the ball, which made our protagonist, the handsome guy, take a very stretched shot!

The football jumped up suddenly, Ruud van Nistelrooy lowered his head alertly, the football passed over his head, flew directly to the goal, and finally passed over the head of Liverpool goalkeeper Dudek, then hit the lower edge of the crossbar and bounced into the net!

The ball went in again!

2: 0!

(End of this chapter)

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